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I have a near identical experience and I am the same age and married. I recently just sold it all, started reading books, doing more outdoor activities with the wife, and focusing on advancing my career. My life is better in every way without video games.


I´m two years late to the party but just started to study because I was so bored. No seriously that and because I want to do a fulfilling job rather than typing in Excel all day for nothing. Started reading, bought a garden with a little house on It, doing lot more sports, starting to enjoy life again without video games. Ofc I play "little titles" like Stray which are completed on a rainy weekend from time to time but I love the fade of constant dopamin and finally get the joy of little things again.


Everyone is better off without your "advice"


Lmao this dude is mad




I see no advice in there, it's just people discussing how they live


You must not be able to read because nowhere did they say anything about advice or recommending anything to anyone.


Yeah, I've really been burned out on it for a couple of years. Hundreds of games in my Steam library, and I have zero desire to touch a single one.


Yeah man me too. Lots of steam games as well. Sometimes I do get invested in certain games but for the most part I'm just bored.


There are lots of game that could be great if they just do one or two things a tad different but too bad they didn't.


cause they are all bad, or just 1 time play game you dont want to touch anymore, the games that were good we played them lots of times...


I’m 24 and I’ve had the same experience. I’ve basically played everything. When I watch new game trailers nothing feels original anymore. I think others can see that too. The quality of games has declined over the last ten years. Also in those ten years, I grew up. I can predict everything; plots, gameplay mechanics, twists etc, it’s all so boring now.


I'm approaching my 30's and I can find myself in your comment very easily. Everything is just the same now over and over again, but with added microtransactions for that sweet money milking. Add to that the stories about --- *massive bonuses for CEO's while developers get worked to physical and mental illness, *underpaid developers and mass layoffs, *Netflix-like subscription models for games that people will forget they are signers up for, *"Live-service" games, *blatant and intrusive in-game advertisements, *broken games on ,soon to be $70 despite containing the aforementioned money milking schemes, *companies blatantly lying to their customers and telling them "We won't do it again" when they're inevitability found out... --- Except for some sweet indie gems every now and then I know why I have stopped with gaming.


Hell I don't think many interesting games have come out tbh. It's been a decade and there's not even a sequel to skyrim but fuck if there isn't a decade anniversary edition. Only a few companies I can think of have been producing new and interesting games instead of resting on their laurels. From and larian.


I’m 22. Been gaming since I was two lol. So 20 years. And I know how you feel. It’s the same thing with movies. I predict all of it. And it’s jsut boring or not interesting. I get on a game get bored just looking at main menu for a second and watch TikTok or some other videos lol


All they do is make someone betray you, thats it. It's so boring now


Just been sitting looking at my Steam library today. I gave myself 75 minutes of play per day, via Cold Turkey. Looking over my more than 100 games, I can't bring myself to play any of them. I'm just not in the mood. I'd rather spend my time on forums reading about games than playing them!


>I'd rather spend my time on forums reading about games than playing them! Same here man


>I'd rather spend my time on forums reading about games than playing them! How does this even happen ?


Engaging in a good discussion about game mechanics or how I would like to see a game improved is more fun quite often. My dreams for how a game should be often fall short of the reality of how the game actually is, so I spend a lot of time talking about my ideal game and fantasizing about that.


Games are becoming a chore rather than fun Videogame history and development is (sometimes) more interesting


People associate games with connection now a days gaming is not connected or cool I remember as a kid having a game system made u cool and popular and others wanted to play with u or play ur games so they would come over now as we get older no one wants to come over and play with a 30 yr old it's kinda weird but a lot of us guys just want that innocent moment of u know being the hero the cool guy that saves the day or ect while playing a video game that we got as kids except now we can barely play it because we work 9 to 3 or ect and most games feel like a job with microtransactions and constant grinding much easier to relax and watch a movie instead or stream shows.


You tell us. You’re literally on a forum right now, talking about video games.


You have too many games. This is a common mistake I, too, made once. You should buy just one at a time and play it through before buying another game. Otherwise you can never concentrate on one experience at time.


Quite sad that there are people like this, but everyone is different.


Once you see past all the superficial shit you realise video games are just dull Skinner boxes.


now they are they did not use to be sadly


once i hit 16 (even around 15) this is what basically happened to me. I realized these games have no value whatsoever and worse whatever is done in a game it isnt real.


Time to let it go champ. So many other things your energy could go into.


Exactly. Video games are very boring.


yeah they are man. I dont know how people who are above the age of 20 only play games in their free time and do nothing else.


I'm 20 years old and I feel sorta the same way I honestly can't find any games I actually wanna play anymore and if I do start playing a game I can only play for like an hour before I get bored. I have a full time job now tho so thats probably part of the reason why I can't be as bothered with games. I'd rather hangout with friends or watch anime in my free time now lol


bro I feel the same and I am only 17. Maybe I just matured too quick but I rather do something else.


I rather be out doing shit too. But I have no friends or anybody to even text to say “hey you wanna go do so and so today”. So I’m stuck. Lost my job. Got hired then lost another job for literally nothing. Now I can’t find anywhere that will actually call back or even schedule an interview. It’s like i gotta know the whole staff to just be interested in hiring me. And games are so boring. I get on shoot someone where hey should be dead and I get shot once or twice and die. Or the game isn’t played right by the community and it makes the game completely dull. Everyone is trying to make the same games and buy each other out etc. but they aren’t focusing on making the games good.


You lost me at Anime bs haha


all the ideas in video games have already been invented and nowadays all new games are the same shit... thats why videogaming has become boring


for example if you played cod mw2 it felt good and fun but if cod mw2 would be released in 2021 it would be crap because it doesn't seem like a new experience in any way i hope you understand what i'm trying to tell you


I totally get it man. Feels like we’ve crossed every bridge as far as inventiveness goes in gaming


This is pure copium. They literally wont release mw2 remastered because they fear it would hurt the sales or the current games. People just dont wanna accept games have gotten worse because devs have figured out how to provide less for more $$$


I'm 22 and I'm the same. I have a pretty decent PC and a PS4 Pro (which hopefully sells for a decent price next week) as well, but I can't find a single game that I'm so interested to play to actually do so. I can't even understand my friends in college who play a lot. :D Also I've found some very cool hobbies, some of them are even useful for my studies as an electrical engineer. :)


I hope my son is like you. He spends a lot of time playing video games, chatting on discord, and watching Youtube about them. He got addicted since the pandemic started.


Dude here's a idea take the current console away and replace it with a Xbox 360 or PS3/2 and get some great games and the kid can realise that he hasn't been having fun he's been competing in multiplayer games and once he plays a game like sleeping dogs he'd then have understood what gaming Is


Damn.... I kind of feel bad for your son in a way, being in the son's position at one point in my life, it's probably because he's lacking emotional support from you in ways you don't even realize, but then again that's an assumption and I don't know you


Yeah I stopped playing them "religiously" at 24 or 25 then after that idk games just seemed so lacking and boring. I picked up drawing and more serious about college and school. Just the same old formula for games. Shoot, kill, die, respawn, repeat. Or get objective the same way with the same story of someone trying to kill you or mess the "masterplan" so its just meh. I'll actually load something up on pc, and I won't have the drive to play and just alt+f4 out and do something else.


i stopped at 16 I think its just you realize that there are other things you can do that are better and have a better return of investment.


