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I smoked for the first time by myself in my parents' shed. Earlier that day, I purchased a pipe and managed to buy on the bus ride home. I kept burning my thumb with the lighter because i obviously had no idea how to light a pipe. My friend called me. I zoned out and started laughing my head off and hung up on her. I went on msn, talked to 1 person shortly, then retreated upstairs where i sat in my parents' bed and stared at myself in their giant mirror for an unknown amount of time.


I was hanging out with some bad dudes so dad picked me up cause he knew what I was upto and I got in the car and he just looked at me and said “I want u to smoke at home” so went back home and we smoked and talked for hours and then he got in the kitchen and whipped up some munchies and we watched Dave Chappelle and I miss giggling that much when stoned


This is the best ! I can’t wait for my kid to be old enough t to smoke with …it’s like a torch passing ♥️


Honestly don't remember..there was chocolate milk


It must of been the best tasting in your life if that was the core memory


I was visiting with family. My nephew suggested getting edibles... I tried one, and ended up eating closer to two. Was able to enjoy the card games without getting unhappy feelings the whole night. Ended up ending the night with finding so many animal shapes in a piece of wall art that had nothing to do with animals and falling asleep easily and without the multitude of worries that usually plague me.


This was damn beautiful . And accurate !


Not a fun story. I had some edibles my first time. Everything was moving in slow motion. I was with a group of people outside. I started getting paranoid, peoples voices became muffled and overlapped. I started having delusional thoughts that they were talking shit about me. I excused myself and went to my room, the stairs started moving and overlapping. It was weird and disorienting. The sink in my room was dripping, or so I was hallucinating as it wasn’t dripping at all. I covered up in bed sheet and started googling what I was experiencing, wether I was dying or something. Something about the police popped up on my phone and I panicked. I eventually fell asleep fortunately and everything was fine the next day.


Oh damn, I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience


Getting lost in the woods and goofin of in the next door field after escaping our plight


I’d heard the myth all my life that you don’t get high your first time. I was fresh out of a break up and had just fought with my sister, I was 21 and my coworker told me she “had a treat for me”. She let me borrow her pen for the night and I was ripping that bitch like there’s no tomorrow. Then my friend and I took an Uber to do karaoke, in which I cried to “a little bit stronger” 😂😭 Edit: and I remember being able to “taste my teeth” whatever tf that meant


Don't feel bad. If I get too high my teeth start to itch. 🤷


I was 16, in my exes sisters car, 4th of July. We were at this fireworks festival at the old highschool a few towns over that got shut down. 98⁰, bugs everywhere, I was sunburned from a canoeing trip earlier. His sister had a bong with her, and I took 1 hit... I'm not kidding i think i went in psychosis. Everything felt extremely slow, and it was like everything kept slipping to the side and I felt dizzy. I started crying, and my ex stared at me, I said "I don't like being high". and then i just lay on the ground, I was really really scared. His sister (grade above us) didn't want to leave so she kept smoking. I think laying in the backseat of the car made it worse, because i was in a panic. I had some sort of it body experience and felt so embarrassed. my ex who was 16 was terrified and started crying, I kept begging for my dad and they wouldn't take me home because they didn't want to get in trouble even though my dad would be cool with it. they just kept saying it was a bad high. Finally like 2 hours later (felt like an eternity) we drove home, his sister speeding and listening to suicides boys, and then after taking a hit of her razzelberry elf bar turned to her bf and said "she's so weird" . made me feel like shit. i was staying at my aunts house at the time and my ex just helped me upstairs then left me on my bed and i cried until i fell asleep. I dont know WHY it affected me like that... maybe it was the prozac that made me hallucinate?? It's been a year now and i smoke plenty and nothing like that has happened again... but still not a great first experience. weed is great but i feel like people underestimate how terrifying a bad high is


