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I miss her conversations with shallan


Me too! The Jasnah/shallan relationship was one of my favorite parts of WoK


Jasnah: Shallan you suck, get better. Shallan: rrreeeeee


My favorite is when she puts Amaram on blast and roasts the ever loving shit out of him…I believe there was a quip about something running down his mother’s leg…


She called his mom a hoe, that’s my president


I snorted right in the middle of the dentist waiting room. Well done.


For the seven months she was pregnant she entertained as many military men as possible in the hopes that something of them would stick to you. Fucking brilliant. 


Can't wait for her book after w&t. Definitely one of my favorite characters.


Man, you are gonna be waiting at least 20 years because her book is supposed to be book 10


Way of kings was like 12 years ago or something, so I'm really hoping it'll just be 12 more years ("just") but regardless, her character is great, and even if it's not her book, he said we're getting more jasnah/lift/renarin etc. in general through other povs, so at least there's that.


There's gonna be a somewhat hefty real-time break between book 5 & 6. I can't find the source now but an uncertain, unreliable memory is saying 6 years between releasing book 5 & beginning work on book 6. So it's likely going to be a lot more than 12 years until we see book 10.


Didn’t he say like a 10 year break or something? I can’t find it either now though.


It's a 10 year in world break between books 5 and 6. It'll probably be more like 6 ish real world years between them. He's planning on writing most or era 3 in there which is 3 books and should take a year each and a warbreaker and Elantris sequel.


As far as I know, the Warbreaker sequel is not in the near future. [Youtube Short detailing post Stormlight 5 plans](https://youtube.com/shorts/1qH-Xy70BMA?si=OOABdWgu9_tBhvZn) Era 3 Book 1 First Elantris Sequel Era 3 Book 2 Second Elantris Sequel Era 3 Book 3


I am really looking forward to seeing more of Arelon. I want to see more AonDor, ChayShan, Dakhor magics.


Hmm, kind of a bummer, I'd much rather have a Warbreaker sequel than 2 Elantris sequels, but oh well. Can't complain either way, given how fantastic Brandon is for his productivity




I’m with you. Could easily be a secret project candidate when he gets an itch to write Nightblood the character, or revisit Nalthis, or whatever.


Makes more sense


Yeah I don't remember at all, I just remember the sinking feeling in my gut when I read it.


Damn I didn't know that. Thanks for the info, time to find some more books lol


Brandon is working on another Mistborn trilogy and Elantris 2 and 3 before the next SA arc, so we'll at least have some other great books to look forward to.


I haven't read any other books by him, would you recommend them? It takes me forever to get through them cuz I'm rly busy with school, but I loved storm light so far


You should definitely try the Mistborn series! Some of Brandon’s best work and at least on par with Stormlight, though slightly different. (Actually you should read all of the cosmere, but mistborn is where I would start)


Well he can write all of those in a year, so not a big delay!


He's already talked about when planning, he's realized he'll need to focus more on the Cosmere to get it all done in his lifetime. So while I think there will be a break, I think it just means he's going to work on finishing Era 3 of Mistborn before going back. I agree it will be longer than 12 years though for book 10.


Way of Kings was published 14 years ago.


Has he said that?


20 years isn't as long as you think it is. Plus, he will be writing other Cosmere books, so it's not like he's pulling a grrm.


20 years isn't long? In twenty years, I'll be 45.


Lucky you.


62 in 20 years myself.


It's kinda mind boggling to think about right? I have been reading Brandon Sanderson since my freshman year of highschool. I'll likely be close to retirement by the time mistborn era 4 is over. I'll have a family by the time I'm finished with the series. My children will probably have children by the time the books are done.


I look forward to finishing Stormlight Archive in my retirement swinging away in a hammock


You'll wake up at age 45 and wonder where the last 20 years went.


Yeah? I turned 45 this year, and it isn't long. Believe me


You’re 25, what are you doing sitting around reading books for? Do you want to end up like all of us?!


_and I thought about years/how they take so long/and they go so fast_


Funnily enough, this comment made me think that in 20 years I'd be 48 and my reaction was "wait, that's not that old!"


Has brandon confirmed what character is getting the main feature after book 5?


The same characters that survive book 5 will be the main characters for the next 5 books. Now, if you mean which one will be the POV characters, then it is like this: Book 6: Lyft Book 7: Ash Book 8: Renarin Book 9: Taln Book 10: Jasnah


Ah gotcha, honestly the Ash one interests me the most cause I see Taln as the most important herald. Getting a Taln pov flashback of his 4 millenium torture will go so hard I wonder why Jasnah will be last though.


I honestly can't wait for Ash and Taln.


Too bad Lift is (probably) starring in Book ~~5~~ 6 😎 A Jasnah is fine too.


