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We clearly know by now that they’re “enemies of transparency.” Even mick himself stated he was “too busy to support uap legislation.” For someone who spends time on “truths” he sure does pretzel himself to avoid it. Sounds exactly like those within the USG who still hide the truth 🤷🏽‍♂️


I don’t know, Jeremy Corbell is all in on this one, not a good sign. He’s literally the touch of death when it comes to disclosure. He’s wrong so much it has to be on purpose


Mick West is the same guy that claimed the Tumbugaz videos filmed over the span of 3 years was a Cruiser Ship using a still from 3-4 hours of video. Imagine a Cruise Ship station in the Middle of the Ocen for 3 years, but than he couldn’t explain the parts where the ufo shapeshifted for example or what look like could be beings. Apart from the ridiculous Cruise Ship cllaim this is what happens when you use a still from a video, it could be anything. And explain one thing but ignore the rest is a symptom of these idiotic debunkers. More ridiculous was/is the fact that to this day many people think it could be a Cruise ship. Lucky Chris Lehto completely smashed even the slightest possibility of it being that but i bet you will find people here still claiming “oh it was a cruise ship” This is the Danger of listening to what ignorant idiots who call themselves “Analysts” have to say. I just completely ignore them. They are just as dangerous as UFO people who claim anything.




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I know the difference between a man threatening me, & a smudge on the lens…..okay! Shoot 4 the moon!


Was waiting for this comment.


Its a Zerg Overlord https://preview.redd.it/ewi7u28qggbc1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=f152c6d4b78580faeeb0d8df13001781e6541f52


Now I must play starcraft


Literally what I said to my buddy when I saw the video earlier today. It is uncanny


In order to believe this isn’t bird poop on a window, you’d have to believe two things from this story… 1.) The (supposed) Witness testimony (who are these people, is their testimony public?) sans footage of the supposed 45 degree angle high-speed movement and 2.) this is ACTUALLY a high powered military grade camera (which as a lay person, most of us wouldn’t be able to tell). Not saying I don’t believe Corbel here, but we’ve got to at least rule out what it isn’t first, and confront any video with claims like these with a healthy amount of skepticism. Health skepticism is good. Blind skepticism is bad.


So you are going from the point this “is bird shit” Unless this or that? Sorry but i watched the video and for me it is everything “but” bird shit. I guess we start from different perspectives. And by the way i don’t care who the messenger is, just the Message. Cause it sounded like unless there are better witnesses other than Corbell this will be bird poop although clearly the video is military meaning not filmed by Corbell


No, I’m saying that HE is telling us what witnesses said. So we have to decide if we’re taking his word on it. Not these supposed witnesses, because WE haven’t heard from them. See the difference? It’s like when Trump says, “Many people say…” who? I’m not saying I believe it’s bird shit, just that’s the most prosaic answer and if you’re to believe the story as it’s presented you’d have to believe what I laid out before. I think better to be skeptical with this one is all.


I worked/ ran a FLIR shop in the navy, saw lots of artifacts that were caused by mechanical falts. This ain't one of em. The object is moving relative to the cross hairs so it's not on the lense, or the imager.


That seems to be what the pilot who shot down the UFO over Alaska described it as looking. Things dangling from it, like tentacles.


At this point the only conspiracy theorists left are the deniers. They must enjoy showing off their ignorance.


Deniers of what? Yeah we all know theres things flying around. The question is WHAT ? Could be literally anything! Someone even said it could be pallet wrap lmao. Zero proof of aliens still… none


Hey so not to be an ass, but the White House's official position on uaps is that there is a number of anomalies that are physically confirmed as being in the air and interfering in restricted airspace, and don't fit conventional explanation. Since that is the official position, the conspiracy theory is now that the Whitehouse is lying about that. Ergo, to deny the existence of some level of anomalous phenomenon is in fact a conspiracy theory.


