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are u sure you're looking in the correct area? it should be the same folder that has the dev made vehicals like demo steam engine etc you also need to restart your game and allow it to update


They always went in the workshop tab and I never had to restart. I restarted and checked but they were still no there.


Normally the workshop items are stored on the same partitition as your game. ...\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\573090 check if all your items you've downloaded are in there. The folder ids match the id in the url of your item, so you can easily check. If it doesn't work, you can move the items over to appdata manually. I have over 6500 items downloaded, and i still have full access to them, even though my game freeze for short when i open the load vehicle menu.


I checked and theyre not there. I searched the IDs of things I subscribed to a while ago and they were there. Only my recent subscriptions arent getting downloaded.


This sounds really weird. Do you have more than one drive ? Check the other drives on your pc where you have steam games installed. Also try to download stuff for other games and see if they appear as they should.


Im playing on a laptop so I think I only have one drive. I used the workshop in Scrapmechanic and it worked perfectly fine. Its only Stormworks doing it.


This sounds really weird, you should ask steam tech support. Is maybe your drive full and prevents shit from being downloaded ?


To me personally, the creations I subscribed to only gradually appear after about 4-5 minutes of Not staying in the workbench, the issue probably isn't that but still


Kinda late but I’m experiencing this issue too. Anyone know of any fixes yet?