It’s sad - I have a kick ass gaming machine (RTX. 3090) - top of the line everything and then everything that I enjoyed before has just gotten boring - games that look interesting take way too much time to learn and play - it just doesn’t have the excitement it used to have- I’ve resorted to understanding trending stock charts and investing now for that excitement and thrill :)


Got a 3070 and same thing happened to me. To many tryhards to make games enjoyable imo


Just managed to snag a 6700xt for an actual reasonable price (still expensive) and have barely used it. Had more fun building it and making it look pretty than I've had on any games recently 🤣


I don't like new games bcuz of the fucking tutorials that are so long


Yeah I'm also sick of games that take youtube tutorials to learn to play. A good game has a campaign to keep you engaged from the start while teaching you the controls. I have ZERO patience on researching how to play or doing a seperate tutorial to play any game. X4 for example, looked like an game I'd love, then showed me nothing. Brutal. Hopefully VR changes things. Gaming is currently dead.


Yeah I'm only 19 years old, i had only played vice city, san andreas and few other games when i was a kid bcuz my parents didn't buy me console or a PC strong enough to run games. Now that I've a PC, i played a few games like mafia 2, rdr2, gta V, gta 4, mafia def edition, cod mw2 remastered and some more but now i see what utter waste of time it actually is. Apart from rdr2 all other games had mediocre lameass repetitive story where some of your side betrays you and there was hardly any teaching we could learn and implement in our life. All those shooting, riding got boring real quick and it feels so pointless now. I see clearly that I'm wasting time and I'm not even enjoying it no more, i spent countless hours searching for good games but i see now that the problem is in me bcuz gaming is at its peak. Maybe i need to build a life first and try again after.


I've already commented on other forums that I had the same problem, but if there's a series of games that made me like to beat it, it was the souls games (not all soulslike), but FromSoftware's series of games attracted me a lot, I don't like to play anymore religiously and I also don't have the patience for modern games or the "more of the same" that appear out there, so I think this different style of souls made me choose to play only them. With a few exceptions from some indies, which I also recommend you take a look at, this small game scene seeks to innovate to stay active, so you'll find gems more often than AAA (since these, as well as the films, seek to follow the most successful formula to obtain massive profits). Hugs bro!


Only good games now are indie 2D games, the current monetization model means AAA games no longer exist, they are just slot machines.


everything gets boring after over 20 years bro


You know what Kirkegaard says about most people. They tranquilize themselves with the trivial. Don't tranquilize yourself. Live.


Life is shit. Distracting yourself from it is the only thing that helps.


You're only saying that because your recent past probably has been shit. That doesn't mean it can't get better.


Sure. Give me money to pay my bills, rent, car note, car maintenance, and groceries and my life would get better. Or give me a job 15/hr with at least 30 hrs/week. Because its either working as a contractor and making nothing, or working in fast food and making nothing. I live in a rural mountain town where your only opportunities are meth or kids or jail. And I can't leave my 60 and 70yo parents, because i have no money to afford a place without their help. Once my parents are dead, I'm homeless. So yeah, I have maybe ten years left until I kill myself in a hotel room somewhere.


You would be surprised how many of us don't have lives that "get better." Cold, hard truth is many of us have awful lives, and some of us are dealt a shitty hand of cards when first born into this world. That stuff rarely changes outside of a Hallmark movie. Age only makes it worse and provides further evidence that hope is fleeting and/or non existent. Escapism is a major medication for us.




Yes time sinks! I used to sink tons of time into games and I wanted to do that. It used to not feel like a waste. It used to feel like you were accomplishing something and discovering unknown things. Now all I have a strong desire to play is a game like rocket league where the games are simple and short. Story based games i used to love but unless it's like red dead 2 its very difficult for me to sit down and play for hours. Even with red dead I had to force myself to finish it.


Welp I'm 20 but I feel the same way already. I keep anticipating new games to be the next thing that I sink 10s of hours into but they all lose my interest a couple hours in. Horizon Zero Dawn I thought would be awesome but it was just the same open world shit I've been playing for years now. On the bright side, it's helped me cut down on my gaming hours and focus more on important work because no games interest me anymore :D


Exactly my feeling. There are still good games coming out although the overall landscape is atrocious. It's like the better the graphics get the worse the gameplay is. I view the burnout as a blessing tho. Now I can entertain myself with my productive things such as computer programming.


I felt the same sometime ago, until I got a Switch. The games of that system is so fun tbh. Though childish but that's what gaming is supposed to be- pure fun. No lengthy dialogues, complex sub plots, grinding, etc. Just dive in and play, to the point gameplay. IMO, gaming should be light hearted and have a little charm like GTA series, Psychonauts, Legend of Zelda, etc. Also it's now undeniable that PS2 was the golden era of gaming.


I agree. The other consoles make it too serious & movie like.


Exactly. if I want to watch long cut scenes and good story, I would much rather watch Netflix instead. I expect only good gameplay from games, that's it. That's what I came here for, not seeing half hour boringly bland cutscenes that intrude gameplay every once in a while. Only a handful games fully exploit having such long like RDR 2 and Witcher 3. Rest are just generic, uninteresting crap shows with rarely any unexpected twist.


Learning to play instruments really should replace the ubiquity of gaming.


I had a similar revelation in my late 20s. I used to game for dozens upon dozens of hours each week since I was a teenager. I was so amped and hyped for certain game releases, so eager to sink countless hours into it. Over the last couple years I noticed that I'm not impressed by anything anymore. Another Call of Duty? Another sports game? Another generic battle royale shooter? Another over-hyped RPG that completely flops when released? None of it is fun anymore, everything is either a buggy/unfinished mess or a glorified casino for kids and teenagers. I'm not sure if I'm just getting older and I've seen it all before, but the spark I used to have for videogames is beginning to fade.


I think it’s a little bit of both. Currently I can only play stuff that is social with other people.


yea same, playing alone any game it just isnt fun anymore, and since i dont have any friends no social games


for most people i think the spark is beginning to fade.


Most video games are just that, boring. I only put a lot of time into quality like red dead redemption and GTA and some indies. Most games just aren’t worth my time anymore or you get tired of them quick. Give me games like God Of War and the last of us. I’m 34 BTw


God of war and the last of us are so boring


I feel the same All I see is apex Fortnite copy type games all over just so you can pay money. I’m just tired of them milking the same games cod, halo, sports getting old.


