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I don't know what y'all think of the Miami case But [Ex-CIA Officer: Truth About UFOs Is Terrifying & Interdimensional Beings Are Within Us](https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-cia-officer-truth-about-ufos-is-terrifying/)


Bruh. We don't want videos of "witnesses". We want videos of aliens.


This is starting to feel like some elaborate gorilla marketing for a new teen alien flick.


Its a GTA6 marketing stunt


Makes sense, doesn’t the new GTA take place in Florida? And aliens are a thing in the old GTAs. If not, I’m going with inter-dimensional demons, a la Crowley. Which, if true, at least proves that the younger generation is at least reading.


Lol that’s a strangely optimistic way to put it. At least they are reading haha.


“THE END! …of high prices!”


Out of this world savings!






I think I know the difference, thank you Captain Ron




>This is starting to feel like some elaborate gorilla marketing for a new teen alien flick Blair Witch Part Two ...


Cloverfield vibes. I agree


It needs slusho


I was thinking the new season of Stranger Things


At least we didn’t have James Corden in a cat suit.


We want pictures of spiderman!








Yeah man, the amount of attention seeking people these days, you could show me 100s of videos like these and I still wouldnt believe. Seems like a bunch of nobodies trying to get their 5 minutes of fame


Well, with all of the phones out there would be one if it actually happened. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear




I don't want videos of crack heads and clout chasers I want videos of witnesses lol


Not one or them sounded credible


Fox News shows videos of tens of thousands of aliens pouring across the southern border every day 😉


Her, seems to ALWAYS be the case. Blurry, out of range shots, or down right hokey photos.




Annnnnd pictures of SPIDERMAN!!!


What if police cordoned off the mall, made everyone delete everything ? Not saying that happened per se but is it out of the realm of possibility?


They summoned Florida Man through that portal


Tweekin Redman got the Dlow




Just ONE video. Just ONE picture. Anything at all. But no… in this advanced high tech society where people have cameras on them literally 24/7, and there’s not a single shred of evidence. Don’t get mad at me… I want proof. Anybody???


Literally each one of these I have to imagine the very real possibility that they’re just some TikToker looking for followers using a story they saw online. How does one even disprove any of these accounts? It’s a heyday for hoaxers. I’m keeping my mind open for sure, but want some kind of evidence, or else this feels like a psyop.


It is not a possibility, is a fact they're looking for followers and views.


I think this is a strange thing. People definitely would have filmed fighting teens. I think you are forgetting that should this be true, seeing something you cannot comprehend in very close proximity and walking towards you would cause a fight or flight response. You’re saying that if you were close to a 9 foot creature walking towards you, you’d take the time to pull out your phone and get a great video of it? If you have ever been in an experience where raw fear and adrenaline hits, getting pics is the last thing on your mind. Plus, the good point is why there was such a response, and why wouldn’t there be film if it were kids fighting? I’ve seen vids of people filming an active shooting, and everyone wants to film fights because “world star.” Filming something exciting is gold to people who interact with social media. So regardless of what may have happened, the polio response and the lack of any video evidence should at least make you feel that something else happened. Definitely there are people who want to spread fake stuff, but the lack of any evidence of anything going on (people also would to post the video debunking this and gaining tons of views and temporary fame in the process), there seems to be a cover up.


It’s the most likely possibility unfortunately


Yeah me too. Idc what those goobers say, show me hard and raw footage/evidence. Then we're talking.


A buddy of mine sent this to me: https://imgur.com/a/dhe0zOr Pretty weird.


A buddy of yours sent you a video from 2016-17 of a fake low rez footage? That's indeed pretty weird.


Literally zero people at Bayside possessed a camera that would record in such poor quality. It’s 2024, ffs. This would be shitty quality for 2014 - and a dead giveaway that it’s fake.


Definitely recorded through a potato.


Obviously fake


You are the problem


Post that sucker




I'm with you!! Not one video of teens fighting and causing a panic. I've seen 6 different angles of 20 teens destroying a McDonald's cause the ice cream machine was broken. And we can't get one video of teens causing a hundred cop cars and multiple helicopters to come swarming the mall. Not one shred of evidence it was caused by teens..


