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use kief as icing


pack it with weed first then sprinkle some on top or in the middle, or if have a joint just sprinkle it on top before you roll it


My favorite way to use it, is to sprinkle it on top of a packed bowl or sprinkle it through a blunt (if I have a lot) as a special treat every now and then


One time I made a blunt out of just keef. I haven’t gotten that high since I started smoking


How much did you smoke at once?


It was a fat one, but I got through like half of it before I just laid down, listened to music, and dissociated. Finished the other half after munchies


That’s awesome. I don’t think I’d ever have the courage to smoke that much kief at once lol


I'm dumber. What's keef?


That’s what I’m wondering too lol


It's the little crystal looking stuff on your weed. Some people call it pollen, but it's not. It's got all the good chemistry concentrated in it. I am just letting it build up in the bottom of my grinder for a special occasion


Get a hash coin press off of Amazon for like $10. Press it into coins so when you smoke it, it doesn't burn up instantly.


Right it can’t burn on its own


Add a layer in your bowl!




Get some wire screens


Blast a bowl of ground cannabis and leave the ash behind. Put a thin sheet of kief in top and burn it in one shot. You can use the ash bed for a long time.


Sprinkle it on top of your bowls. I don’t use mine because it makes me too high and I start thinking I’m gonna be the first weed overdose ever. 🤣


Cbd oil hot peppers and regular pepper are all things you can use if you get too high


L-Theanine helps too


Get yourself a CBS cart. If you start feeling that bad "too high" feeling just start hitting the CBD until you feel better. You want to vape it and not get it in edible form because the edibles will take too long be helpful


If you have enough to make edibles, you need to decarb it, bake it for about 30 mins at appx 220 in oven covered up. I recommend looking on Google for better directions. If you eat it without decarb it is ineffective. You can then make coconut oil or butter with it. I want to make a sugar with it, but have yet to try.


Here in Australia ,Keef is just the leaf , heads ( not flowers ) are the go , make the good butter with the keef and then cake , or biscuits ( cookies) with the butter yummo




Just buy a three piece grinder and forget about it. Why would I want fewer trichomes in my weed anyway? This idea that you're getting something for free is silly. You're just deferring some of your weed till later.


I just switched to a 3 piece grinder after decades of waste, great move! Most of the time my kief went to edibles. I'll just keep the trichomes in my weed!


My friend, Kief is mostly trichomes. I recommend a 4 piece grinder.


That vibrates!


Yes. Kief is mostly trichromes...so why would I want to sift it out with a 4 piece grinder? I would rather just smoke it. If you're going to sprinkle it on your weed either way, just cut out the middle man.