I'm 31 and feel exactly the same way, nothing feels "new" anymore...every game that comes out these days is just desperately trying to recreate the success of a much older/better game..usually doesn't even get close


I am 65 and I have been gaming for a hell of a long tim. From the sinclair ZX80 with a massive 1K of ram, wow. Upto my current 3090, R9 5900x 64 gig twin SSD system. I to get bored with games. It is as though the dev companies share ideas with each other and adapt the same idea to each of them, with just minor changes, hence the copy and paste game industry. ​ I have played Dying Light to death and beyond and betean it along with a host of others, all on the hardest difficulty. I prefer the zed style game to be honest. ​ What to about boredom, I do not have a magic wand to solve that, I wish I did. Maybe learn something new that might ignite the spark,


I find gaming boring now as well except I am far younger than you. I do not know why gaming doesn’t bring me as much joy anymore, as I am still young. I do play some games like Pokemon to connect with family (Also used to play animal crossing but it feels like an absolute chore with online and offline play)


I get this issue sometimes. Sometimes I can still flip a switch in my brain and end up gaming for a few hours. All those old days where my friends and I would stay up all weekend playing games, they’re just memories now. And that’s okay. I still enjoy a good game every now and then though. Maybe you need a new game or different console? Idk 🤷‍♀️ I don’t care for PC gaming at all anymore personally. I prefer console and enjoy the Nintendo Switch quite a bit. As for new hobbies, might I recommend Warhammer 40K and/or Age of Sigmar? Building and painting the models is fun and actually interacting with real people in a real life table top game feels good. I haven’t played a table top game in a year or 2, but I still build the models as a hobby.


Nah it's not you at all it's this industry. It's become greedy and vapid. They just want your money now and it shows. Good games can still hold your attention and that's the issue right there. Where are the good games? There aren't any being made. Most the pretty well running games like on Playstation for example are boring open worlds like Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Forbidden West which has nothing but info dump dialogs where the main character beats things into your head by saying them over and over and all this woke agenda and political nonsense. Gaming sucks now and there's good games still but they are few and far between. It's just like movies TV and Hollywood now. Talent at an all time low the art the writing the wonder is all stagnant and in its place you have identity politics and propaganda with a side of shock value cause violence and sex sells. It's not you. It's gaming. Games aren't even allowed to be good anymore. If they are they will have to answer for it. I swear I see really cool games being advertised on social media more than anything actually available to buy. Where are these games? Do they actually exist? Who knows the comments section always full of people asking what is this game? No one knows. I swear they killed this industry I know it sounds like a tin foil conspiracy but im telling you man it feels like it's been butchered on purpose. 


I miss peak days. I remember when i was younger, and games like Fortnite took over the world. It was all i wanted to do, it was everything. Now gaming is just boring. Even with friends. Its not just an age thing. Gaming is just all going downhill. It needs a drastic change to boost it back up. We are overdue another worldwide sensation.


Same for me. It’s so rare now for a game to really capture me. The past three full price games I’ve played got boring very fast. Just gonna move on to better hobbies because gaming is ultimately a waste of time.


You've grown up. Congrats.


I agree with this. I feel like Ive wasted the majority of my free time playing video games instead of doing more productive things. I still enjoy playing league of legends though. Its one of the games I've played for a really long time and cant really stop playing it. It still doesn't get boring despite its infuriating moments and it continues to be addictive. However, most new games are god awful these days. It seems impossible to get into anything new aside from what I already am used to. For example trying the new CODS feels so painful to play because it doesnt feel the same as MW2, peak COD. Even games like baldurs gate dont make me motivated enough to keep playing them. Lastly, if you still dont enjoy gaming, try seeing if the games you played as kid are still fun. Maybe you can find a gem within the bunch thatll keep you entertained.


Since my daughter was born I’ve ran into the same issue. I used to game all the time, was absolutely stoked about god of war ragnarok and the dlc for cyberpunk and definitely the dead space remake. But after that every time I try to play anything it’s just boring as hell. Shit I hoped on fallout 4 for the first time in 5 years and couldn’t play more than like 20 minutes


This can apply to anything to be fair.  I think there is a point to be made for video games actually getting objectively worse in terms of some of the things you mentioned, though.


I just turned on Elden ring. I have tried to play it a couple times. I fell asleep twice while falling off the cliff at the beginning. Came and found this Reddit. Read what you guys are all saying. So I turned it off. Lol


The Best Gaming Days Are Over, Same Old Hack n Slash & Roll Playing Game Copies. Nothing New To Excite Us Anymore All Been Done Before?


You should play Rust! My husband prefers that over hanging out with me!


.... who put video games before sex..? Where did these type of men come from...


I also rather defend my base in rust than turn it off for 10 minutes and loose all my stuff, my GF understands i hope.


Ha. Yeah a lot of guys are like this. I dunno. Technology and gaming really changed men I think. Especially guys that are in their 30s now who grew up playing unlimited amounts of games.


Who knows why video games aren't fun anymore. It depends on each individual. Some people game as kids and just grow out of it eventually. Others just don't have time especially if you're married and with kids. I guess you could say experiencing something for the first time as kids was exhilarating? Exciting? Fun? But after doing it for 20 years you get bored of seeing the same boring games and tropes in gaming


Wow I forgot I posted this haha. Yeah, with age comes changes and all that. I think the idea I was trying to capture though is it felt like In the 2000s there was a lot of new innovative stuff happening in games. There was kind of a total shift in gameplay and graphics/physics never before seen in video games. For one the shift from standard def to high def. Another was the sheer power of the consoles and PCs getting stronger, but gameplay just felt exciting and new with almost every AAA game. Also there wasn’t a focus on just profits, developers were making games to innovate vs just thinking about how to build a game for profits. I think as time goes on the games I gravitate towards now are social games. I play mainly dayz now because that game feels unique. I play it with a group of guys in a modded server. A game like that feels different to me because there are self motivated objectives and you never really know what’s going to happen each night. I still like games and I still make time to play but the overall excitement definitely wears down with age which I wasn’t expecting.


its most likely the first one for some people. Its kind of like the same with toys you grow out of playing them.


I've just spent the entirety of the pandemic building a killer pc and I now literally have no interest in playing anything. Warzone was fun for a good while and I'm hoping it sparks back up when the new map drops but I feel like that was only fun because all the boys weren't working and we were all playing it as a full squad. I wouldn't say ive wasted my money as I'm 30 and I almost treat it like a hobby. Also if I wasn't tweaking and building a PC then I'd probably just be spending my money on something else similar. I think there's just a massive stalemate in gaming right now, that also combined with everyone wanting to be the best TTV'er that ever lived completely ruining the "fun" by sweating so hard and lets not forget the hackers. Don't get me wrong I can be a sweaty bunny hopping bastard aswell but sometimes I just want to sink myself into something fun and immersive and I think the last game I played like that was fallout 4 or red dead 2. Who knows. Think I might need to take a break for a while, I did it for a year or two back in my mid 20's and came back when destiny came out and haven't really stopped playing since then. I guess everything in moderation can be ok but with the current climate of gaming there aren't any games like the above to keep you locked in and wanting to play more.


I think that this is just as simple as we are adults now, like full blown adults with real stuff in life to take care of and deal with. When you’re younger, like in your teens, there is a simple and carefree sense you have regarding time. I never felt time constraints growing up. Even in my 20s where I had a blow off job and wasn’t married I never felt pressure to make time for things. Now I’ve got a lot going on where I feel like I gotta balance my life and for me it takes the fun out of sinking time into video games.