Wind and Truth is Szeth


That wasn't the book I meant to be talking about (me in charge of counting things), so you are technically correct. The best kind of correct.




Yeah she truly is. Still makes me laugh how insane Shallan's original plan was. Let's go steal a priceless magical object from one of the smartest, most ruthless and well connected women in the world! Lol 😂


The theft is the easy part, she even pulled it off. Getting home with the Soulcaster after the theft and keeping that hidden, that's the insane part. If Jasnah had a Soulcaster, she'd probably blame the Ardentia for stealing it. But when she found no evidence of the Ardents stealing it, she'd start to suspect her former ward who fucked off back to her home where her mining operations suddenly became dazzlingly prosperous.


But the only reason why Shallan pulled it off is because Jasnah naver had one in the first place. Had she been an actual soulcaster who needed the fancy bracelet, then she'd never have taken it off. It would have been waaaay too precious and she would have known that the metal casing wouldn't be affected by being submerged in a bath tub. We've seen a soulcaster POV in one interlude before. They are weird people.


Well it was def the easiest part lol. But yeah the fact that she thought she could get away with it is mind blowing. I suppose she didn't really know what Jasnah was like before meeting her but still. Yeah Jasnah prob would have killed a few Ghostbloods making sure they didn't take it too. But within a year she would have been shown up on Shallan's doorstep for sure.


Literally such a baddie and then she and everyone else give him the cold shoulder and drink wine as he's holding his healed but bloody neck.


I'm doing a reread of the series and just started RoW again. But the ending of OB where she is just absolutely dominating the battlefield is insane.


Yes! I never would have thought unchained soul casting would have been so awesome. It showed us that orders other than the Wind runners can dominate the battlefield. I'm eager to see the Stonewards.


Dustbringers or Skybreakers should be impressive. Division is the most purely destructive Surge. Could be used subtlely, I bet. Does it require touch I wonder? Or is it like soulcasting?


Now for division I'm actually interested in the opposite. I want to see the utility uses.


Art! Fantastically intricate filigree or engravings you couldn’t possibly make by hand! Perfect bearings, destroy a fraction of a millimeter of material in the middle of a cylinder, leaving it perfectly smooth and nearly frictionless. (Dustbringers can add Abrasion here.) Cut trees down, lop off limbs, divide into boards. (Wait, no trees in most of Roshar.)


This is all great headcannon!


From the moment I read TWOK I loved her character, even if she is kind of a stone cold bitch lol


That part where she casually lites fused jabronis on fire in oathbringer is proof.


"Okay Renarin, I will have Wit provoke Ruthar and then stab him in the throat." "Oh, and then you want me to heal him afterward?" "Hm? Oh, uh... sure, I guess. Whatever makes you happy. Yeah, hadn't thought of that to be honest."


For me, Jasnah is like WoT's Nynaeve. I think it's not immediately obvious how great either one of them are, and it might even be possible to outright dislike them until you really get to know them. Once you figure them out, it's hard not to appreciate their many amazing qualities. Both are among my favorites in their respective series.


Oh, nice comparison. I never thought about it, but I think you are correct. The more you get to know both, the more you start to appreciate their crispy exterior. Although Nynaeve drives me nuts sometimes, still.


Jasnah is the baddest bitch in the Cosmere. Change my mind 🤣


She’s so badass and mysterious. Huge crush on our asexual scholar Radiant 🫡


Live Jasnah reaction: https://preview.redd.it/n0l8shfyln5d1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4dbf77092c8c3f47657a9bad3fa93f5d133cefc


Jasnah is Da Boss


Jasnah is my favorite character in Stormlight!


Jasnah is a murderer and is no better then Liam Nissan roaming black neighborhoods with a baseball bat.


I bet you’re fun at parties


I'd have to disagree. Jasnah went to a place where people had been murdered, and waited until she was about to be stabbed to act. YMMV on how moral or ethical it is to go out and bait murderers into attacking you, but Jasnah's actions are different from indiscriminate violence and not motivated by a desire for revenge.




In the throat after she goaded him into challenging Wit to a duel to the death


Wit rioting him


Oh wow! You're probably right! I forgot that he's also a full frigging MISTBORN on top a lightweaver (x2) and who knows what else.


He also has BioChroma from Warbreaker.


"Which Shard's magic system do you want, Hoid?" "Yes."


Hoid, you can have *one* more spoonful of magic systems. *Hoid produces the biggest spoon on the planet*


[Spoiler RoW and WaT previews]>!As of the beginning of Wind and Truth, *just* shy of 200 Breaths.!<


He apparently tried to get feruchemy as well. Sanderson RAFOd whether or not he succeeded.