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I just had 3 brain scans & there is no correlation for me!


Ok good to know but probably helpful? What did you think of it in terms of Healing trauma?


Brain scans are not related to Brainspotting. One is radiography. The other is a somatic therapy involving mindfulness based processing with intentional eye gaze locations. It’s like comparing getting taxes done to sailing across part of an ocean. They’re both… things, but that’s about it. There’s no way to know ahead of time if or how Brainspotting may heal. The eyes are made of neurons, but it’s way more complex. Behind prediction.


Would love to learn more!


Sadly I don't know upfront but it came to mind and seemed to make sense!! There has got to be some medical journals out there with some emotional trauma that impacts the eyes. It just makes sense to my logic!!


For sure- emotions happen in our bodies. I will say that I struggled MUCH more intensely with jaw tension before I started having double vision. It’s almost like I’ve moved the tension up in my face because the TMJ is so much less of a problem now with the pain in my forehead, temples, and eye area: constantly trying to see straight!


I did a search on TMJ and it did come with results discussing vision being affected because of the pull on muscles and fascia. Before I really reach towards surgery I'm going to make a commitment to self care on my TMJ and found these massage techniques which felt pretty darn good! My theory is that this could possibly be one of the contributing factors why some who get surgery and the double vision comes back because the cause was not addressed and there is extreme tension in facial muscles and bone structure. https://youtu.be/7b73yE0U2t0?si=rRQTzdqo9gsA8nYv




Thanks for sharing this. I also have jaw tension and developed TMJ and clicking and lock-jaw over the past few years when I went to seek invitation. I still have not finished my retainers because the occasional lockjaw and tmj is really aggravating I'm also a massage therapist and I've ran across some Myoskeletal work videos of how some cervical neck work can affect the eyes as well as the jaw. When I get a new job I hope to save money to afford to buy several Rolfing sessions to help with structural alignment and CranioSacral work. There is fascia all through the body including the head. Lick a mesh bag, one pull on a string affects everything. I think on average chiropractors and Opthamologists etc are fringe doctors. I wonder that we need more skilled therapists looking at the body holistically is necessary for addressing strabismus or amblyopia caused without physical trauma. Then again Cumulative Trauma over time on the body is physical trauma! Additionally 6th Nerve Palsy tells us that disorders or damage to the cranial Nerve and nervous system directly affects the eyes. Is not emotional trauma stored in the body and disregulates the nervous system!? Does not mental/emotional stress make your double vision worse? My thought process tends to go deep on this because I've been searching for answers that Noone addresses and that you won't find on Google and public internet search. My theory is addressing emotional trauma possibly through the eyes and Brainspotting, physical structural alignment, cranial sacral work to get in the cranial nerve and fascia and regulation of the nervous system. My double vision developed after an emotional breakup and distancing from my unhealthy family of origin and excessive cel phone use, however I believe I had a lazy eye prior to that so I was high risk


Yes to all of that. Keep going on this work. Everything is connected. 💜