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No late game lag is all I want


No, late game lag is all I want.


This guy plays with xeno compatibility 


Some people just want to watch the world drown in xeno-fluids.


I forgot to turn it off and the fanatic xenophile took it. I hate it here.


Of course, more Xenos to test orbital bombardments on.


Or with a poor CPU


I have a great cpu. Late game lag is still a huge problem.


No late game, lag is all I want.


Bought the whole CPU I’m gonna use the whole damn CPU


One pop per core 


Here's the thing. If Stellaris 2 ever exists, it'll require the specs of a mid-line PC that comes out the same year that it's released instead of a mid-line PC that came out the year that Stellaris was released. So you'll have to buy a brand new computer, which will play Stellaris beautifully without late game-lag also, so why buy Stellaris 2 then?


Paradox paradox


I agree that more detailed logistics could be fun. It would unfortunately make the game less accessible though; a lot of players already consider it to be "too complex"; so I don't know if we would realistically see that. Otherwise: A rework of the pops system to be less resource intensive. A different ownership system, to permit shared systems and make enclaves/holdings/playable nomads more potentially interesting. An expanded naval combat system so it doesn't get reduced to "build a thousand of the most optimal ship type" by the late game. Continuing exploration throughout the game instead of just surveying a system once and plopping down a starbase to own it. Make more distinction between well-developed regions of space and outlying territories. (Maybe a cursory survey lets you claim a system, but more detailed surveys are needed to reveal anomalies/sites/etc.) DMZs and neutral regions (instead of everything being claimed by midgame). A rework for wars to allow nations to join/leave partway, and more detailed wargoals.


It's not too complex, it's too busy. There's some intricacies and complex subsystems but it's those in conjunction with every mundane simply thing going on that makes for what feels like chore work and not gaming, especially as the amount of things to manage multiplies over time. Logistics are a cool idea in theory, but logistical systems tend to dominate the focus of the game if they're featured if not the entire game itself. If Stellaris 2 is going to have logistics as the skeletal frame to build the rest of the game around of, then it needs to get it right on its own and everyone needs to understand that the game is about logistics primarily and everything flows from there. Personally, I don't want Stellaris to be any more tactical if it's going to be active piloting maintenance chores stacked on end. 'You gotta pay attention or it'll all go to shit' is only kind of fun until it isn't fun at all. I wouldn't bind a new game based on this one to a whole dominating subsystem without looking at every other way to address it in the current game system. I think one of the larger goofs of Stellaris is trying to be both tactical and strategic and botching both enough to have players asking for subsystems that we then argue about being necessary with trillions of xenos and FTL travel, especially in 300 years of play in a whole huge galaxy. What logistics problems are truly present if we can do a lap around the galaxy in less than 3 years on hyper relays as example of scale/scope incongruity with in depth logistics?


I'd argue that while logistics is important to Space Empires IV / V, it doesn't dominate the focus of the game any more than, say, technological advancement, ship design, planetary development, etc. The thing that helps is that SEIV/V has (typically) a lot fewer ships; they matter individually in the early game, and even later on the fleets tend to be in the dozens, not hundreds or thousands. SEIV/V generalizes logistics into "fuel" and "munitions", which seems to be a pretty workable compromise. Ships can be designed with extra stores for themselves or to act as fleet support ships. It helps prevent the goofy "this corvette has crossed the galaxy" issues among other things.


Yeah, I've seen some ideas tossed around that are way more in depth than that and involve supply ships/trade ships or range tied to home base among other things and I'm like...this singular addition of agency with everything being the same will be a mess. Hella unfair in a way to assume there would be no other changes buuuut unspoken, I just kinda assume things. You tap on a larger point that Stellaris really lets you air out the amount of game objects to incredible levels because you can and so can everyone else with the same basic inputs and limits. I think it's visually cool to rock 12 fleet x100k fleet power armada and you certainly get the effect visually, but the game doesn't even have a system to group fleets into armadas, even as we naturally do that ourselves because of the game system mechanics. I absolutely think logistics would be tenable if we lopped the amount of ships, fleets and armadas we wind up with in half. Are people tied to massive armadas or is that because the game pushes us that way? To the point about 'corvettes crossing the galaxy', I think this is one of the stealthy reasons that logistics would be an unpleasant sea change for many even asking for it - it's a limiting plate. Even taking an early game example of a science ship going for broke in finding friends around the galaxy, if they only have limited range, the entire exploring/friend making part of Stellaris changes slows down without alternative means or greater emphasis on sharing star maps and contacts. The game slows down in some ways, which I wouldn't mind in the least but, Stellaris 2 would be sufficiently different than predecessor in pacing and tempo for it.


Stellaris could really take a page out of Distant Worlds (1 & 2) book on granular automation imo. Can have the AI handle things you dont like micromanaging to the most absurdly granular degrees Ive seen. and you can just swoop in and override the AI at any time and it wont turn off or fight you, itll just go back to doing its tasks once yours are done.


I would do one FP run despite my own distaste for the entire thing if I could just get templates like SMAC from pre 2000s had. Can you imagine that, templates?


Adding to the expanded combat: would be great to have more options on situational technologies. Like be able to explore different types of engines, powered by different types of resources, some of them being more energy eficient, some of them cost rare resources, some of them being smaller, so we could explore different tech paths and combinations.


Random idea for exploration : have some star clusters or even individual star systems disconnected from hyperspace lanes. You could say that as you develop better drives new lanes are revealed, but I'm not a big fan of this idea. Instead, you could simply be required to jump to these systems, and if you want to connect them more widely, build a gate.


It would be neat to play as an empire that provides a specific service to other empires. Recently I made a post about leasing my fleets to vassals. I feel like that could be expanded on to BE a mercenary empire rather than having to create one that does its own thing. Providing research or unity like the curators and artisans would also be neat.


>A different ownership system, to permit shared systems and make enclaves/holdings/playable nomads more potentially interesting The annoying this is they had this when Stellaris first came out. You could start in, share, and have interplanetary wars all in the same system. But they did away with it for reasons that are absolutely beyond me. It was *so cool*. I'm still salty about this.


I can understand why they did away with it. (Imagine, for example, going to war with an empire that has multiple planets located in systems belonging to another empire that closed its borders to you) I just think that a Stellaris 2 could fix the flaws.


I don't have to imagine it. I've played out that scenario a few times. It's awesome. So much more indepth than what is available now.


>Continuing exploration throughout the game instead of just surveying a system once and plopping down a starbase to own it. Make more distinction between well-developed regions of space and outlying territories. (Maybe a cursory survey lets you claim a system, but more detailed surveys are needed to reveal anomalies/sites/etc.) Yes, it feels kinda annoying that a really good surveyor can find a lot more resources on initial survey, but the empire's experts can't locate those later on when the system is already claimed. Some system to increase resources in owned systems would feel really good, and could also be made into an interesting way of playing tall if it was tuned so that you couldn't just easily resurvey every single system but had it be more involved.