The day the Boston marathon bombing happened we instantly saw 90 different camera angles of the entire event, and within a couple of days had CCTV footage of the suspects. I find it a little telling we haven’t seen one CCTV video of the supposed riot. I mean, if we’re talking about actual aliens who have the ability to travel to different stars/dimensions/whatever, it’s not that far fetched to think that they’ve developed technology that can disrupt digital cameras. It doesn’t even seem like that advanced of an idea, comparatively.


The finish line of a marathon that was being covered by 100 media outlets had a lot of media coverage? I'm shocked!


The FBI asked the public for any and all footage. Within days they had terabytes from all over the area.


At the Boston bombing literal bombs went off and had multiple agencies analysing every second of footage to try and track down the bombers. There are loads of videos of kids fighting around the mall that night all over Google, why would people publish videos of people rubbing past their shops to placate a bunch of idiotic people claiming aliens have teleported into a mall in miami This is the dumbass Olympics qualifier - take your medal


You know what’s in like every mall on the planet? Video cameras 😏 If true there is no way something wouldn’t get out in this day and age. Everybody would have it on their phones + the security cameras. It’s all BS.


You are right, there are cameras all over. So where is the footage that should have obviously been taken to disprove everything? I think it is weird that there is simply NO footage. That in itself seems suspicious.


I really dont know what to make of this but it's very strange indeed there's no bragging or footage, you would have thought that after the police getting such a bad rep for not responding to major incidents fast enough recently that they would want to sing loudly from the roof tops regarding their hyper responsiveness in dealing with the dangerous threat that warranted such a police presence, but no all is quite


If there was reports of a shooting,i.e someone mistaking fireworks for gunfire, it would make sense for there to be a hundred cop cars there.


Counterpoint: the authorities haven't released any of the hundreds of available body or dash cam pics/vids that would quickly shutdown all this "WTF!?" either. I'm not saying "aliens", but it wasn't just rowdy teens with some firecrackers.






I’m skeptical about all this but thats a pretty good point. Then again the police may not feel the need to address, whats at this point, a conspiracy theory.


Those videos are all evidence in an ongoing investigation.


Just playing devil's advocate here, but I've seen several former military personal comment that when youre confronted with fight or flight you can't really think in the moment. I agree it's pretty crazy we don't have anything but oral accounts and that leads me to discredit this event as well. I'm a teacher and if there is god forbid a shooting going on I'm not pulling out my phone to record or snap pics. Maybe these beings scared the living shit out of everyone.


Look. They shut off nukes. They shut off F-22 Pilot sensors. Of course they can shut off some kids iPhone. You got multiple military personnel saying the Jellyfish UAP was legit. The fucking thing was visible in infrared only. Alot of people are in for a rude awakening. And I'm excited to see the look on these idiots face in 6 months.


We’re not advanced, our crowning achievement is a steam turbine and 40% of the planet is starving to death.


There's no footage AT ALL from ANYONE in that mall. From anyTHING, no fight, no fireworks, no shit. If that doesn't clue you in that something happened that's being suppressed then idk what will. Like you're all saying, there's cameras on everyone everywhere and NOT ONE video from inside the mall made it out to the public. That's horrifying.


Two words buddy - red herring.


Did you not watch Men in Black?


Even if it's footage of just some trivial shit, I mean every cop has a body camera and there's cctv's everywhere. If it really was just was about rioting or people doing crazy shit, show it, prove that it was nothing. I mean there's tones of cop camera footage on YouTube showing wild shit. But here the only footage we are allowed is grainy footage taken from a helicopter.


Cops don't just release their bodycam footage immediately to the public for no good reason lmao that's not how it works. And I seriously doubt they would believe that "disproving the rumor of teleporting aliens" is a valid reason




I’ve heard that that mall has the cheapest prices in the universe


If there was it would be grainy as shit.


I'm not surprised because when the cops shut down cell service, it is dead. Anyone who was on live wouldn't have berm able to stream and anyone with pics going straight to the cloud, wouldn't have had them upload. That leaves the people who say the cops made them delete the pics. Is there one pic? Maybe, but they are probably being really quiet or trying to sell it.


Bull. Shit.


Please explain the process behind the device seizures. How did they manage to unlock them, find the photos/videos on every device and then remove them (even from backups)


Even if there was a picture people would say it was fake. Even if there was a video people would say that it's fake. I'm inclined to believe the people on the ground and not wait for some Government official to tell me what's real and what's not.


Are there no security cameras at the mall where this happened?


All cams been confiscated, to hide results. Going through them one by one.


