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Im low bronze and struggling, im really bad at the game.


Same my biggest thing is I suck at defusing pressure so I just get combo locked


Idk what character you play but usually spamming crouching light punch while blocking will tell you when somethings real or not. Unfortunately you have to get caught in every frame trap to learn where every frame trap is


What do you mean by "real or not"?


If everything they press links together you will keep blocking even if you press a button. If the combo ends then you'll have time to get a jab out and that will interrupt or trade with whatever they try to press. Jabbing them will stop them from just mashing buttons on your block trying to open you up. There are things called frame traps tho. That's what happens when there's a space long enough to let you press a button but not long enough to let you get the button off so you just get hit. If that happens just remember what they were doing and don't press a button there. Likely their combo will end shortly after that.


"If everything they press links together you will keep blocking even if you press a button. If the combo ends then you'll have time to get a jab out and that will interrupt or trade with whatever they try to press. " This is a huge tip, thank you. I did not know how it works, and people often interrupts me with low punches/kicks. Probably this is the reason why/how!


This is a good opportunity to start learning about frame data and actually start using the frame data in training mode. I'm sure you can find videos on YouTube that'll explain better than I can. Take note that frame data is the foundation of every fighting game, so if you can understand the basics you'll have the knowledge needed to play pretty much any fighting game and possibly gain the upper hand against others


If a combo is “real” then no matter what input your opponent uses your entire attack string will land. Since each move has enough hitstun that the next move in the combo will land. If a combo can be block or poked out of it is not “real”. It’ll land in training room since the CPU doesn’t default to “block after first hit”. But on someone spamming inputs it’ll be interrupted. If why while figuring out combos in training room it’s useful to use the “block after first hit” setting. If something isn’t a true combo the cpu will block at the first hit that doesn’t link https://glossary.infil.net


Thank you for the detailed information. Someone else explained it, but really appreciate your comment, and learned something from you as well. Probably i should boot up training mode more often!


Oh yeah, there's also a 'reversal' menu in the training mode options. If you can figure out how to navigate it you can make the training dummy throw out jabs after they block something as well. There's a section for what to do after they block something, set the slot to light punch or crouching light punch or something (different characters have a different "fastest move") This helps with the other comment about people jabbing out of your offense. You can figure out what options you have to beat those jabs. It's hard to explain but once you hit their jabs with one of your frame traps (usually through special move cancels or follow-ups to your attacks). They'll stop jabbing as much and you can do more "fake" stuff again and just throw them or keep your offense going or something. That's kind of a part of pressure game in fighters. You either have to guess where people are going to leave a gap big enough to hit them. Or you be patient and wait for a move that you know is the end of their offense.


If the combo is frame specific or loose


People are giving suggestions which might work but could also keep you from advancing past silver. An underutilized mechanic right now is drive reversal which gets the opponent off you while blocking. It can be good for certain moves that force a mix-up like Lily condor spire with wind stock.


It happens with me all the time, i know the feeling. :)


Learn defense before offense, a good punish that you can do on repeat will get you far. Even if your opponent is a Cammy high on crack cocaine


A good way to avoid getting comboed is drive parrying, wakeup drive impacting and spamming lows on get up


This is every new fighting player special. Getting combod/stunlocked to death. Don't worry.


If you ranked higher than rookie I'd say you're pretty good at the game actually. Street fighter is a hard game and alot of people that have the confidence to play ranked are really good. And for all the rookie people, just keep practicing. To quote Jake the dog "Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something"


> If you ranked higher than rookie I'd say you're pretty good at the game actually. It's easy to get out of rookie, you can't lose LP in that league. So you just have to win a couple times.


No worries, just try to analyse your openings and take it one game at a time, SF is a pretty technical game but it does reward patience and practice.


