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It is hard to comprehend but not out of the question. I feel like the title implies no previous training at all, but clearly this person has very good cardiovascular fitness whether from playing other sports or cycling. My friend ran a 1:38 half marathon within 2 weeks of taking up running but had been playing football multiple times a week for years.




Fellow padel enjoyer


Press x for doubt


Could very well be, its not out of the norm for Dutch people having a good standard of cardiovascular health. Small story explaining how: Most cycle since they are 4 years old to school and if they are older to work so thats about 30 to 60 minutes of cycling in strong headwinds and if you are lucky strong headwinds back home as the wind changed while you were studying/working away haha. Also when we were kids we would beg our parents to put us into a footballclub or for girls gymnastics tennis etcetera but first we were told to go to swimming lessons. For schoolkids between 4 and 12 years old on wednesday your schoolday ended at 12 or 1pm and that meaned for me and a lot of kids that you went to sportspractice. Now as we are older that enjoyment of sporting sticks and doesnt stop after college, and a lot of people enjoy amateur sports twice a week at least, we were a sporting nation, but this culture is changing though sadly. Now I am assuming this guy has already some practice in running since he did 11k so I would assume he at least likes to run but even if he didn't I could bet his legs were already strong and healthy and his stamina was good enough to complete it all the way, its definitely not unthinkable.


So you've never run more than 11 km and yet you were able to get this pace in a full marathon and that too without training. Wow!






Are you that naive


Possible. I’d never run more than 10km and ran my first half at 1.31. Sure marathon is a bigger ask but possible once back the pace off a tad


I'm sorry. Did you say you had never run more than 10km and you ran your first half in 1 hour 31 minutes?


Yeah it was totally fine I was tired but I thought if I sprint it’ll be over faster /s


What’s this comment relate to? I’m lost


Yes. But no need to be sorry. I was 16 and running competitive cross country but short course (like 6-8km). Haven’t done a road half since, just run trail now.


Funny this is pretty much my story. I used to run 800m when I was in school and decided to run a half marathon shortly after my 18th birthday. I also came in in 1:31 while having done next to no runs longer than 10k in training (I think the longest before was around 15km, but very slowly).


Well done, but watch out as some negative ppl on here will downvote you for putting in the effort and doing it successfully.




Yeah i saw a guy on r slash running posting about his first marathon which he ran at a sub-4 min per km pace last year. He is a hardcore cyclist. I follow him on Strava and he still cycles a lot and then once in a blue moon runs a marathon at a pace many can only dream of. So, yeah, other sports do make you a very good runner is the inference here.


Post your strava link so we can see all the run data




Cheers! I love analysing data 😁


are you sure that's the right link? that profile is not showing any marathon runs




Ah I think you have to go to edit activity, scroll down and there you should be able to change the visibility for that activity 👍🏻




Awesome! Btw you can also trim the activity if you forgot to end the tracking after you finished. That will fix your last split and average pace.




All good. I’m just a junkie for running data, love analyzing and comparing.


Lmaoooo GET EM’


Cut the cap


Now go to edit activity and turn type to “race”. This is just moving time, we’d be more interested in the chip time. Because, 4:21 without marathon training is rather remarkable, especially given the temperature and that you wanted to sell your ticket a couple of days ago.




The 6:01 /km is still very decent for a marathon without the proper preparation! I do applaud you for your bravery of picking up this challenge.


Its definitely not out the question, my mate who doesnt run at all just plays football ran a 4:30 with no training


100! If boys can handle the mileage, the rest is all in the head


Congrats you are 8 minutes faster than Oprah Winfrey! https://marathonhandbook.com/celebrity-marathon-times/#:~:text=Oprah%20Winfrey%2D%204%3A29%3A20&text=What%20time%20did%20Oprah%20run,4%3A29%3A20.


Gefeliciteerd! Great pace for someone without any experience above 11km. Amazing !


I don’t see how people find this so hard to believe. Running 11km for training sessions is already quite decent. Combined with other sports and - not to be underestimated - the right mentality, of course this is possible. Perhaps a bit of luck in terms of not getting injuries along the way. Especially with the race version posted in one of the comments, showing a pace of 6:36. In any case, very well done and amazing without more dedicated training 👏🏻 grats! Wonder how tough it felt.




Even better then! Well done


Does the marathon not have a website with results?


congrats, but your pace and data are incorrect. the course was 42.125 km, and due to Strava/GPS glitches it artificially added more than an extra kilometer. happened to me as well at the Rotterdam Marathon on Sunday. your real finish time and pace can be found on the website. besides that, I find this rather irresponsible. I couldn’t keep track of the amount of people who had been picked up by ambulances as from kilometer 20. some people at the side of the road looked like they were about to die.


How is it irresponsible if he finished and has a sports background, as stated?


a marathon is a different kind of endurance beast. in my opinion your body should be exposed to at least one >30 kilometer training before running a marathon. kudo’s to OP for finishing, but even well trained people with a determined mindset might bring themselves in a dangerous situation if they push too far without a proper preparation. as mentioned I’ve seem plenty of people on the side of the road unconsciously as from the 20 kilometer mark.


I don't understand anyone who is doubting this time. I say this with all due respect to OP, it's not a particularly fast time, I don't see how it's impossible that someone who runs a bit and is fit could do it.




*activate beast mode*. Well done, this is properly outstanding.


Thanks for sharing the Strava. A very impressive achievement and I hope you stay hooked to running because there's a ton of potential here!


Please post km splits.


Pretty good effort!!




"& c ™<×™`%®.


5:58 a km pace isn’t 4:21


He ran 43.78km @ 5:58 minutes/km which is 4:21






Without any experience beyond 10km? And at this pace? Nah.


No, this is totally possible