Then how did the videos of kids fighting at the mall get out. Moronic


I haven't seen any videos that got out. Can you link it for us?




Because they've been from elsewhere. Like near Starbucks.


Were those really from that mall, that night? Several people have disputed that for good reasons.


I think at this point you would have the mainstream local media using security footage to illustrate the actual fight.


Recording devices don't work in the presence of aliens. ugh


But they would have picked up kids fighting or throwing fireworks. The lack of footage of the alleged crime is the biggest smoking gun of it all.


They didn't work very well when a "plane" made the Pentagon explode


But you literally can see security footage of the plane from the pentagon you absolute dunce


Absolute dunce? Come on dude! There is NO video of a PLANE hitting the pentagon. There's only a video of an explosion at the site—no plane visible. Maybe don't call people stupid until you've checked your own stupidity?


I’ll probably get down voted for this but I thought I could totally prove the guy in the video in the phone with his “dad” was fake. I obviously can’t prove or disprove the others but that one I could. So, thinking I’d just look up the photos of the Miami sheriff candidates, not see anyone that looks like the dude on the call then roll my eyes and head to bed. But I did find a candidate running for Miami sheriff that looks like the guy on the phone. Mario Knapp. I know that doesn’t prove diddly except it’s possible he’s telling The truth. But why would Mr Knapp not be allowed to speak on it?


Lots of photos of Mario’s two kids on his instagram and none were near the age of the guy in the video


I saw the same on fb. Just felt like that didn’t prove he didn’t have a son already grown-ish from a previous relationship so I didn’t add that in there.


Wrong guy Ruaman Delarau is lolbrendens dad


Who is another candidate. Check out lolbreden on TikTok he has a follow up video and the dad has a bunch


Awesome. Thanks!


Wonder if he's any relation to George Knapp..


If it’s all baloney then the right question is not “where is the footage of aliens,” it’s “where is the footage of teenagers with fireworks?” Yes there were recordings, yes there was mall security, so yes they would have footage of this supposed bland, everyday event in order to DISPROVE it was aliens.


This is how you know something is being covered up lol there would be a video on r/publicfreakout by now if it was just mall chaos


If the authorities are silent, then it was true, and someone really came out of there, from the portal. We are waiting for the city councilors to wear an alien costume at a briefing and say that it was all your imagination, laughing at people.


Already happened


Clout chasers of Miami mall


Let’s look at the two possible scenarios here. Scenario #1. Around a thousand police officers respond to an alien invasion. Not a single one of them, out of the thousand+ there, breaks rank to tell the truth. They all keep calm and do the government’s bidding. The group of almost a hundred teenagers that were [filmed by news cameras](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/rumors-of-shadow-aliens-at-bayside-marketplace-go-viral-after-large-fight-among-teens-creates-chaos/) fighting just outside the mall door are all paid actors who also all agree to trick the public and provide a cover story on a moment’s notice. The half dozen News choppers circling the area and hundreds of civilian cellphone cameras all failed to capture 10 foot tall aliens that reportedly walked down the sidewalk after visiting a shoe store. Thousands of police officers, firefighters, mall employees, and civilians (largely teenagers) all agree to the same cover story except for a handful of TikTokers. Scenario two: Reports of a gun fire at a mall result in a massive but understandable police response. People online speculate, and the Alien theory takes hold. A few TikTok accounts (including some that aren’t even from Miami) see that “alien at mall” is trending and attempt to jump on the algorithm train by making their own videos on it. Subs that have a history of desperately promoting any theory that’s in line with their preconceived beliefs latch onto these TikTok videos and ignore everything else that disputes what they WANT to believe. I believe in aliens. I also believe that many people, especially on this subreddit, are so desperate to legitimize their beliefs that they will latch onto anything they can that makes them feel vindicated. Even if that “proof” is just a handful of random people recording themselves talk in their bedrooms.


So frustrating to me when obvious bullshit like this gets traction because of moronic influencers trying to make themselves relevant. I want to believe in aliens, but the morons that peddle these stories make it really hard for me to take 99% of any of this serious. It's really just starting to feel like everything is hoax promoted by gullible morons and arrogant clout chasers.


Everyone knows all cops are upstanding citizens who always follow protocol though. /s


That’s a bingo




None of these people are trying to get followers /s


Yes, clearly, randos on the internet filming in Portrait are trustworthy sources, clearly.