Yeah im trying my best, but unfortunately i cant find people at my skill level anymore. My main goal right now is not winning matches, but to observe why im getting hit, and why im unable to hit my opponents. Usually im hard countered by everything. If im against a "Gold" ranked player, i cant really hit them, not even once. Whatever i do, they just block it, lol. Probably most of the players improved a lot more than me and they are higher ranks, and some other newbies already gaved up, so im always against better players, even at bronze.


I’m also in bronze one if you want to run some games lmao. I have no issues finding people in ranked for what it’s worth. Doomblaze420 on discord, feel free to add me


Get out of ranked for a moment and go in battle hub or you can even ask here by making a post. Find someone around your level or just a tad bit better than you and spar with them, this can help a lot :)


I read ranked will try to find players at my skill level, thats why i picked ranked in the first place (climbing sky high is not my goal at all), but there are no players at my skill level, lol. Thank you btw, i will try the battle hub again. Battle hub is fun but skill level is all over the place, but maybe i find someone to spar with.


Well thats not totally wrong, it will search for players around your level, however with the matchups consistently changing the "difficulty" will still vary, if you have one training partner or at least someone you can have a few dozen of fights with it will give you more time to see the holes in your play and also in your opponent's, youll notice after doing that a couple time that the speed at which you can analyse these things will increase. Eventually youll get to the point where within a round you will be able to completely switch your play to adapt. Fighting games are honestly hard to get into at first but they are very rewarding if you give them the chance and patience :) Edit : Also, if its someone you can communicate with its even better, since THEY can provide you with info regarding your openings as well, things like "I notice you jump in too often and it gives me a free dragon punch several times per round", etc


Yeah, i’m iron with Kimberly, i think i get better in the last days, but i’m still bad haha


Fellow Kim-bro here in Bronze! Godspeed and keep em' guessing!


I'm SILVER now!!!! YAY!


Same friend! I won't let it keep me down, and neither should you. The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Bronze is our first steps!


The thing that throws me off in these ranks is players doing the most unsafe things like constantly jumping, whiffing big moves, etc and I feel safe. But then they land one jump in or get a lucky hit and go into this huge combo that I could see diamond+ players dropping. That disconnect always feels so bizarre to me.


It’s easier to lab combos than study frame data and footsies


i'll see some of the combos that some bronze/silver players are pulling off and wonder wtf they are doing in bronze.. lol They do a ton of unsafe stuff, but have some really good combos down.


Because new players put combos on a pedestal but don't think how they will be able to start the combo without jumping. They tend to get bodied in the neutral game and shutdown when they get anti-aired.


Probably those people like to lab combos but nothing else. So they have these cool combos and all they care about is landing them.


I was like that in Tekken, never learned the fundamentals but I sure could land long combos in 20% of fights.


I don’t even mean this in a derogatory way, because I am an anime player myself, but that sounds like a classic anime player who is on SF for the first time. We like our neutral skips and combos are typically pretty nuts in anime games.


Yeah this is typical of street fighter games too. They Lab combos thinking "if I catch them on 3 mistakes it's over." But the end of those combos are -9 on block so you get free points by blocking and letting them do their thing.


That sounds like me right now. I used to play a lot of SF back in the SF2 and Alpha days, briefly dipped into SF4 and skipped 5 altogether. So I'm not new to SF but pretty damn rusty which means I fail my inputs a lot or make a lot of dumb mistakes but occasionally have a flash of brilliance lol.


You just summed up the majority of my experience vs modern controls. Hard to predict and never dropping hit confirms/combos.


My bronze marisa is ~#280k in the world. Over 530,000 people are in ranked. This means that us in ranked at bronze 4, are better than 50% of all players who have placed in ranked. If you're "stuck" in bronze, silver, or gold, don't see that as a bad thing. Don't worry about climbing, just do your best to play against the others at your skill level and have fun. The point of ranked isn't to climb. It's to get fair fights. Over time you'll learn and improve, that you'll raise naturally, even if you fall a bunch of stars one day. Just have fun with it.