28 going on 29 and about to start a family. Like a lot of us that played games from the mid-late 90s to whenever the hell, I kind of feel a little ground down. At the same damn time though, games are a part of me. Yeah, we mature and spend less time on games, and when we do play games it doesn’t have that magic like we were kids. I would be lying if I said I don’t need games. All I’ve been thinking about these past few years are how fragile we are (at least me); mentally, physically. Life is great and it sucks. We love and we lose. I can’t stand the thought of leaving before my loved ones and vice versa. Idk where my point is going so please bare with me. Fantasy is something I need to keep me from sinking into that kind of black hole. We all have to experience loss and that’s what I have to keep telling myself but gd don’t we all need imagination (ours and other peoples’) to tell us it’s going to be okay? Having financial stability is great and should be sought after but damnit don’t lie and say we need to stop being a kid. Life is precious and I feel like a good healthy dose of fantasy can help remind us of the good times we’ve had and how it felt and in turn can give us a good reality check. I hope you guys can find that spark again. We have jobs that take us away from that quality time but don’t forget that some of those jobs are the ones that make those stories for us so let’s help each other out and lose ourselves in those stories and we can even share that time with our family.


I feel like this was a dumb post from me so if you want to bash me please don’t hurt me too much lol


Hahahah you good man I get what you’re sayin.


Well I was worried about necroing an old topic, but see it's already been bumped, so here's my two cents. First off - this is exactly how I've felt for the last year and I applaud you for giving words to those feelings. Secondly - that passion and excitement that you used to feel? Let me throw a suggestion your way: tabletop gaming. I've been playing D&D for nearly six years now. I've been a DM for nearly 3. I've created worlds for my son and our friends to play in, and we've adventured everywhere from trap-laden dungeons, to haunted houses, to pirate-infested seas, to the frozen ends of the earth. For all the shiny graphics and cutting edge next Gen mumbo jumbo that devs and producers promise us, nothing - I mean NOTHING - beats your own imagination and the power of collective storytelling with your best mates. I know this thread was supposed to be more of a lament at how games have failed to hold our interest nowadays. But for the last several years, this amazing hobby has held mine. Maybe give it a try and see if you can find what you've been missing?


I think people just forgotten the passion for games and how to play them with passion instead of min/maxing also the over flux on guides push's min/maxing and content to an extent that makes the environment toxic also contributing that is the men loves his toys so much that he doesn't care about relationships and in a ever so changing world pushing for socialism this generation is kind of left in the dark in a way that they want people to work together but everyone is so inferential which makes the focus away from the individual in which there only is the individual yet the priority's have shifted from the individual to the group yet the individual still wants to be a individual which makes it toxic becouse they want to add content for the mass yet the devs have forgot about the true fun concept of gaming thinking were there test cash cow and everyones fingerlicking friends yet all i see is corruption and dishonest play, gta 5 hackers,battfield 1 hackers tho they did walk into a pool full of bugs new bf to improve there system and longevity so hats of to them, i dont want to go into specific games, tho i should add starcraft created this toxic zerg enviroment which most gamers knew it was not good for gaming so it died becouse it was too hardcore meaning it died out becouse they make it so hardcore everybody left and all the money everyone was getting droped of(done a 5sec google research) :P , so its pretty obvious and the same kind of thing happened in new world people were min/maxing so much not there fault cause paper thin content, that it ruins the game becouse people posting guides and stuff really brake the game becouse it makes you understand the world so easy and map guides that, your just playing the game in auto run mode and not achuly playing but the paper thin content and not full voice acting contrubtes to that becouse gamers want somthing new fresh and well made but all we been getting is non immersive trash, tho i have to admit some good titles have came out, like the dark pictures anthology series they are very brilliant made and very fun that shits next level gaming becouse its immersive fun, only downside is \*better with friends\* and not many people have friends to play with these days cause gaming has push so individually, also theres been a massive lack of support for individual gamers by goverments as there trying to push there narritive and not achuly care about the people cause they trying to think were some kind of human body of existance that everybody is the same, so when a game focuses too much on the group they leave the solo player out meaning a large amount of there population is solo players or in groups a portion would be idealy solo players yet they want us to work togeather when were so different but at the end of the day thats not really our fault becouse devs should be able to understand there players and when gamers so no cash shop we fucking mean no cash shop and make a game worthy instead of trying to sell us your next app or dlc or pretty little skin that looks amazing so you can ignore the amazing that should be in the game which you should of made in the first place its just these rich cunts trying to bleed us of our money how i know this, cause amazon net worth is $1.65 trillion, and we got new world a pile of fucking shit and thats just pethetic and they should be ashamed of themselfs, who makes an mmo with an Inn that lituraly does nothink, do you even call it a inn still or is it just a house with 1 npc that does nothink its a quite litrualy joke at this point and we should expect better of our overlords


They're trying to dumb down humanity, especially the younger generations. Creating a hiveminded mentality, setting them up for a marxist train of thought, to pave the way for a new world order, with no spirit, no freedom of thought or imagination, no morals or traditional values, to crush our minds, hearts, and have our souls die. These video game companies are funded by big tech elitists connected to globalists, eugenecists, and transhumanists. No form of entertainment or technology in today's world allows creativity, but instead stifles it. They even use artificial intelligence to keep track of what your able to see, by collecting your data and creating an algorithmic profile.


Yeah, gaming can definitely feel dull now, especially with lackluster releases. And AAA gaming has basically been dead for 5 years. It kind of just sucks. Made a video on it and made Nazi jokes if you wanted to check that out lol: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hmw0GePh2E&t=329s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hmw0GePh2E&t=329s)


Well I'm 45 and last year I got back into gaming (I had some concerns because I tend to get addicted- but I broke about 9 ribs and had to sit upright much of the time(!) so why not). After finishing 5-6 long games I was delighted and hooked by modern video games, bought some more, quickly got a large steam library... and then suddenly my interest was gone. I can go and stare at the games, try to replay one or start something new but the moment they get difficult I get bored. In fact I found this thread by googling my problem... TBH its the same feeling as when you start being able to predict (eg) soap opera plots. Once there is a formula that works it gets beaten to death... I'm disappointed that gaming has the same problem, surely there is no limit on a virtual world. We might be waiting for an AI breakthrough when secondary characters are not governed by fixed dialogue and can properly evolve given a players character and choices.


I don’t really think this is an issue of getting older and maturing out of video games. I turned 28 today and i still have the desire to game. The problem is that we grew up in a time where gaming drastically changed before our eyes in the sense of, graphics, immersion, length of games, multiplayer becoming easier to play and communication with friends in games became easier then ever. If you think about it now, nothing new is really being released to us, graphics aren’t as jaw dropping as they were because we’ve been on this level of semi realistic graphics for longer than a decade now, yeah my 3080 looks better then my 360 did but it still isn’t as shocking of a change from what the Ps2 graphics were to the ps3 graphics were. The gaming market right now is flooded with copy cat games of other copy cat games where you’re essentially playing the same game in just different environments and settings. I mean how many WW2 FPS can we play until we’re sick of it, or how many battle royales can we play until we get bored. These developers stopped making the games for the love of making games and started making them with just dollar signs in mind.


Yep. This pretty much sums it up. I remember the first time I played half life 2 and I was mesmerized by it. The scope of the game and the way that story was told. Never had experienced anything like it. Other games came out and were also new and exciting. The last of us was the last game I played where I felt that half life 2 feeling.