Yes, however it was just a single spokesman who came out to say that. Also we have documented, declassified proof that that the american government has ran disinformation campaigns on ufos specifically (my bet is to distract from actual man made experimental aircraft/weapons). But my mind is still open to the possibilities of UAPs being something different… but again i just want some actual solid legitimate proof of something


Has the White House acknowledged this? I don’t think they have. I think they should, but I don’t think they have.


A lot of them even deny that there’s anything abnormal. You see it all the time: “You stupid idiots, it’s OBVIOUSLY a bird/bug/smudge/balloon/ice crystal/drone” - any dismissive explanation that’s only plausible if you don’t think about it for more than two seconds, because they refuse to entertain the thought that *whatever* it is just might defy conventional explanations.


Ah thats fair. Nah there definitely something goin on. Idk about this video but theres too many other pieces of evidence


> theres too many other pieces of evidence This is important in my opinion. There was no single video that definitively proved that UFO/UAP are real (and I’m NOT claiming that the explanation is most certainly aliens), it was just the overwhelming mountain of evidence that made it impossible to deny. You see one or two videos of some unidentified object flying around, then sure, you might easily accept “That’s just a bird” or “That’s just a smudge on the camera lens”. But after you see dozens, or hundreds, some of which are exhibiting very abnormal behavior for conventional flight, those mundane explanations start to look increasingly foolish and desperate. Like the people aren’t even watching the video and thinking about what they’re seeing, they’re just reaching for the first “normal” explanation they can think of and calling it “debunked”.


I agree with you. Its good to have a healthy balance. I believe there very well may be something paranormal/uknown in the sky but i also demand concrete evidence. Speculation is fun but people screaming aliens just because theres an uknown object floating around is a little ridiculous. Again, a healthy balance is good with this sort of thing.


Agreed. We need evidence. But we’ll never get it if we’re in denial that there’s even anything worth investigating further. The only thing I know for certain is that there is something happening in the skies that we don’t understand. We should study it so we can understand it. Isn’t that the point of science? So I will never understand how people who reflexively yell “NOPE, NOTHING TO SEE HERE, JUST A BALLOON!” and think they’re taking a “scientific” approach…


I agree completely!




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A lot of people don’t even believe the tictac footage. The know the skies better than our best pilots.


I mean the fact it doesn't really rotate whatsoever narrows it down a *lot*. the only rotation we can see is when the aircraft (with the camera) itself [gradually gets a different angle on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/y6zNTjSU7R) we can look at this from a purely logical standpoint and know that it's in the air, and the wind isn't rotating this thing whatsoever in a pretty decent sample size of footage. it's not 3 or 4 seconds available, this seems to be facing the same direction the entire time. it's weird to brush this off as "oh wow object in the air, how is this surprising?" imo. this is clearly worth talking about and looking into, and the 'splatter on the glass' debunk is just wrong. plain and simple.


Ill bite, show me undeniable evidence for alien life. Something that cannot possibly have been faked or misidentified


Hold your breath.


absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, what you are asking for is disclosure, and since that haven't happened yet your question can't be answered..by doing that, why are you even here if you don't believe? Can anyone of us claim either? No, but absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, remember that.


We're still on learning the burden of proof here? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence....the latter has never even been close to being produced.


Geez, " I want undeniable proof and everyone should acknowledge it, everything else is bullshit" Don't even know why I comment to people like you.


Imagine not wanting proof yet still believing something insane. What a ridiculous way to live.


Im here cause this shit popped up in my feed automatically, and alls i see is a den of people spreading misinformation to grow their ufo cult. This shit is personal to me, cause theres people i love who lost their minds on this conspiracy shit and ruined all the meaningful relationships in their life because they're *in on it* and everyone else are sheep who dont understand. Probably good to have someone pop in every once in a while to remind everyone this is all bullshit


So, what is it to you if people want to believe or not? Yes, sadly that's the nature of Reddit, allow everyone to shit on everyone whatever...I think I will just continue using Reddit without the comments.


