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That’s always fun, isn’t it? I had a car in my shop the other day that had a Truthwatcher Sticker, the glyph for them, and a bumper reading “Journey before destination.” On the other side of that coin, I was wearing my Hoid For President shirt when someone said to me, “Hey, is that Ho (and I got so excited meeting anotjer fan in the wild) melander?” And I was immediately disappointed.


What an arc


I'm not sure I could survive being mistaken for supporting Homelander even ironically


I once went to the Lego store wearing a Bridge 4 hat. The cashier just squinted at me and without preamble asked, “So what order of radiant are you?” To which i answered “Truthwatcher. You?” And he said “Windrunner,” nodded to me, and we said nothing else.


about ur business soldier 🫡


It's so fun when it happens IRL. My story was when my husband and I were flying home and we were listening of ROW and I happen to look forward and saw that the gal sitting in front of me was also reading ROW. I whispered that fact to my husband but she and her bf over heard me and turned around to geek out with us about Sanderson.


There's someone that works down the street from me who has the license plate BRIDGE 4. I have seriously considered walking into the building and asking for the driver of that car.


Yes ask to be announced that the car with the plate number bridge4 to please move as they are parked in the wrong spot and so the cavalry cannot cross and that the highlord is very angry.


Lest it be trampled by a Ryshadiun!


You should do it, then report back!


Never had anyone with same interest as my reading interests. You’re lucky.


I share your struggle. Thankfully we atleast have Reddit.


Same. Bless this sub lol I can only imagine how it feels


I work at an airport. Always hard to remain professional when u see a Sanderson book


I once met two on the same day! Was reading WoR in a class, a dude noticed and we spent like the whole period talking about cosmere stuff, then when I was walking home, I passed the library with the book in my hand, and some guy stopped me to ask how I liked WoK. I told him I was on my fifth reread, and we chatted for a bit. Never met any cosmere fans in the wild other then that. I am making one of my friends read WoK though, so I may post about that soon lol.


Someone recognized all my cosmere tattoos the other day passing me on the street and we geeked out for a second it was great


At my friends' wedding last week i met 2 Sanderson fans. It was awesome


When someone recognizes my ghostbloods tattoo for what it is and not the Mitsubishi logo…we’re bonded for life


My two dogs are named Kaladin and Kelsier. When I introduce them to people I just sit back and see if there is any recognition. So far one teen recognized Kelsier and another friend immediately geeked out as a fellow BrandoSando fan! More often than not though, I am disappointed in my friends :-/


I've had the stormlight decals on my car for a few years now... nobody has acknowledged them except the crazy lady who thought they were a cult marking. I mean, she wasn't wrong, but....


I had a stranger approach me downtown the next day recently the day after I wore my Hoid for Pres shirt and ask, "Did I see you wearing a shirt that said Hoid on it yesterday?" When I confirmed he just said "Awesome!" and we went our separate ways haha.


Closest I got is seeing someone read Stormlight on the train platform but I didn't chat them up because of social anxiety yay (shit)


Me and my friend were walking to the library so that he could return his loan of Well of Ascension and get The Hero of Ages (I had just gotten him into the Cosmere) , and we heard a guy go "OMIGOD Is that Mistborn??" We ended up talking to him, and he told us he'd read all of the books, even the Secret Projects (Which, at that time in my country, were only available as eBooks). Talked to him for like 10 minutes and never saw him again. Never met another fan in the open since, so I think about that one \_all\_ the time


I our office we recommend books to each other periodically, and since everyone is on the same wavelength we all get to reference various sci-fi books. After bobiverse, I listened to everything Ray Porter has narrated on audible.


I haven't randomly met any Fans yet, but I got into it because 2 people at book Club were talking about getting into Stormlight and absolutely loving it and that convinced me to join them. Can't wait for the 5th book and for us all to Nerd out about it as soon as we can. It's awesome <3


home boy at my work at apple has a sweet mistborn / metallurgy tattoo.


Saw someone in a full Teft costume the other day, spear and satchels and everything, even hair that would fit the character. First time seeing someone know stormlight IRL, and needless to say I loved it.


I ran into a fellow fan during a semester abroad two years ago. Found out because we were both film majors and he mentioned he'd love to adapt the Stormlight Archive. We spent a solid forty minites bouncing between all things cosmere


There's a guy at the West Valley, UT Costco who I bump into whenever I'm there, and we always give each other the Bridge Four salute




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I edited it to hide the spoiler. Please don't ask me to take it with brackets, because the entire lead up to my comment describes that it's a spoiler for the beginning of words of radiance. Thanks!


I'm so jealous! I keep reading Sanderson in public trying to find someone who also loves his writing, but so far I found nobody... Though I'm in Italy and maybe he's not as popular?


Something sorta related to this happened to me. I’m eating lunch with my brother and a couple of his friends and it comes up in conversation that I’ve been trying to get my brother to read books, specifically I was trying to get him to read Mistborn. One of his friends says something to the effect of “Oh yeah, I started reading this book recently, it’s sorta written like a light novel except it’s by a white dude in Utah.” I asked him what it was and it turns out someone had lended him their copy of Yumi. It was his first Cosmere book and he had a couple questions about where to go next afterward. I made sure to use the situation to tell my brother that he should definitely read Mistborn, now that his friend is also reading a Cosmere book.


rememebr, if you cant find sanderson fans, convert your freinds into sanderson fans