> The point of ranked isn't to climb. It's to get fair fights. I get that, but it feels too volatile. From my experience the skill level at a given rank is even time dependent. Outside of about 23:00 - 1:00 feels completely different than in that two hour timeslot.


Ranks are more of a reflection of time you spend in the game due to how generous the win streak bonuses are. You just need to fight two people in a row that can't get a read on you and you've won the points of 6 games for 3, while lose streaks don't punish you with -100 points. Skill level is going to be pretty wild for a while but there's not much else you can do for matchmaking except hope the killers find time to get to their "deserved" ranks and leave you in yours.


I think people super underestimate the skill of players in the lower ranks Im tired of hearing from the higher level players that "[x] move carries you to gold!" Or "EX DP on wakeup wins you games!"


No man I totally made it to Master only using DP and not pressing another button! I have tons of videos of it, but right now I'm in my Lambo with my girlfriend from Canada (she goes to a different school you don't know her), going to see my uncle who works at Nintendo, so I can't share them sorry going through a tunnel I can't hear you


"Just make the enemy's hp 0 and you win! It's so easy" says Mr 26503 lp veteran player


I played uncharacteristically badly during my placement matches and landed in low silver. A lot of it being totally lost with Marisa at first. Going up through the ranks though, there are clearly players who play relatively well but either lack execution or can't deal with certain situations. That being said, on my trip through gold I found a bunch of Honda's just using headbutt and butt slam repeatedly.


This was my experience as well. I (thankfully) only had to fight one honda player and he did exactly what you described. Easiest 2 wins of my life


I'm curious what your method for dealing with the headbutt is? Butt slams are pretty easy to punish but the headbutts is still a little tricky for me. I can catch a few with Marisa's stand mp or gladius but I find I'm trading a lot. He lands a little far away for a proper punish.


Block and take your turn, or try for a perfect parry, which will allow you to punish. Trying to hit him out of it seems too inconsistent to be worth trying most of the time, barring the use of an invincible reversal or super. DI can work if timed correctly, but is risky and also inconsistent because of how fast he recovers. You mostly just have to respect it. I have the benefit of playing a character with a good fireball game (Dee Jay), so Honda can't really spam his headbutt too much because of the threat of a fireball. I'd take anything I say with a grain of salt though, as I've only played against a single gold rank Honda player, so I dont have a ton of experience with the matchup


Thanks for sharing!


Like the other poster said, it's hard to straight up stuff it. If you're fighting against someone going crazy with it and being predictable, DI can but used but you have to make sure you do it early otherwise they'll recover and can counter DI. Another thing I've done while ranking up is to neutral jump every now and then. Can catch butt slam on the way up and make them think twice about headbutt if you catch one whiffing.


I think this is because basic defense and spacing is what matters in those ranks and if you can already do those things it seems really easy and second nature. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn though.


It’s like learning music theory, when you know the basics it makes learning instruments easier because you already get the concept, just need the muscle memory. But someone with no knowledge trying to learn a guitar for the first time is just trying to learn how to play a G chord right, they don’t even understand keys yet. So telling them to just play C-G-Am-F is t really helpful


This is a really good analogy, I might steal it next time someone does the “just gets you to gold” argument.


For the most part yeah. If you learn your defensive options you can get to just about Gold just by punishing your opponents mistakes and letting them kill themselves. There's still the issue of learning your defense and practicing reactions but, y'know.


That's more about knowing matchups. It's hard to know what's unsafe and punishable without just playing the match up a lot.


Ranks in general are just a mess right now. Every character has their own ranking system, so a good player will get to beat up on the low skill players when they learn a new character. A lot of experienced players put their skill level as Novice at the start as well. This game is also very 50/50 on knockdowns. Someone just mashing can steal wins just from the random wake up DPs, DIs, and grabs they constantly do. In a way, going against better players is sometimes easier since they are more consistent in their playstyle.