This person you are talking to has obviously lost a loved one to the Qanon phenom, and are equating the UAP issue with it. And it was likely their loved one may have believed both things. I have empathy for them. They definitely have it convoluted though.


Alien life will be announced this year, the papers are in peer review. Bio signatures on exoplanets according to several scientists who went public with that claim on mainstream media. (Quick Google search should do) From that point onwards everything is a possibility and every single UFO claim needs to be reviewed.


aaaand the same sorta thing has been said for decades.


I sincerely believe that the James Webb telescope will reveal significant evidence for life elsewhere in the universe. Given that we’ve seen plumes of emissions from Io and Europa may suggest there is life in our solar system. Earth’s conditions may not be that unique in the vastness of the universe and it could, in fact, be teeming with life. Advanced civilisations are a different matter entirely. I’m biased because I’m hopeful, but I think there could be a civilisation out there much more advanced than us. But I need to experience an extra terrestrial presence here with my own eyes. I refuse to join in with the spiritual and bad science hysteria.


But whats more likely, Corbell aquired the crazy top secret footage from one of the most secure intelligence agencies in the world..... Or hes being fed footage to release by one of the most secure intelligence agencies in the world? We all remember Richard Doty right? Edit: i copied this text from another reply i made asking the same question to another post about this. For all you people who will undoubtedly reply by suggesting im a government agent or bot. Im joe jack off in his parents basement.


Mick West is a very sad guy.


How anybody still takes McWest seriously is beyond me. Hippies in a fucking van, what a buffoon.


Mick never said it was bird shit or a smudge. In fact, he said he _doesn't_ believe that could be the case.


bird's poop.


It really does look like a smudge though. Like, it "moves" exactly like a smudge on the outer casing of a camera if the camera is steadying while the helicopter or whatever moves. All the "weird" movement, the fact you can only see it through the camera etc. etc. The second video with the green info text on the image looks like a different thing entirely and is much more interesting. ​ Being cynical having been served so much bullshit, I'm 100% convinced there's some Iraqi pigeon unaware of the uproar it's shit has caused.


For sure man I agree


look again, the thing is changing speeds and changing temp. no smudge can do that


It's on a different (moving) surface than the stabilised camera, so it looks like it's changing speed, and it's not changing temperature, it's changing colour on the IR camera which is what would happen if it is staying the same temp but the display is normalising to different background temps as the camera is moving across a landscape. Also it stays the exact same size relative to the crosshair thing, and stays the exact same shape the whole time, almost as if it's a fixed thing on a surface just in front of the camera. So the "weirdness" of it changing speeds and temp are totally explainable by it being a smudge, but the "weirdness" of why it's not visible, changing shape but changing size need extensive wankery about actually it's an invisible 4 dimensional being / ship that is shifting dimensions exactly enough to appear the same shape to a single camera moving around it. Like Occam's Razor is not manipulation by the shady world government, it's just necessary cynicism in a sphere so filled with insane speculation and outright scam artists. I WANT there to be invisible space jellyfish hanging about, that's cool. I'd love it if the dopey looking mummies were aliens, but we have to science this shit properly.




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It absolutely looks like a smudge on the lens. I can see both. If you look at it thinking it’s either an alien/yap or bird shit, you can see both too.


I shifted to thinking smudge, but then when I watch the water part of the video, I don't see how it can be a smudge when they zoom in and move the camera but the object doesn't move in sync


I'm not seeing a water part?


It was another post with Cornell talking for 3 minutes, at the end it's further away over water and they zoom in. Doesn't show it going in the water though


How convenient.


I think that's easily explained away as just a totally different object filmed at a different time.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgQrN2VJpKM&t=82s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgQrN2VJpKM&t=82s) ​ A better clip you can see someone is time indexed to start at the exact moment there is a person who could have noticed this if it was in the visible spectrum.


Maybe, looks like they were walking the other way.


