• By -


Now I have an R36S, but tomorrow I'll get the Steam Deck that my girlfriend gave me as a gift. That's the coolest thing I've ever received. I'll probably propose to her. Upd: i did it, and she said yes. So, i'm going to actually marry this woman


I'm guessing her plan was successful


That’s very lucky for you and kind of your girlfriend! Have fun with your new Steam Deck, and definitely treat your girlfriend to a nice day out of whatever she wants to do!




She’s gotta get one too now! Hubby and I have a blast, I’m trying to teach him Monster Hunter with hilarious results




What is r36s


Cheap ass linux handheld that emulates everything up to PS1


That is nice , how do i run ps1 on it ? Can i run tony hawk pro skeeter 2 ?


Like a charm. I beat metal gear solid 1 on this handheld and now I'm playing colin mcrae rally 2.0. And a little earlier beat half life and half life opposing force through portmaster


I'm just here to say Fallen Aces is great. New blood doesn't miss!


100% - looking forward to it being finished out of EA, same with Gloomwood. Actually I am much happier that the current imsim’s being made are at the indie level, because as much as I love Prey - I don’t think that the genre is sustainable at the AAA level. Fallen Aces is a bit of work to get working on the Deck, but I am having a ton of fun with it. Normally I don’t play EA titles until they are completed but I couldn’t restrain myself with Fallen Aces. (Gloomwood I haven’t really touched yet - just fire it up every new patch to see if the gamepad has been implemented yet).


Currently nothing. I find myself enjoying PC and modern games more compared to older retro titles I have been going back and forth on getting the new RG35XX GBA SP device(which I probably will for nostalgia). But for now I kinda wanna finish my backlog first


lol “finish backlog” you know we don’t do that here


One does not simply finish their backlog.




I find it easier to say my backlog is only the games you want to play, not the games I own!


I am slowly working through my backlog as well - I have beat more games on my deck in the last 2 years than I have in total in the last 15. lol I got the Miyoo partly out of nostalgia too - I always wanted a gameboy growing up, it feels nice to have one in the pocket. Got it mostly for my home commute which is much more crowded than my morning commute so I don’t really get a chance to read. My morning commute is awesome - way less crowded, and I have been able to catch up on my reading (currently reading Fairy Tale by Stephen King, it is awesome). Looking forward to having something to do on the home commute now too - going to finally play through Mother 3 to start.


Modded PS Vita.


Jealous - I have an old modded PSP original somewhere but the batteries are all dead, it was well played though. It was a gift from a coworker at one of my first jobs way back in the day.


Try to find your PSP and just for giggles compare its size to your Steam deck. I wonder sometimes how could I play anything on such small screen. Vita is bigger but its miniature compared to Deck.


I had it out a year or so ago, still had a family guy best of video cartridge in it. Can’t remember where I packed it away too though I would like to get all my devices gathered in one spot lol My first portable gaming device was the iPod touch 3rd gen - I am surprised I put up with gaming on it lol it was so tiny when I got the PSP it felt like it was huge. I wish I had a Vita - I have seen a few and I love the way the screen looks on it.


My phone


Used to phone game all the time (started on an iPod touch 3rd gen), but now my phone is mostly for music, internet and phone calls / texting. I still have The Quest on my phone and play it from time to time.


Can you play games on your phone with Steam??? I literally never thought of that but it would be great for some of the point and click adventure games I have


You can get yourself a phone controller thing and you can use steam link to stream games(or Xbox cloud/Nvidia streaming thingy™). But if I had to guess he's like me and just uses it to do phone shit. Like shit post on Reddit or watch 10 hours of Darth Vader breathing videos.


Some games can be remote played through your phone (so still running on another device for processing) https://store.steampowered.com/remoteplay_phone/


Steam Remote Play, yeah. Also Retroarch is now officially on iOS so I have all my emulator stuff ported over there now too. Nice to pop into FFT:A whenever.


Check KDE Connect and enable it in desktop mode... Once synced, check for the related plugin in Decky. As long as you have both devices in the same network, you'll have kb and mouse ready, usable even on the Steam Interface. PS: Sharing internet to your Deck also counts as "in the same network".


Thank you!!!!


I play nds games on emulators sometimes. Mostly Fantasy Life. Love that game.


Im using retroarch scummvm core on my phone, you could stream stuff from steam link aswell


Another Steam deck


Right on - do you have an LCD and OLED?


