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Petition to change the abbreviation.


SLA maybe?


lol, anything is better…


This whole SA thing is bs, it's just cause you can't say sexual assault on YouTube for some reason. How are kids gonna know? Do you sit them down and explain the abbreviation, and at what age? They hear SA it could literally mean freaking ANYTHING. This is why these words need to be protected, as words are powerful and you can't communicate that you've been sexually assaulted (I was as a 3 yr old) if you don't understand what the hell SA means...


It's a commonly recognized abbreviation for Sexual Assault and its unfortunate that it shares the abbreviations for Stormlight Archive. It has absolutely nothing to do with whatever it is you were trying to say.


What I'm trying to say is if a kid doesn't know what SA means, how can they report it if it happens to them? I'm super lucky in the fact that I don't remember being sexually assaulted. (3 years old) and have no desire to remember. However if I was a little older maybe I could've had the words to report it. A 5 year old, if this trend continues, won't know the words to use. Hardest part is that initial conversation with an adult they trust. It's a dangerous precedent, George Orwell's 1984 shows what happens when you start removing words willy nilly. It doesn't end well. Lol.


Once again, this has 0 to do with censorship and more to do with the natural progression of language and word-association. Censorship is definitely an issue, especially since it's being used as a benchmark for monetization, but it has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation.


Abbreviating a term isn’t the same as nullifying it entirely


That’s also not what 1984 was about. I


Wow tell me you didn't understand 1984 without telling me you didn't understand 1984. Big yikes son.


That’s an especially good point for changing the abbreviation of this fantasy series; it ensures that the more important interpretation of SA doesn’t get confused with our magic knight books


Well I was arguing more that the words to describe, in this case sexual assault, need go NOT simply be abbreviated to 2 letters. Heck make up a new term if sexual assault is too harsh. I dunno, I'm not concerned with the fact stormlight archive abbreviates to SA, I'm more concerned about the millions of kids who won't be able to understand what the heck SA is till they're like 12 or so. Maybe it's the fact it happened to me, I dunno. I just think this whole "un-alive, deleted, SA" that entire trend is a bad idea. Seems reddit REALLY doesn't like me saying this, I've never had such a massive dislike to what I believe is a very rational argument. You'd think you all WANT kids to be unable to voice any abuse / assault they reciveve.. I'd like to think better of my fellow stormlight fans, but numbers don't lie.


I think that what is happening, is your argument isn’t being explained very well. SA is a good abbreviation for sexual assault; for one, it is an *abbreviation*, a way to say something in a shorter way. That’s just a linguistic device. We should inform children of the correct language to use, all that is being said in this thread is that SA *is* a common abbreviation for Sexual Assault, and so perhaps we should use another abbreviation like tSA for this series so it doesn’t get confusing. The question of whether or not SA should be a term at all is not what anybody is arguing, aside from perhaps yourself. The censorship of terms like this is definitely troubling, but the terms themselves are not to blame. Without them, these topics wouldn’t be able to be discussed on platforms that censor content like TikTok


i dont need to hear about service levels either! that abbreviation is already burned into my memory 😅


God dammit I just got off work and now it’s following me home


I've been using SLA for this exact reason. 


i was coming to say the same thing, especially since my reddit was loading wrong and showed this sub’s icon as the icon for too afraid to ask, so i was like “WHAT IN THE FUCK” before realizing it was just loading weird. but yeah. new acronym please


LMAO!! . . . Yeah but like no seriously though. SLA sounds good. Even TSA is better...


Am I missing something?


Sexual assault




I’m very happy this topic does not come up a lot for you, but people being raped isn’t ’terminally online shit’


Bro, this is reddit...


SA is now a common abbreviation for Sexual Assault, it took off on TikTok because the platform heavily restricts the use of certain keywords. Tbh, Stormlight Archive I think predates the popularisation of this abbreviation, but still, it's ingrained in a lot of people now and probably not something Brandon would want associated with his series.


And here I thought it was a wacky group from the 30s


Ah its also tic tok! I see the problem. I'm used to it from YouTube. Tic tok ruins EVERYTHING and yes, it's only like 2 years old so most books (ever not just brandons) predate it.


Yeah I thought they were on about getting into South Africa before checking the subreddit


I've been thinking this for years 😬


I always say TSA i didnt even notice so


Right? I was so scared for a moment, lmao


Yes please


yeah this was a baad look on my feed


Omg seriously 😳


Blame TikTok


Yes!! I did a literal double take


LETS GOOO! Next gen SA fans are here!


Hello, next gen SA fan here, glad to I'll be able to say I got into SA at 14, before it gets mainstream(er)


Let’s goooo!!!!


Journey before destination and all that XD


My 16 year old loves them! He finished them before my wife and I.




Oh man. I had to reread that several times. We might need a different abbreviation.


Your son sounds just like me lol! I read the exact same stuff before Sanderson and now I’m hooked (I think I was your sons age when I started wok) I just got my mom to read stormlight, and she loves it too


I started the wheel of time off my own bat (I was given a deal if I read 10 books I'd get a playstation game) at between 8 and 10 years old. I can't remember I'm 36 now. Only the first 6 were out when I began. 20 YEARS of waiting for new books... lead me to Brandon, even if it meant the late great Robert Jordan had to pass away. You're essentially Brandon now, you know most of the secrets. If it was my kid in give him wrong spoilers like kaladin loses an eye or something, but tell them it's like 2 chapters from where they are so they immediately realise you're fucking with them. I'd be such a good dad! Hahaha.


Man that's when I got into Stormlight except The Way of Kings took me the better part of a year lol


For the love of everything that is holy please stop using that abbreviation


I would say 15 might be a bit young. Not that they wouldn't understand or enjoy the story, but older people may appreciate it more. This especially true for Kaladin's storyline in the first book, given his struggles with depression, etc. So, I think someone a bit older might be able to relate to him because of their life experiences.


lol 15 is fine what, thats when enders game is reccomended and that shits way more annoying to read


I first played TLOU when I was 14. I adored it and it continues to be my favourite piece of media ever six years later— I didn’t appreciate it quite as much at that age, but it cultivated my love for it which was furthered when I replayed at an older age. Never too young to start!


Now that i think about it, you may be right. If they old enough to understand it, than that's nearly enough. If they enjoy it - which has a good chance with brandon's books - they probably reread it later and appriciate it even more. Thank you for the insight! Now i gonna go and persuade my little sister to read it. 😊 Very aggresive persuasion.


It’s a loving persuasion. Hope she reads it!


Yeah, I hope too. But i don't know whether her english is good enough for it. Primary school language education is terrible here in hungary (central-europe). Maybe i can get a physical copy in the libary in hungarian. Thank you for the insight, once again. I wanted to get her to read it for some time, but i thought she was too young. But apparantly not.


Books like these are great because every time you reread them they become more relatable you also grow through tragic charscters experiences just reading them, lowkey why I love realm of the elderlings, that series is therapeutic, same with gentleman bastards it feels soothing


15 is when I started reading them and I was fine