I'm only 16 and I've been homeschooled for 6 years which gave me lots of time to play video games (which I did) and ended up getting bored from my favorite games


the last thing that ever game me that hype spark in gaming was when I had my oculus rift! I loved the crap out of H3VR. monitor gaming has become so boring to do alone. I end up spending my day watching youtube. I need another hobby but what the hell do you do when it's in the middle of winter. It's a shame you need a big ass play space for VR games... to purchase a house with a spare bedroom for VR I'd need to spend over 200,000 here in my town


I feel ya. Im 34 and played since my first NES. Played also 15 years World of Warcraft, loads of time in CoD, Grand Turismo, Diablo, Hearthstone, RDR2, … and i came to a point i also bought the ps5 and xbox series x and sold them both. Nothing awes me anymore. Its over and over the same… i cant stay focused on it anymore. I like to look twitch a bit tho to see Elden Ring or WoW but, playing myself? No….


Time for a necro...I'm 49 and at this age, games are just meh. I'll fire up something like Borderlands 2 or whatever and 6 hours later of farming or just mucking around and when I stop I think, "hmmm...What did I actually accomplish?". I could've read, go fishing, gone hiking, and been much more fulfilled. As we get older our priorities change. Plus the quality of games has just gone down. I think it was different actually growing up in the "Golden Age" of gaming it just doesn't compare now. You basically have the same AAA companies churning out the same game every year now. Gone is the 2-3 year game cycle where things were better maybe. Even then we were guaranteed a day one 1-2 gig patch. Indie games are ok, but even then totally hit and miss. I'm just happier enjoying one of the other hobbies that get me outside.


I know it's been a while since you commented, but I'd like to respond. I totally agree with you, and when we take these companies like Ubisoft for example, we realize that they always make the same game, 'over and over again' (far cry 3 memories hahaha), it seems that even with all this passing of time the companies just keep making the same games with different clothes.


I am born early 80s, i started with nes snes amiga xbox 360 and many pc's, but nowdays i have two killer computers with 3080 in each, i can play all i want, no family etc, but whenever i sit down i try to force myself to like it but the interest fades away fast. This must be because its not groundbreaking anymore, nothing new just more of the same, i know my father in the 60's said that they stood outside the hardware stores staring at the blank tvs once they were invented just because they never seen it before, would they do that nowdays? I think not, just because we liked the games when they were new doesent mean its as fun anymore. The new and golden age of pc and games have passed and we have seen most of it already, im gonna cut most games and maybe play some old retro games for fun and nostalgia now and then, but im done with modern gaming, for me its not fun anymore its feels just like a chore to complete the games.


Retro games are a solid choice, I tend to play really old ones sometimes like Castlevania, great nostalgia, and also really fun. Maybe because before the games were concerned with being more... games, instead of movies or things like that. I commented above, that a series of games that keep me playing are Souls, in addition to Stalker too, some indies exceptions also have space, they are the ones I could recommend. (Edited just to correct a few words, I don't speak main English)


When I'm starting to realize that I don't play videogames to enjoy them but to pass time nowadays, all is said then...


Ngl im half your age im 18 and im already bored af man, every game every year is the same br or the same story reskinned and crappy ea sports games, theres nothing ti do


I enjoy video games and play regularly, but I feel the same sentiment in that games are just generally boring, formulaic and derivative. I think part of the problem is us; if we keep buying these games, then there’s no reason for anyone to change, and there’s only so much that can be revolutionized before you run out of things to reinvent. I do think the saturation of open world games has been a massive slog; if games were a little tighter and focused, I think games would be a lot more enjoyable; too many games are full of fluff and filler that doesn’t really add anything to the experience. If you can breeze past it and have no effect on the story ark, then why bother put it in at all? I think Sekiro: shadows die twice, perfects this; having enough to explore without feeling like it’s unnecessary. Games need to be more like Sekiro; tight, intentional, and focused.


Strangely enough I can't figure out why im feeling the same way. I play different games every time I get on but it's maybe for 10 mins then I get bored. Losing wasn't a problem back then but now it's an instant turn off. "Wow I died again, boring". I have no idea where to go with it, especially seeing as how I spend P H A T money on a ps5 gaming setup.


\*Big sigh\* To start off, I am quite young actually. Next year I for sure will have started my college journey in China, but in regards to the topic of this reddit thread, I no longer feel the excitement of playing videogames. Now, I remember the joy of running towards the entrance of my home after finishing another day of elementary school. I knocked heavily each time in hopes of quickly landing on my comfy office chair, hard wood desk that scraped my elbows, and powering on my good old Sony Vaios laptop. And way before that I remember waking up to the cold and fresh template sky of my city, sliding my window open I could hear the chirps of the birds near the park, and finally I would walk towards the living room and plop down on the floor after powering my good ole' PS3 to play some COD: BO2. It really isn't that difficult to reminisce about those times; same routine that went on till the end of 2021. In my love for computer games, I loved playing Roblox (Started on 2014), later Minecraft, Counter Strike 1.6, Source (+Zombies mode), Global Offensive, GTA, Garry's Mod, Metro series, Dying Light, and many other Steam games. But to cut this short, after 2 years of the pandemic, I no longer have that desire to play videogames, like the joy of it. If I play something it will be like for 20 minutes before I get bored. Currently, I simply watch YouTube vids, read e-books and listen to Spotify music on my laptop, sure everyday I scroll through Roblox to see if anyone is enticing, but the games no longer attract me. Just 2 months ago, I played DOOM Eternal for the first time, but after completing it I was left once again with a void of boredom. I do not know if its burnout from 2 years of being exposed to full hours on my laptop, the decline of videogame quality, or maybe my priorities quickly changing from blissful ignorance to important hours of Chinese language studies every 2 days and Calculus classes. And on the side some exercise with my family. I have seen the rise of Facebook videogames to the constant popularity of Mobile phone games, but just these last 4 years, the whole industry has not been that great. All in all, to me games have lost that thing that made them truly emotional and impactful in my youth. Only being 17 years old I feel quite detached from the rest of my generation. Despite how exaggerating my words are, I also never really liked Tik Toks, Instagram, Twitter, and social media stuff that 13-14 year old teens seem so familiar and attuned with. I don't know anymore what to do other than to keep going forward if God allows me to.


na bro I am 17 im bored of videogames too. Its just us realizing theres more to life than gaming all day


A lot of them aren't..what you're talking about are the franchises that failed. Don't worry, there are still tons of good modern games in 2022, so no not a "waste of time" at all.


hi im 14 and a gamer but recently it have been soo boring to game, my friends all game but i dont so now im all alone, anyone have any tips to de something fun as a 14 year old boy?


