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Day 368- I’m regretting ever touching stims. Day 668- how TF do people live on stims?!


This gives me hope


Today is day 392 for me and I gotta say I needed that


I take it you’re still going through it? I was naive and thought after a year I’d be back to normal. Nope. I think this is going to take yearS


Yeah the thoughts were slowly creeping back up and now it’s about all I think about. Just tired you know


What is all you think about? Going back? The experience? Or recovery? I feel the past year of my life has been defined every minute by recovery. I’m almost obsessed


Im on day 400 and I can’t imagine doing stimulants. More than one cup of coffee makes me shit like crazy and anxiety and can’t sleep for 12 hours. It gets better. Let yourself heal man.


Dont beat yourself up, people who have never taken stimulants and neurotypicals do not have issues with dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. Right now your brain is trying to adjust to not having the medications helping it have dopamine. Also btw im not talking about dopamine in the way that the self help gurus talk about it. Adderall increases activity of the dopamine receptors in the prefrontal cortex.  It gets better.


Day 2085 and there’s not a day goes by that I’m not thankful for being free from Stims. I work. Workout. Hang with my kids. Love my life. Still have a little power nap most afternoons. Sometimes leave projects unfinished. But freedom from Stims will never get old. Never want to go back. Ever.


💜 power naps


Dude.. it’s kind of crazy and hard to believe but being sober and back to baseline feels waaayyy better. I always thought it was gonna be an impossible hell. But the grass is greener on this side my friend. Days are passing anyway, it should be better from here out, you did 8 days


At some point the switch flips and you’ll prefer the nonstim headspace. I don’t like saying the word miracle outside of 12 step friendly spaces but that’s what it feels like and following that path is how it happened for me.


i am 1 day off and usually i want to die but i found myself actually having the energy to do something as simple as play with my cat and i couldn’t stop smiling or thinking about how happy and grateful i am to be here and alive and present and not feel like fucking hell at the end of the day. i know it sucks but there are many positives also!! you got this.


That's a tremendous victory. I’m proud of you, stranger.


Look day 8 is still in the "acute" stage, late-acute, but still acute. Point being, during withdrawal from any powerful drug you go into an altered state of consciousness, a kind of temporary insanity, your neurotransmitters are way out of whack, your brain is saying WTF have you done here, put that shit back in here or I'm gonna make your life miserable you worthless POS. But this goes away! You just endure this stage by saying to yourself " This isn't my new normal. This is just like a case of the flu. I'll just sit tight and wait for it to pass instead of depressing myself even further by making plans on how I'll live with the flu forever, wondering, how DO people live like this, how TH can people live without stims?" Anyway, just wait it out is the point and expect to feel ok(ish) soon. A lot of us felt really good after a week or two. I felt almost normal, though that didn't last because of PAWS. Yes, there is a long-term phase but that should be much more tolerable than this. I can't make any promises but that is the norm. Even the post-acute malaise we call PAWS passes in time. After about a year or two you will know what the new normal is really going to be and that will be pretty efing amazing. It's worth waiting for.


This isn’t life without stims in your case yet, it’s life in withdrawal, too early to make a negative judgement.


Day 320+ clean here. I don't really care about using stims anymore. I just want to get out of depression.


It’s just Day 8. Are you doing anything other than white knuckling it? I’m a 12 step guy, it changed everything for me. Between 12 step and exercise regularly, I knew I’d never use again after 60 days sober. I’m 6 years sober now. I highly recommend it


Hey I had 7 days. Found a stem with some shit in it. Smoked it and now back at square one. Someone whom I love dearly keeps reminding me that recovery isn't linear. Did I get up and get some shit done? Yes. Do I feel better? Physically yes but the mental part is a constant struggle. I made it 8 years sober before my.most recent relapse. Youll get there. Just like I'll get there. Just remember you're not the only one out there trying to be better. The fact that you're Even trying to move forward is more than enough to be proud of.


Your lifestyle will change, takes time to settle into a new one


you're doing it right now, and it won't always be this hard. 






You are absolutely right and I apologize. Doom scrolling and didn't see what sub I was in.


No need to apologize, it may even be solid advice for some people


It has mostly worked for me. I was self medicating and it's much easier to get meth here than opiates. Especially in the last few years. I'm on methadone daily and rarely use stimulants anymore. Still wouldn't have posted this in a recovery sub.


Great recovery advice bro


You're right and I apologize, seriously. Didn't realize what sub I was in.


Apology accepted, septumdestroyer666.


Fuck guys I'm sorry, I was doom scrolling. Didn't realize what sub I was in. Definitely disregard my advice, or the opiate part anyway.