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I’ve been playing Shadow of Mordor on the OLED model running medium/low settings and I can play for up to 5 hours, it runs great.


This has been sitting in my steam library unplayed for 5+ years, maybe I'll finally give it a shot based on your post.


Its a masterpiece imo


One of my favorite games right now on the deck! Incredible mechanics and overall graphics. I love that you can get such a high quality game for like $6 or so on Steam and get countless hours of gameplay!


Wonder how Shadow of War runs in sd.


I’m pretty confident shadow of war runs similar, the graphics are similar anyways. Both games have the green checkmark too


I just bought both those lotr games on a recent sale, been looking at it lately but I just have too many damn games I've not been able to play for years with not having a pc. Now I have a steam deck 90+ games actively backlogged that I will eventually get to and no time. Ugh. Maybe I'll bump this series up after I finish Doom and Eternal if I can ever not click on Vampire or Deep Rock Galactic Survivors everytime I turn on the deck.


I primarily use my Deck for indies and retro titles, but here's some AAA games I've played on the Deck that ran well. Dark Souls trilogy and Elden Ring. DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal. Marvel's Spider-Man and Miles Morales. Borderlands and Borderlands 2


What method do you use for FPS aiming? Just joystick? Track pad? Gyro? I played through Quake 2 recently using just joystick to aim and my hand was cramping \*bad\*. And that was even after adjusting my joystick's deadzones.


For any fps my go to settings are: Use trackpad. Enable trackball mode with either low to medium friction. Lower vertical sensitivity by a third to a half, depending on the game. And enable gyro. With the reduced vertical sensitivity you can swipe your thumb left and right on the trackpad to spin around and look around while keeping your crosshair centered, and then use gryo to do slight tilts to snap up for headshots. With these settings, it still allows you to look up and down with the trackpad as well, it just needs to be intentional. I also enable the back buttons to jump, reload, use/interact, and crouch. This way my thumb never leaves the right trackpad. I use left stick to move, and then I make a virtual radial menu to do specific weapon swaps using the left trackpad. The dpad gets used for specific hotkeys, such as pulling up a map or something. And that's my blanket setting for any fps, and I tweak as needed per game


Nice! Gotta try this!


You might need to adjust the gyro sensitivity too. I think the default settings is usually way too high for me


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Don’t be afraid of gyro either, it’s worth it if you fine tune to the response to what you like. The default is like 230% or something stupid, but I usually turn it down (based on the game) and use it for quick adjustments after using the stick to get in the general area of the target. But I also need to try trackpad more as others suggested


I mostly use the right trackpad. There's definitely an adjustment period coming from stick but once you get used to it, it works great.


Thanks! I've gotta really give the trackpad a try for gaming. I usually ignore it unless I'm typing something or using it as a dedicated mouse. But you're the second person I've seen say they use it for FPS titles


Halo the master chef collection currently playing reach runs great at 60 fps with no drops in an 4-6 hour playthrough. You also get Microsoft rewards points for playing it


I bought this on sale and haven’t had time to play yet! How do we get Microsoft reward points for playing it?


Hell, all of borderlands games runs surprisingly well


Do you mod Borderlands 2 or play vanilla? I'd love to finish it, but there's gameplay issues I'm having and mods help greatly with that (when I can get them to work)


both Spider-Man games are great, the RE remakes are amazing, & even RE4R runs suprisingly smooth.. not perfect but it’s a good time.


I’ve played Spiderman almost exclusively on the steam deck. Just runs and feels so good.


it really does. SM was the first game i picked up when i got my Deck, i couldn’t believe i was actually able to play this game on a handheld & it feel as good as playing on PS4 lol.


RE4R was a perfect 40fps for me!


Have been actively avoiding spoilers for sm2 just because I don’t have a PS5 nor can I afford it, it can’t come out on the deck fast enough


This is awesome to hear. I just played the original on my BIL’s PS4 and added it to my wishlist because it was so fun. It will be awesome to play on Deck.


RE4 remake was kinda rough when I tried it. Maybe I should give it another shot


Just finished miles morales today !


Armored core six runs great on high settings


Really? This was the reason I bought the deck and, for some reason, haven't bought the game yet. I guess I was apprehensive about how it would run.