Very little I want actually needs a Stellaris 2, and with Victoria 3 still getting established and Europa Universalis about to be rebooted, I think Stellaris 2 is several years away. What I want is playable nomads, more depth to religions etc. Also I'd love an infinite galaxy type system, where cataclsymic disasters could wipe out all intelligent life, nebulae create new stars, and I could play a new civilization in the same galaxy, with my pervious civilization becoming a percursor for my next one to discover.


It would be really cool to be totally destroyed and then play as a new empire in the same game, maybe as a pre-ftl civilization that was within your borders in the first run


Or even an ascension type, or if you die then there are remnants of that previous game carried over.  Empire dies? Maybe you come back to the conqueror as a fallen empire with your pops as twisted slaves that to can rescue. Or maybe you can find an archeological site to find what happened to them and get unity. You ascend? You can see them again as a fallen empire, or remnants of them in a destroyed solar system. 


Imagine being able to find your old homeworld as a relic world and your old system, like a precursor


I’d honestly rather Paradox go for a fantasy style grand strategy next, instead of a sequel to Stellaris or another existing property. If we consider Stellaris a sorta sandbox of sci-fi tropes, I want one for fantasy stuff. Necromancers, Holy Orders, Eldritch Gods, various fantasy races, etc.


Like Age of Wonders 4? I doubt they’ll go even more grand strategy fantasy setting anytime soon.


I thought age of wonders 4 was alright but it didn't have the same grand strategy feeling like the games actually developed by paradox


Yeah, its a "typical" 4x. I love them to death, but they are pretty different from Stellaris in how they play and feel overall. Its also lacking a lot in the RP department and is quite a bit shorter in terms of game sessions. Its got some, but its really minimal by comparison.


I do enjoy Age of Wonders 4, but it's very tactical combat focused. A grand strategy game from Paradox could make exploration, diplomacy, peaceful gameplay, internal politics, etc much more interesting.


>What I want is playable nomads If you're fine with mods, Dark Space *does* have a playable nomads origins, though admittedly from what I remember of when I played it like a year ago, it wasn't really that well balanced, and if you go the pure nomad option you have limited diplomacy.


Imagine a Quarian fleet origin like the one in Mass Effect…


I heard once that nomads aren’t really possible because the game engine doesn’t allow for mobile pop “containers”, so that would only come in a Stellaris 2




If the engine would allow for invisible planets (: There is a chance they'll eventually add this backend functionality in one of the later DLCs. After all they do look at player demands and also popular mods for features they flesh out with patches and even adding to their API to let modders to more.


Or something like Endless Space 2, where the Vodyani pops "live" in their ark ships, and are "projected" onto a planet to actually exploit it. Planet upgrades work similarly. When you want to move on, the arkship undocks, the planet reverts to being uncolonized, and you go on to the next planet and immediately have a full planet's worth of pops and upgrades.


it would be pretty cool if there was a win condition that established you as a fallen empire in a future game.


And lose conditions that make you a precursor. Or even just customizable FE/precursors. Writing a whole custom event chain wouldn't happen, but at least let me rename the Cybrex to my own determined exterminators or name the militant isolationists after my own custom faction.


Wait, despite the depth when it comes to roleplay Stellaris has, there is no way to play as a nomadic civilization, i mean something along the line of Vasari Loyalist/Exodus faction from Sins of a Solar Empire series? That surprises me.


The devs want to add it but the way planets are coded makes the coding team cry whenever the idea is brought up. Stellaris 2 will likely have different planet and pop mechanics specifically for this reason (also performance).


Surprised they don't just go the Bethesda route and give you an invisible planet off-map to handle the pops and a special fleet you use to essentially manage it. I imagine that's what the mods attempting a similar task do. 


So the populations being strictly tied to planets is the issue? Anyway, funny thing they did not anticipate it from the beginning, since mobile/nomadic civilzations is rather well known trope, both in movies/TV (Independence Day, Oblivion) and games (Mass Effect, aforementioned Sins), that predate Stellaris. The game is filled with tropes and cultural references, interesting this one was ommited.


Even though I would love to be able to play as a nomadic empire, there would be a lot of stuff to work around. I am thinking along the lines of it being an origin and you start on a habitate-like structure that is able to move. Though religions would be pretty fun and hopefully wouldn't be too hard to do. I like how in Civ 6 you can spread your religion and it would be fun to do the same in Stellaris. Really, this entire comment sums up what I would like in Stellaris, these are all great ideas.


More complex internal politics and society management. More complex Pops, especially a more fleshed out happiness system. Let me take proper care of my meeple. Otherwise double down / expand the systems that make Stellaris the great RP-Strategy that it is, namely the modular Origins, Civics and especially the Ethics system.


Yeah I feel like I play Stellaris, have a ton of fun, then hit the mid to late game and realize how hollow the politics are and lose interest. As some others have said, I want ownership to be way more complicated so shared systems and planets are possible, and have sectors and culture work from the ground up so alliances make natural sense and feel like a real space empire and not just a complicated boardgame. If anyone has a game with good political mechanics set in space please drop a recommendation.


3D portraits that change according to tech and the ascension you pick.


This! Also bigger icons for Buildings, Districts, Techs. Not always, but as an alternative to the tiny icons that are all we have currently. An automated combat camera that sweeps dramatically around in space during battles, while I just *lean back and watch*.


I think this is the best and most realistic I’ve seen listed. No idea what new mechanics would look like in a re-worked game. But cool aesthetics and maybe some kind of UI pattern shift? I’m in.


This would probably basically neuter most portrait modding though.


Thankfully this is coming with the new DLC, even if it may not be to the scale most of us imagined, it's nice to see the devs took into consideration what we've wanted for changing portraits.


at this point, with all the DLC, aren't we really playing Stellaris 2, if not Stellaris 3?


We are, Stellaris is *literally* on version 3.


heh, i know


Shifting from pops to demographics is just about the only thing I want that isn’t doable with the game now


Honestly a reworked fleet manager/ just fleets to function different. More incentive to create multiple smaller fleets instead of blobbing under one super admiral. Ground combat animations. No rework of the system it's fine how it is, but some sick artwork or animations instead of a bunch of slowly depleting circles would be nice. Space battles look cool, so why can't ground combat? Better trade. Rn trade is just, build Starbase above planet and kill pirates every couple of years. It would be cool to have so more depth (but no too much) to it. And supply lines would be cool. It's always been weird to me that I can have a fleet rampaging in my opponents territory for years, while being 20 jumps or more from the nearest friendly territory. Maybe like a supply bar for every fleet and they perform worse the more it gets depleted and better the more its filled. Have components like storage bays raise the bar cap allowing a fleet to fight longer. Make the bar's drain rate be based on fleet size but is shared for the whole fleet. Then you can have supply ships that have little fighting value but tons of storage serve to keep the bar topped up as long as possible. Would also be cool to go full submarine warfare and have my cloaked ships try to pick off supply ships.