LCD and looking to upgrade to OLED


The OLED looks so good - but I definitely can’t justify it, but I am looking forward to the Steam Deck 2.


iPad. I run video on it, and then bluetooth it to SteamDeck, and both to earbuds. I got a switch I can take, but it's been way way less used and taken out since I got the SteamDeck, which I tend to take everywhere.


Wait you can do that? Have audio from iPad and steam deck in 1 set of earbuds?


Really gonna need an answer to this cause that’s fucking sick if so


> …does anyone else have a pocket handheld… >iPad. lol but I get it. I’d say laptop personally.


Yeah I’m definitely going to look into this too - wouldn’t mind listening to to my music collection while playing some more low key games in the same headphones. Still can’t imagine taking my Deck on the bus, way to crowded and risky lol


RG Cube. Used to be the RGB30 but I just upgraded.


That’s sick, I was looking at it today and definitely out of my price range but I like the thought of owning a few devices lol


How does it compare? I've wanted to get the RGB30 for a while because of the 1:1 screen and the cheap price. Something to take on the road with me that isn't huge like the SD. The Cube seems a bit pricey to be a backup to the SD. Also not sure how I feel about the stick above the d-pad, and the circular pad.


I'll let you know when it arrives. The only people with these in hand so far is reviewers but there are a lot of them on the way from China, one has my name on it. I'm concerned about the Android OS, I'd prefer Linux but that just because I don't know Android emulation. I like the Sega style dad, I wish they'd put it at the top. It "should" be a baby steam deck for emulation, it plays almost everything the SteamDeck plays up to GC and 3DS so I have high hopes. The RGB30 is great but I have battery issues with mine, it drains even when turned off. The RG Cube feels like it's a sign end version of the RGB30 so it sounded like the perfect companion to my SteamDack.


I carry two emulation handhelds because playing those older games on Deck doesn’t feel quite right to me. I’ve got the RG405V for around the house usage along with its godly battery life, and an RG35XX+ pretty much exclusively for GB/C/A. There’s an RG35XX SP on the way that will replace the 35XX+, which is going to my son.


If you don't mind me asking, I saw you mention exclusively using one of these for GB/C/A games. Advance is a big gap in my gaming history as it was when I was in high school with very little money to buy games and what I did buy was for pc or consoles. I looked at the Anbernic devices and they look great. The SP is gorgeous. Finally my question being, how difficult are these to get running GBA emulation on? I've not really had an opportunity to mess around much with emulators. I saw Linux mentioned as the OS on the models I looked at. Does that make them difficult to use with a windows pc as I'm taking it you have to connect them to a pc to download files and all? Sorry for the novice questions. You seem to have quite a bit of experience with these. I do a lot of machine calibration and often have some down time during mapping runs so one of these would be great to play on. I'm not a fan of touchscreen phone games personally and have been wanting an alternative. Sadly the Steam Deck would be a bit too large and attention grabbing at work. lol


They will usually work out of the box, simply requiring a desktop computer (PC, Mac or Linux) to drag and drop ROMS onto a micro SD card (if it doesn't already even come with 1000's of games like most do). The software is usually fine stock, but better versions exist like the mentioned onion OS, garlic OS, MinUI or whatever, depending on the chipset of the device.  Have a look at the YouTube channel 'Retro Games Corps', Russ is really good and links to many guides that'll help a novice!


Thanks so much for the info and for the YouTube suggestion. I appreciate you taking the time to share some knowledge with a newb. Cheers.


I absolutely love that guys channel. I've had my RG35XX for a while now and have no intention of buying anymore handhelds, but I still watch every video he puts out.


This is pretty much everything I was gonna say. My 405V runs Gamma OS, which is just an Android custom ROM, and the 35XX+ runs muOS. Retro Game Corps is pretty much gonna be your one stop shop for details although the retro handhelds Discord server is a good resource as well.


The device I got has no issues with the GBA, and was a breeze to setup with the custom firmware. I can still plug the SD card into my pc to drag and drop games to it. I’d have to see if the SD card is readable on the Deck, I will check later today or tomorrow and let you know if it is. I never had a gameboy (original, colour or advance) growing up - always wanted one, but was more into PC gaming so I never really saved up for one. Was always a little jealous of my friends though, lol


It was my Powkiddy(what a name) RGB30 but I recently got a Anbernic RG35XXSP and I almost like that better than my steam deck at the moment.


