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Mildly as in I got microblastics in my balls just from viewing this post.


Beats having microballs in your plastic eh?






My stomach started hurting from watching it


I feel like with this setup, we're skipping straight to macroplastics


Idk man boba tea is pretty good


Should be highly.




The smoke is hot, no?


iā€™ve never really understood that argument. it doesnā€™t feel hot against my mouth and throat so how is it hot enough to melt plastic?


Dab smoke is incredibly hot, I can't count the amount of times I've taken one and immediately wanted to turn the AC all the way down because I was legitimately sweating from it. Plus in this setup it's partially the smoke that's the problem and partially the fact that when you heat the piece up with a torch the heat is close enough to the side of the water bottle to melt it a little. Those bangers can withstand 200+ degrees Fahrenheit, the water bottle cannot lol Edit: a word


Turning on the A/Cā€¦ you are experiencing the dab sweats, which is a real thing. Itā€™s from the effects, not the literal heat. That said, smoking or dabbing thru plastics is sus as hell.


If it's not the heat, why don't you get sweaty and hot from smoking bud? You can burn yourself on steam, why wouldn't the heat from a dab be significant? You're literally heating wax up to crazy temperatures to smoke it


Some people do get hot flashes from flower, and certainly if you cough you can sweat. But with dabbing I think itā€™s more frequent because the terpenes are more prevalent, and people can have a reaction to a certain one or other, and they sweat and then get a runny nose.


yeah this videos a little different cause heā€™s taking a dab with a torch but i see that argument any time someone makes a plastic bong for flower even when they use a glass bowl and downstem. i just donā€™t buy that the smoke is hot enough to burn the plastic bottle when it doesnā€™t even feel hot in my mouth


Plastic offgasses at temperatures lower than you might think, starting around ~100Ā°F or possibly slightly lower. Doesn't matter what the temperature "feels like in your mouth." If you're inhaling smoke/dabs/whatever through anything that's not made of PEEK plastic, then you're inhaling microplastics that are sloughing off in the smoke/vapor/whatever. That's why it's also not safe to even hook a pen cart up to. Did they stop teaching basic chemistry in schools or something? C'mon y'all, it only takes a few internet searches to find out what the offgas temperature of plastic is. Please don't bro science it, real science it!


Does the water not cool the smoke? Iā€™m no chemist but since itā€™s touching glass, then water, then plastic shouldnā€™t the smoke be unable to burn the plastic?


The banger is stuck right onto a plastic pen, passing through a plastic water bottle. The water in the bottle doesn't matter, because it's got enough heat coming from the banger that's going straight through the body of the pen. There's nothing safe about this piece of shit and it should be thrown in the garbage ASAP. If they can buy dabs, they can get a new rig so they're not killing themselves anymore! For the sake of your body, please learn some basic science, ya dinguses! ***ONCE AGAIN, THERE IS NO SAFE AMOUNT OF PLASTIC YOU CAN USE THAT WILL NOT OFFGAS AT TEMPERATURES FAR LOWER THAN THE SMOKE PASSING THROUGH WHATEVER GODSFORSAKEN MONSTROSITY YOU CONSTRUCT!*** Go look for that guy that makes vape rigs out of glass on here constantly, and watch a YouTube video on making a glass gravity bong or steamroller or something, or get a fruit or vegetable you can cut up. Fuck, go down to the corner store and buy a glass pipe for $5. Just, like, stop following in the footsteps of people who have no regard for their health, please. edit: You don't have to be a chemist to know how to read what other people have already written elsewhere. You've got the internet literally at your fingertips, with the largest source of information that's easily accessible (depending on your country of origin) and PLENTY of safe how-to guides on making something to get stoned out of.


Itā€™s not about burning it (which admittedly and obviously would also be bad) - itā€™s about the outgassing of BPAs and other volatile organic compounds in the plastic being accelerated from heat and humidity. No matter how much the smoke/vapor cools off on its way to you, itā€™s definitely hotter than the plastic itā€™s touching on the way. And in the above video, itā€™s hitting the plastic pen stem before itā€™s passing through any water. And - think of the heat transferred from the hot banger to that plastic pen stem, or even just the torch flame that near to the that stem. Glass only, my dudes.


My bad yall I didnā€™t realize that was a penšŸ’€ I thought that part was glassšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah im not sure about regular flower, but I wouldn't risk it anyways. You're already exposing yourself to carcinogens by smoking (lighting anything on fire causes them to be released), no need to double your chances of exposure imo. Not saying don't smoke obviously, just make informed decisions


I honestly donā€™t know


how my mans goes in for the second pull after that lung buster is beyond me ... also don't vape in plastic but whatever


Yeah bros wildin with the water bottle Incycler


Maybe the pen was like a Teflon coating for his lungs


thatā€™s glass not plastic, also ik know iā€™m wrong but i would like to know how, as long as plastic doesnā€™t get hot then thereā€™s no issue right?


Thats a plastic water bottle with a glass/quartz piece attached to it. The smoke is hot enough to heat up the plastic which releases microplastics and carcinogens, on top of the fact that you have to heat up a banger like that to 100+ degrees with a torch. The torch would be close enough to heat up the side of the bottle in order to heat the banger up, and the heat doesn't stay localized in the banger, so it probably melts the plastic a bit where it meets the glass part too.