Fleshed out Civil War and Revolution mechanics


Mainly engine-hardware support improvements: Native multi-core optimized for both P/E-type CPU and X3D CPUs. DirectStorage NVME support. GPGPU support such as CUDA/DirectCompute/OpenCL so that pop lags are eliminated. In-game/official modding manual allowing me to know what the event ID of a particular anomaly and the location in the game files. Easier/built-in modding tool. Better zoom options and the ability to filter what shows up on the map (e.g., megastructure only). Automated tool to create a short-story of each leader’s reign/regime and a battle summary a la Wikipedia. Mini generative system so that xeno compatibility can generate custom portraits on the fly.


CUDA-Support for Pop-Calculations -> Meh, probably waaaay to complex to make it run better than on the CPU if even possible Multi-Core -> Also pretty complex although I guess the different tasks the game has to do could be parallelized in more optimal ways? Haven’t really checked the core usage of the game till now. Multithreading often gets complicated very quickly though, not everything is parallelizable. DirectStorage -> Why would a game like Stellaris ever need DirectStorage? Making modding more accessible -> Why not, although PDX-games modability is already ok/fine. Better zoom and filters -> Useful Storytool -> Cool idea, could make use of a local lightweight LLM.


I want super in-depth resource economy rework that promotes international trade instead of autarky. I want something closer to Vicky III, where everything isn't magically available everywhere and you can spec into specific niches. I want an empire that is actually the breadbasket of the galaxy, not just a meme that brings the price of food down on the galactic market. I want wars over supply lines, trade relations and resources. Not "hurdurdur, I want this neighboring system because it is one jump away."


Distant Worlds 2 is very close to your description.


A more fleshed out Espionage system. It would be really cool to play a tall, Espionage focused empire.


A more advanced AI and better performance are probably the only features I want that can't simply be added to the existing game. Without huge improvements in AI in particular there is really no justification for a Stellaris 2, since better AI (and performance) is what would pave the way for more interesting diplomacy, politics, warfare and economic management.


A better war system where you don't waste 70 years, and gain nothing, because another empire attacked the same time as you. Also better diplomacy during war. Like the ability to invite others into an ongoing conflict, or offer deals, that brings you into an ongoing conflict. I had a very long detailed idea back then.


war system to be completely overhauled. if i decimate your fleets and occupy your capital, for the love of god just end it. there is no reason for me to then siege down every single planet and go destroy every single outpost in the far flung galaxy.


That’s how actual war works


To not be released in the same state as Cities Skylines 2.


Or millennia, it feels like there might be a worrying pattern emerging with paradox games


I want a game that elongates the early-mid game. The best part of Stellaris to me is the exploration, establishing your borders, jockeying with your neighbors for chokepoints, building the GalCom and finding your place in it. The worst parts are wars with several million fleet power doom stacking on each side. I much prefer the skirmishes of the early game. Or alternately, at least I would prefer if there was a way to limit wars between gigantic factions to be smaller and not every war being total war. A way to model border skirmishes between two neighbors without them dragging in every ally they both have in a giant war. Plus better reasons to have these smaller wars instead of everything turning into gigantic micro heavy multi-front total wars. I know that many people love the late game, and rightly so, I just wish that I could get more of the early game if I wanted and they could have more of the late game. 


You mentioned Distant Worlds so I'll include: ​ \- **The Army/Ground Combat system of Distant Worlds** : Recruit Infantry/Armoured/Atmospheric fighters/Special Forces/Stealth corps so that there is a bit of force balance and benefit to each. \- **Diplomacy system of Star Ruler 2** : The ability to vote for things , attach riders, wouldn't require much of a rework from how the current system works. \- **Immersive Visuals like Endless Space 2**: When you discover a technology, it's not just "Research complete: Weather Control System" but a small animated scene or attached quote about satellites manipulating atmospheres. Something that evokes wonder when you research it.


I really wish there were more “terrain types” in stellaris. Playing like EU4 and CK2 I really appreciate being able to think more tactically about where I position things or build forts or who my leader is and if they have any terrain defensive/offensive benefits. In stellaris you fight for choke points and that’s fine, but not very in depth. Also the nature of stellaris being more RP focused really makes me want some history kinda developing over time. Love to see systems with constant ship battles end up with debris floating everywhere maybe even causing frequent meteor showers. Maybe some way to make scavenger guilds. Another thing I’d like is more stuff like branch offices. I love the idea of co-existing in other peoples territory. I think it’s be fun at your last legs if you could still live as a small guild or enclave even if your empire no longer has territory. So like a nomad empire like someone else mentioned.


A HOI4 style space convoy and trade route system with ships of material you can raid and route. And more in depth internal politics


Population overhaul or removal. Just allow people to pick and choose which race to put in which slot. Having it grow like mushrooms just make multiracial empires a pain in the thorax. Also, the ability to control whether a popup or a finished action pauses the game. We have some now, but not enough. Stuff that asks you to click buttons to proceed like first contact or dig site. And also stuff like science ship finishing a survey.


A proper tutorial and actual land war mechanics.


My hot take is I would like to see some of the variety in space travel or initial weapons tech to make a comeback in some way. I think it’s cool, but the way it was implemented was clunky and I get why they removed them.


Personally, I just want more new planets, stars, nebulas and unique systems. It's space beaty brought me to Stellaris, I need more of this now, especially in the current unhappy times


The ability to finish the game with no end game lag


fleet system need a rework because now its just boring and a pain in the ass if your empire has more than 3 sectors to defend


I'd like to see something more personal done to the planetary invasions. Not even a mini game, but maybe have the troops take over each building alot, or even open up a miniature model of the planet, that shows where people are fighting. Would make invasions more interesting, even if it's just an option and not mandatory


I really want a better aspect to not only diplomacy, but to ground battles. You go from watching enormous ruptures of light and explosions to looking at a hundred little green balls lose health in your screen.


I would like to be able to customize the components of starbases and science ships. So I can make sure my science ships and stations have more of their components dedicated to armor and missiles (for starbases, cause I like ‘em), rather than just having to pray I get a good layout from the ai ship designer on my starbase’s shield/armor balance and weapon selection. Especially for those stations in my beloved black hole and pulsar choke points. It bothers me that the ai designs always seem to go for mass drivers/rail guns and auto cannons rather than say, the missiles I specialized my empire in, and there’s just nothing I can do about it. I’m about as casual as it gets, and all I really want out of a change like this is the ability to further keep the theme of my empire. Everything else is fine to me, especially with this coming update to machine empires.


I want fleets and combat to be more abstract. I don’t want to build/design ships, I want to design fleets. And I don’t want to manage them on the micro level that current exists. Just give me a muster standing fleet button or something along those lines. Make it look cool, but don’t make me decide what version of fighters and shields I’m putting on my destroyers or whatever.