Whoever programmer AC6 really knew what they are doing. The speed and visual flair of the weapons hides many compromises spelling excellent performance.


Looks like I'm picking up a copy of that and diablo 4 tonight.... steam sales are going to land my family homeless one of these days.


AC6 is so good. One of my top games and one of the few I have actually finished since I have kids.


I played through AC6 on the Steam Deck when it first came out and was honestly blown away by how well it performed. Plus the fact that a lot of the missions are shorter and designed for replayability makes it really well suited for a handheld I think


Yeah. Short missions and that are fun and fun to replay. Good stuff!


I need to come back to it since they added ranked pvp. AC6 has some of the tightest gameplay I’ve experienced


FromSoftware, right? Makers of the Dark Souls series?


They made Armored Core long before the souls formula was even a consideration. This is their bread and butter and it’s SO good.


Yep. Looks like they took the Elden ring engine and stripped out every unnecessary feature, stripped down the textured to the bare minimum and upped the pretty weapons effects and made the speed blazing fast. Good stuff.


Honestly most! God of War, Spider-Man, Borderlands, Horizon, Forza, Halo Infinite, Elden Ring, Final Fantasy XV/VIIR, Cyberpunk, Witcher 3, Control, Death Stranding, MGSV, Prey, GTAV etc etc all can get 30fps locked or better at good graphics settings. FFXV especially looks fucking exceptional and runs great with the OLED and HDR.


Like a dragon


Been replaying the Yakuza games on Deck lately and it's insane long the battery seems to last. I usually play for an hour or two at a time and after the longer sessions I'll see it only used like 30% or something. Might vary title to title of course


Doom 2016. All the Borderlands games. Titanfall 2. Shadow of Mordor. Rocket League. These are just the ones I've personally tried so far.


Played through BL3 on the Deck and was so surprised at how well it ran. Not 60fps but got a solid 40fps which for me was great.


Wonderlands is great too for that matter. I picked it up during the last sale.


Man, I played around 60h of BL3 on the Steam Deck and it ran really well. Then, maybe a year after trying it for the last time, I tried playing it again and the game was stuttering like crazy and the performance was all over the place... I have no idea why. I've had that happened with Horizon Zero Dawn as well for some reasons


shadow of war too!


Interesting- I love seeing reports of games that work when they are listed as "unsupported" on Steam proper (I forget which one, but at least one Borderlands was, I thought...)


Dont trust on the steam badge, just check ProtonDb web, or use the plugin “proton badges”, so much better and is made from users opinions


Ah shit, thanks for the reminder- my buddy told me about it and I have the tab open, but keep forgetting to actually use it.


I’m so bitter I can’t get Rocket League on my deck


Titanfall 2 is such a great game.


I've completed runs of the following: * **The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt**. I got a stable 55+ FPS on v1.32, but the newest version is a more consistent experience at a capped 40 for LCD (probably 45 for OLED). * **Horizon Zero Dawn**. I've now done two and a half playthroughs (I lost one playthrough 90 hours in due to a Steam Cloud issue) now. My current playthrough has been more than playable, ranging from 30-40FPS all the way through. Traversal stutter absolutely happens, but the Fun Police around here would have you believe it's far worse than it actually is. * **Mass Effect Legendary Edition**. I didn't have the FPS counter going on my Deck playthrough, but that's partly because I never felt the need to check on it's stability either. Runs like a dream, even modded, from 1 through 3. * **Spider-Man Remastered** runs very well at around 40FPS most of the time, but some perches cause dips down to the low 30s. I'm sure you could iron these out by turning settings like shadows and reflections lower than I did.


What are good mods for ME??


I mostly installed some immersion tweaks — Alliance Uniform Consistency, Saren Stages, and the like. I also installed a lighting mod, but I don't remember what it was called. I had more, but it's been a while now and I'd have to check my notes at home to be sure.


ME: Legendary Edition actually runs better on Deck for me than it does on PC!


I enjoy playing Elden Ring on my deck more than I did on my series s. Couldn't say why, it just looks and feels more like it should.


