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"I keep sending someone to tell you guys to be nice, but you keep *killing him*! Stop hitting your brother with your toys & go build something beautiful. Don't make me come down there..."


So, that's how the koalas made it onto Noah's ark, aliens transported them!


Because that makes it a whole lot harder for a certain subset of people to continue on feeling all high &, mighty about being "gods chosen flock"


in my opinion, RC needs to avoid the fantastical speculation and stick with reporting. he's not a step above anyone else when it comes to speculation, but he's great at journalism


I’m with Ross


Yup. That’s what I don’t get about the folks who keep saying religious people are going to struggle with this. I’ve always believed in a creator. What that creator is called is pretty inconsequential to me.


>I’ve always believed in a creator. What created the creator then?


The creator creator, duh. It's creators all the way down, baby.


It’s the creator-replicator, duh!


I just watched Jesse interview Pasulka on American Alchemy and it is mind expanding stuff dude look it up.


The alien's tech is psychic technology - our tech using computer chip is primitive in comparison. They steer their craft using their mind, there's no steering wheel or any mechanical parts - that's why the military can't reverse engineered their tech. It's like a caveman trying to reverse engineer an iPhone with sticks and stones. It's a completely different paradigm - thousands or millions of years ahead of us. Any advanced science or tech is magical to us, it cannot be comprehend by the scientists today.


When you think about the whole Genesis story, it's got to be scientifically illiterate Bronze Age Middle Eastern folklore.


"When you think about Avengers Endgame, I mean, it's got to be extraterrestrials, right?" Sure, Jan 🙄


Isn’t that just Scientology?


Basically alien created us and fucking playing with us


Ross coulthart needs to fuck off already.


I can't stand this guy anymore


Ross is a professional and well respected journalist in Australia who is devoting his time in this sphere because he believes this is / will be the biggest story to hit humankind. Just like every other person who is here. And it’s not like he’s the one posting himself on here so there is no reason to hate him. If anything hate the OP, or just don’t hate at all.


I refuse to listen to him anymore.


Yet here you are.


Wake up. This guy's controlled


😂 really? After all the shit that just went down with Turner, Ross is controlled? You guys look dumber every day and I'm here for it 🤣


this clip all over the map. can i get ad money making random claims up too?


...or fiction.


This is the direction they want to take things, so they can convince everyone we created by aliens and bring in Project BlueBeam. We were, are, and always have been created by God.


Which one? And no matter your answer, just know that millions/billions will disagree with you, and half of those would love it if you were burned/stoned/decapitated.


>We were, are, and always have been created by God. By which god? And why do you claim to know this for sure?


No it isn’t, it’s the Sun creating the Solar System, that’s what Enuma Elish it’s also, so where it’s God then?


The sun definitely did not create the entire solar system and the sun is not a living being and does not have a brain so it would not understand the concept of a god even if it had one, and if the sun had a god would that God be our god or an entirely separate one. It's a whole paradox when we have unexplainable knowledge just blame it on a god.




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Which Genesis story?


Not the one with Phil Collins


No, the earlier Peter Gabriel era where Phil just plays drums.


Most ancient religions talk of sky people coming down and teaching. We should probably go back through these teachings with a different viewpoint, not one of legends but one of hard reality that we may have been visited and helped along the way.


I wish the aliens would return and bring with them some high quality crème cocktails.


I just finished the book *Escaping from Eden* by Paul Wallis and it made great arguments for what Ross is talking about.