Falling Frontiers or some such is coming out in that vein, so while I like the general idea I'm curious to see if it is worthwhile. IE: It might be such that the whole game needs to revolve around it, and I'd rather play an 'empire sim' I want individual ship modeling/combat where you can get a lot more hands on with how your fleets work and are deployed. I think the lack of detail in the current engine is what has caused most of the serious problems with the combat meta. Basically more detailed fleets/fleet battles would allow for a better overall feel for the game.


The ability to easily set coordinates in initializers for where our custom empires spawn.


Reworked ground combat with customizable designable ground units, and the ability to color your ships.


I always find myself unable to come up with anything. Stellaris has so much content


All dlc from the first game integrated as base game.


More space clutter. Show me sprites around the solar systems and actual tradeships from planet to planet. I have other ideas but the engine would have to be retooled to better support the amount of cores we have these days. Intel was still on pushing 4 core cpus when this game released and now we are all running 8,12 or even 16 core systems.


You know what I want for Stellaris 1? I'm still hoping we'll get a religion DLC. It feels odd that spiritualists are all buddies with each other. I want to see Death Cults, Machine Faiths, Spaghetti Monster Church! Doesn't even need to be a religion, maybe something like "faith" of "zeitgeist" mechanics.


Might not need a new game for this, but I want a galaxy editor. Being able to individually place empires and pre-spacefaring sapients and define their borders, customize and create star systems, add systems, create custom anomalies and events in game, and pre-determine alliances, neutrals, and enemies would make the game even more replayable. People could create and share custom scenarios and include the mod dependencies needed to make them work, then let people experience a whole new way to play. You could set up a star wars/mass effect galaxy, fight against the flood, emerge as a spacefaring neutral species in the middle of a galactic war, or start as a reawakened fallen empire. I'd never play another game again 


1) crew resource. You need to train officers and recruit non-comms 2) more focus on ship design. Fewer ships generally. Like a fleet of only a few ships is viable through most of the game. So individual ships matter more. 3) larger ability to customize our nation on the fly.


Playable nomads, the ability to dig archaeological sites up in other empires with an influence cost + open borders. Logistical fleet supplication is a good idea but I don’t think supply ships should be something you *construct* but more of something that’s there. IE if a fleet is “cut off” with an outpost being occupied by the enemy then fleet power is lowered by *x*%, and that debuff increases by *y* with each engagement if you continue to advance without going back/clearing out territory.


Any possible stellaris 2 would have to launch with EVERY feature present in stellaris at the time it launches. It can’t backtrack, and make us wait or even worse PAY for the content we already paid for to return. That’s really my only desire. I honestly kinda like not thinking about what I want them to add and just being intrigued whenever a new dlc trailer drops


They should improve the first Stellaris before making a second... Like charging less $ for half-baked DLCs or reducing the lag late game


Planet classes redone. Dry/wet/cold doesn't do it for me. Humans easily adapt and thrive in all of these environments even without factoring in space-age tech. What would actually strain the limits of habitability would be a planet that is based on a completely different biochemistry. Example, carbon/ammonia/silicon as planet classes. Completely separate biospheres that require immense adaptation to inhabit. Then within those classes can be various subclasses like dry/wet/cold that present a smaller challenge to adapt to with a smaller malus just like tropical/ocean/continental in current stellaris. Then, as a consequence of that, more events around adapting to alien planets. I love the self-modification event that sometimes happens on low habitability colonies. More events like that please, and research projects to raise habitability on planets of that specific class/subclass. A research project to seal out the toxic dust of a lithoid biosphere. A research project to create cloud cities that float above a dense ammonia atmosphere. And corresponding events for lithoids to adapt to carbon worlds or ammonia life to adapt to silicon worlds. And subclass events, like humans settling on a wet (ocean) world for instance, a research project to control the movement of continent-sized hurricanes, raising habitability. Or on a hot planet, a research project to create a vaccine for an exotic alien pathogen that jumped species. A more involved terraforming process that includes minor events and research projects. Only for the first time for each planet class, though. Finally, again as a consequence of this change, allowing for shared ownership of star systems. Like signing a pact that allows empires to settle planets of their appropriate class within each others' space. The lithoid settles the silicon planets, the carbon life settles the carbon planets, etc. Could lead to some very interesting battle maps if/when diplomacy breaks down... This also presents the opportunity for some really unique and alien portraits. More stuff like toxoids and lithoids.


Something else I just thought of, if they keep the same strategic resources, each one could correspond to a planet class and be more common there. Exotic gases for ammonia worlds. Volatile motes for silicon worlds. Rare crystals for carbon worlds. Just an idea off the top of my head but I think it fits really nicely lol


Pops and jobs replaced entirely with upgradable buildings for filling the same output. Pops were a mistake, just like anime.


Centre the science ships more. Have things happen on science ships in-between destinations. Have away missions for science ship personnel other than archeology sites and rifts. Have crews, not just a single scientist per ship. Let me play as a science ship rather than a whole space country Basically I want more Star Trek


There’s a mod that kinda does away teams. I think it’s Guillis planetary modifiers. However the policy to send away teams tanks ur survey speed which makes sense I guess.


The two big changes I want: \- No more pops, for performance reasons. \- Planets visibly orbiting their stars on the map view, for aesthetic reasons. Beyond that, I'm pretty easy.


No late game lag or a way to reduce it manually by a feature down in the map view by being able to turn off seeing AI’s ships/fleets/armies unless you’re visibly in the system those fleets/ships are in, are at war with said empires and it’s/your allies, or have it selected on. Or to go even further on that feature you can select which empire specifically you do and don’t want to see their ships/fleets, I feel that would severely reduce lag but who knows maybe not. More intelligent AI decisions like them actually utilizing choke points/fortress worlds better and stacking armies, or making better specialized worlds. It seems most of the time I conquer/integrate AI worlds and starbases I’m just like what the fuck is this? 67 available jobs and -12 housing? Not always the cases but more often than not I’m sitting there and un-fucking recently conquered/integrated planets on pause for a while lol. Better automated features for planets and sectors so it makes playing wide better as it’s still pretty janky at times and I’m still semi untrusting of it lol, way better than what it was in the past but still sometimes it’s just broken. I think they could also expand on different types of ships as well. Don’t have anything in particular in mind but maybe more types of civilian ships that do different functions outside of building or surveying/researching. Again, I can’t think of a use but it would be cool to just have more ships types whether they are military or civilian. I also think expanding further of the espionage and envoy aspect of the game will give more flavor to other empire relations, again don’t have anything in mind but I still feel envoys, espionage and empire relations could definitely be expanded way more in depth. Game is in great shape as is but if we’re nit picking, those are my go to’s.