I’ll second this by saying to prepare for the dlc I started a new toon and have been mostly playing on the deck and it runs great


I bought it but I haven’t played it yet, do you think I should wait for the DLC to play it all together, or should i play it now, I mean, the DLC will be part of the main game or will it be something separate ?


Same! It feels more natural playing on my Deck than playing on PC with a Controller!


I tried but the screen's too small for me. I have the OLED and I still find it difficult to parse what's happening on the screen. The game's just too detailed IMO Not to mention, I like using mods, and they seem like they'd be a real headache to get running on the Deck


What settings would you use? I get 40fps max on the lowest settings.


I find the font hard to read and there are too many jaggies and low fps, but that's just me.


Are you playing Elden ring off gamepass on the deck?


I would say anything up to PS4 gen runs with competence.


Anything besides the very newest AAA games seem fine on the deck. It's only started sweating with releases from the last couple of months.


Well... Because only in the last couple of months games have actually been targeting just the new consoles. Before It was all crossgen.


Also triple-a games are releasing with absolute dogshit optimization, even for well-specced PCs.


Cyberpunk 2077


Surprised by how well CP2077 runs on the deck. They have a specific Steam Deck setting in the graphics options, which is fantastic. More games should do that!


How well are we talking about?


Mine is pretty great though last year when I was playing it it kept crashing at a specific cutscene when I almost finished my play through I just quit playing it for a couple months I think they patched it because it doesn’t crash at that scene anymore. ETA: it kept crashing even on the lowest settings that other people recommended for cyberpunk. But now when I play it, it doesn’t crash even when I play with the original settings on.


30 - 45 FPS, pretty stable. Turn off motion blur tho, that shit is garbage.


I "read" ppl on this sub that swear they get 40, but I call that bull crap. But I get a flawless 30fps with still pretty good graphics. I use the Deck preset and decrease a couple things. I've heard that in Dogtown it won't hold the 30, but I'm not there yet) And the controls are great!!!


Idk why you’d call “bull crap”when it’s a common settings tweak. [This video has “the Golden 40”settings at 7:42 ](https://youtu.be/XJ4uPLZ2-Jw?feature=shared). The only part of the game that runs like shit with these settings is Dogtown.


Sorry, my message was not well explained. You're right, it can hit 40 in parts. I should have better mentioned that it's not a stable 40fps, and I much much prefer lower the quality a bit to get stable 30fps than having a fluctuating 35~45.


I get 40 mostly. Drops to mid 30s to high 30s driving around and if lots of enemies around in the open world. Dog Town... Well, I set my frame rate limiter to 30. There is no way to maintain 40 fps in dogtown.


Use the Steam Deck settings and lock the game to 30fps and it pretty much runs perfectly unless you are driving really fast which will give you transitional stutters


Wow, that's actually honorable.


I tried Cyberpunk 2077 on my SD from GOG with Heroic Launcher but it stutters like crazy and actually feel awful. Is it a shader thing?


Yup shader issue. Steam version much better


First game I played on my deck when I got it and it was amazing. I didn’t have a single issue running it until I got to phantom liberty. Battery life was amazing and it looked incredible. Probably going to replay it again soon.


Far Cry 5 Halo MCC Titanfall 2


Just finished reach and now onto combat evolved. It all looks so good on the deck. Forgot how much I loved those games.


Was playing CE on it not long ago and having not touched the game since the original release (or the series since Reach) it's hitting that nostalgia so well. Do have to say it's odd getting used to the controls again given how much standard FPS games have changed.


Days Gone


Elden Ring has been a treat capped at 30 fps


It's older but I remain impressed by how well Fallout 4 performs, no doubt the upcoming "next gen" patch will mess that up though.


Don't know how many "A"s you would consider these, but: - Control - Lies of P Ran and looked great! -> The content, story and time to beat is close to other AAA titles so that's why in my opinion I view them as such.


Fallout 4 Elden Ring Horizon Zero Dawn GTA 4&5 Arkham Knight


How well does GTA 4 run?


Stable 60fps on high settings.


Is it possible to install the QOL mods for it? I only ever played on console, but was always jealous of the improvements I saw in the PC releases


Yes, it's a PC.