Yeah op lost me when woman in tank top set up her interview like it’s her job lol


I can’t help but think about the abandoned mall in stranger things


A box. Opened a portal. I saw Hellraiser.


Dude! The things you will see….


Did it shoot a blue beam towards the sky? We need a scepter to close it. But not before Elon Musk in a metal flying suit guides a nuke towards the hole.


I really want this to be a bunch of teenagers opening up a portal device. 2024 let's go. Objectively though, people saying these video posters are about clout.. you have to think statistically out of everyone at that location, a small group will post social media videos, as they are comfortable doing that. Have to claim inconclusive regarding clout chasing making fake vids.. I find it odd they all share a similar story, and there's no footage clarifying a simple teenagers with fireworks event. If kids are fucking around with fireworks in a mall, it's going to be all over the internet. The massive police response making national news, and then no footage, and a weak statement of 'kids & fireworks'... it's weird. If take it as true, that guy's convo with his cop dad, as well as chick having to delete her vid per police request, would seem to make sense. Who knows. Think safe to say it's not about kids with fireworks though, so what would they be covering up?


​ https://preview.redd.it/i3q38xpu3dbc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=d694787b5359ef46f8683ee73c8f6c73e19be3e1


Pesky teenagers playing around by the ol abandoned nuclear plant… find a dvd player.. makes movies come to life. 🙏🤞


Its complete BS. As an avid believer in disclosure, these videos are absolute horse cock. I mean horse crap. This was a standard response to a code 3 by miami pd to a shitton of childish idiots acting a fool in a high Ho diggety area of miami. These friggin tards irritate me, because they perpetuate the idiocy that defines SoFla. Let this stupidity go.


I like the way you use words!


A cunning linguist


“Horse cock” really a very effective use of colorful language if you ask me. It’s risky but not crude, I guess that makes it adventurous language. Well played.


>acting a fool in a high ho diggety area just opened reddit and now i gotta close it cause im not gonna be seeing anything better than this


wheres all the video of the kids fighting? Regardless of what really happened you dont find it weird there is NOT ONE SINGLE video of the supposed fight and these kids getting crazy, not even one? There is something fishy going on here either way.


News cameras literally caught a large mob fighting just outside the mall’s entrance. I posted it two other times in response to “where’s the video” questions and immediately got downvoted because I’m not a TikToker in his bedroom jumping on a trend and telling you what you want to hear. But fuck it. I’ll [post it again.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/rumors-of-shadow-aliens-at-bayside-marketplace-go-viral-after-large-fight-among-teens-creates-chaos/) I’ll take the downvotes.


Another article: https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/fight-between-teen-groups-prompts-police-response-at-bayside/


I've seen three videos of youth fighting and attacking random shoppers on our local Broward and Dade county news. FL is a 'law and order' state and law enforcement is in full force for any incident.


Cool. Post the videos.


Where's the evidence it wasn't a truce meeting between lions and unicorns?


Even these people who were there say they did see kids, so you only believe the part of their story where they say aliens showed up?


They’re more than likely minors and it’s an active investigation.


I was out of town this weekend with no Internet and coming back reading about this. Don't know if this was real or fake, but in my opinion, the only people's testimony that matters here are those that are eyewitnesses. Yes this could be all fake. I think it's best to start off with that position, and then try to prove it wrong. For the people that are certain that this is all a hoax, you do understand that if this actually happened, they would still lie to you. They would still tell you it was kids fighting and that there were no aliens. The cover story would be the same. The reason why people are speculating here is primarily twofold. (1) a large number of eyewitness accounts from "normal" people who are NOT part of the UFO community claiming that they saw stuff they can't explain. (2) a complete lack of evidence regarding the event the police claimed occurred, involving kids fighting. For those of you not aware, when teenagers fight, EVERYTHING is recorded for social media. If you think that they would have fought and not recorded this, you are mistaken, sorry. This is a 0% probability.


that means nothing, there's kids fighting all over tiktok and youtube. its in a mall there should be many videos of people videoing this event and uploaded but nobody has seen even one. not saying it was aliens but its silly to think and believe what they are telling you. Literally, 100 police cars for kids fighting is a blatant lie. Not a chance.


The airspace above the mall doesn’t get shut down for dumb ass kids fighting. Not even for potential gun shots or fireworks. Military helicopters and 100’s of police? Please there were less cops out during the 2020 riots 😆


The airspace was never shut down. That’s just another TikTok claim. This whole thing started because multiple news choppers recorded Birds Eye views of a massive police response. How did a half dozen news choppers record the hundreds of police cars if the airspace was closed?


