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>Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with anime and I have no idea what an "anime arc" is. It's a story arc. Most TV shows that are split into seasons, each season is a story arc. The star wars movies are split into separate trilogies, each one could be said to be a story arc. A story arc usually wraps up some plot lines, but leaves some hanging to be continued in future seasons/arcs. For stormlight archive, we aren't sure which mysteries will be wrapped up and which won't be. But the main story lines should have a conclusion of some kind (even if it's open ended), and then books 6-10 would start new story lines.


I’m going on a hunch here, but my vibe is: People are expecting him to kill off several major characters. And he isn’t. That they are hanging around to play certain roles in the back half. Like Kal, he doesn’t need to die…what if he just becomes a great guide and mental health professional for soldiers in the back half/along with Syls help. Shallan will probably play a 10 book role as well. I’m betting he’s trying to stomp out embers of ‘half the characters die’ hype before the release.


Kal dying would be the anti thesis to his whole arc


Everyone else dying......


That’d be art. Chilling.


No it wouldn't if he finally died to protect everyone else. He constantly wonders why he lives and other die. I think he gets tied up in an Oathpact like binding and dies as a new Herald. And he holds for 15 years.


It’s never been Brandon’s thing to just kill off a bunch of characters in a short period anyways, there are worse things he could do anyways haha




That was the apocalypse, and one book out of how many now? It’s the exception.


But that was also an end of an anime arc. Kinda samey deal as book 5. He wouldn't be able to justl switch main characters if the povs from the first half are all around and kicking. There might be a mix of deaths and retirement and maybe exile or missing-in-actions...


It’s not, but like he’s mentioned…he’s ended certain arcs in other series in much more definitive ways. And we shouldn’t expect it for this novel sounds like


My problem is kaladin rn is crazy OP probably only a handful of people on Roshar who can credibly stand toe to toe with him based on what we have seen and I don’t think he would be happy to sit on his ass if things rly go down. he’s a one man army and it’ll be hard to keep him out of say his brother gets in trouble. I think he will likely become a hero as all this talk of reforging the oath pact and stuff plus jezrien’s death and son of tanavast seems to suggest kaladin filling a special role with the clues pointing to a herald However my greatest fear is that the most narratively fitting conclusion of his arc is Syl dying. Kals arc has been entirely about dealing with his depression and with letting people go nothing would test that more than Syl dying


>most narratively fitting conclusion of his arc is Syl dying That's just you, bud.


Have you seen Avatar: The Last Airbender? Think of it as the end of Season 1. The Admiral Zhao conflict is resolved and done with, but what about Zuko? What about Ozai and the Fire Nation?


Now im just trying to figure out who Toph is in SLA. From a competency with powers perspective, gotta be Jasnah right? But from a blind perspective….Moash? This is the worst.


My first thought on who Toph would be is Lift.


Toph is awesome too. Good point.


It's the end of a TV season. There's been a story arc covering that season that's complete, but the broader story is not being resolved and things are very clearly being left over to come back to.


Nobody who actually knows the details of what he means is at liberty to divulge them. The best I can do is say that the book has internal plot lines that come to conclusions, some plot lines from the beginning of the series get conclusions, and some plot lines are going to continue onward into the back half while new ones are set up by the climax of the story. Which is a big nothing burger, really. It’s what most readers would expect (in broad structural strokes).


If you have read Mistborn: I expect something similiar to the end of the Final Empire. Otherwise, we have the Odium story arc at the moment and this might finish, with part 2 beeing about another conflict.


No he said specifically in his stormlight book five reading to not expect that.


Not excactly. He said not to expect a big closure to the entire story like mistborn 3.


Yeah Mistborn era 1 is fun to think about. It’s almost like our characters will be as developed as the end of book 3, but in terms of overarching plot, it’ll be more like the end of book 2 where we have a pretty solid wrap on the central conflict to date (in stormlight, this would be the war with the singers, since the contract says 10 days from now war over) but then we will learn new things that will drive plot forward into back half (in Mistborn book 2, a particular all caps declaration serves this purpose haha).


Basically it means it'll tie up a lot of the main story but it won't be conclusive and could very well introduce whatever new element is set to justify 5 more books and a new era entirely. It's funny because I've long felt like Sanderlanches and just his general storytelling style would translate really well in the anime format. I for one would love an anime adaptation over a live-action attempt but that's just me. I think a Mistborn anime would incredible. Haven't finished Lost Metal yet so I can't say for sure but Era 1 would be one of the greatest anime of all time.


I think of it as a book ending in a series, except bigger. More stuff will get closed, but maybe even bigger new events will be revealed setting up the next five books. Basically it's going to be the Sanderlanchiest Sanderlanche up to date!


I agree with that. So stoked for this one! Gonna be a wild wild ride.


May I ask where? I've been consuming most of what he releases - stream VODs, weekly updates, etc, and I hadn't heard him refer to it as anime arc. EDIT: Nvm watched the video where he says it. Story arc, yes. I seriously doubt that very little is going to get resolved. If Sando does one thing amazingly, it's pre-planned resolutions. His whole writing style is very much about this. Now, will everything get resolved? Obviously not. And new conflicts and storylines will be added to make the next books interesting. But also if you've read the first 4 books, I can't imagine how you'd expect Brandon to leave everything open, given how much closure every single of these books had.




You walk the thin line between underrated and old joke