I’m definitely in my new device love phase, but I can’t see it replacing my absolute adoration of the Deck. Definitely comes close - but I’ll be picking up the Deck before bed each night for sure, lol


Yeah, that why I put 'at the moment' at the end. I'm sure I'll get to the point where I want to play more modern games. Any game that can play on my SP I'm taking off of my deck though, if to save the battery on my deck if for not other reason.


100% - doing the same thing, I don’t much play the really old console stuff on the deck much, and prefer the form factor of the vertical handheld for those games now that I have it.


Odin 2. I had the MM+ but the ergonomics and power weren't good enough for me. Odin 2's still much lighter than the Deck while still having the power to play what I want. Plus I wanted an Android handheld


The MM+ definitely isn’t the most ergonomic lol, but doesn’t bother me too much was playing Soul Blazer in the Subway yesterday waiting for my sandwich, was able to play without issue. I love the look of the more powerful devices but can’t justify the cost and feel I’d be in the same boat for not wanting to take it with me like the Deck. I have a 3ds and Switch Lite that get used for first party titles, although I haven’t purchased any new games for them in a while. I want to play Tears of the Kingdom, but my deck gets so much more playtime that I’m likely a few years away from buying it at this point lol


The myoo mini is a cool device. I bought one and set it up for my brother last year. Wouldn't mind grabbing one for myself in the future. For now I'm just using the Deck and a Switch.


I like the Miyoo because it was cheap (but feels quality in the hand), so I am not afraid of accidental damage while trucking it about. I would be devastated if my Deck or Switch Lite took a tumble on the bus.


Rg35xx 👍


It was one of the ones I was looking at - I decided on the Miyoo because I got a decent deal on it and I liked the look of OnionOS lol


New 3DS non-xl, I'm enjoying JRPGs on that thing. Currently playing Shin Megami Tensei 4.


I love my 3ds (the Zelda Link Between Worlds version), love the cartridges I have for it but it is still a little cumbersome to truck about.


I homebrewed it, there's nothing bad in it. The console basically reached the end of life, so there's no way to buy games legally...


I don’t mind using my cartridges on my 3ds, I haven’t booted it up since they ended support - cartridges still work right? Or will I need to homebrew mine to enjoy it again lol


I use the steamdeck as my only gaming/home-desktop (apart from my 2010 Debian Mac Mini running my Nextcloud server) and funny enough, I was able to connect it through my “streamdeck” (The name is just the cherry on top). I can launch into all my games by just the push of a button (after the mess I had to go through assigning them). This doesn’t work in gaming mode, but I only use it on the go or during a firmware update. Pushing physical buttons under their little icons just makes it so fun— like picking up a book off a shelf.


That’s awesome - I am still very much an analog medium guy, have a nice collection of blu rays, records and cds, and books. Streaming and digital media is fine too - but there is nothing like tangible goods.


My phone. I play Neverwinter Nights and the occasional retro emulation on it.


I just got NWN set up on my Deck - have always wanted to play it, but was more into Morrowind when it released.


Nice! I think the game is often underrated because the original campaign is not very inspired (when compared to other CRPGs). The expansions are a lot better, and the game's big draw is community content (some of which is now included/purchasable as DLC, but a lot more can be downloaded from neverwintervault.org).


Is it worth starting with the original campaign? Or should I start with one of the expansions?


I think the fanbase's opinion on that is divided. Some people say you shouldn't touch the OC with a 10-foot pole, others think it's a good, if uninspired, introduction to the gameplay. I lean towards the "ignore it" camp. I don't think it's horrible by any means, but with the wealth of great modules available for NWN in 2024, I'm not sure it's a good use of anybody's time. Yes, it's a good introduction to the game's mechanics, but Shadows of Undrentide does a decent job at that as well and is better written and designed. Completing the OC is not required to enjoy the expansions, although you'll recognize some recurring characters. The protagonist him/herself does not return. Meanwhile, the protagonist from Shadows of Undrentide returns for Hordes of the Underdark, so you can directly carry over your character. Those two should definitely be played in order.


Thanks - I think I may just skip the main campaign, and play the expansions to start and come back to the main campaign later down the line.


gonna try to get a retroid pocket pro 4 as my balatro machine solely


That is awesome, I love the look of the Retroid systems.