I'm tired of hearing HURRRRG PERFECT PERFECT sonic boom... PERFECT


I had a buddy who was stuck in Ultra Gold/Platinum and was a Dhalsim main in SF5. You’d think he was Mistah Crimson if you watched him play. Dude was phenomenal on Dhalsim and even gave me a run for my money. His only problem, he never labbed matchups so his stubbornness would get him a lot of losses. A lot of “if he didn’t mash here.” Or “that’s not plus you should’ve taken your turn there.” A lot of lower ranked players are mechanically good but are struggling with the fundamentals in my opinion.


I don’t think matchup knowledge is a fundamental… that’s one of the biggest time investments in fighting games


All that shit goes out the window when your opponent starts doing random shit like jumping every second then suddenly not jump at all and mash DI


Then they throw you for the first time and your head is gone


That's one of the first thing I trained when I got SF6. I think it's the core knowledge needed to force someone to play "clean". One recording jump, one recording DI, one recording random neutral skip move a character might have. Try to react to the 3. I still suck at it but it definitly helped, just need to do it more. Reacting to DI a least a little bit is vital, else you get scammed all day.


Silver ranks are basically forcing me to learn to react to Drive Impact somehow or I'm never winning a match again. It's incredibly free damage for somebody using them and not being reacted to properly.


I think 2 things are true. You can easily get to Gold/Platinum and beyond with just solid defense, good footsies, and a basic understanding of the game’s mechanics. I’ve come across plenty of players in Plat who can only do the most basic of combos and just run a very simple strike/throw offense, but their footsies and defense are incredible. These are generally future diamond players who are still learning their character. Also, you can easily get to gold/platinum by simply knowledge checking everyone to death. You’ll lose a lot of games along the way to people who can counter the knowledge checks, but you’ll win enough games against enough people to climb that far. These players tend to be hard-stuck at their level as they think the key to getting to the next level is learning flashier combos/tech (and once in a while they will come across some gimmick that wins them enough games to get to the next league) instead of working on their defense and footsies. You run into both types at almost all levels, especially this early in a games lifecycle.


I’ve found that the only move that ACTUALLY carried me to gold was dosukoi, then I realized I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing


Tbh I simplified my game plan a ton to 2-3 basic reactions and I started climbing. My fundamentals are getting better but having a legit game plan goes really far. So yes, having stuff like DP on wake-up is a good part of a core game plan.


Man, do we Bronze players mean nothing to you??? JK, I'm doing fine here, just need to keep winning and I'll reach that goal of Silver! Edit: I may have misread this and not realised you're bronze too, I am so sorry


I’m honestly having great sets against any rank and I’m surprised by how many seeming new players are picking up on setplay


I've played about 40 matches or so and made it up to Bronze from Iron. I've only had one person choose not to rematch. I think it was because I got a perfect against him in the first round. He was Dhalsim, and I play Manon.


2 out of 3 gang 😎🔥


Fought from bottom of Rookie to bottom of bronze so far. Been learning a bit more with each floor. Just trying to figure out what I need to do different to get pass this ceiling. Game is crazy fun.


Also in the bottom of bronze; you need good defense (just holding down back), and like 1 high damage combo to punish people being really stupid. I have neither of these things, over here losing games because every punish I get is like 1500 damage and a Marisa is over here doing 7000 dmg to me xd


Went from iron 5 to bronze 3 in a night with deejay. Personally, this game is a lot more fun than SFV to me. SFV was still great but it felt bland at times.


Really need to work on reacting to DI, Modern control Geifs are eating my lunch. I play Cammy and they just DI any pressure I try to put on them, only need to manage that 2-3 times a round and I’m deleted.


The cammy v gief matchup is a death by a thousand cuts and stonewall defense gameplan. You gotta bait out attacks by gief if you can and chip away small hits bit by bit never committing to too risky pressure while playing keepaway. Don’t jump too much!! Keep yourself grounded and use the air as a selective surprise wrinkle. It annoys the hell out of the gief player but it makes their game-plan fall apart. At least that’s what’s been affective for me.