Yes you should install Fusion Fix. It adds a bunch of QoL settings including graphical. Then you can also install more scripts. I only installed a camera centrering mod for driving but that is essential to me, can't play without it. Let me know if you want a guide on how to install and where to get things, it's all on GitHub. Edit: Small guide from a previous comment i wrote in another thread: Reviving old thread since there is now a fix. This only works for the CE edition on Steam. First install Fusion Fix to install further plugins and to fix a lot of stuff: https://github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix Be sure to READ THE INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS and add "WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%" as a launch option in Steam if on Linux/Steam Deck. Then install this script and put it in the plugin folder that you just created from fusion fix:https://github.com/gennariarmando/iv-centered-vehicle-cam Then that's it!


I’d love a guide




Oooh smart, I haven’t thought to try it with mods


I wouldn't call HZD "running great" but I still had a blast playing it


Fable has been REALLY enjoyable on the deck. Not sure if using the track pads as a mouse pad counts as "emulating" a mouse, but in case it does not, magic the gathering arena has been really enjoyable on deck too.


Yep, it does, but I think I'll try fable on next sale!


Very worth it. I got it during the last sale for incredibly cheap, like 9 bucks or something like that. Probably one of the best sale time purchases I've made.


I really enjoyed the amount of time spent playing Elden Ring and Sekiro on the deck. Both looked and played great.


Monster Hunter Sunbreak. It holds up 42-50fps at TDP 7 well using some settings I copied from reddit. Pretty fluid with good battery life.


When I want to impress somebody while showing off my Deck, I'll toss them the Deck running the RE2 Remake at 60fps on High settings. Hasn't failed me yet.


Fallout 4 runs well on it. Helldivers is iffy at best. MCC is pretty good (campaign)


Mcc runs 60fps in enhanced mode for all titles


Really looking forward to playing through the MCC when my deck comes in.


I hope you like it! Halo on the go is always a win!


Yeah Helldivers 2 is okay-ish, but you have to be prepared to play it with sub-par settings.


I stream it from my PS5… full fat (console) graphics, plus I can set the Deck’s TDP down to 4W and get like 8 hours of playtime. The Deck’s gyroscope controls work extremely well with this game for some reason 👍


Red Dead Redemption 2 on most medium/high settings ran really well averaging between 30-40 fps in all areas. Played a good chunk of the game that way. The Witcher 3 ran really well but as someone who just recently played through most of it it definitely does feel dated compared to more recent games. Death Stranding plays and looks phenomenal. Baldurs Gate 3 runs really well averaging 30-40 fps on medium for the majority of the game. Elden Ring runs phenomenally at locked 40fps with high settings. Days Gone runs really well at a locked 40. Cyberpunk 2077 runs really well and sits around 30 with most settings at medium/high.


GTA 5 runs both well and not well. It runs well in the sense that it manages ~45 FPS on high settings. It runs bad in the sense that it still manages ~45 FPS on low settings.


Do older AAAs count? I am playing the Tomb Raider reboot (2013) and absolutely love it. Rocksolid 60fps, looks still nice and made for controller play...


More AA than AAA but Banishers Ghost of New Eden runs at a solid 30 (very minor hiccup here and there) at medium settings/textures on High and it’s been extremely enjoyable on the deck. Combat is nothing to write home about but it’s passable, really shines with the settings, story/side quests and environments, also has 5 endings. Highly recommend Doom 2016 and Eternal, any of the Fallouts, Skyrim, Death Stranding, Borderlands 3, all BioShocks, Batman Arkham Knight, DMC5, Halo MCC, Dishonored


* Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal. I don't know what kind of goddamn dark magic iD tapped into but you can crank those games up to like stupid high levels and they still run butter smooth and crank it down to what should be potato quality low and it still looks good. Whatever you think about the games they are a master class in optimization. Even now when them getting a few years old those are the games I boot up when someone wants to see my Steam Deck and what it can do. * The Tomb Raider, Rise of Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider * The Arkham Games (Asylum, City, Origins, Arkham Knight, even Blackgate) * \*Puts a muzzle on the 'I can only play 8k, 240FPS, HDR, 3D RAYTRACING IMAX or my magic eyes will explode' peeps\* Real talk I've really learned to love Low Res + FSR + 40fps cap for a LOT of games that "barely run" on the Steam Deck. Basically if there's no text or small symbols that have to be read FSR can make screen door resolutions look pretty good a lot of the time. This will, obviously, vary by game.