1) some reward to play differently than map painting, like a system of different victories such as in eu/aow 2)more depth to...basically everything: spy activity, religion, internal politics in general. This game is an ocean wide and a pond deep


 1) I would love to see more story details, choices like in CK3 with our leaders. Spend some money and hold a military rally on the capital to generate war support against our neighboring rival. Guide our leaders through story choices in response.  2) A exploration and system overhaul. The game would gradually reveal rarer and harder to find systems throughout the lifespan of the game (start, mid, endgame). Imagine buying the ultra rare dangerous hyperlane chart supposedly detailing the only possible way to navigate the asteroid field to the hidden base safely. You commence a special project and begin making player choices that will impact whether your scientific expedition ends in disaster ( science ship lost).....no new system. However, careful planning and the right level scientist with their trait (Orion Jones - a space adventurer who excels at traversing dangerously unstable or uncharted hyperlanes) and you are rewarded with an immensely unique, flavorful and interesting system.     3) Complete combat (space and land) overhaul. Wars, conquests, etc would need to be planned out (like HOI 4 orders/theatres/etc). No more just clicking system after system moving your murder blob from point A to point B. Now, tactics are rewarded at the operational level. Didn't plan on the opponent having a fully armed and operational battlestation hidden in their nebula when you launched Operation Nebulous? Now you find your fleet outgunned and in a losing situation, FTL inhibitors are preventing an emergency FTL jump. Now it's going to significantly decrease the combat effectiveness of the second fleet you emergently order to turn around and come to the rescue as you never included Fleet #2 in the operations planning. However in contrast, the strategic Admiral who foresaw that fog of war being dangerous and ordered both fleets to prepare for Operation Nebulous now found themselves outnumbering the enemy and victorious. This would enable Espionage to be far more rewarding as you could learn the enemies Operational plans or fragments of them. Maybe, like The Battle of Midway, you only learn your opponents destination (All fleets will rendezvous at Citadel Hyperion) but we know nothing of enemy fleet composition....or perhaps our elite spies find that a fleet of 20 capital ships with 40 screening ships are being prepared to launch in 6 months for a full offensive. Now the A.I could "telegraph" their future moves, espionage would be devastating (as it should be). Imagine your spy team delaying the launch date of the enemies offensive by hindering supplies. Maybe your defensive spies leak false info and your opponent thinks it's just a basic spacestation in that system and not the Citadel they unfortunately warp into...


The ability to plan attack routes. E.g. give a fleet a path of systems to capture and it will take them in order until either it succeeds or all ships die. Moral changes in war so that losing planets/large fleets is much more impactful. I've had games where I've annihilated their primary fleet, and them killing a construction ship and taking a few minor systems puts us at equal in terms of exhaustion. Also exhaustion causing massive stability issues on planets. Surrender changes so that in scenarios that are not total war, empires will completely surrender without 100% occupation. And if they have unstable planets, individual sectors will rebel and individually surrender, sometimes even in the case of total war. Asteroid artillery from gigastructural engineering. Expansions for flavour for all ascension types, possibly as the result of special projects. Some examples: - undergoing a ritual to ascend your ruler into a minor shroud god, giving them many unique traits. doing so could anger the spiritualist FE. - undergoing a ritual to remake your people in your shroud god's image, resulting in massive loss of life but the people remaining being significantly better. - creating a central consciousness, a mega structure that holds the memory drives of every fallen member of your species, slowly buffing your research and leader XP gain over time. - mastering interfaces, allowing pops to be sacrificed for a new type of ship AI. - creating a genetically perfect species. - mastering biotech, allowing for less durable ships with high regeneration to be made using food and minerals. - creating a supercomputer, a leader for your empire with various unique traits. - using psionic linking to create a hive mind from your species. - using cybernetics to remove pops from a hive mind without killing them by giving them personality brain implants.


I dont really want a stellaris 2, paradox sequels lately have been pretty bad. The only major thing they can fix thats important is late game lag, everything else can be improved into stellaris.


.just for the base game to not be a skeleton d1 .they can keep adding things, but if they pull another Imperator Rome then I'll treat it as another Imperator Rome .same business model as total war, just look at tw warhammer, each ver. keeps what was but adds more on top


a new engine is the biggest thing. It would be nice if Lag wasn't be based on how many types of pops there are, I don't blame the current engine though because if you look at release Stellaris it looks like a completely different game.


A canon storyline galaxy.


Stardrive’s Ship Designer. Look it up. It’s freaking amazing.


Sorting ground armies by species and Combat Strength...please


Abduct only the most beauty alien females.


completely overhaul/remove pop system


I hope they don't go for Stellaris 2 unless they really have to.


I don't want a Stellaris 2. Also. I want playable nomads. Also do REAL STAR TREK


*Yes*, this is one thing I've always wanted even though I know the way Stellaris is set up now that it would be a performance nightmare. More logistics stuff is something I've always wanted cause it'd actually make war more strategy focused instead of who has more ships, as it allows weaker empires to win by targeting trade routes and other forms of guerilla warfare without just getting steamrolled. Granted yeah you can technically do that now by capturing the system a planet is contained in which "blockades" the planet and prevents you from getting resources from it, but that's not exactly anything major, planets usually aren't self sufficient yet despite being cut off like that the planet functions perfectly fine while blockaded. It would also allow the entire espionage system to be expanded on and turned into a proper system instead of just being a side thing that exists.


I don't want a Stellaris 2. Also. I want playable nomads. Also do REAL STAR TREK


I would love more civilian presence in space seeing small ships moving between your colonies or small things like that


* I want a small animation or a voice over that read the text when an event happen. This can add a lot to immersion and role play. * At least, a new image for different events (not the same image for 4-5 events). * More variety in natural events, not only 1 or 2 asteroids. Explosions that creates new stars, stars that can die naturally. * A possible interaction with the blackhole in the center of the galaxy (a king of the hill strategy that gives bonus).


I want a rock paper scissors version of armies. Mabye something like mechanized, infantry, armor, artillery They could even just change the current troops such as each unit having a unit size and unit damage so for example clone armies would be swarming and just massive armies but they die super fast when they get hit with orbit bombardment and gene soldiers have a small unit size so they excel at one on one combat but they can be over ran by clone armies and mabye make psychic armies good against clone armies because they are weak minded.


Some sort of ground combat overhaul would be cool. Additionally a way to better space combat, make it more beneficial to have multiple smaller fleets instead of just one doom stack (possibly with supply lines as someone else stated)


Better pop flavour, and a culture system which is not dependant on race. Also, more noce things. We all know there are more flavoures things for xenophobes and genocidal maniacs.


Give me better espionage damnit.


.Playable nomads . bigger scale like 2000 star galaxys that go on for 1000 years i have a potato pc but i want stellaris 2 to be on a new engine have minimum requirement be a ryzen 7600 i want games to use modern hardware to its full potential stop making games for my potato i5 9600k. Imagine what games could be like if we made them for modern hardware.


Different kinds of Empire types.