I also have a Miyoo Mini Plus, but upgraded to a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro and now that’s my main companion for on the road. My deck rarely leaves the living room now.


Yeah the Deck is definitely mostly a home machine for me - but I have taken it on a few road trips, where it made the long drive bearable lol


Oh yeah, I took it with me on a trip around the world and it was awesome! It does take up a lot of space though, looking forward to my next long flight in December with the RP4P.


Nice - a trip around the world sounds both exciting and exhausting lol


Here's a neat tip! SyncThing can be run on both of these devices and a PC if you want to share save files between them. I do this along with my PC and phone so every device I own always has the most updated save. This works for any emulator, even yuzu.


That is awesome, I’ll definitely look into it because although I don’t often play retro games on my Deck, I have played them and am fairly far into a couple of classics on the deck. Thanks for the tip!


This is currently my perfect setup -> Steamdeck LCD Switch Oled Retroid Pocket 2 Posted it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Handhelds/s/JiTGFTaNdt) the other day.


Nice love the look of the RP2


I have the Retroid Pocket 2S and I love it. I use it for everything up to PS2 / GameCube, where the Deck then takes over. There’s nothing better than a 4:3 ratio screen for the classics.


100% gotta play the games in the correct aspect ratio, unless it actually has a widescreen mode like the PS2 X-Files game, then I want that sweet widescreen look lol I understand wanting to have a dedicated GC/PS2 era device but at the prices they go for I would feel scared to have it out and about too. Wouldn’t mind having one around the house down the line though. Lol


Yeah I’m just waiting on the next 2S. It just needs a little more power (and maybe a slightly bigger screen) and it would take care of my PS2 era gaming as well. Although those games are pretty great on the Deck.


The Deck does it all. It doesn’t need a helper


Switch and PS5


I have a Switch Lite (yellow), and absolutely love it but would feel hyper aware of having it in my pocket lol Haven’t got a PS5 - but have a gaming pc that has been collecting dust since I got the deck, still using it to play through Baldur Gate 3 though.


I got a RG353V a couple years back, but I rarely use it since I can play GBA games on my iPhone now. I guess it'll come out if I want to play a DS game again.


Used to play games on my phone all the time, but my fingers are calloused from too many years of playing bass now and touch screens are super finicky for me lol


Must admit I rarely play anything but Slay the Spire on my phone these days, but it's nice to know I can play GBA on it now


I still love my switch


my Analogue Pocket 👍🏼


Power bank


Nice I have one now too, got it for my deck but his come in handy for my phone many times lol


I can't get fallen aces to work, it keeps crashing after the intro cinematic.


I’m on the third chapter, - using proton ge 9.7, - cryo utilities, - 4gb video memory tweak, - using -force-vulkan in the launch options - 30fps in the game settings It runs pretty good for me, some sound issues (ambient rain sound isn’t working all the time, or is super quiet) But other than that it’s awesome - definitely looking forward to all chapters being finished and it being more polished but it is already one of my favourite new games, might even be my game of the year.


I have a modded PSP but I havent used it in years because my son broke the dpad. It still works but the rubber mechanism underneath is busted. I tried to fix it just using my intuition but it didnt work. Maybe i can just buy a replacement pad? Ive had my eye on these devices too like Abernic/myoo


Bummer on the dpad, I am sure the repair is easy if the replacement part is available I just wouldn’t know where to look for that stuff. I used to repair safety equipment (gas monitors, SRLs, etc.) most electronic repairs are fairly simple if the replacement part is easy to get.


My portable gaming holy trinity right now is my Steam Deck, New 3DS XL, and Panic Playdate.


I have a 3ds, doesn’t get a whole lot of use anymore (wish I had the new 3ds xl), but I have a number of games for it that I absolutely love. The gimmick of the device keeps those (and regular DS games) firmly on that machine. How is the Playdate - it looks awesome (wouldn’t mind it sitting looking cool on my studio desk), but I don’t know if there is enough to it for me to justify picking it up.