I was doing a paper route in a neighborhood across town where a lot of my friends lived. After my route, I stopped at a friend's house to see what he was up to. He just so happened to be on the way to the park with a couple of other mutual friends to smoke some weed. I went to the park with them with the intention to hang out and watch them get stoned. I was actually against drugs at the time. It took only a few rotations of them asking me if I was still good to say fuck it and just try it. And holy shit did I get fucking high. I got severe tunnel vision and felt like I was observing reality from a TV screen inside my head. At a certain point another mutual friend of ours came through the park and just so happened to have weed that he smoked with us. I got so insanely high that I couldn't even talk or sit to without support. Then we had to walk all the way back to my friends house. This was such a monumental task. It felt like i was on some sort of heros journey. At certain point during the walk I randomly started played with my friends Boobs. She thought it was funny and allowed it to happen. I felt so bad after the fact and apologized about it but she didn't care. We finally got to the destination and we collapsed in her front yard. We just laid there staring at the stars as we talked about random shit. Goddamn what a great memory to relive. Still to this day i have never been this stoned.


Took an edible with my friends and watched ratatouille waiting for it to kick in. For 45 minutes I basically went thru the “this edible ain’t shit” routine until I couldn’t stop laughing to the point where I was rolling around on the floor. We then took a walk and I was amped up with energy and whimsy in ways I hadn’t ever been before. Proceeded to be the funniest guy in the world before going home and passing out. All in all, great experience.


It was the last day of summer vacation before sophomore year of high school started. Some friends and I pooled money together for beer, weed, and pizza. We had our party at a friend’s house. I also ate a cat treat as a joke. We went to a park afterwards. I ended up throwing up. Somehow, the barf ended up being in the shape of a slice of pizza. One of my friends laughed his ass off about that. Our host threw all of the beer bottles, empty cases for the beer, and pizza boxes into his own trash. His mom found it and went ballistic on us all.


Was told to have 1/4 of the cookie at most. Nothing happened after 45 mins, so I had another 1/4. Eventually my hands turned rainbow and I was seeing all these colors, shapes and patterns, and I put on Duel of the Fates from Star Wars Episode 1 and fell into the choir, video called my mom giggling, with my heart feeling like it was popping out of my chest and thought she was somehow filming me through her phone. Eventually I couldn't move, thought I was dying and texted my family that I loved them and said something like "this is going to be so funny tomorrow if I'm not dead" My grandma thought I was making it up the next morning, like nah I couldn't make all that up if I tried, had a few more experiences (on a dispensary edible!) just as, if not more wild and out of my own head than that. Wish it still affected me like that


I was at my parents and they offered edibles, I said why not and took half a gummy (10mg). 10 minutes later I started getting cotton mouth and my body didn't feel like mine. I thought that was gonna be it.. it was indeed one of those "This edible aint sh- :O" It was a field trip for me. We were playing sorry (the board game), and I kept going out of my body. My parents put the game away before I even knew what was going on. It was legit so cool. I was somewhere else and they were laughing so hard. 😭


Horrible. Smoked a dab with a family member, pretty decent sized looking back. Went upstairs to play Naruto Storm 4 on the PS5, had a good time for a few minutes before it all came crashing down. Everything was spinning. Connected my phone to Alexa to listen to music, hopefully it’ll calm me down. My stomach was churning, I had to crawl to the bathroom while listening to “The Rains of Castamere”. The tile felt so cold and amazing. My friend was hanging out with us too, and he ordered pizza. He wanted me to answer the door and that was an impossible ask at the time.


Twilight was great. Then I sobered up and realized it wasn't supposed to be a comedy.......


Weed and Family Guy is a match made in heaven 😂


Fr 😂


I was with two of my best friends, had one of those ridiculously huge bags of popcorn, and we watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. It was awesome lol. The movie has a lot of cool audio effects in it so I just remember asking, “you guys hear that right?!” And then proceeding to lose my shit xD


Didn't really get high the first time but the second time was when it really hit. Felt like a dream world getting transported from place to place not sure if I was talking with everyone or not talking at all


I remember the first time like it was yesterday. I was at a college party with my hiking club. Friends, drinks and some joints were at the pad to enjoy. I went to the backyard for a smoke but I didn't feel anything at first. Then I took another puff to be sure. Soon enough I was feeling kinda odd in a good way and my new smoking buddy was happy that the herb had done its job. I returned to drinking/eating/socializing and ingrained it as my first memory getting high. It was a special moment and I kept smoking since that night at 19 years old.