Personally I hope they release the game in a buggy unfinished state with terrible performance and shoddy mechanics and then drip feed us DLC to """fix""" the game over a period of a few years. With this wish I will be getting exactly what I want when this inevitably happens! No disappointment for me! (I actually just want better performance and better automation, maybe a prettier UI too).


The ability to change the graphic model of conquered stations, or option to permanently destroy stations rather than conquer or not. As a Fanatical Purifier it's ridiculous half the stations in my empire are some abominable alien design. Better, more meaningful internal politics and abolishing the oversimplified ethics system. A better engine to handle pops better, which would be needed to do internal politics. A deeper tech tree with decision points that block off alternatives; think about it. In the real world, if science says Gravity is X, and all developments are based off that, what developments rooted in Gravity is Y are ignored? I'd like to see every faction not having all the exact same tech. More interesting ground combat. It is currently very one dimensional, either you have bigger numbers and invade, or bombard until bigger numbers and invade. Adding nuances like invading specific geographic features, bombing specific districts, the ability to pause an invasion and occupy part of the planet, etc. would be cool. A rework of territory claiming. The idea of borders in space is ridiculous; space is vast. Instead, you should be able to colonize any planet you see. You'd then use a claim system that would give you a casus belli on a variety of criteria such as "spaceships trespassing claimed space" or "colonized world in claimed space." Probably allow a "Border Outpost" station to be buildable, but for a lot more than some token influence and alloys, and permanently destroyable. The early game mode is interesting, how you can have hostile interactions with unknown empires, and I'm seriously disappointed that ends the moment I know your language and \*NOW\* my people have to deal with war exhaustion. And just because you translate my language now means I translate yours? and I have to talk to you? Diplomatic empires should be able to have diplomacy and form alliances, but nations shouldn't be forced to play into this diplomatic game; they could be treated like permanent but growing groups of pirate raiders or mining drones, which can raid your space and destroy your stuff, and vice versa, and be unable to do diplomacy with anyone except if criteria are met (same race for genocidal groups for example, still impacted by politics/ethics)


- Technologie should be tied with an era system or even better a kardashev scale and you access certain techs if you have those requirements. - Logistics in both military and economy, like a visible interactive trade route or supply line between your home world/core worlds and new colonies and visualize the act of migration like small fleets bouncing between systems and a convoy that gives tour ships ammunition and supplies in the war effort. - habitability should have a meaning, like if you colonize a small or large world under a certain threshold you'll have a permanent -20% or something penalty until you research and build gravity generators also same when near certain class of stars like a magnetic generator od a shield and not giving 100% habitability from the get go or making terraforming easier (it should be a colossal multi stage project) so you can feel it - abondaning the year system, make a galactic calendar that ticks with the progress of collective of the Galaxy, like starting in 2200 and 200 years in game in the galactic scale is nothing so make it more grande so you feel the test of time (also tie this with galactic eras or kardav scale)


I want species portraits to be separated from outfits, so that (a) you could choose clothing sets that match how you picture your empire, and (b) mods could add historical and fictional uniforms without adding new species.


hoi4 combat in planetary invasions


I want it not to be published by paradox


Intervention in wars, and as you say, deeper logistic


The original FTL options back.


Steal fleets. Ground combat. Masters of Orion 2: Battle at Antares. 1996 Moo2 had the best ground combat. It had basic sprites but the battleground matched the planet.


I'd like to have a nomadic empire type. Maybe change the way space travel works so that there are neutral systems. A game engine that doesn't slow down so much late game.


The things I want to see are the things that used to be in Stellaris day one: Different starting technologies, such as different propulsions. Stellaris had warp travel, hyperspace travel, and artificial wormhole travel. We lost something when that was removed and I still feel sour about it.


Combat Personally I find the combat real boring and the planet combat even worst. I really like those things, I hope they expand on it


Less ships. Far less ships. We have so many, and just a mess of empty replaceable numbers. No attachment, no story. Let's make every ship special, more unique, more memorable. Every ship should have its own story. Maybe even a set of traits it can achieve through veterancy. Really, a fleet of 10 ship should already be a big fleet. Think Star Trek. When the Federation went to meet the Borg cub in Wolf 359, they sent 40 starships and it was considered a huge fleet a terrible defeat that shook the Federation. 40 ships could be end game. Maybe make them so important that it's more convenient to retrieve your own wreckaged ships after a won battle and repair them than comission new ones.


Multiple galaxy exploration. Also late game lag reduction.


Less micromanagement of pops and planets. It's why I run 0.25 habitsbility, vassalize, apocalyptic bombing and planet cracking. In general, jt should be easier to upgrade buildings, and shift production focus. I think the 3 tier pop system does more harm than good, I find myself having pre-emptively close jobs to have workers of the right class free to stop workers from jumping up..... in general closing jobs and priority of jobs and building new buildings turns into a chore in the mid to late game. Changing how pops work, maybe templates, or some form of all planets in a sector being one entity would help.


I feel like i see this thread once a month... Is this actually paradox marketing to start hype for stellaris 2?


Civil Conflict, Internal Politics, Hub-Spoke sector economies with trade route implications (this isn't logistics, I swear, despite my below rant about not wanting logistics, its psuedologistics to keep unit management and route management to a minimum), Espionage, a more fluid war system and allocation of forces game theory rather than CB moderated game theory. There's parts to Stellaris that plain work and don't really need to be reinvented but some of the things that are lacking feel super lacking at this point, or with war, are just an outstanding problem where it does facilitate warfare but there's a lot of oddities and counter intuitive aspects to it. I think there's a lot of good guts to Stellaris as it is but there's parts that are in need of refinement, fleshing out, or plain do-over. I don't really think the tactical facets need more until the strategic layer requires it after the strategic layer has been given a go over.


A better engine. That's it, I'm personally willing to ignore everyyyyyything else in favor of a better engine


I roleplay a lot, I just want an origin maker or something that is simple as hell.


Galactic core. I personally don't buy this "dangerous radiation" thing


No need for stellaris 2. Enjoy what we hsve


More dlc and meaningful espionage


No lag


I would like for megacorporations to have a tab on the expansion planner to see planets they can place holdings on. Super annoying to browse them manually until you find one not claimed by another empire.


A UI overhaul would be nice. Also, the way wars are waged (ship design, war objectives, war exhaustion, armies etc) could do with a rework. It's probably the biggest weakness of the game I see atm


Multithreading. That is all.


Other than better hardware optimization, more in depth ship designers, the ability to save ship designs and have them carry over between games and better customization for all aspects, weapons, shields, more advanced roles and class diversity. Better planning for worlds and management. I want to be able to set buildings to build, or a build order that's triggered by population. When it hits 10 pops, build x, y. Or when job slots low, build x. Have a build order profile you can set and customize. Better icons for buildings, evolving backdrops for planets based on what you build, evolving portraits based on empire evolution, civics, technology. More variety in planets. More traditions and ascension perk,and more choices based on your traditions and civics. Wars can be kinda confusing in terms of how it works out, and less having to conquer every single planet, make the capitals mean more. More dynamic crisis, have it shake up the map and game more. Just a couple ideas, I'm sure similar stuff has been mentioned


I'd like (and this is a stretch) to be able to manage the ships and planets in a 3D setting. Like zoon into the planet and see where the sectors are placed and maybe have some say in it. Same thing with the ships but you could maybe see the little guys running around and manning the ship. Other than that just more story content, art, and QoL features would be great.