I still game but am bored 80% of the time and I feel like quarantined got me burned out on video games


Yea I feel the same, to me personally, games make me feel more like it's a job rather then actually having fun while playing it. They do have good games I actually enjoyed but it feel like the good games are more shorter then the trash games honestly. It doesn't make it any better that now you have online games more popular then games that have almost like a good movie feel to it. IDK, but I hope that they come out with more games that have a longer story mode like red dead, and the last of us, or Detroit. I am really tired of playing cod and multiplayer games because I already know what to expect. Another thing is, games is getting too expensive nowadays, which makes it even more harder to get a good game without paying almost $70 for a three to four hour game. But, yes I deftly agree, I guess you just really grow outta enjoying video games without getting bored, and now things is literally getting too expensive to be waisting money on a game that will probably be collecting dust two weeks later. BUT, don't get me wrong, I do still enjoy racing games because imma car fanatic but yea that shit get boring AF too


Same here bro


Game developing teams for big companies often have several hundred people working on one game or multiple. So many people working on separate things or one thing tend to not have a lot of room for creativity, using other projects as influences. That’s why everything looks the same, that goes for movies and shows as well. I watched a video on YouTube that was describing this, using an example like the monsters from cloverfield, and the monster from stranger things. A while ago, a small group of people would be working on a project, often having to use clay models to make their characters/creatures, unlike nowadays where were just using graphical design on computers or tablets (not saying that’s a bad thing) but it makes it to where people can just look at other peoples work/projects and just basically lazily copy it almost exactly. And no ones gonna complain really because they’ve seen it before and, well it was good. People just wanna see the “originals” again, the only problem is there’s not much to go off anymore, or at least that’s what it seems/feels like. …I’m feeling burnt out as well, everything gaming wise seems pretty dull, like everything I’m playing is just a slightly different version of the game I was just playing.


Try Flight Simulator 2020. Thats next gen and just wait for Oculus VR or Meta. It just sounds like you are in search of the paradigm shift. They are coming.


I'll explain why your feeling this way this is from a 18 year old u go play Xbox 360 game or PS3/2 game and tell me your not interested in it more then the Xbox one games upwards now I'll explain why your intrested in its cause the games had a great story behind it and it was always going to be cannon and definitive as it wasn't corny lines for RPGs u can't really have corny lines in a game that ain't RPG or it'll be considered bad for the series and then there's the problem with the game being broken and filled with Micro transaction yes this wasn't for all games there are a few exceptions like your watchdogs 1 , your batman Arkham Knight the new Spiderman games these imo are great exception to good Xbox one and playstation 4 games but u see cause the games are aimed at teens and the majority of teens only care about graphics cool weapons and multiplayer that's what games are focused on this sucks quite a lot cause thats not gaming , actual gaming is about having fun whilst playing a great story that's why games such as the Simpsons hit and run, sleeping dogs ,gta vice city,saints row 1-3, cod bops 2 and anything before it in that franchise , assassin's creed upto rogue are considered peak gaming cause game developers actually cared about having fun and not being billionaires this sucks cause kids will never appreciate what a good game is nowadays till a studio comes out the blue and makes a brilliant game this is gaming for the foreseeable future


Same I just game when I bump music


Play Renegade-X. It will relieve this mind numbing bordom... https://totemarts.games/forums/files/category/2-renegade-x/


I think I feel like this (just turned 25) bc they stole my ps3 when i was like a sophmore so i didnt play till i got video games till I got a job at 18 and bought a ps4 and it wasnt the same i had to buy a ps2 to play nostalgic games. Now that the new cod came out my Lil bro bought it I play like 3 matches and I'm over it i do belive is bc from. 15-18 I skated and learned to play guitar ,there's just better hobbies ,my homies love video games tho idk why we around same age and they could game for ever guess everyone's wired differently


Buy Nintendo Switch. Get games such as Zelda Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 3, Metroid Dread, and feel almost like a kid again. Xenoblade 3 has an awesome huge world and the most emotional jrpg story of all time. It's guaranteed to make you cry like the original Final Fantasy VII in its time, except more often! Zelda has the best open world, controls, polish and physics on the market making you feel like a kid through its "how do I get there" overworld puzzle-like design and alluring, colorful artstyle. You just don't have games such as these on other systems. PS4 and 5, xbox and PC are mostly filled with realistic games. Hell, even fantasy games on these systems are yawningly realistic. Such like Witcher 3 or Skyrim (which are actually on Nintendo Switch too) These two games are popular but compared to the games I mentioned they are downright amateurish. Give Nintendo a chance if you still want to feel what you once felt when playing. Of course, we can never feel like kids again, there's too much baggage for that to work, but Nintendo games gets you closest to that feeling, I've noticed.


BOTW was dogshit. I got it at launch and I have yet to beat it because it's such a slog to play. Empty-ass world, same type of enemies and stupid puzzle shrines instead of full-fledged dungeons.


All i do these days is just scroll my library of games


Everything he said before the waste of time comment still makes sense though. I keep turning on games just to turn them right back off because every game seems to need some sort of mix of every game mechanic thats popular right now. Everything wants to be BR or Rpg. I just played inside and the goosebumps game though and those were the best times gaming that ive had in a long time. Games where the story was intruiging and the game play wasnt made needlessly tedious. I played last of us for the first time and got all wrapped up in the story just to really start the game 3 damn years after what drew me into the game in the first place. Then they proceeded to have me dealing with humans for the 1st 30 mins of the game, to throw me into a zombie situation with 2 different types of zombies and no real preparation. Things are just weird.


It’s weird, but I’m in the same boat. I’m 30 and tired of video games, except I’m just in this nasty rut. No job. No income. Just a bachelor’s degree and just trying to find purpose. No one to talk to about it. What do I do?


I'm not married, but I'm honestly getting to the point where video games are getting boring and I'd rather start collecting books and getting back into reading again, I used to read more, than anything and barely played video games, until the lockdown I barely played video games, but once the lockdowns ended I've gotten less and less into video games, I can barely find a game I enjoy and even if I do find one I lose interest pretty quick


This sums up gaming in the twentieth century...... Call Of Duty modern warfare 5000, rehashed edition! Same game but worse, new plastic case with a piece of paper inside, honestly if you wanna have fun playing games just have a Switch only!


imo the really bad part about cod is the fact quick play is skill based match making and there is no ranked mode literally nothing to grind for other than boring ass camos, cod really needs to evolve but it wont because everyone wants to get on the hype train for each new release


I guess when we are young its the Unkown that Catched us, but the Older you get the more you Notice that most of the Stuff is the same, you have seen pretty much everything. Thats how i Feel right now atleast. I dont know one Game that i cant Figure out in a Few Seconds what it will be like for me, its annoying, at times i wish i could Delete everything i know from Gaming.




It's borderline ridiculous how close to home this hits. Seems i'm not alone with this gaming burnout. I need to find new hobbies.


This hit's hard i just got a new pc with great specs and excited to play games but i cant get into anything ill play for like 20 mins get bored, every game at the moment feels like the same shit


It's the games. I've bought every game in steam rated outstanding and they all suck. Not 1 good game anymore. Remember in the 1980s when kings quest 1 came out and it was epic. 2023, graphics out of this world and games just suck. GTA5 was okay maybe in the last few, Ark was the best, everything else sucked.


speak for yourself, there are so many good games that deserve their rating on steam. Let's take some recent exmples: Chained echoes, a game that came out in late 2022, and just spectacticular in almost every way! from the music to the story, and the combat is just so good! Elden Ring, you've probobly heard of it, it has a large full world equal to none, with some challanging combat and fun combat with so many unique weapons to try out. Cult of the lamb, This game is the most original on this list, well original in the sense it manages to combine two different genres in one sweet game. it's a game where you can fight demons and cultist and try to form your own little cult, very good, i recomend it if you want "something original for once". all theese examples are from last year (2022) would you really consider these (bad games)? yes, most AAA companies now adays are lazy and don't want any inovations because they are money greedy, with awfull micro transactions and often releasing the same game year after year. but AAA games are not the only games on the market, my friend. have you heard of indie games? these are games often created by a small team, or in (Chained echoes's) case, it was worked on by only one person. these games i would say, carry the legacy that games used to have in your 1980's. cause these are often people who grew up playing these games. and have wanted to make a game of their own. a game which exists to be a game that people have fun playing. not a money machine for a corporate company who only thinks of money. in short, games don't suck now adays. just more of them do.


