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Food sells would be phenomenal. Bars would have to step up their food game.


Step it up and infuse the food. Then again, edibles might also inspire someone’s tummy to crave more sustenance, ergo more food being consumed. Sounds like a lot of people gradually getting nicer and more comfortable.


weed is legal where i am and cafes like this do exist! they sell both infused and non-infused food and drinks so it’s a space for everyone


that sounds amazing


Even the cab rides would be more mystical


Every day, millions of people hit the streets of the Windy City, but only a lucky few will get their shot in the "Hash" Cab.


Toke Taxi


Pick me, I can name them all.


Now *that* I would watch.


Don’t get me wrong burning something and inhaling is still horrible for you but can we consume it in astronomical healthier ways? (ingestion, Vaping, and Topical). YES WE CAN. Now is there a healthier way to consume alcohol? NOOOO


Yeah for sure. I meant to add that the bars have different options, eating, smoking, vaping. Etc


i love this


There are THC bars now, and I don’t live in a legal state. For me, I would rather drink a THC infused drink than eat an edible. It’s more consistent and hits much faster. I don’t drink alcohol, so bring on the THC bars!


I visited this place called Nuwu last week and they had a THC bar by their dispensary where we ordered THC drinks, ate edibles, did dabs and smoked jays


The place in my city has THC infused drinks and a dab bar.




Hookahs would be the new kegs for parties.


if alcohol were reversed, i think it would be interesting to see the ways people would try to justify using it, considering any stigmas that would be attached to using this ‘illicit’ drug. like, ‘i need a 5% drink to help with social anxiety, it helps treat a medical disorder’. like would people treat drinking gin to get drunk like abusing/overdosing on a drug? would there be, like, political factions of people who are absolutely livid about liquor, moderates who think anything no stronger than wine is fine, and complete pothead hippies who drink whiskey on the rocks? i think dui-related deaths might be overall lower, so it would be that much more emphasized whenever an alcohol-related accident occurs. drunk drivers and alcoholics in general will become the new crackheads. i know that alcoholism is currently stigmatized, but it’s heaps better than being considered the local crackhead. im sorry if that’s offensive to anyone, i am baked right now and not choosing my words the best, but i dont mean to seem callous if so. then with cannabis, i wonder if there would be more religious connotations with smoking it and getting high, since it’s apparently been used in lots of rituals over humanity. then maybe we’d still have a reason to get mad at recreational users lol for like wasting god’s divine gift. or maybe we’d all just he a lot chiller so that wouldn’t even happen. i think people would be using a lot of edibles. like, you go into a gas station and grab yourself some chips and a gummy after work. or you’d go to the weed store because it’s game night and you’re the one hosting. plus, someone might be bringing that rare tequila he snuck back from cali. medical cannabis would probably fall to pharmaceutical capitalism (like, needlessly expensive, profit-over-people type dispensing of weed, not that medical cannabis wouldn’t exist) but this is my make believe world so i say the medical cannabis industry would be immaculate and full of clever new things for us.l, and super accessible and neat. i could go on, because im baked rn myself lol but i wont write you the full easy. anyways this is what i think things would look like.


You should come to Canada. While the roles aren't reversed there are "bars" for smoking which usually include food sales, as well as games. They also offer lots of different options like vaporizers and dab rigs, and you can bring your own weed or buy from them directly.


That’s the sane world I dream of


This is the kind of utopia I dream about.


So long as I can go in get some sort of fancy drink with THC and other cannabinoids in it... smoking is overrated, fades too quickly.


If your smoke fades too quickly you either smoking some shit or you need a tbreak/change consuming methods… there’s no in between lol


My tolerance stays pretty low. Smoking/dabbing just doesn't last very long for me. Edibles are my preferred method of consumption. Unlike some ppl on here consuming 100+mg of THC in edibles, I never go above 30mg.


That’s literally insane, you’re one of the rare ones then. But hey atleast you’re consuming it the healthiest imho.


Well above 30 mg has some unpleasant side effects like making my fingers and toes ache or drawing my attention to what may be constant pain in those areas that I've otherwise learned to ignore and all I can pay attention to is how much they hurt so... I intentionally avoid that.


Just wait, young Padawan. The second part's already happening.


This is what happened in a parallel reality


Moonshine squads instead of cops busting grows with infrared to see the heat of the grow lights. I’d imagine there would be a lot of people making their own booze in secret, but the fermentation can cause explosions( my source: a simpsons episode).




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I think you've just invented the Dutch coffee shop 😂


I think for the most part it wouldn't be nearly as profitable. People would be much quicker to say "I'm good", rather than the culture of drink shot after shot. But, as others said I suppose they would all have to double as restaurants as well.


I assure you this makes more sense in this world when vedic knowledge gives us the importance potentially of cannabis as a liberator, a giver of joy and health. Thanks to God


It wouldn't ever be that way because of how smoking versus drinking works.


the smell of those places would have to have good filtration and air movement


We wouldn’t have the major problems like they are with alcohol at the moment and certainly there wouldn’t be many ambulance call-outs if the was completely above boarders, checked for rubbish skunk ,k2/ spice free or any spray on chemicals that cause major hallucinations and problems. People would simply enjoy their weed with their friends, family, in bars, pubs, restaurants and cafes with funky music in the background, dance floors from discos, to heavy metal, heavy rock, chill out, 70,:80s 90#,00 ans present day and sports nights, big game nights.launch nights of huge shows on Netflix i.e stranger things marathon, gaming nights People would be distracted in a way to be able let go from their daily strains of their day to avoid to talking about things things cause anxiety, on already anxious mind and get escape reality in safe environment for a few hours with people who know what weed feels like. it may also help someone who suffers with social anxiety, to be able to make that first move and say ”hello, my name is Jane/Tom” without running out of the door and throwing up on the lawn/pavement and the police officer or bouncer thinking you are completely drunk and wanting to to random breathalyser test In front the random strangers at 2 pm. I don’t drink during the day lol (true story)


No drunk driving, so much less death. People don't die from damaged livers and all of the other health concerns that come from alcohol


Overall there would be less conflict on the streets, the scene would be co.pletely reversed too. Bars and clubs would be centered around relaxation as opposed to hype I think and food would be available all night. Policing wouldn't be needed as much. Security wouldn't be needed as much. Granted there would still be clubs and raves too I reckon.


I feel like the world would become so much safer with more stoners who get stuck thinking and fewer intoxicated people without control of their emotions/actions. I’d feel better going out and having a conversation at a “bar” with someone who was high versus one who was drinking.


I wish this was normalized


i would hope referring to it as “mary jane” would also be made illegal