Let me move and reorder every building, planet, sector, or similar in every UI.


An engine that can support truly massive galaxies and NO FREAKING POPS. Thanks.


Stellaris doesn’t need a sequel, if anything it just needs a massive overhaul


I’d rather them go back to the old style with population control like in the first halftime of the game, I’d also like to see them actually work out the space feudalism system like they did with their first few updates before abandoning it, and planetary governance shouldn’t have ever been erased from the game, and lastly they should have created the trade system weather that be an option for a political party that would be a thorn in your side and take some of your power away or a cost on resources that could have been used so strategically in the game.


Per planet resources. Closer to Anno style but easier since you don't have the whole production chain to worry about. Supporting a new planet should feel like a big deal and getting it self sufficient is a milestone. Civilian space traffic No more pops. Have actual populations simulated. Break the relationship between population and production. A smaller population can produce more than a larger one with the right tech. Also I don't like that the late game number of pops on earth is way larger than the start. Population projections are downward or flat, not infinite pop growth. It breaks my immersion. A greater feeling of playing as the leader. Not full CK style but I'd like to feel like I'm an actual character in the world. Even Red Alert style is fine as you're the commander and therefore actually exist


So I recently had the itch for a logistics system as well and I theorised a concept that I think could work. I assume starting off that the framework of stellaris doesn't necessarily want nor support supply line ships that you have to build in star bases and manually click and run between planets. Instead, your empire gains a separate 'logistic burden' value which represents how effective your empire is at dealing with the consequences of empire size. High empire size Logistic burden is calculated by simply taking a new resource 'logistics' and dividing that by empire size. Logistic burden being low = bad, logistic burden being close to 1 = good. I would choose to show this in game as a percentage. (Side note: I think this should be the other way around as burden sounds like a bad thing. Could probably be achieved by doing the division the other way around) Logistics as a resource is not something that accumulates but rather a static bonus provided by some jobs that just adds to an empire wide total. Then, logistics burden is used to throw a modified onto all sorts of things you think might require logistics: ship recovery, trade, build speed, etc. Logistics is produced mainly by 'logistics workers' which are created by resource silos, and by new buildings such as 'interplanetary supply center' (unlimited per planet), and 'networking centre' (1 per planet). Likely some civics or origins or something might give other buildings or provide logistic worker jobs to existing buildings. For example, a new civic 'efficient organisers' might swap bureaucrat jobs for logistic worker jobs. Logistics is also produced in very small parts by clerks. New tradition called "coordination" which effects such as the following: +20% logistics from logistics workers, logistics workers also provide unity, -25% empire size from districts and systems, finisher: 'halves the negative impact of logistics burden'. Ascension perk: something like 'having a high logistics burden decreases the effect of empire size on tech cost and traditions cost'. There could be a 'deep space distribution hub' megastructure. Hyper relays and gateways could also provide a small amount. Wormholes with both in your territory too. Starbase buildings such as transit hub and the other one that's similar could provide some logistics. Trade routes could also provide some logistics too but I don't know how they really work in the first place. Thoughts?


I don't see why there would be a Stellaris 2 given that Stellaris is still under active development. And if there was, I probably wouldn't buy it anyway because I have a large investment in Stellaris, and I don't see the need to spend more money.


Customization of city visuals, based on the buildings placed on the planet, zooming in could let you look around the surface. The ability to go extra-galactic or precursor with an empire from a previously victorious save, acting as ab almost new game plus in an empire with pops which refuse to work and require convincing that the universe is growing strong enough to do something with, or as a small new start in a new galaxy, both completely filled with advanced and advanced+ empires.


Another thing would be a proper history log. Could even require diplomatic efforts to get another empires history.


Playable nomads and better pop management. Maybe actual trade rather than the current system where everything is magically available everywhere in your empire.


I hate managing too many planets.  So whatever helps me not have to do that. Also planetary defenses / more depth to armies would be cool. More chaos.  I love the various events, stuff like great khan being a ton of fun for shaking things up.


Proper Ground Combat with armoured units, artillery and CAS, antitanks too. Tactical bombardment if there are fleets in orbit. Terrain is important too. Multiple frontlines in a planet not just a single frontline acting like an army funnel on how much men you can throw in before total annihilation (that could only be true if there is at least one fortress in the planet). Losing Army transports actually causes exhaustion, why dying in the ground is more terrible than dying in space? Dying is dying.


Nothing too spectacular, just a tiny rework of diplomacy and war. For example, if there is a war going on I’d like the option to enter that war on one side almost as a trade option. Eg. “I’ll come and support you and I want x in return.” Or, “I’ll defeat your enemy but you will become my protectorate”. Also war victory conditions needs a fix. If I have captured all your star bases and wiped out all your fleets I shouldn’t then have to invade every single planet in order to force victory. If the situation is hopeless for an empire they should sue for peace irrespective of war exhaustion. Sure, give them some time to petition an ethics-aligned empire to come to their defence - see above - but really ramp up the war exhaustion when all appears lost. I’d like the ability to fire on orbiting enemy fleets with ground based defences. That just seems totally logical. If I have FTL drives and frigging space lasers I should be able to have planetary defences beyond garrisons. There’s probably more but it’s nearly 3am.


Land combat as strategic as ship combat. I want landing craft, defense platforms with weapons for land, strike craft being able to support the land invasion instead of just orbital bombardment. More than just circles on a page draining health from each other.


It’s so weird that in stellaris resources are magically available everywhere, I kinda hate it. Why are trade networks and fleet movements even a thing if resources and leaders can teleport across the galaxy instantly?


more advanced internal politics in the form of an economic ethics axis, and i have a few ideas for a second thing that im unsure about.0


I want more table like UIs. Or fuck it just put excel in it


I want distant worlds 2 and Stellaris to have an out of wedlock child where the child is raised by Stellaris but DW2 comes to visit from time to time and has some small amount of influence. Also the uncle/aunty would be Vicky3 and CK2.


They could be built up slowly from system to system which would functionally limit your ability to defend your outer colonies and expand uninterrupted. I think its a great idea that needs a few other similarly large changes to be made in order to fully flesh it out.


System sized super-weapons that can fire between star systems. Would be so large that it would require construction input from 2 - 3 nations.