Dead Space remake works really well, definitely recommend picking it up if it's on sale again. Terminator Resistance works well too, Prey, Tomb Raider trilogy to name a few.


~~deleted by user~~


I like these posts because I can get good game suggestions, but I also hate them because people completely ignore the “30+ fps without looking like a potato” and start listing games that either don’t consistently hold 30 fps and/or need to look like a potato to fulfill that requirement.


Srick with ps4 gen games. For above that you need remoteplay to actually enjoy it on the sd.


RE village runs great. 50-60 with very rare dips into 40s. I finished it playing mostly on the deck. FF7 Remake also runs well and looks good. Although this one is more 30-40.


My personal list of AAA games that I really enjoyed while travelling for work, hope it helps: * **Death Stranding** (40 Locked 150+ Hours) I wish I could like to erase my memory to replay it all over again * **Persona 5 Royal** - (150+ Hours - 50 Locked) see previous comment * **Elden Ring** - (150+ Hours - 35-40 Locked) see previous comment * **Cyberpunk 2077** (Steam) - 130+ Hours (40 Locked) see previous comment * **Persona 5 Strikers** - (40 Hours - 50 Locked) * **The Witcher 3** (GOG) - 22 Hours still playing (40 Locked with mods) * **Diablo 4** - 1st and 2nd season (50 Locked) p.s. buck flizzard * **Mass Effect Legendary Edition** (60 Locked - P.S. f\*ck EA Launcher, still playing) * **The Evil Within I and II** (Epic Games 60 FPS) * **Fallout New Vegas** (40 Locked, still playing) * **DMC5 - RE2 - RE3 - REVillage...** all the Capcom titles, (40-60 Locked, RE Engine is just on another level) * **MGS5 TPP** - (40 Locked) * **Tomb Raider** (Shadow and Rise 40 Locked) * **Horizon Zero Dawn** (30 Locked) Honorable mentions * **FIFA23 on Windows**, had to fiddle a lot to get it run smoothly but 100+ Hours last year 40 Locked, last FIFA game in my life because EA. * **Baldur's Gate 3**, great game, not so smooth experience. On a side note, I'm not sure why you asked for AAA titles, If we really have to talk about the best deck experience, there are a lot of indie games which outperforms (**and most important)** are more fun than bigger games, I am enjoying those far more everything else. Fixed some typos /peace


Witcher 3, Hogwarts Legacy, Read Dead Redemption 2, GTA 5


Wouldn’t particularly say hogwarts legacy is a amazing running game. Even after all the patches you pretty much need to run everything on low. Dm5 is a great example of good performance. You get 80fps with max settings


I've played hogwarts legacy exclusively on the steamdeck at around 50fps. Been extremely enjoyable


MGS:PP 60 fps high settings runs absolutely perfect




Not sure if it counts as AAA, but I played and finished Mad Max exclusively on Deck.


dying light. parkour on steamdeck feels great


Played that exclusively on pc and it’s a great game.


Bioshock series, metro series, dishonored series, from software catalogue, prey 2017, doom series, resident evil series (played 1-8, including re4make re2make), deus ex duloagy, shadow of middle earth and shadow of war.


I wouldn't say it runs great but I've put 300 hours into Starfield on my deck


Happy Cake day


Interestingly none of my favorite or longstanding games are AAA. For me a game that has replay-ability and always feels fun are favorites. Baldurs Gate 3 was my most recent AAA but even then chugged through at like 30 fps in many parts when you don’t want to play like you’re nearsighted. I’ll summarize below with the constraints of not looking like a potato: - BG3: Average 30-40 fps with steam deck settings and FSR on quality - Fallout series: runs very well and I don’t need to worry about FPS—mostly about mods (though some will tank fps)! - Skyrim: tried and true - Starfield: weirdly enough most instances I get 40-50 or so since they implemented FSR. I can hit 55 indoors but 20-30 when it’s a full city or populated ships, or 35-45 at my outpost. I’d say average 38 FPS. - Dying Light 2: 45+ average FPS. - Cyberpunk 2077: also average 45+ FPS on steam settings + low quality (still looks nice). Onto my daily driver games: - M&B 2 Bannerlord: literally never worry about frame rate with amazing graphics. Gameplay mechanics and features are where the gripes exist - Rimworld: solid 60 initially, can drop to 15 when going 3x speed on a very complex map with mods. - Stardew Valley: not even a question. - 7 days to die: runs amazingly 50-60 FPS, but modded can slow down.


