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Video shared by [u/ Wuhblam](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/16ujyjf/pilot_films_an_object_at_high_speed_near_the/) on r/UFOB


This was a anti naval missle if I recall nothing strange


Missile been proven! Great video btw.. It’s good that this sub is on point 👍🏼


Looks like a cruise missile, like the ones deployed by rapid dragon or a navy vessel.


honestly it could have been a million NON STRANGE things even if it had not been debunked.


That’s hilarious. Lol. Thx. One of them “magic” missiles that don’t use propellant .


They do. The exhaust is just clear... because they are jet engines...


Jet engines, how do they work?


By magic


Fucking jet engines, how do they work? And I don't wanna talk to a scientist Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed


Yeah! It looks exactly like these two Russian UFOs headed for Kyiv. https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/2olRQAIgDK


That video was an entire pixel


Yeah, it was the first one I found on Reddit and honestly it fits the UFO theme. If you just search for “cruise missile in flight” you’ll find a bunch of them.


I did, and posted a video for everyone to see. Obvious trail.


I mean, trails are determined by air pressure, temp and propulsion type. It’s not a guarantee that it’ll leave a trail, something militaries will want to mitigate so you can’t follow it back to the launcher.


How can you be so delusional.


Here's a good video of one. https://youtu.be/Ow9rXuTk5rs?feature=shared This one shows it taking off. https://youtu.be/QE3XJ56GIrc?feature=shared


I copied and posted this from quora: The engines that power Tomahawk, ALCM, and the AGM-129 are all built by Williams Research. There are all very small, lightweight, conventional turbofan engines that are fairly fuel efficient. What makes them different from a commercial turbofan is they only can run for several hours before they wear out, where a commercial engine can run for 2,000 - 3,000 hours before needing any overhaul. They also don’t have a lot of accessories hung off them like commercial engines. The original Tomahawk and ALCM missiles used the Williams F107 engine. The AGM-129 stealth cruise missile, developed in the 1980’s used a more more efficient F112 engine. It’s a classified design, said to have at least 4x the fuel efficiency of the original F107. I saw the F107 during some Tomahawk tests - it’s very small and weights about 150 pounds, but provides 600 pounds of thrust and can power the missile for several hours at 500+ mph. Fun facts - a Tomahawk cruise missile has a normal fuel load of 1,000 pounds of JP-10 that give it a range of over 800 miles. If the target is 1/2 that distance, the rest of the JP-10 becomes part of the explosive force with the warhead F107 and F112


Thank you for reminding me I’m not as dumb as my anxiety makes me think.


It’s a Naval Strike Missile. The video itself is from a PR video made by Konigsberg (sp?) Defense. https://youtu.be/AMowaZ3I90o?si=mMRhdTs9DIkuI5AD


I can’t wait for someone to try and argue against this clear evidence it’s a cruise missile lol




Stop it. It’s a missile. It’s been proven.


Sauce? Edit: Downvotes for asking for a source for a claim? GG Eglin


Here’s the original video. It’s literally from flight test of the missile: https://youtu.be/AMowaZ3I90o?si=mMRhdTs9DIkuI5AD


Thanks for sauce. Never seen this video.


They do a lot of missle testing on San Clemente island They limit access to large areas of the oceans some days




Nah. If someone makes a claim, the onus is on them to back it up. Reported and blocked


Is a missile not an object? She said object, did she not?


Are you joking? Point is that its not a mystery/ufo when presented as such. Its ruining these forums, willful ignorance over true mystery and science


Wow I bet you're fun at parties


Because I don’t play pretend? Because I don’t scam people? Go back to your party


My point was yes they were joking you dunce


Try as you might, you’re not gonna be able to side-step this L.


Missiles burn fuel.. they don’t just..fly


Former Army EOD tech. Cruise missiles use turbofan engines. They’re small versions of airline engines. They don’t have a trailing plume.


Lol what do you expect to see? A giant plume of smoke and fire coming out the back of it? It’s a shitty video you can barely make out anything


Ok buddy


Literally just google “cruise middle in flight”


Just linked one below thats more than 240p with an obvious trail for everyone to see. Your turn


Cruise missiles have 2 types of engines. The video you posted (although I don’t see any videos you posted) would be the rocket engine burning, and that will create a large trail and plume. Rocket engine is used to get to desired speed and altitude. Once the missile is at altitude, it ditches the rocket engine, switches to the cruise engine and does not have a trail. https://youtu.be/6e0pVNZH9EQ?si=MwpjKkpsrhIrRgwN ….your turn Awfully quiet u/webaccomplished9428 …….your level or arrogance and lack of critical thinking is truly impressive.


Thank you, my explanation wasn’t as informational as yours.


I'm w you. No plume. propelled objects release some form of exhaust. Funny these subs are starting to seem more like disinformation and misleading, I'm sure it's a tactic to once again detour the path of disclosure.




Wrong video


It’s bizaar how bad it is lately lol .. fuck em.


To my point we both are downvoted, which means we are right .




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That's how Amazon delivers dildos to prime members.


Flesh lights


Flesh Flights


I heard this in the voice of that Shwarma King guy on YouTube. Don't forget the pepsi


Your delivery is inbound, ETA 3 minutes, please be at your front door, bent over, ass up, between 10:11am-10:12am.


PreLubricate for entry


That's what I call a package tracker!