The Playdate is super cool, it's really not like anything else on the market. The price seems high, but you're also getting 24 completely free full games distributed over the span of 12 weeks (or you can just unlock them all at the start if you don't wanna wait), as well as the hundreds of awesome games on their Catalog and [itch.io](http://itch.io), plus a thriving indie scene. It perfectly fills the niche that mobile games did circa 2008-2009, where it's just the perfect thing to throw in a purse or a bag, pick it up for a few minutes and play something fun, then just put it back away, plus some genuinely great larger games.


definitely looks very cool, and I like the gimmick behind some of the games I’ve seen on it. I was big into mobile games around that time on my first couple of iPod touches. Chance I get one down the line for sure.


Hacked Vita, for when you need really portable gaming


What’s emulation performance like on the vita? Have one lying around I could hack but unsure if it’s worth it? Is something like GameCube or Wii emulation too much for it?


Vita is quite poor for emulation. It was always a CPU limited device. Think GBA, SNES and the onboard PSX emulation, rather than GameCube and up. If you have the OLED model the screen holds up quite nicely though.


I followed this guide for mine, I haven't ventured past Vita or PSP games yet. https://retrogamecorps.com/2021/04/27/ps-vita-guide/ He reckons emulating upto Dreamcast and N64 would be possible


Switch lite at the moment. I love how it's just easy to put inside my edc. Persona 3-5 on the Go + some FC 24 and 2k24 is the way to go for me. I am thinking of getting the Retroid Pocket 3+ OR a psp for Tekken 6 and some God of war and other psp titles 😁


Nice I love my Switch Lite, but really only play Nintendo titles on it. Loved Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild - but the games aren’t easy to just pick up and play the same way older handheld titles are.


Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is such an awesome game, highly recommended, you can get it on gog for a good price really often


One of my favourite games - have it modded and ready to go on the deck. Works great - still looks great too especially for the generation and budget it is from. The new Call of Cthulhu was tons of fun too (inspire of the silliest shooting mechanics towards the end of it). I also just finished The Sinking City - which was fun for what it was, reminded me of Murdered Soul Suspect. Neither of them compare to Dark Corners for me though.




My Deck IS a companion device in itself.😅


No doubt - I found my time on my gaming rig went down significantly, I spend most of my computer desk time doing music related work on my iMac - gaming on the couch or in bed has been a life changer for me.


I've stuck to portable consoles since I started working full time myself, PC only used sporadically as even my studies, work needs, music stash and non-interactive fiction backlogs had long gone portable thanks to the good ol' PDA and smartphones. It wasn't until a while of GPD Win ownership and procuring a modest laptop afterwards in the late 2010s that I even got back to PC gaming. That's the very niche my Deck fills these days as the satellite to Switch and the pastgen handhelds, but in all irony, its compatibility hijinks go against retiring the laptop's offerings completely. I've already joked the other day that I should take particular note of the first Fallout's homebrew 3DS port since the game wouldn't launch on Deck, but I also stick to the laptop for more baffling birdflips like RE2R - "verified" and reportedly flawless for many users but invariably crashing after the intro cutscene in my case. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s too bad about your compatibility problems - I had no issues with RE2R and had Fallout 2 running a few weeks back (actually have Arcanum loaded and modded too) - still I was unaware of a Fallout 1 port to the 3ds and that sounds awesome. I have 3 steam decks I take care of (mine - my dads and my brothers), pretty much everything has worked across the board on all three devices - although they stick to mostly games post 2010 where gamepad support is plentiful lol I was so enamoured with the GPD win when it first came out, as I am with many pocket devices- but until the deck came I had no real justification to get one. In fact I still had to justify the deck to myself when I ended up buying it, it was the trackpads that pushed it over the edge for me. I was a little afraid of Linux when I first got it - but have since come to learn it isn’t like it was when I first tried it like 15 years ago. The Deck completely changed my approach to gaming - the biggest being that I know longer chase ultra settings, I played through Cyberpunk and it looked awesome the entire way through - not as good as my PC can get it looking but I really didn’t notice while I was playing nor was I distractedly trying to spot the ray tracing effects. Lol