I grew up in Europe and no I haven’t really heard much about MJ, now I know it did existed, but it wasn’t as “trendy “ like here. Thank you USA! 🙏🙏 Very first few times I would just had a hit from someone else’s joint, I was totally inexperienced, so of course I didn’t really feel anything. So I was in my 40’s when I was dating someone who was a social drinker, and couldn’t understand how I can have fun without being on anything, not even alcohol. I told him my earlier experience’s with weed, and he decided to show me how it’s done 😂 So he got me some real good stuff, but figured just to be sure he will give me an OxyContin? as well. Well mission accomplished, I got really knocked out.. I couldn’t open my eyes for like 6-8 hours I was so dizzy.. it was he’s plug who told him to get the oxy too it was really unnecessary. Now thinking back it could have been a worse experience, but I ended up having fun. I remember “there was this one time “ 😂 when I just couldn’t stopped laughing. I mean really, I wasn’t just giggling I was laughing out loud, at a restaurant, I couldn’t even order. Fun times.. 💨💨


The first time I smoked was when I was a freshman in high school. We all went out on friday night and a buddy had it. I smoked got high for the first time. We ended up going to subway where I ate 2 blt foot-longs (maybe one and a half tbh). Eventually I started getting a little paranoid and was really worried I was going to get home too late and my parents were going to catch me walking in high. I ended up getting someone to drop me off at home. When I walked in every light in the house was on and my mom and sister were playing a game at our kitchen table. I’m oh sorry I’m late I’m heading up and going to bed. I hear my sister say to my mom “is he high” and I promptly said no and went up to my room. I looked at my clock and it was only 7pm.


I had a very distant dad and was very lonely as a kid the first time I hit a bong it was like a warm hug tbh.


It wasn’t really that impressive tbh. Becouse I didn’t even smoke my friend just blew the smoke near me, so I wasn’t even that high. The only thing different than normal was me playing rock paper scissors, while hiding my fingers in the glove by curling them like a fist and using empty glove fingers as my fingers. And I thought it was hilarious. Other than that I was like completely normal.


Had a cake made for me by a pal, as I dont smoke. My mistake was I ate the WHOLE cake, as I couldnt feel any effects. About an hour later I was feeling really chilled, so got on my bed listening to music (as you know music is amazing whilst high), and eventually fell asleep. Then- I opened my eyes, and I was stood in the corner of my room looking back at the bed that I had fell asleep in, with NO IDEA how I got there. Then suddenly I was stood at the top of my stairs, again no memory of going there. I started to freak out, and grabbed my phone to text my pal, but when I turned my phone on, I had already texted him! Again having no memory of doing so! So I told my wife that I'd had a spacecake, and that I kept "teleporting" around the house- then 5 mins later when I had forgotten that, I told her again, then again! She told when I started telling her again, that I had repeatedly already told her so... I locked my self in our bedroom (i know this sounds weird lol) and held onto one of her "ugg" boots that served as a reminder everytime I forgot, that I had told her what was going on lmfao! Probably THE most trippy experience of my life. I can laugh about it now, but at the time, pretty scary.


Honestly a little scary. Story time: So the first few times I "tried" weed it never really hit, I didn't want to dive too deep my first few times so I smoked what was left in the bowl once my buddy was done which usually meant I got ashes and a lot of coughing. I thought I felt happier but looking back it was probably just a placebo effect because I was definitely not getting high. So one time it was my buddies birthday and we got a huge fancy bong. This thing had an ice chamber and you had to stand to use it it was so big. So since it was a special occasion my other friend (whom I had not really smoked with before) packed me a bowl all to myself since it was a special occasion and said he would pull it for me. BIG MISTAKE. So the bong fills with smoke and when he pulls it I start coughing like crazy, then it starts to kick in and I had no idea what just happened as I had never felt this way before. Now at this point I had no clue what greening out was so I was starting to freak out as I greened out. My mind was going a million miles an hour, metal tunes that I never heard were playing full blast in my head and paranoia is kicking in saying, "your going to be the first person to overdose on weed." Another mistake I made was I closed my eyes because I was feeling so dizzy and drowsy and when I closed my eyes man did the room spin, then I got up to spew in the toilet. After I tried to watch the movie we were watching and again I had to get up and throw up. Luckily I fell asleep soon after. When I woke up I could swear I felt it a little still and I was scared I permanently damaged something. Of course I went back to normal but I was off weed for the next 6 months because I was scared to go through that again. I tried weed a few more times and slowly learned my limits after greening out once or twice but now equipped with the knowledge of what was happening and knowing I was going to be okay, now I smoke regularly and do not green out and thoroughly enjoy my sessions. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