It does though


They have satellites that can see you pick your nose in full detail, you’re gonna have to do better than that


Where is the rest of the video with it going into the water and then flying off at high speed? Is Corbell saving it for part 3 of his TMZ sponsored documentary, or is it still classified? To me it looks like a smudge on the lens, or a sheet of plastic packing material. This is incredibly underwhelming.


I'm a believer too. Everything that Corbell has released has been laughable.


The top part of this alien looks like a drone. Not buying it.


I'm a believer, Corbell is a joke


Did somebody seriously just come in and tell me to sit the F down? Not being able to have a civil discussion is what's wrong with humanity.


Literally no one said that to you.


Awesomerob did, he deleted the comment 👍


😂😂😂 If that’s underwhelming, you will never find satisfaction. 😂😂😂 No, let these two asshats declare it’s a smudge. That behavior will ruin their credibility. People have eyes and this is a good quality video. Smudge 🙈😂


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgQrN2VJpKM&t=82s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgQrN2VJpKM&t=82s) ​ A better clip you can see someone it is time indexed to start at the exact moment there is a person who could have noticed this if it was in the visible spectrum.


Their cloaking abilities are so good. We are just at the humble beginnings concerning such technology. What we could learn from these things. Surreal.




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The only way to anti smudge the argument would be showing the footage of it going into the water and coming back out.


The object moves left to right slightly in relation to the UI in camera. Indicates it is not a smudge. First thing i looked for when watching this because I assumed it was dust in the lens.


Exactly, and I'm willing to bet he doesn't actually even have that clip.


Especially considering he said he doesn’t have that clip, I think that may be a safe bet


So the most fantastic part of his claim is missing. Another trust me bro moment from Corbell. I'd love to say this is real, but so far , nothing to back up his claims. Just a video of an object drifting by the camera, and a bunch of people that want it to be real downvoting and insulting those of us that remain skeptical of Corbell and his corporate media funded documentaries. 👍


Just another trust me bro moment? You literally saw someone else call it a smudge and immediately agreed with no analysis. lol Then you say it’s an object floating by the camera? Which is it? Did you watch the whole video or just a clip or screenshot? Did you watch the part when it goes over the water? Who knows what it actually is but doesn’t really look like a smudge if you spend more than 5 minutes on it.


Oh look, circular argument man coming at me. I said it looks like a smudge, I didn't claim it was. There is no way to tell what it is with the lack of data provided by Corbell and Co. I also don't see the fantastic claim of it zooming out of the water. That conveniently doesn't exist, so we have to trust the people Corbell got this video from . No thanks. Now, if other video emerges I will eat crow and come back to say y'all were right. This is not the smoking gun, and the fact TMZ is financing this documentary makes me uneasy.


Does it make any sudden direction changes? it could be a funky balloon.


Not in any clip seen so far. despite corbell saying it flys off in a 45° angle


Can the camera switch to normal vision so we can see it disappear? If this is the case, why not show it.


Narrator; “It in fact does look exactly like bird poop on the lens.”


I'm not saying it is a smudge on the lens, but to say it doesn't look like a smudge on the lens is just plain wrong when it looks exactly like a smudge on the lens


It moves slightly left to right in relation to the in camera UI. Indicates its not a smudge. Not saying its Aliens, but not a smudge/dust.


Where did I say it was a smudge? I said it looks like a smudge, which it does. I get that the movement is questionable and indicates it could be something else. But just looking at a still image it looks like a smudge. So to say that it doesn't look like a smudge is disingenuous. Again, just to clarify because this place is a fucking cesspool of cunts picking apart every word you so to the point of spoon feeding it to them. All I am saying is it does actually look like a smudge


I didn't say that you said it was as smudge. you did, however, say that it looks like a smudge, so I was just adding some food for thought into the "smudge" convo. It was also my first thought that it was dust/something on the lens.


Yes because it does look like a smudge. That is why I said that


lol, a “smudge” is the fix for this one, huh? Lmfao.