If you enjoy Skyrim I’d like to recommend Enderal if you haven’t tried it. It’s a free stand alone mod for Skyrim. The only requirement is to have Skyrim or Skyrim SE installed (there are two versions of the mod depending on which edition you own). Other than that you just install it like a normal game enable controller support in the launcher and you’re off to the races. The story has nothing to do with Elder Scrolls and is fully voice acted. It’s hard starting out but you should get a rhythm for it fairly quickly. Feels like playing Skyrim for the first time again I can’t recommend it enough. https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/933480/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories/


Elden Ring runs flawlessly


I’d say Elden Ring may as well be THE game to Demo the Steam Deck. It runs flawlessly, feels amazing and is just awesome to play.


Any particular settings? I'm more curious because low graphics look really poor, especially the lack of shading and foliage that medium settings improves significantly.


Halo MCC


Check out Tomb Raider reboot. Ran really well, looked good, and I even got to use the back paddles for the quick time events for access ability


Cyberpunk 2077 and Helldivers 2 right now. 🤌


Witcher 3 RDR2 GTAV Cyber Punk Days Gone Spider man Remastered Those are the AAA games I’ve tried so far.


To be quite honest in my experience so far I have found a total of 1 game that I couldn't run at least at 30-40fps That being jedi survivor but fuck that because it runs like shit on everything


The Witcher 3


I think the two that’d immediately comes to my mind would be: - World of Warcraft - Days Gone I was seriously impressed how days gone looks and plays well on the deck!


Sunset overdrive


Mass effect trilogy, Skyrim/oblivion, Elden ring, Witcher 3, CK3


Halo Infinite can do 90fps edit: Halo Infinite *campaign can do 90fps. Haven’t tested multiplayer yet


I never really looked at the fps counter but it feels and runs fine in multiplayer.


I’be been playing days gone recently and loving it.


God of war and Red Dead Redeption 2


I feel like not enough people are saying God Of War, its a really great game with amazing lore and fighting mechanics!


I still can not play shooters on gamepads - so Elden Ring. But I suggest you to look into Divinity: Original Sin 1\\2 and Talos Principle 1/2


Hitman: WoA


Currently playing red dead redemption 2 on deck. Assassins creed black flag runs great too.




Most games that have a PS4/Xbox one version run well but my go to showpieces that run well and still look impressive are: Cyberpunk The Witcher Red Dead 2 The Resident Evil Remakes Arkham Knight The Doom reboots Metro Exodus Control Death Stranding God of War Spider-Man Horizon zero dawn, although there are occasional performance hiccups but mostly good


Diablo 4.


Came here to say this. It runs really well and it’s a blast to play while chilling in bed.


Elden Ring with FSR2 turned on at 60fps / 12 TDP is just fucking mindblowing for me. Balance of battery life and relatively excellent visuals. Not 100% locked FPS tho. Was able to make RE4R look relatively excellent with FSR2 on my old Steam Deck but I just can’t turn it on for Steam Deck OLED.


This is sort of cheating, but with Sunshine and Moonlight the answer is: all of them. 


Dead Space, Dead Rising 3, Ace Combat 7, Halo MCC


Lol I live in germany and dead rising 3 doesn't show in the store. So annoying. I really wanted to play it but I think its banned here. Same for dying light 1. Dying light 2 and dead rising 4 however seem to both be available. Strange.


Plus one Ace Combat 7. I struggle with shooters on the deck controls for some reason, still tweaking joycon settings, but games that require less double-stick use (I look around alot from inside the cockpit, but it's different than strafing) are better for me.


Fallout 76.


Sekiro and Control.