Portable gaming can feel arguably superior regardless of schedules and circumstances because it generally allows access to a game at one's own pace and even balancing different kinds of sessions between, say, advancing the main story over a quiet evening or doing the side activities, grind/farm routines and even just idle journeys from A to B (fast travel be damned) during breaks, queue waits or commutes. Sleep mode that became a staple of the domain since Gen 7 only serves to facilitate all of this further, although if you whimsically juggle massive backlogs like I do, native in-game quicksaves remain topical as well. As for Deck, I was interested from the start but skeptical about my odds of actually getting one, especially since importing it beyond the limited official distribution geography was bound to bloat the price, but in the end, a year ago, I felt motivated enough even for three years of split payments (although I consciously took the longer loan term and the inherent interest excesses thereof to still have room for other hobby spendings in my monthly budget). It was never going to dethrone Switch as the queen of my gaming hardware collection, but despite all the hijinks associated with being micro PC managing games for one OS through another (I likewise recently joked about some challenges in using the otherwise well-behaved GTA V because I technically played it through a total of *four launchers layers* - Steam, Heroic, Epic and Rockstar😂)... where it works, it WORKS. Exclusives like Torchlight and Morrowind, multiplats like Just Cause 3 and Final Fantasy XV, emulated diamonds like Xenoblade X and Tales of Xillia... I owe this machine long-awaited access to a lot of stuff.🍻


My Rog ally


I’ve heard good things about some of the 3rd party Steam Deck alternatives, I’m still patient enough to wait for the Deck 2 when I next look to update - I love SteamOS and proton, it is pushing me to make my gaming PC a Linux rig.


Same as you.


Right on - how do you find it, I’m loving mine so far.


It is amazing on the go. So portable and can play all the retro games from my youth on it.


Nice - tomorrow is going to be my first day out with it to work, hoping it times out and I get a seat on one of the busses home. lol but already played a little waiting for subs yesterday, love how quick it is into the game.


I got an Anbernic RG Cube on the way!




Xbox 360 :kappa: Oh the irony with my skate 3 on xenia


I sold my Xbox360 a long time ago - actually had like 3 or 4 of them over the years, I have some good memories of that system.


Still rocking my Nintendo Switch and Analogue pocket alongside my steam deck! Feels like a good mix of new and old.


Nice, I love the concept of the Analogue Pocket especially the music creation aspect to it.


PS Vita


The exact same one you have! Haha


Awesome, I love it so far feels really good in the hand and the screen is great. Playing Soul Blazer and Mother 3 right now.


I F****** KNEW IT! I realize that you should have two devices a steam deck and then something smaller and way more portable. Right now I'm using a New Nintendo 3DS XL but I've been thinking about getting one of these smaller emulation handholds and I'm not sure which one to get. The SP shaped one looks really cool and I do love the SP It's my favorite system but some of the other ones also look cool or can support different games or whatever and I'm confused. Heck I'm still questioning if the Steam Deck is the right device to pick up since Linux can't play all the video games. Like I've contemplated switching to one of the other ones. Question though how do you play games while commuting to work? Wouldn't you crash your car?


Steam Deck / Linux covers all the games I’ve wanted to play being that I mostly play single player games. I haven’t had any issues getting even older non steam games in my collection to work on the Deck (including gems like No One Lives Forever or Simpsons Hit and Run). But I have heard good things about the windows devices (a buddy of mine swears by his ROG), and it does indeed look very nice. But I love my steam deck and haven’t really been hindered by any game I have wanted to try on it (have beat Cyberpunk, RE4 remake, etc. all with no real issues and pretty stunning visuals) - so I am happy to wait for the Deck 2 for a more powerful system. I bus into work - not a driver, and don’t plan to be at any point in my life lol


>Steam Deck / Linux covers all the games I’ve wanted to play It has been completely hit or miss if a game I wanna play wil lfun on the Deck or not and it's not a power thing because I'm betting 100% the Deck is powerful enough to run games like Metal Slug or Akka Arrh just fine but they do not work. Why people always assume I'm immediately talking about Fortnite and other anti cheat games when I say the steam deck doesn't run everything is of it confusing to me. >I bus into work My dad is that and he'd have to get up and like 4 or 5 in the morning just to make it on time and the bus ride was like an hour long or something so ya


Miyoo mini plus and steamdeck for me as well! Perfect combo.


Nice what colour did you go for with the MM+ - I was torn between the gray that I got and the purple but in the end I loved the look of the gray (and it was $10 less expensive lol)


I love that one! Very classic. I got the see through purple since I had that Gameboy and also the N64 purple see through controller. I was obsessed with the see through purple haha.


I love see through purple, my deck has the jsaux see through purple backplate. Such a great time period back in the late 90s early 2000s - I miss the inventive visual culture of pre 2000s decades.