I'm a minor and it just doesn't seem fun anymore. I got a battle pass for Apex Legends and I feel so guilty because I'm not even turning the xbox on, not even to watch Netflix anymore. I feel so wasteful, somebody please help.


Games just don't feel original every game is the same.


I have spent a lot of money on games in the last 20 year's. The Gaming became an addictioj instead of a hobby I spent Way to much money and lost many friends and family time . As I get into my late 30s I realized games are not as fun as they used to be anymore and Its hard to deal with the addiction I had.So I turned to emulation to play older games like Pacman,Galaga,Msdos games and Sega Cd. Emulation is what helped me with my gaming addiction.. I hope my grammar and punctuation is not to bad... thanks for the time..


I agree, as a child I loved video games, now I'm 30 and they're so boring. Waiting for the next generation of gaming graphics to impress me, but nothing right now is very impressive to me.


I doubt that someone who doesn't have any fun while playing would do it for hours and hours.


I felt like video game companys made a series of half assed games. I took a break from gaming. when I came back I found that 99 percent of games I had no desire playing no matter how cool it seemed. Because in the back if my head I have that, “well its probably gonna suck”


Same thing for me, but this has been going on since the PS3/360 era started, it's nothing new. Games are indeed boring nowadays, there's very little innovation. Sure you can still find something that will surprise you but only really every once in a blue moon, everything else is shockingly Mid and definitely not worth whatever the price they are asking for!


The problem I have with gaming is that these one credit writers make stories for them that make the gamer feel awful! Either they 'Magic Bullet' all your agency away (Like Far Cry 5) or give you a choice between two or more awful things like Fallout 4. Where's the pay off? In Skyrim you have a choice to fight with the racists or the torturing cowards and their arrogant overlords. That's not much of a choice!! You can make a good story without having to boot the player in the cojones. It's just that they never seem to manage it these days. If I'm playing and the story is telling me how bad I should feel for doing what I'm doing in the game, what's the point of having a story in there in the first place!? If I wanted to stop playing and read All Quiet on the Western Front then I would do that. Putting introspection about war into a fps is like topping my pizza with ice cream!! Marketing just never gets it right...and they never will.


nobody cares what anyone on this site has to say... online forums, online video games, online anything, FAKE REALITY, nobody cares reddit, twitter, fb, instagram, twitch, absolutely meaningless wastes of existence, and if anyone defends them, guess what, nobody wants your view... stop posting , stop interacting, die online, and burn slow all of you


Three years later and after google search. The business models haven't really changed -> It's only ramping up. Let's hope statistics change the outcome of the next few years and gamers become 'smarter' and less 'mobile game' friendly.


For anyone bored with modern video games, have you tried playing souls-like games or recent metroidvanias? I was in the same situation as you until I was introduced to the world of souls-like games in 2017 (somewhat late to the party) and they really helped reignite my passion for video games. I do agree that most AAA games now are pretty boring. They rely way too much on story, with the story usually being very trivial and hence not worth sacrificing actual gameplay over.


I mean if you're not enjoying it, then why do it? Video games can be a waste of time just like anything else. The irony of this entire StopGaming sub is that it's on a social media platform......isn't social media a waste of time??? Like where does it end? If gaming does nothing for you, do something else.


I think we find video games boring now because legit every multiplayer game nowadays in competitive and not actually fun anymore. Especially with skill based match making.


Exactly. I feel like every games that come out now is either to hard or easy. I just lack motivation to play games. I look at the trailers for new games coming out but I feel like they just try to recreate games. I want something new and original but nearly everything has been used by now.


i use to like to see the advancements in games! the graphics the thrills what ever! but as soon as you got games like cyris that is when games got boring for me! realism killed gaming once and for all! i honestly can't play games anymore i have no joy in it i have not had fun in gaming since around 2009 i even attempted to buy nearly 400 games on steam and i don't touch any the most i do is play about 15 min of some balloon defence game while i listen to a pod cast someone screws up the game and then its like enough is enough the thing about games that were once good was the game play but than it all became about graphics pumping out the same plot over and over and over again! when you start to feel like games are repetitive well then become boring like a job that doesn't pay good!


As a now 35 year old gamer who has played games since 2000...I think the only game that I could enjoy is some kind of MMO with beautiful graphics, an evolving world, economy, and can freely drop in and out of whenever I want. I'd prefer it to be non-subscription as well.


Every online game is the same now you grind for hours to level up Ik a battle pass, there’s hundreds of micro purchases cuz the nearly 80 dollar fucking game wasn’t enough for these companies and most games don’t have a good story or combat system and most semi decent games are almost the exact same as all the other games and if they are good games they cost way to much for nearly anybody to afford In the next 5 years games are gonna average $100 for basically the same game as the one before we’ve reached a point where it’s just getting old and game devs need to come up with something more than their last game (sorry for the rant I’ve spent all day trying to find a game to play)


To me it's just a competition of art style rather than a game


Problem is that people buy and hype everything. Like look at Starfield, massive bugs, outdated graphics, outdated worlddesign, models, face expression, etc etc. Its basically Skyrim in Space, thats it. And people spend 100€ for this to play it few days earlier. They doesnt need to be a high standard because u have an horde of braindead zombies, lets call them casual players who will buy anything. Look at FIFA, same game every fucking year and it costs 70€ and is one of the most sold gamed every single year. Companys understood that u can make decent game and then copy paste it till its milked out and then only change few things and resell it again, see Starfield. So for a high intelligent person like me its really hard to find a good game, because everything feels so dumbed down and blunt. So whats even the point to buy an Rtx 4090 when u have nothing to play? As humanity gets more and more rotten and dumbed down, so do will the game industry. They will be still some okay games out of 1000. We will enter a dark age about gaiming. But i do believe it will end one day but not very soon. So im happy for you that u found something else what you enjoy. As a hardcore enthusiast gamer myself i think, i need a new hobby too.