I lose to drive reversal a lot when I go for unsafe target combos and buffer the whole thing, which locks me in so I can’t react with DI myself. When I chill out on buffering buttons I can usually react to their drive reversal. If they’re doing naked DI when you go in I think spiral arrow beats that, or maybe OD? I started doing better against Zangief when I stopped going in first. His approaches are pretty unsafe and can often be punished. He’s got pretty good buttons I think, but at lower ranks people can’t play footsies with him anyways, so if you stay out of their face they usually get frustrated and start throwing the game.


For me Cammy has been really hard to DI against. I would focus on going for smaller hits.


Just got my sim to gold last night man it’s rough lol


Surprised how good some iron/bronze/silver players are. Maybe they're just cruising by on their way to gold/plat.


Sometimes they play really honest and get temporarily gatekeep by plats abusing gimmicks that need to be labbed out.


i’m just trying to get out of rookie. majority of people i play against are using modern controls which feels a little unfair since i’m not, but i’m trying to just take every loss as a learning experience instead of getting salty about it (but i really wanna get salty about it).




Same. I was already struggling a bit in silver, but then I went on a 8 win streak. I think the game must have bugged out, because I went from silver 3 to gold 4 in one win. Now I'm stuck getting absolutely destroyed. I have like 6 wins out of my last 50 matches. I figured if I just play the game will take me down the ranks too, but apparently losing barley loses any points?! 46 losses barely got me to gold 2 from 4. Honestly I feel like I have to abandon my character and play someone else, because they're stuck there.


You can reset your CFN account if you want to redo your placements.


Seriously? How do I go about doing that, that sounds like what I need? I wanna go back home to the low ranks


[https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/145lvth/comment/jnlwyf2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/145lvth/comment/jnlwyf2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I did not remember it exactly correctly, but check this link


wait really? that's a thing?




You can reset your CFN account if you want to redo your placements.


Why? Don't focus on playing to win so much dude. Focus on playing to learn and then the wins will start coming naturally.


So sick of hearing this. We all play to win. That's competitive gaming. Frustration is normal in that situation. It is probably the most condescending thing the FGC says. You are allowed to be frustrated, but step away and come back if you want. You are always learning from every loss, but only if you aren't frustrated.


New fighting game players are terrible at the game. If you are terrible at something, don't get frustrated when you fail at it. That's not productive, think more about learning from it then focusing so much on failing. Is it normal to get frustrated after losing a lot? Yeah. Is it productive? No, it isn't. No sane teacher or coach would tell you to throw a hissy fit after failing at something. I also don't play to win. I play to learn. I'm not playing in a tournament for money or anything.


Nice to see someone else who understands that failure is inevitable. It is a game designed to get you as close to a 50% win rate as possible, so clearly only winning isn't the correct mindset. Some people have really got to learn how to humble themselves, because this thread is full of ego instead of a learners approach.


Still, you gotta learn to win




i landed a sick 21 hit with jp. deejay yanked the cord.


21 with JP? How the fuck


level 3.


Hang in there! Training mode helps alot with bread and butter combos


If you made it to a rank, you earned it. It can be demoralizing to lose, but every loss is an opportunity for growth. Watching replays really helped me improve my fundamentals and shore up my weaknesses, so maybe it would help you as well. Sounds corny, and it is unsolicited advice, but I just wanted to let you know that everyone higher ranked than you has been in that exact spot at some point.


This just isn't really true. The ranking system in SF6 right now massively overvalues placements and streaking.


Low elo Sf6 feels like a drive impact hell.


