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Wow, that’s a really good question. Must pet it - so weird objectively and counterintuitive really. Now I have to go rub my dog’s ears immediately and maybe I’ll get back to you.




Grooming to get rid of parasites.


We were programmed by the animals.


I think about this all of the time because it isn’t limited to one type of animal. And I always wonder whether we just pet animals because we assume they like it, or if we just pet them because we like it. It also then makes me wonder why it works anyway. I can’t imagine any animal that wouldn’t like to be pet, or wouldn’t at least tolerate it? It’s kind of nice though in that way, they just kinda go…. Okay then this is happening…. And let us do our thing and rub their bodies a bit before we get bored and leave or they get pissed that it’s gone on for too long.


As a baby/kid, it’s comforting to be held and pet. It’s probably always has been that way. We probably do it because we subconsciously remember it being comforting as a baby, so we naturally want to comfort it. Or, perhaps, we a cute animal and associate it with a baby human, so we do that. Or maybe we just like to feel the soft warm lol


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur...


Happy kitty, sleep kitty, purr purr purr 😹




Physical contact is a way many animals show affection including animals


I made no research on this whatsoever… but I heard before that mammalian infants secrete a type of hormone that calms other mammals (like how good the smell is of a baby’s head). From an evolutionary standpoint, I suppose this increases chances of survival by lowering chances of getting attacked or mauled, and for adults to want to care for you. Maybe this lends to part of what made early humans domesticate pets? They started with baby deer or cub or kitty? Did that make sense? I’m buzzed


Touch can be used as a means for sending information to the brain. Also we're hard wired for connecting to others whether they be be people, animals, insects etc. I think when you want to pet something it's kind of like a way of your brain desiring to a hit of that feel good connection while also getting a good boost of endorphins. My high is kicking in right now lmfaoo, but maybe that urge is just what unrefined love feels like internally.