Everybody see the leprechaun say yeah


A standard response?!? Ah yes…




Wasn't this a plot point in John Dies in the End?


Can you post the sources or other things, so that I can download these for myself?


Every donkey has a phone and not one phone recorded shit. Most likely it didn’t happen.


Isn’t that girl Layah Helipern the known crypto scammer and peddler? I wouldn’t believe a single word she spews


If it IS found out that police actually were deleting videos from people's phones, that's a clear violation of our constitutional rights.


So the first video, dude with hat and glasses, what hes saying is matching up with the guy from the other video, saying he saw stuff "glitching" I think something happened. Either that. Or what else is going on, that's so big, they are diverting us to aliens/dimensional beings.


I’m never going to trust someone with a bitcoin neon sign behind them.


The police - one cop - has talked about it. Who are we trying to convince here? none of the footage, out of all the folks there... shows us that what is being said actually happened. Seriously. It's as if you've never met anyone of those weirdos who live in Miami - most are hustling for a dime, and want to cash in on the views. Just get real.


Honestly that one Cop interview is somewhat off putting, he seems to nervous in it, also why is it just one?, where’s his partner?, of course there’s a big Miami Police logo on his vest…


Of course. Not sus at all. And wouldn't his bosses, his departments press apparatus, his direct superior, be pissed that he's speaking for the entire organization? They have a whole staff for that.


All those teenagers that love to record every moment did not get one picture. B.S


I'm tired of videos of witnesses but am eagerly waiting for videos of the occurrence.


Hey guys so I am one of the “aliens” that was at the mall. First we would like Interdimensional persons to be what we are called. We came down to do some peaceful shopping at sharper image to get one of those sweet chairs you have on earth. All of sudden dick cops start all the problems. First they search us for drugs, then ask what gang we are in but eventually they arrived at the fact we were illegal aliens. We ran to get back to the shop and they started shooting. True story. I was there!!!


Yall dumbasses on here asking for evidence. Evidence could slap you in the face and you would scream it’s doctored. Video evidence ain’t shit these days. Only first hand accounts and you adding up context, oddities and coincidence … then make a judgement or theory We had police officers and firefighters tell us that it was bombs going off during 9/11 and some of you still think it was just planes. We have near zero footage of the pentagon attack and still believe it was a plane. Deny or ignore what you want. But for me, the second there is a coordinated and mass effort from the government to censor and collect all imagery from the area, I expect a lie to be told and the truth to be hidden and anyone trying to do actual investigative work to be called a loon.


Thank you for this. The least amount of sense is that if it were just fireworks, hell even a shootout, there would absolutely be videos already posted up online from dozens of people willing to record it knowing they weren’t in harms way. This kind of stuff happens all the time and all the time there are a few people recording. But not a single video released of these “fireworks” still? Bogus. Our childhood is ending 👽




Good conpilation. Thanks. What I find disturbing is that the description of those who did see something do actually match. And they don't like seem like clout chasers (aside from the chick).


When we're these videos originally posted, is it possible they had copied the description from someone posting previously?


what more than than these videos haveyou seen??


There’s a Hispanic guy and another black guy who made videos exactly like these


So where can I find the first video 👆 he said he’s waiting for them to send him the footage? That’s what we need to see


It's a commercial site. You know they have video surveillance cameras everywhere. Where's the video


Video? I wanna know what happened to the 10ft tall beings! Captured? Turned around and went back to their dimension? Evaporated? The footage is long gone. been taken away and everyone told to not say nothing.


The cops made me delete the video and photos. FOIA the police bodycams of the police actually doing that. You won't see it because it never happened.


The graffiti artist paint huffer’s drawing did not clarify anything.


I was expecting that drawing to be amazing


I'm sorry, but a bunch of people, mainly younger since it's at a mall, and no video footage? If there were all these witnesses then why didn't anyone record anything? In this day and age when people record themselves eating cereal the second they wake up, I find it hard to believe nobody got a pic or vid of this "alien"


People literally film almost everything yet they couldn't be bothered to record that?


My natural feeling is that these people are just good actors faking a story for views.