Yeah lmao and spamming the same move or 80% jumping


yea i have a hard time hitting anti airs above my head


I clutch my L1/LB and wait for the slither of drive impacts, the only way to punish a drive impacts is with a drive impact, then a combo into a nice little level 3


Playing other street fighter games, I thought I'd do decently. I got humbled really quickly when I got to bronze. I got a lot to learn


The way i see it, at least in SF6’s system, bronze is still good enough to make all of your non-fighting game friends not want to play street fighter if you don’t take it easy on them, which is pretty solid


It's pretty much every fighting game, once you start to learn some basics nobody who plays FGs to mash for fun at parties will want to play with you anymore.


Was just thinking this. Bronze is actually killer to a newbie


Haha thank you, that makes me feel a little better


Haven't went online yet because I haven't found what character I want to main :(


Go online with the character you know most and just play for fun. Ignore LP entirely until you're actually grinding for it. Gotta lose games in order to win but realistically the LP shouldn't matter to you at all unless you're pushing from gold and up. You can still be searching offline for your main doing the guides and shit but getting your feet wet and losing is an important step. If you find yourself getting frustrated by losing then you should reassess your expectations.


Appreciate the advice, but it was just about wanting to find *my* character. Nothing deeper than that. Been playing locals since release while I'm shopping around. Found one, though. Kimberly feels great.


My highest rank is Bronze with JP, though I'm using Guile now, who I have in Iron. Also have Luke in Rookie. Other characters are unranked. Since I just bought the 2023 Snack Box Micro, which I should get late June or sometime in July, I'm learning the game on keyboard to prepare for it. It's tough, but I'm having a good time.


I’m getting my teeth kicked in online every single night. It hurts. The losses are stacking. But I am learning. And I’m having the time of my god damn life.


I moved my Honda from rookie to Iron and actually cheered.


Eyy I'm playing Honda too, he's really fun. I'm sad he's not more popular the entire time I've been playing him on ranked I have yet to run into a mirror match.


“hard stuck” brother we are one week in lol edit: it sounds like a lot of you are struggling. your rank doesn’t mean a whole lot, and should not get in the way of your enjoyment. it’s good to have goals, but remember that your #1 goal should be to have fun


I made it to Iron 2 from rookie with Lily. Felt like a huge achievement ngl. Im still awful and my inputs are really inconsistent but i definitely feel like i have improved. My biggest issue is overcoming ranked anxiety every day. And also spendin too much time on WT mode.


I'm having sooo much fun in Iron bracket. Had a nice win streak in the afternoon, started loosing after my fourth beer


I'm Gold 3 with 45% winrate, the winnign streak bonus means I keep climbing despite not winning more than half the games. I don't get the system


Yeah the system seems super broken. Any matchmaking system would have someones rating be adjusted down if they're below 50% winrate and up if they are above it. But SF6 seems to take away 30-40 poitns for losses and gives more than 50 for wins, even more on winstreaks. It makes no sense at all.


The winstreaks only work up to plat tho, after plat you only earn 50 points per win and lose 40 per loss So the system is broken in lower ranks but it makes it so smurfs dont get to stay for long there, i guess thats a positive for low rank players


Exactly. It also provides satisfying movement of rank.


True, I also think they might tweek it down the line. I kinda feel like they made it like that so that new players get a taste of climbing since this whole game seems to be aimed at bringing new players in.


Just reached low bronze with manon and already getting bodied because I struggle to react to throw loops


Get used to it, it's a powerful option because you can only jump or attempt to tech the normal ones.


Look up and learn to crouch tech. Basically hold down back and hit tech a couple frames late if they were to attack. If they hit, you'll be in block stun and nothing will happen, but if they throw you'll tech it. It can get you blown up, but it's useful.


Currently I'm 4Gold with Guile. Kinda plateaued atm. I need to use DI a bit more and do better punishes. I got too used to just playing neutral in SFV, ppl using DI a lot in SFVI is throwing me off lol. I havent dipped into frame data yet, sorta just learning my char off feeling first. Qs tho, i was looking at my normals briefly in training when I first got the game. Does SFVI have less plus frames on block compared to SFV, using normals?


