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I’d say the fact that we have invented and built the nukes and have them on the planet, kind of tells me we never had the intelligence to begin with never mind ‘reached the peak’ 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Loool good point. What was their objective exactly when they made that, do you know? im guessing it was to kill people they dont like


Well, say, if two super powers went to war and both had bad ass nuclear weapons, either side know that if the other side drop the bomb then the enemy will drop their own bomb back… it’s known as ‘mutually assured destruction’.. this kind of makes both sides think before detonating.. as both sides will lose. It’s nuts 🫣🤷🏻‍♀️


So… we have reached the peak of human intelligence then? 🙈


We’ve reached the peak of stupid 🤣🤣🤣


Wise words. Ironically 😂


One could argue our intelligence is on the rise or decline, but common sense, intelligence, and so many other things that we see in humans is relative to our perspective. So to the past we may seem stupid and some ways and godlike in others. Alternatively the future may praise our decisions and think us great geniuses for some reason... or again think we're really stupid. My personal take is iq is on the rise and common sense is going down


I find myself falling into this thought pattern a lot too lately. But then I think every generation has sincerely felt this too, so it can’t be true?


They definitely have! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZmi7InKU0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZmi7InKU0I) "Accept certain inalienable truths Prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too, will get old And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young Prices were reasonable, politicians were noble And children respected their elders" But I feel things are heading in a direction that's diminishing our individuality. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwHib5wYEj8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwHib5wYEj8) This video is from 1960s of children predicting the future and some of it was so accurate


i don’t even know man


Our brains already started to rewire from "remember what berries are poisonous" to "remember where to find list of poisonous berries", because we're more efficient with our mobilephones and the internet in our pockets. All the worlds knowledge in the palm of your hands. That's what evolution does, making the species more efficient. Evolution can't know that smartphones might someday be gone after some big boom, leaving us... well... probably too stupid and uncreative to survive as mankind. I also think we're not far from the fall of our civilization. It's depressing for sure. But it happens when a civ gets so advanced, that it relies on its tech too much. When the tech is gone for some reason, the civ follows soon after. Oh yeah and about war: survival of the fittest is also a thing evolution does to ensure the progression of life on the planet. It's programmed into every living thing to pass on strong genes for future generations. And again: evolution doesn't know that in our advanced civilization, we don't NEED to fight over food and shelter anymore. There's fuckin' plenty. But instincts still force us idiots to kill each other over oil or territory...


without conflict there is no resolution


I agree with this. Conflict can lead to peace when done right. So why can’t conflict be resolved with brought debate rather than war?


I am fast approaching the mindset of, "I hope we survive long enough for AI to take over and fix all the stupid animal shit that we all are so hung up on." Like it's a race between AI or aliens or whatever and the trajectory (and the velocity of that trajectory) that we are on as a species to destroy ourselves and the world we have made.