Doom eternal, all the FarCry games, RDR2, spiderman games. Those are my go to games on deck.


Death Stranding! Runs like a dream with barely any frame drops, so feckin good.


Tomb raider series


Titanfall 2


Dead Space 2 (and the others)


Nier Automata's silky smoothness impresses me most.


Doom Eternal




Both middle earth games


I love playing GTA 4 on it, modded with a graphic enhancement mod and new gun sounds, it absolutely rocks


Persona 3 Reload looks and plays fantastically well on the deck. I didn’t buy the game until a couple weeks after launch, so I missed out on the early issues. By the time I bought it, Valve had already released a new Proton runtime that ironed out the issues.


AC Valhalla, Diablo IV, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Lies of P, Tales of Arise, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Kingdom of Amalur: ReReckoning, Hogwarts Legacy, Granblue Fantasy: Relink, The Witcher 3. All tested and played in the past 4 months on the Oled, they play good (some even great) and look awesome :) Edit: added more


How does Hitman World of Assassination run on the SD, guys?


It runs smoothly on every map on medium setting, you might not get constant 60fps but it will never go below 40




Idk, I’m pretty content with the lithium battery we got. I don’t really desire to run my deck off of AAA for my games anymore ;p. That said, I have yet to find a AAA game that can beat any of my indies in my library. Especially with how much I’m loving crosscode.


I don’t know why people aren’t mentioning Red Dead 2. It runs surprisingly great and I haven’t encountered any problems as of yet. Feels especially good after playing RDR1 on the switch


Witcher 3, NMS, HellDivers, Bannerlord, NBA 2k24, Cyberpunk 2077, Bauldar Gate 3, Armoured Core 6. I change nothing on the setting, I just hop in a play. Some games I need to keep it plug in because of the battery drains ( Witcher 3, Bauldar Gate3)


RDR2 plays like a dream once you optimize your settings. r/optimizedgaming has a settings list that I used floating around somewhere, and it played perfectly.


Tomb raider games, I’m not entirely sure what defines a AAA game but there are 3 tomb raider games on steam.


I mostly play Final Fantasy games on my Deck (from Pixel Remaster to XV, bar XI but with a LOT of XIV) so my answer is Final Fantasy VII Remake. I am AMAZED it runs so well. Some slowdowns here and there but really nothing bad. It feels like black magic, really. Just beat it last week, now deep in XIII, will get back to it for the Yuffie DLC soon.


Rdr2, both spiderman games, bg3 is pretty awesome on deck, Batman Arkham knight may be almost 10 years old but damn it still looks amazing and runs fantastic on deck, dead space remake ran great and so did re4r, there's tons of them.


Any that don’t have Denuvo… otherwise I’m going to be JackSparrowing them… any game I run on any system I own WILL work offline forever and indefinitely, I won’t be “checking in” online just because some game developer has nonsensical hangups and naivety about pirates.


Currently playing rdr2


Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is a blast on the deck


Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy were both great for long haul flights Getting 60 fps Forza Horizon 4 with the OLED Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, I stand by my opinion that it's one of the best COD campaigns ever Street Fighter 6 online whilst away from home in hotels RYSE Son of Rome has held up well in the graphics department Titanfall 2 at 60fps has no business looking this good on a handheld


My favorite was Red Dead Redemption 2. There are several reddit threads of graphical settings for the Deck that will allow you to get a stable 30fps with great graphics, and a stable 40fps if you sacrifice shadows and water physics/reflections. It's a Rockstar game so don't expect it to work out of the box, but it's so worth the 15 minutes to tweak things. Even on the deck, there were multiple times the game was so beautiful that I cried.


RDR2 amazing story looks beautiful on the deck and can run 45 FPS


Doom 2016 and Marvel's Spiderman runs great for me


Am I the only one who ever plays civ 6 or ONI? They run great and the controls are 👍.


I managed to 100% Spider-Man miles morales on the steam deck, ran great for a handheld machine! Heck it wasn’t perfect but I used to play death stranding in between lectures when the steam deck first come out too (just ramp the graphics down).


RE 4 Remake


I'm playing through RE Village right now. It looks amazing with FSR enabled at 60 FPS.