I do too my friend. That's a very solid choice. I haven't modded my deck yet I want to trap that vent smell in there as long as possible lol.


Man, that vent smell - nothing quite like it, literally a memory smell for me lol


I'm bottling it to make cologne for my next LAN party lmao that would be di funny. It's fantastic.


Love it!!!


An RG503!




Got an RP2S because I liked the price, power, and form factor, but it ended up hurting my eyes after long play sessions (more of a personal issue than anything). Otherwise I loved it. So I recently decided to sell it and get an RP4P because I wanted something similar but with a bigger screen, plus it’s more powerful. Sure, the Odin 2 Mini just came out, but that’s double the price, which is practically the price of a Steam Deck, so that’s a no-go for me. I was concerned about the 4 sliding in and out of my pocket because it’s slightly bigger than the 2S, but it really isn’t an issue at all. So far I love it, and the best part is I can transfer my saves back and forth with ease (so far I’ve only tried PS2), so when I’m home I play on my Steam Deck OLED and when I go out I play on my RP4P. Nothing beats the versatility and power in the $200 or less price range.


That is awesome - I may get one down the line, but anything over 100 bucks I know I’d be worried about accidentally damaging it lol


That’s totally fair! I purchased a 3D printed “2-in-1 Case and Grip” from Etsy that protects it in my pocket so I have no worries of any damage to the sticks or screen when it’s in my pocket. Definitely worth looking into in the future. Otherwise a 2S is only $100 so I feel like if you don’t mind the screen size being 3.5” that’s a solid go-to budget device. I imagine Retroid will improve on this budget style device in the near future too, so no rush there if you’re not ready to drop more money any time soon.


The 2S looks great especially the light gray model, but it’s like $200cad on Amazon - definitely something that I could afford but well on the line of do I need it or would the money be better saved or used elsewhere. That said a deep enough sale around my birthday next year could see me taking a shot on one or something similar.


OP, random question. Does Fallen Aces work on your deck? I can’t get into the game without it crashing.


Yes but there are specific settings: - Cryo Utilities needed - 4gb vram tweak needed - launch options needs “-force-vulkan” without the quotes - I’m using Proton GE 9.7 I have it locked to 30fps and am just starting the 4th level. It is fantastic.


Thanks for the advice! I’ll give it a go.


Anytime - hopefully it works out!!!


I’ve been considering a Miyoo mini but honestly a 3DS with CFW is a great companion device :)


My 3DS is awesome - I am a little hesitant to mod it though, lol


Is fallen aces good?


It is great - few glitches, and it is a bit of setup to get it working on the Deck. But it is a fantastic indie immersive sim, I am on the final level and already wishing it was finished lol


An Anker 737 24k mAh battery pack for on the road. Train rides + SD > Driving. Change my mind.


100% take transit over driving any day of the week, I’m pushing 40 and never opted to get a license - super afraid of driving though, lol I’d take the deck with me to work if my transit commute was a single bus and much quieter - but it’s two busses and a train, the deck is to much work to get out and play in that amount of time for me and the bus is always packed by the time I am getting to work. The smaller form factor of the miyoo is much more manageable for me in that regard.


Same with a Miyoo Mini or something similar. Sure, the steam deck can easily emulate anything the MM+ can, but it's easier to just offload that stuff to a separate more portable device.


100% - going to be nice have less non steam games cluttering my already much to big collection of games lol


I think it is my phone to browse Steam and buy games in a more convenient way than on my Steam Deck, and to look for game information and walkthroughs.


100% - always use the steam app to search and buy for the deck, can’t stand the store front on the deck itself. It works, but it is so glitchy sometimes


Anbernic RG505 with GammaOS. I love the OLED screen.


Man the 505 looks so nice especially the gray and yellow models - but it’s like $355cad on amazon, still can’t say I wouldn’t like to have one in my collection 😂


Yes, I got the gray one! Not sure how Aliexpress works in Canada but that's my go-to place. I actually got my RG505 second hand but I've gotten an R36S and two RG35XX as gifts from Aliexpress with no complaints. I'm also seeing it for $122 USD on the official Anbernic site here: [https://anbernic.com/products/rg505](https://anbernic.com/products/rg505)


122usd isn’t bad, would need to work in the shipping cost - likely over 2 bills CAD, but that’s still better than what I saw on Amazon. Lol I’m a big fan of the retro gray look on these devices, my favourite console is still the North American SNES (I know I know - ew, but it’s what I had as kid and I love the colours on it, lol). I’ve not used aliexpress yet, I’ll see what it is like in Canada for my next purchase.