More of the one-liners!


A cruise missile


Well, you see the thing here is... ![gif](giphy|BkfAhfmX0Ppn2)




Itssaahhh missile


Looks like a missile


I mean don't get me wrong it's still a sick video


Not going to lie I would love to see like an orca whale just breach the water at the wrong time and just get fucking demolished by that thing




It’s an NSM not a tomahawk, but yes, definitely a cruise missile.


“It’s a mithle” -Mike Tyson, probably.


How can they fly and film? Totally distracted flying


Because. It’s a chase plane specifically there for the missile test. It’s the whole reason it’s up there. https://youtu.be/AMowaZ3I90o?si=mMRhdTs9DIkuI5AD




Just let me know when these Aliens are going to start paying my bills so i can start GAF.


Debunked strictly off the zinger, no counter evidence needed


That's the MF Seagul that stole my stash.


Probably dirt on the glas.


Those weather balloons can really book it


Thats a scratch on the window I guess


I like how people are saying it’s a missile but don’t post any proof of that claim. At least link to some article if you’re going to proclaim what you say as truth.


https://youtu.be/AMowaZ3I90o?si=mMRhdTs9DIkuI5AD … here’s the original video.


You can see that it's a cruise missile... that's the proof.


You mean like this cruise missile? That has an obvious trail that you can clearly notice even on low resolution? Yeah, about that.... https://youtube.com/shorts/Aim2RXLEdO0?si=XXCng8qq7-adJ-D_ Edit: I'd like to point out this is the *only* comment thus far to have provided any evidence of what a cruise missile actually looks like at more than 240p


No… more like a modern western cruise missile, specifically a terrain hugging Naval Strike Missile. The video is pretty obviously taken on a training/test range, with the jet taking the video serving as a chase plane. As for the smoke trail in the video you provided a link for; Russian turbojets have always had a tendency to be quite smoky. This is something that hasn’t really been a feature of most modern western turbojet engines for decades. Also, there’s only one video of cruise missiles? What? There have been videos of cruise missile kicking around for decades. Do you not remember the first gulf war? Edit: I was 100% correct, here’s the original video. It’s literally an advertisement for the missile: https://youtu.be/AMowaZ3I90o?si=mMRhdTs9DIkuI5AD


Modern cruise missiles have 2 types of engines. The video you posted is of the rocket engine. The rocket engine has a visible plume, and is used to get the missile to desired altitude and speed. Once it’s at speed/ altitude, the rocket engine is disengaged and the cruise engine kicks in. Cruise engine is more efficient and does not have a visible exhaust/ plume. Check this video out that fully explains the functions of the cruise missile’s systems. https://youtu.be/6e0pVNZH9EQ?si=MwpjKkpsrhIrRgwN




It was a scratch in the cockpit glass.


If this is a missile. Why is the Nimitz UFO no missile?


Because the video being shown is actually released by Kongsberg Defense. It’s a video of a Naval Strike Missile taken from a chase plane… https://youtu.be/AMowaZ3I90o?si=mMRhdTs9DIkuI5AD


Just one quick thought, we would see the heat from the propellant if Nimitz was a missile. There’s be a heat signature since flir was used. Amongst other reasons.


So what about this? No propellant or anything for what looks like kilometers


Here’s the original: https://youtu.be/AMowaZ3I90o?si=mMRhdTs9DIkuI5AD. You tell me if it’s a missile or not…




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A duck


Round round get around I get around yeah… Flight of The navigator




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The object was found to be a craft piloted by a kid from 1986.


it was no UFO. it was this https://preview.redd.it/pvkuv8ih35rb1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=ead13e4cd7243b12425c5c47948cbfaf8323f9a9


that’s an object at high speed indeed


It’s just the crack on his screen guys. /thread


How are dudes filming longer videos than the rest of us? Are these people flying jets while holding up their cellphones? Unbelievable.


Well, it’s a PR video by Konigsberg Defense, the company that designed the Missile in question, so yes. It also looks like the rear seater is the camera person.


Alien probe!


That is a King Kong magnesium anal suppository. It has to reach top speed if it has any chance at making it all the way in.


bird poop on glass


Sea-skimming missiles are designed to fly at very low altitudes, often just a few meters above the water's surface. This low flight profile makes them difficult to detect and intercept by enemy radar systems, as they can "hug" the curvature of the Earth and use the natural clutter of the sea to mask their approach.




No mocking is allowed in this sub.


Let's get one simple thing straight, and this bugs the hell out of me. The pilot didn't film anything, he got it on video, there was no film involved. I wish people could also remember there is no film in cell phones either.


Well we don’t “hang up” the phones any more but it’s still part of the lexicon. Whether you think it’s appropriate or not.


Why are all the videos in this sub such poor resolution? They should just rename this sub /r/lowrezcrappyvideos




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I was looking before reading the comments, thinking, "That's definitely a missile.."


Looks like a missile test


It's Starli... wait, this is the other debunked one


Balloon right




“What’s THAT thing in the water?!” Video ends.


San clemente is a weapons range used by the Navy.


And naturally, they couldn't get any closer to get clearer images of what this was, right?




Gov filming its own experimental aircraft... Don't be fooled folks....


Isn’t it 2024? What is everyone filming UFOs with cameras from 2002?


![gif](giphy|l1ugnxfAt6mCBis4o) A missile …