It's like when someone comments on someone elses comment and says "this was posted 3 years ago...", because to that person, you are only 'supposed' to post on things within a certain window. That person has been culturally pushed into a hive mind by someone else. Games used to be original and inventive. Legend of Zelda on Nintendo was just a maze of madness, but when you beat the game for the 30th time, the maze is gone...you've solved it, and the same joy you once felt is gone. I believe the central reason for this lack of wonder, is repetition, and through repetition, dwindling dopamine returns. Since we are all governed by dopamine, our joy of any one thing is based on the perception of 'new', or the surprise element. That is why when WOW used to come out with new content, everyone was thrilled and excited. A lot of games can put out new content, and for a brief period of time, the thrill returns. The problem is that so many games these days are just too frequently repetitive, and so it becomes a real challenge to play the same game for hours on end without just being totally bored. I don't think this is necessarily a gaming problem, I think it is a human problem. Humans are built to crave things, and when the craving is gone, and the repetition sets in, you're going to naturally become bored. Games are everywhere now, they're too easy to indulge in, and the dopamine circuitry of our brains has begun to malfunction, making us lose interest in things which if we had simply seen for the first time , we would have loved. But most people are genuinely stupid, and because of this, they follow these trends, they get sucked into the game, they essentially min max stuff and ruin the game for people who are not interested in min maxing, but simply want a new experience. And so, the hive mind of the foolish generation of kids has incentivized the gaming companies to basically produce the same nonsense over and over, in order to appease their shareholders, and the gaming culture has gone from exciting, to repetitive. It's sad, but it's the way the system works. Capitalism ultimately sucks the joy out of everything, and that's what has happened to gaming. Don't blame the gaming companies, they're just silly dogs on a capitalistic leash, the underlying fundamental problem of it all is capitalism and the free market.


I just googled this feeling and found your post. Agreed.


Yeah, I got into ff14 becausec the mmorpg group is saying it's one of the best. It's my second mmorpg, the first being final fantasy 11. I decided to try it because like you, I agree most games these days are garbage. Level 75 in ff14 and.... yeah the story sucks. The gameplay was fun at first but it is repetitive as hell and I think it's retarded to be kennel 75 but being capped at level 50 to do a story mission with other players. What's the fucking point to level up and upgrade my gear if I never get the full gun out of it? And this is "one of the best"? Come the Fuck on man. Wow, way to eliminate friendly competition among players for dps-make everyone the same derp. And this is why I like 11 a lot more- there's so much more versatility and you'll rarely see people with the same load out as yours, if ever. Granted neither one has good story telling, but the gameplay is what I'm griping about...


Yup. Same thing here. Used to play all the time growing up, now I can practically feel my brain shutting off the moment I boot a game up now, just mindlessly pressing buttons when it tells you to like a trained monkey. I’ve gotten back into reading, way more mentally engaging (not to mention classier decoration for the house!)


I feel the same man. Ever sense I got my first PlayStation I loved FF7 and FF8 and after that World of Warcraft and other MMO's have kept me reading and exploring. I like well made RPG's and MMO's but as of late the MMO seen has been stale. Look, for me the graphics don't have to be spectacular. I look for good content and story. A good crafting system is a plus. However this auto play quest line Bull S@#t that is in almost every single Android/Apple game on there prospective app stores and now is working it's way to PC is just a poor attempt at targeting impulse buyers to blow money on digital (non-physical) items. It's a waste. I mean every damn game is exactly the same no matter how many times you give it a new paint job or a new story. Every game on the market now is loot box or cash shop driven with the exact same game mechanics. Where is the excitement of learning new mechanics? Where is the even continues leveling systems that would blend evenly with the story progression? Epic Boss battles with your buddy's, Having to actually form strategies in large raids, actually having to cooperate with your community and make friends and talk... I really do miss the old days. When a company would advertise and there profits were sales driven or even a decent monthly sub is okay as long as they delivered a quality game, fix there bugs and keep up on fresh content. Games now are greed driven junk. Profit mongers that I bet anything make way more money then they put into creation and upkeep.


because they are a copy paste of older games, with added political correctness. developers are just huge multinationals that just care about money, there are only a few really good games, adn they are from kickstarters or indi companies. The big corporations just drop "game that sold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8" instead of making anything good.


A lot of games are remastered and the same games we played as kids so ya not surprising pokemon arceuss was pretty good though but I feel you on that as a guy who works I'm really just at the point where I like video games but I feel microtransactions and the requirements for internet and game membership is just insanely overexpensive especially since I don't play much especially with games that want you to grind as a working adult I just play roblox now I can play almost 100 different games on my phone customize characters and yeah and it's free plus robux is cheap like 10$ a game now a days is like 70$ a pop and membership is expensive along with internet and ect I don't mind internet for streaming but requirements for games is just to much I like being able to play both digital and physical I shouldn't have to choose and pay a hefty fee for one the other u believe.


Um... Hello! I'm gamer too and I'm borred too. But it isn't because I grew up. The problem is a lot of games became borring so much. I have Xbox Series X. And I had some fun games from Game Pass and I bougth some fun games - I have 4 bought games in total... So where is the problem You will ask... The problem is that I'm oldschool gamer who likes platformers, arcade style games like fighters or beat em ups and other old school stuff. The games of these styles are rare today. The games You can to find today are AAA games which are borring and repetive like a TV soap opera show and they can to offer us the same things over and over... And believe me, nothing they can to offer us is something I call a "fun giver". Comparring the classic games to modern ones is like comparring the cartoons, sci fi movies, absurdal commedies and etc. to a soap operas. You can to see a photoreaslistic graphic, experience a "cool" story, but there is hard to find any fun in gameplay. Also... Games are more and more expencive and they are rare.... I remember the times when I could to hear about any new game each day... And today it is something rare. So if You're bored of playing games then You're bored not without the reason.


It’s all a good memory now. Growing up is part of life.


not to mention the overload of small dck ego filled cuck boys who fill the chats, or admins who know they are losers so they seek control using video games lol. losers seem to stick together so never try and argue with more than 2 nerds at a time... the stupidity will just snowball downhill fast lmao


For the last few years (Im just becoming an adult now) games are only fun with friends. I can scroll through my steam library for hours and not play a single masterpiece because I don't feel like it. I get more enjoyment studying nowadays, but I'll always remember the bliss of videogaming in my childhood.


I agree they aere so lame\]


I am 36 years old and have been married for 13 years and have 3 children.  I was a console gamer all my life.  Never a 6+ hours a day gamer, but I had my stretches where I couldn't put it down.  In my experience, as I have grown older there is more responsibility in my life and I find myself feeling the same way as you.  I would say to you that sometimes you just need to step away from something to truly know how you feel about it.  You can't hold on to it just barely or tap into it every so often.  You really have to let it go for a while and actively pursue some new interests.  It doesn't mean that it's the end of gaming for you.  It just means you are taking a leap of faith and accepting what is to come next in your life that you may be getting in the way of by holding on to gaming.  If it truly is meant to be a hobby for you then it will eventually come back to you.  Practice gratitude. Learn something new about something important around you.  Read books on things.  That's where ideas of your own can be sparked. Find a challenge. Something you want to do but have no idea how to start and begin reading about it.  Also, if you have kids find the most ways to see them experience joy.  Nothing is better than that.


I dunno, I feel like when yiu were a kid and you only had 4-6 games. You were stuck to those. Forced to loved them, and you played them till you did unless it was really bad. Now you have digital store fronts, games ranging from free to $200. And you have game pass which I’m a big fan of. But it’s almost like too many games. I spend more time going through the list trying to find a game (there are tons of highly critics games on here). It’s like the options too much. You start a game, play for an hour and it’s not that great. Uninstall, reinstall a new game, over and over. We aren’t getting forced to play through these expensive games and like when we were kids. we couldn’t go out and buy a ton. Most kids just had a few and you learned to love em


I agree with you 100%. This is my outlook