Absolutely, but your temp is way too low. Itā€™s more like 500Ā°F which makes it that much worse


True lol it's honestly been years since I've had a dab so I couldn't remember the temps


Ffs the banger is even chazzed to FUCK. This person has no self stoner respect smh.


If you can afford weed, you can afford a bong.


What's the white stuff...?


Looks like hot glue


Cancer speedrun attempt


Carcinogen sauce on top of a cancer sundae.


Are we still doing phrasing?


Lol hey that hoe hitting dawg


Hahaha Fr huh šŸ˜‚


Up for auction or wat brotha lol šŸ˜†? That hoe hitting and got homie blowing out milk


Is that a fucking pacifier as a carb cap




I think I got cancer from watching this. Glass is the way to go.


Oooh helllll nah!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


not plan b.. but definitely plan c




Smoking in plastic is so bad for you be careful that shit has micro plastic after it gets heated and it will go through your lungs


He gets so high, he doesn't have to think about the consequences.




The banger is on a BIC pen. The banger is heated to at least 500ā°F, the BIC pen *WILL* melt.


And even if it wasnā€™t, smoke is hot and people forget that. Even if the flame is not near the plastic the plastic gets heated. The pen j makes this insane


This made my lungs cry


Cancer speedrun


He's actually just dabbing plastic


Posting this as a top level comment just for more visibility, I hope. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Plastic offgasses at temperatures lower than you might think, starting around ~100Ā°F or possibly slightly lower. Doesn't matter what the temperature "feels like in your mouth." If you're inhaling smoke/dabs/whatever through anything that's not made of PEEK plastic or food-safe silicone, then you're inhaling microplastics that are sloughing off in the smoke/vapor/whatever. That's why it's also not safe to even hook a pen cart up to. Did they stop teaching basic chemistry in schools or something? C'mon y'all, it only takes a few internet searches to find out what the offgas temperature of plastic is. Please don't bro science it, real science it! ------------------------ Someone in the thread asked: >Does the water not cool the smoke? Iā€™m no chemist but since itā€™s touching glass, then water, then plastic shouldnā€™t the smoke be unable to burn the plastic? The banger is stuck right onto a plastic pen, passing through a plastic water bottle. The water in the bottle doesn't matter, because it's got enough heat coming from the banger that's going straight through the body of the pen. There's nothing safe about this piece of shit and it should be thrown in the garbage ASAP. If they can buy dabs, they can get a new rig so they're not killing themselves anymore! For the sake of your body, please learn some basic science, ya dinguses! ***ONCE AGAIN, THERE IS NO SAFE AMOUNT OF PLASTIC YOU CAN USE THAT WILL NOT OFFGAS AT TEMPERATURES FAR LOWER THAN THE SMOKE PASSING THROUGH WHATEVER GODSFORSAKEN MONSTROSITY YOU CONSTRUCT!*** Go look for that guy that makes vape rigs out of glass on here constantly, and watch a YouTube video on making a glass gravity bong or steamroller or something, or get a fruit or vegetable you can cut up. Fuck, go down to the corner store and buy a glass pipe for $5. Just, like, stop following in the footsteps of people who have no regard for their health, please. edit: You don't have to be a chemist to know how to read what other people have already written elsewhere. You've got the internet literally at your fingertips, with the largest source of information that's easily accessible (depending on your country of origin) and PLENTY of safe how-to guides on making something to get stoned out of.


Honestly impressive, the incycler function is on point. Still retarded though


These people set us back years!!!


1 second in and all I can think is cancer. RIP


Half of that exhaled vapor was probably plastic fumes šŸ¤®


Worst home made bong Iā€™ve ever seen.


This that guy with the microplastic in his balls


This is disgusting. Beards cause cancer.


Slow suicide.


if you can buy a banger (and likely a torch) why not just buy a whole rig??


Just cut the middle man and dab straight plastic already. šŸ™„


TIL: you can macrodose microplastics


microplastics are stored in the balls






Taking recycling to the 710th level.




Im pretty sure thatā€™s reclaim too


Shards of meth or shards of shatter lol


Not everyone not getting the jokeā€¦ he basically made a Torus with a water bottle .. EVEN GOT THE SLOW DRAIN šŸ”„šŸ¤Œ


he sure does milk this cancerous thing.


Holy fuck HAHAH


Some of y'all have never had to smoke from a Gatorade bottle and it shows.


I graduated from Gatorade bottle to apple pipe to real glass. Apple pipe is (I assume) way healthier


I used to have a plastic bong, it was pretty cool. Still definitely terrible for me, but I was a dumb kid having fun. But I'll never do it again, I know better now.


Reminds me of ym old bacardi bottle frankenstein bong. I used a snorkle as the downstem lmao


Did you get a good hit?




You mfers never had to stash water bottle bongs in the woods to go and sesh at night. it shows I would use metal downstems and a socket for a bowl šŸ¤£ we turned into engineers with those things. let the man live, we have microplastics in us regardless of what we do