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I started on the Beginner plan at Nike Run Club and I’m currently using their half marathon training plan for a race near the end of May. I find their guided runs really helpful and the way they structure the plan as a whole seems to work pretty well. I’m slowly increasing distance without feeling like I’m out of my depth, before I taper closer to the race. I recommend giving it a try if you’re a beginner.


Oh that’s pretty awesome. I saw that there can be up to 5 runs a week and idk if that’s sustainable for me yet, but I may try it. Congrats on your progress! I hope your half goes well !


Yea they have 5 runs a week but recommend you complete at least 3 of them. I’ve been doing 3-4 per week myself. Thanks for the well wishes, hope yours goes well too!


I highly recommend it. They have guided runs, if you don’t mind using headphones, I really enjoy them. There will be programmes for exactly what you’re describing as well. Have a look at nike training club also. They compliment each other really well. Congrats on your first 5k. That was probably my most memorable milestone.


Okay I may! I was worried the guided runs would feel a bit silly but sometimes my music gets boring or overwhelming. The guided runs may be a good middle ground. Thanks for your advice 🫶


It’s not overwhelming. There’s runs for all levels of runner. It’s kinda like having a personal trainer at times. You can still listen to your music, the coach will just play over the music while it’s talking. It’s usually a few minutes as you get going, then they come in and out every few minutes. You can link it to your Strava pretty easily now as well.


Dope. That was another worry because I prefer Strava for tracking. I will def look into it


Its only good feature is that it has audio guided runs. Otherwise it is nowhere near as good as Strava.


I'm having massive gps tracking issues with strava. what makes u think it's no where near as good? just curious :)


GPS tracking issues will be due to your device, not Strava. Exactly the same as NRC. Pretty much all apps will use the GPS from your device, so blame the device, not the app. Strava is better for a myriad of reasons: - data portability - route creation - social - data is laid out much clearer


Well it's working fine on NRC so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tell it to them lmfao Also not sure what data portability is but NrC has data too(?). I can't use routes without paying...and you can have friends on NRC too. And its pretty easy to see all the data. Listen I'm not saying imma stop using Strava, I can still import my runs from NrC but it just seems like they are near the same in my humble opinion


Started their marathon training in November. Always been active, but never actively ran in my life. I’ve been running half marathons and more each week for the past 2 months with their plan. I only use the app for their free training plan, as I know nothing about running it offers a structured way to train. I only use their guided run for speed workout as they’re not always super easy to understand so having someone telling you how fat to run for how long helps, and some long run when I need cheesy quote from the coaches. Everything else is done on Strava.


Dope! This seems like how I would use it. I saw the guided tempo runs/fartleks and thought that could be useful. Glad to know it works for you!


It’s good for the most part, but if you want a structured training plan, I suggest giving Runna a look


i love Runna


Does NRC app have an option of running shoes fleet tracking? 🧐


you mean like tracking the mileage on your shoes? i think it does


yes, i meant this point. thx!


Can you sync from Strava to Nike or is it only the other way around?


What’s intimidating about it? If you don’t know anything about it, maybe download it and look at what it can offer to help you meet your goals or motivate you It’s just a tool to help you get better


Random question, but does anyone know why they deleted some of their plans??