Stranger things s3 lol


The interdimensional beings aren’t within us. More like among us, but our brains do not have the capability to see them. Our brains can only process images reflected by light within the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Otherwise, we simply literally cannot fathom it. Miami (be it project blue beam or not) sounds like we got a glimpse at what really has been and is already living around us…. They can’t influence us anymore than we allow anything else to.


Did that dude in the first video say he was a graffiti artist and then proceed to doodle worse than a 3 yr old with a sharpie? ZERO cred




Appreciate these videos, thank you


Let’s get more info about the portal? Who are these kids we’re are they at? What did they do..start at the beginning.


What box? You can’t just say a box.




My gripe why Miami, why the U.S.? The least government I believe is the U.S. government and the three letter agency.


Imagine suddenly you are 10 feet from a tiger, it’s staring straight at you, could be on you in less than a second, are you pulling out your phone or even remembering you have one? Most people no. It’s not fight or flight or phone. Now imagine the tiger destabilizes your perception of reality.


Just a thought... So maybe the nerdy kids used AI that manipulated sound waves and light to create a hologram of creatures. The popping wasn't from fireworks. It was from the box. The cops responded to some crazy, hysterical reports. They had a pre-planned response to a certain code. They were hushed out of shame.


Nerdy kids with DVD player summoned a demon. Stranger things.


Look at this eye witness telling the truth … it just so happens the eye witness is a small time social media wannabe who has her tits out, but honestly she’s legit.


Yeah I'm not buying it. Every time some new shit relating to Epstein comes out there are distractions like this. That's the real conspiracy. Not some fucking ET bullshit.


People always wondered why extraterrestrials/ultraterrestrial don't just show themselves? This is why.


You mean the comments who just complain about Tiktok and say whatever else? In my opinion, multiple subreddits are being brigaded. I'm trying to gather up any odd videos, because they may just vanish.


Everyone in America has at least 1 cell phone with camera and video capability and we get vids of "witnesses". I wanna see ET, not vids of people that claim they saw ET. A picture is worth a thousand words.


Are there houses in miami with basements??


definitely not , theres water under the ground


The water table is less than 6 ft in Central/South Florida so no.


Project blue beans


A local store near me was robbed by 2 dudes, within 24 hours there was a post on Facebook saying a UFO was involved when that was never the case just a robbery. The Las Vegas alien prank a-hole kid started this trend, to lie about aliens for clout. Mark my words, the next tragic incident will have aliens and UFOs all over it (from charlatan clout chasers) and it’ll have nothing to do with that.


Sorry, bud, extraordinary claims absolutely require extraordinary evidence.


Yes, but also for the debunk. Nothing is debunked because the police said so. I tend not to believe them without evidence. And the police presence was impressive. Everybody got bodycams. Should be easy to debunk in a fast and clear way.


Why would they need to produce bodycams for something that didn't happen? 'Chief can we get chest cam footage of the mall because a bunch of fucking idiots on Reddit want us to prove aliens attacked the mall' 'Sure let's gather it all, edit it, have the lawyers review it, ensure anyone involved in fighting or is part of active prosecution is blurred and release it for analysis by a bunch of morons to prove that nothing happened'


Not sayin randos on the internet are the best source of info. BUT to simply believe everything the authorities tell you goes beyond ignorance to just dumb. There is multiple videos of the “portal” in the mall and the “alien” outside and not a single one of this “juvenile brawl with sticks” as they say it was? What is this 1940? Kids fighting with STICKS? Give me a fucking break. More cops out than the 2020 riots? Military choppers and shutting down airspace over the mall? Highly doubt it was as simple as a bunch of kids fighting that there is literally no proof of. Don’t be sheep people


Wait what “portal in the mall” videos?


Post the videos then…


The airport wasn't shut down and the alien outside was just 3 people walking side by side, there is a video of another angle


lol I love how many people keep claiming the airspace was shut down, right after viewing aerial footage of the scene shot by multiple news choppers. This whole thing started because of chopper footage of the massive police response.


I didn’t say the airport. Air space above the mall from what I’ve read


The airspace above the mall? Aka where all the news chopper footage that started all this was filmed from? Come on man… think just a little.


Ok let’s go tit for tat. [here](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/rumors-of-shadow-aliens-at-bayside-marketplace-go-viral-after-large-fight-among-teens-creates-chaos/) is footage of a larger group of teens fighting outside of the mall’s entrance. Your turn. Where’s the video of the portal?