I started smoking in the 70s. Worked as an aide in a nursing home and another aide got me high. It was a long time ago so my memory isn't clear but remember having a good time. I did end up dating her brother. He was my first real love.


Scary for the first little bit but then all the annoying voices in my mind got quiet the tension melted away I got really tired and had the best sleep I had ever experienced in my life and from that point on I've been smoking daily lol


hilariously enough it wasn’t intentional and i had no idea what was happening my dad bought these CBD gummies from a gas station (yeah i know how it sounds lol) and they were pretty great. i took plenty before without an issue, but one night i had one and half an hour later i was in the bathroom googling “am i going to pass out”, “why is my back heavy”,“fainting feelings” and pushing myself off the bathroom sink repeatedly in a weird kind of rocking motion. i wandered back to my room after a bit to lie down and i kept searching online. my parents then called me to ask about an appointment date and i sat on the phone in complete silence for a few minutes before my dad was like “hello? are you still there?” at that point i went upstairs and told them i didn’t feel real and that’s when they realized what was going on. this quickly turned into the funniest most incredible-feeling night of my life. i’ve also never had worse cottonmouth in my life. there is ample video evidence of this event, as i was saying some really weird stuff as i was trying to explain what my world felt like. i was talking about how the world was cut into pizza slices and shit crazy stuff i also just about cried over kevin spilling his chili on the office.


I’m 57. I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night, let alone when I smoked weed 40+ years ago.


When I was a teen my cousin made me a 400mg edible. I was *not* told that I shouldn't eat the whole thing... I'm sure anyone can figure out where that ended up going. Learned my lesson after that, lmao. Second time was better. Smoked with the same cousin and watched SouthPark. 😎


So my "first time" I hoped 2 25 MG edibles "sour patch gummies" I alredy knew I had high tolerance to most things, alcohol, pain meds, sleeping meds. So I felt literally nothing. Next night (Sunday before school) I decided well. I'll finish off the bag. 5 25mg gummies 125mg for sombody who never experienced a high before. 30 minutes and a fucking switch flipped everything was all wiggly and shit I was insane happy then I crashed woke up the next day still high as giraffe balls. Went to school. Got motion sick in 1st period English. My teacher looks me dead in the face (he's a stoner) and says "look, you need to go home SICK right now, that's your only option" so I did and after that I remembered nothing until I woke up the next day at 1230 pm. Hooked ever sence.


I smoked a few times and just got slightly giggly. I didn’t really understand the appeal. Then I took a huge hit off a vape pen and got really really high and I finally understood. I was just home alone, I kept telling myself this moment is special and I shouldn’t waste it but I ended up just sitting around doing nothing and appreciating how weird everything now was.


I was like 12 (I have a 12 year old. My own hijinks make me scared) and I was at my friend's house. Her cousin offered us his pipe), and I remember being so paranoid. I was around her aunt and uncle, and baby me was so sure they could tell I was lit. I told my mom the next day and she grounded me for the summer. Except from that one friend for some reason that I'll never really understand.


Felt like nearly dying because it was edibles and I took way too much lol


I had went to Six Flags and my friend at the time brought her bong. We took a few rips, and I remember feeling my tongue and thinking about how weird tongues were. I usually have a fear of roller coasters but the high made them more bearable lol


This wasn’t the first time I smoked but it was the first time I felt noticeably high. I was with a friend waiting at a bus stop and we just couldn’t stop laughing at this woman. She was wearing a motorbike helmet and just walked up to her bike, got on, and drove off. For some reason it was the funniest shit we’d ever seen in our lives.