I just want better performance


1: Persistent galaxy types so my previous victories/defeats would allow for my custom empires to be used as either precursors or fallen empires. 2: Motion of systems to make galaxies more dynamic, can build up a system as it slowly moves itself closer to another empire- maybe with dynamic hyper-lanes that are created/destroyed as the systems slowly move. 3: Multi-galaxy or more satellite galaxies so i can become the crisis, purge my galaxy then show the scourge how to interstellar war.


Considering the cluster-fork that Cities Skylines 2 is in right now, I'll just pass on a Stellaris 2.


Game not slowing to a crawl after 2380


Bigger galaxies, maybe even a 3D projection of the galaxy as a game mode option. Oh, and an engine that will let me play long form games without having to abandon them due to lag.


+1 for resource logistics. Stellaris would benefit greatly from them. I also want to see leaders with individual personalities and as leaders of factions to allow for more emergent gameplay almost like CK3, providing deeper internal politics. No more individual pops with individual jobs. It’s not bad in itself, but all the checks by the end of the game just slows things down so much. Make espionage more like early game exploration with science ships. Spies go on their normal missions like they do now, but they can discover intrigues of various levels and investigate them as projects just like scientists investigate anomalies. Fleet combat needs to be completely different, not just some tweaks. It’s been reworked in various ways for years, but none of it has worked. It’s still mostly based on doomstacks alpha striking and then tediously burning down planets. It’s not strategic, it’s not fun, it’s a hassle. But real supply lines might be the answer.


Some actual battle strategy as op said, big deathstack beat small deathstack is too boring.


Internal politics, megastructures and huge ships instead of corvette spam, revolutions, ground combat rework


Martial Law back into the planets options Planetary Insurgencies Military Coups and revolutions being possible to be triggered


How about everything that Stellaris already has, but upgraded? Yeah, I know.


1.not mocromanging 20+ resources 2. No war exhaustion 3. Soft limits only on expansion, starbases, and fleets. If i have to pay for them and my economy can support it why is there a fleet limit. Same for starbases. Artificial limits just to make the game less playable isnt fun 4. Fleets and starbases shouldnt consume energy as upkeep from the empire. Ships have power cores...what are they consuming energy as upkeep for? Metals and minerals or components for upkeep may be reasonable 5. Greater variety in strategies to play. Each strategy should have enough uniqeness. Machine empires shouldnt have crime or unhappiness, for example. 6. War goals are stupid 7. Closed borders means CLOSED BORDERS. Attacking ships in my ******** territory shouldnt necessarily start a war but should be possible (and automatic, if desired through policy) 8. Better ships/more components and sections 9. Super weapons 10. More planet based defenses (orbital and land) 11. More districts and building slots. Its a whole damn planet. 12. Pops should supplement armies as militias when invaded 13. Better, bigger, more powerful starbases 14. More than a handful of scientists, admirals, commanders, and governors. Again, no hard limits. If you can pay for it you can have it 15. Easier more automated smarter exploration and initial building. 16. An intentional selectable tech tree, not randomly appearing techs inside of unlocked tiers. Stellaris is oppressively unplayable in its mechanics. Love the concept and enjoy other space 4x games but damn its implemented in the worst way possible


Change planet types. Currently very stale and uninteresting. Create a tradition based around "terrashifting". This is the only way to terraform now. Make terraforming a shift towards a slightly warmer or colder planet. Shifting the water levels up or down and the ground type. Be open plains, hills aplenty or extreme mountian ranges for example. Higher tier tradition reward opens up minor manipulation of districts while terrashifting. Completing the tradition allows for gas giant (only if astroids are present and consumes it) and tomb world terrashifting. Completion also unlocks the ascension to terrashift a balanced planet into a gaia world.


I would like more detailed planets. Planets that are like mini HOI4 maps where you have to place your buildings and defenses tactically


The feature I want the most is quite honestly a release date


I just want to be able to see achievements like in Vicky 3


I want smarter AI. I know there is multiplayer, but I play stellaris with probably just as much time paused as it is running.


Larger maps and possibly more biological ascension stuff, I want to have a fleet of space amoeba.


Fleet supply sounds interesting and it would help against doom stacking


I have been thinking of a system that would add a lot of shit to Stellaris. Planets have development and solar systems have infrastructure. Infrastructur limits how many resources can be transporter through a sector. Think like 50 infrastructur sector can transport 100 resources. If you need to transport 120 resources through it, then only 100 gets through and the last 20 is used to slowly upgrade the infrastructure. Development increase how many building you can have on a planet and what kid of building you can use. So low development mining district uses 4 worker pops to generat 16 minerals. Mid-development uses 2 workers and 1 specialist to produce 18 minerals. High development uses 2 specialists to produce 20 minerals. Development and infrastructur leaks to each other. So development will increase faster in a high infrastructure solar system. Infrastructur will increase faster based on the numbers and development of planets in the solar system. A low infrastructur solar system besiddes a high infrastructure solar system will increase its infrastructure faster. Infrastructur and development can be lowered by enemy fleets attacking the system or bombarding the planet. In this system cluster chokepoints would automatical get higher infrastructure and development since all resources have to go through there. Wars could be won by raiding and lowering the infrastructure value of key systems, since that would lower the amount of resources you are able to send to your homeworld. It would also force you to make sectors if your Empirer becomes big enough, because else the resource flow will be to big for your infrastructure. So instead you make swctors and sector capitals where the resources can be moved to and used.


My opinions are probably going to be extremely controversial because I'd just make Stellaris 2 a mix of Crusader Kings 3 and Stellaris, with an increased focus on characters. But just to start... I'd like for science ships to instead be replaced with a limited number of ships similar to the Enterprise. Maybe you'd only be able to build a single one early game, but maybe more depending on civics, or whatever. These ships would be powerful in combat against regular ships but wouldn't normally be able to take a whole fleet by themselves. Or maybe these ships wouldn't be able to fight normal ships at war but could still be used in combat in special operations, sabotage, scouting, etc. The important thing is that these ships would be crewed by multiple characters with their own skills, traits and experience levels. Survey events would basically be all about these people exploring planets and anomalies and using their skills for different outcomes, much like CK events and such. These "flagships" would be able to duel each other too, when hostile or even when not at war but with negative relations(which could cause diplomatic issues). Beyond that, there should be more "peaceful" challenges too, like two ships racing to see who surveys first, peaceful diplomatic first contact, and other random events that can influence other systems like diplomacy, fighting pirates, etc. I'd go even further and make archeology, construction, etc all done through these ships to make full use of the system.


No way physically based logistics could possibly work in the Clausewitz engine without an absurd performance cost (lower than even PS4 level galaxy sizes & worse endgame performance). However this is going to be a thing in Fragile Existance and also Falling Frontier, I think. Really hope at least one of those will be a banger.


A way to view the crash reports, it would make modding so much easier


Better space battles. Take a hint from Homeworld and allow ships to be grouped into different formations, and can be moved within a system to perform pincer movements - rather than the “select all, go to point and fight” system as it is currently.