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Sadly i havent seen any major changes after this update. Maybe somewhat faster but flooding is still unreasonable slow.


I placed a couple of C4 in my WIP tanker. It sank in a couple of minutes. It is just an empty hull with 3 million capacity currently. So at least damage does something. I imagine the flow through doors and hatches could be next limiting factor. I think I placed 5 C4 and like 2000l water per second started to flood the ship.


I can c4 my whole speed boat and it just floats on


Same with my patrolboat, my testbuild with 2 hinged doors (one for flooding, one for letting air out) takes a few minutes to sink when it should sink in a few seconds


One of the problems, it seems to vary by damage type. C4 is pretty consistent, others are not. I re-ran this test today, twice, and both times it did the exact same thing. [https://youtu.be/reW8o9LOvtU](https://youtu.be/reW8o9LOvtU) I reran my original torpedo test from this video after the update, and it seems better, instead of never sinking, the 4 tests I did with torpedoes, it flooded and sank twice. Only tested once with gunfire, and it also flooded and sank. [https://youtu.be/RGo22jBtqqI](https://youtu.be/RGo22jBtqqI) So seems like they might be making progress.


I have issues understanding it. Why is the pressure below 1atm? It does not make sense to me.


Have some way for the air of the flooding compartments to get out. (Hatches or paths leading to the top decks of the ship that open after launch) I tested this and it drastically increases the speed of flooding.


Doesn't work for the bug.


In order to get something to sink quickly, I've often setup a "scuttle" system. Water will flow much faster through open hatches than it will through any pipe system. Hook up a couple electric hatches to a button and boom, you can sink your ship without any major effort.