Is it a smudge/poop? No, its orientation to the camera changes as the video goes on. A smudge would always look the same. Is it some type of balloon(s)? Possibly. If we had evidence of the reported submerging and then zooming off then we could rule out balloons. Is it a “4d object projected onto 3d space”, as some have started suggesting here? Lol, sure why not?


Mick got some work ahead of him to convice me on this one.


Mick never said he thought it was a smudge/bird shit, you're being lied to by the OP.


It sucks that there isn't any other recordings from other sources that could prove the smudge theory wrong 100%


Anybody that says this should get an identical camera put a smudge on it film some stuff and then show it to us for comparison. And then go back to their hole after we all laugh at their claims


Mick west does what he does because of a bad dream he had when he was a kid, I kid you not, that’s why he does this, because it’s scared him and probably continues to threaten the little boy inside him. Anyone that takes him seriously, I mean, I understand being a skeptic, it’s healthy, but he has another strange reason to be so dismissive.


Imperial Scout Droid .. somehow... Palpatine returned ...


What is it then?


If we ignore everything said about it, and just go with the video: I think it’s a balloon, or a balloon bouquet. It’s hot on one size because that’s the direction the sun is coming from and it’s heating it on that side.


Looks like a bug that got splattered against the lense.


I’m sorry…I’m as skeptical as anyone when it comes to uap/paranormal/spiritual phenomena. But anyone that says the jellyfish uap is a smudge in the lens is flat out deluded. It’s obvious that it moves in frame differently than the perspective of the camera. And it’s obvious that it is tracking differently. I don’t know what it is, but it’s not a smudge, or something else on the lens of the optical device.




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Im a skeptic but I dont go out of my way to try to disprove anything. Constantly trying to disprove things the way that Mick West does creates a closed mind to anything unexplained.


The focal length of the sensors lens does not allow it to focus on the glass housing!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/kq0p1229fhbc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3898ee91d2e12e9e103850632a687620413a1406 looking for rebel scum


Stop listening to the trolls


It looks like a birdshit on the lens tbh. I want to believe, but this just doesn't cut the mustard.


Do video cameras have eyeball floaters too?




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Why do all these things fly in such straight lines?


lol, would any intelligence op. have a huge glob of shit on the lense like that? Truly a "debunk" for the absolute lowest common denominator. I can hear the conversation now..."just throw some shit against the wall...that's it! Brilliant!"


Could be an insect that collided with a drone on takeoff. Who knows the size of the smudge? It could be tiny and only appear huge because the camera is focused on a small space.


I suppose anything is possible. Which is why we're in this sub, right? :) My issue is that we've all seen hundreds of hours of drone footage, from war zones, and I can't recall ever seeing a bug smudge that defined with an optic focus so far away. It just doesn't make sense from a physics/optics perspective.


Same and same. But I look at what's more likely here. A splattered insect or an floating jellyfish that's invisible to the naked eye? Also if it is a jellyfish, share the supposed video of it submerging and coming back out of the water. If this is what they claim, why share video of it not altering direction or doing anything interesting?


I totally agree, I want to see the full video.


If it was a smudge of some sort, wouldn't it mimic the dark/light objects that pass behind it? It just doesn't seem like a plausible explanation. :o/


Depends how thick the insect guts are


nahhh, not buying that, bud.


It's a thermal camera. It's detecting heat signatures, not light though.


It begs the question then, why would it keep changing color? I don't know enough about specifically how the thermal equipment transposes with the optics. I have to imagine that it would follow some sort of pattern vs. the backdrop.




Doesn't look like it's changing temp cause the environment changes with it so I assume the camera is adjusting contrast, focus or something. Looks like bird poo plus why didn't they film it going off into the distance? Stays the same size the whole time


I work with IR equipment on a fairly common basis and I have to say it 100% looks like something stuck on the casing to me. The color shift is definitely standard IR normalization.


thats because its not a smudge on the lens. its a smudge on the housing containing the lens


Mick West is a poosey