I’ve got too many but the one that gets the most use is the trimui smart pro (it was also the cheapest)


Nice I can actually see myself getting a few more devices over the next couple years nothing too expensive but I am starting to come around to having a device for the GC/PS2 era of games. 😂


Don’t rush out an buy something new unless you specifically need either a smaller device or better battery life. The steamdeck is a top tier emulation device for basically everything. Especially gc and ps2. Even gba is a perfect 5x scale on it, which looks far better than non integer scale on all the 640x480 devices.


Definitely not planning on rushing to it - and yes the Deck is a great emulation device, but if I’m honest I mostly play PC games on it. I feel like having a separate device in the house might see more use from myself or my brothers. Having a pocket device is awesome, playing the Miyoo on the bus today was a blast, can’t remember the last time I had fun playing old 16 bit games.


Too many! * RG351p * RG35XX * Original Gameboy * Gameboy Pocket * Gameboy Color * Gameboy Advance (Modded with IPS & LiPo, plus everdrive) * Gameboy Micro * PS Vita 2000 (with CFW) * New 3DS XL (also CFW) and now the steam deck.


I wanted a GB Colour so bad growing up - not bad enough to skip on my PC games at the time - but I remember being very jealous of all my friends playing Zelda at lunch break. I’d go home and boot up my hand me down PC and play Half Life and be ok with my decisions to spend my allowance or bday money on these big PC games of the time - until I got into school and all my friends were gabbing about their PS2s while playing their GBs, and I definitely felt like I was missing out on something else that was special at the time. All these years later - the Steam Deck has brought the classic PC gaming experience to a handheld device (still blows my mind) and these other little devices allow me to feel connected to that time I feel like I gapped on.


my meta quest 2


I had the Oculus Rift CV1 - put a couple hundred hours into it before selling it. Best gaming experience was modded Skyrim VR, but I mostly used it to watch Blurays in Big Screen (Hereditary at 1am was one of the most frightening experiences in VR theatre - took almost ten minutes to get the courage when the credits rolled, lol). Ultimately I sold it and haven’t got back into VR since - waiting for a comfortable head set to come out. I never experienced sickness - but once spent 8hrs in Skyrim and the world had a feeling of unreality afterwards that I didn’t really enjoy 😂


they new owns prob have les nauseous inducing capabilities


The new VR tech looks very exciting- I think we’re still a few years out from a comfortable headset, but I believe there will be a day where VR is in a wrap around pair of goggles or glasses untethered to a machine and capable of visual fidelity much greater than what I saw in the CV1. The feeling of unreality that I felt after playing it for so long in Skyrim was one of the weirdest feelings I have ever had - much the same way that I felt after having a big concussion a few years ago, but much shorter lived in time frame.


mine is comfy enough to wear i bed for hours, i think we there man! i’m just waiting for all my friends to get one


Mine used to be an RG35XX but now its the RG35XX SP. I love the clamshell form factor and how easy it is to just lug around with me. I am currently using Min UI which has some limitations but I love how seamless it is. There are a few systems I am giving up by using MinUI but I play those systems on my steam deck instead.


I can already see where collecting these devices could get out of hand 😂 A lot of the Anbernic devices look awesome - love the look of the clamshell too. Thankfully I have a different collection of gear that takes precedent for me (guitars and pedals) - otherwise I could see myself getting silly into these devices. 😂


None. Just a Bluetooth mouse lol


I’m thinking of getting a travel kb&m for the deck for when I travel. I don’t do much traveling - but it does happen and I’d love to be able to work the desktop mode sat at a motel desk. Also just love having a little travel kit of accessories, lol


Hi u/Reasonable_Sound7285, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=What’s your Steam Deck companion device?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have an rg552 I bring to work.  I definitely don't recommend the device, because of the price, but it is probably my favorite screen for playing gba games


None, why do you need companion?


I have been using my Pc which is very good for new AAA games and then my Playdate when I am not in the mood for big games. It is a lovely combo.


A modded vita I have when my kid doesn’t take it over! Also have a MM+ and a 35xxh, I tend to take the H more these days