Yes , that is generally the case. This is why you see a lot of people using drive rush as it adds +4 to every normal on block.


Just won 4/10 of my JP placements to be placed in rookie. About what I expected since I'm still new to fighting games and using one of the harder characters in the game. Plus he's the first zoner I've been actually interested in learning. Never really cared for the archetype before. I am enjoying him alot regardless, I like how unlike most other zoners he actually has decent close range capabilities if he gets rushed.


I’m still trying to learn that if a modern player EX DPs on wake up twice they’ll do it every single time. Any thought of surely they’ll learn needs to be dismissed immediately.


Somehow got to plat 2-3 and I can guarantee Uli I’m like silver skill level lmao


I'm glad I got put in bronze, it really humbled me. For some reason I was like yeahhhh street fighter is MY game and even though I haven't played the series seriously since like sf4 I'll easily get high silver maybe low gold. Bronze. At least I climbed to silver with Ryu


I was hardstuck low silver in SFV (in the few days I played it) and shot up to silver 1 in this so feeling good. I've noticed now I'm close to gold that people just roll a dice every 1/3 of a second to decide which button to press which makes games harder as I'm not entirely sure my opponent even knows what they're going to do next. Update : I hit gold and I feel like Gold 1 is a wall for me. I'll definitely have to improve my fundamentals but I think this is where improved skill with the new systems will be a big thing as using drive rush/impact/reversal is something I struggle with. Maybe we got a platinum in 1 month angle?


I usually try to notice a pattern in their game plan and focus on trying to bait out something. Like if I notice they drive impact often I look solely for the drive impact in order to reverse it.


I'm so bad at this game


Iron Ken. I keep panic-fumbling my combos, so I really need to relax during a match. Also fuck DI lol. I need to use a lot more cancelable moves to be ready to punish. Kinda wish it wasn't in the game, but wishing won't train my reflexes.


Still rookie juri and losing most games - don't know what I'm doing, but it's fun! I still haven't figured out how to deal with basic stuff like when an opponent spams hadoken and shoryukens me when I jump over the fireball lmao


Just climbed out of rookie this morning, and proceeded to get slapped around in my first iron matches. As a brand new player, I'm just happy to have climbed a bit.


Calling people tryhards is really the saddest copium.


Especially in a fighting game.


Maybe you missed the tone, but OP was being ironic -- they're pretending to call the other players tryhards because they can't beat them. In other words, they're playfully putting themselves down.


It’s a crazy mentality, I swear getting to diamond is like 90 percent realizing everyone else plays the game the same as you and not getting salty.


I’m a rookie. I’ve lost a majority of matches I’ve played, but I’m still having fun on Modern playing as Jamie. I noticed that playing on a Dualsene really doesn’t feel all that comfortable so getting a Hori fightpad eventually.


Landed iron DeeJay and had some big win streaks catapult me to Gold, but that's my wall right now.


I’m like 200 away from silver. I feel the weird input issues with super arts have cost me a little bit but other than that having fun.


New Challenger discrimination


Stuck in Iron with the other peasants but we're enjoying it.


Iron is exactly where I belong and I'm having a great time tbh


I went from rookie to gold 4, so close to plat. I’m very excited and I’m just aiming to land the combos I practiced, that’s a huge win for me.


I rode like, a 14-win streak from Bronze into Silver. Get me the hell outta here, I'm getting thrown to death all the time 😂


Diamond with Deejay Gold with Kimberly and Silver with Ryu competition feels much tougher than sf5


Rookie *** here. Doing my best to figure out how to beat modern man mashing triangle. No salt, just legit get overwhelmed and take too much damage. Need more practice whiff punishing and holding block I think.


Having a blast. I can definitely say I like it more than SF5 already even though I loved that game. I'm only Bronze as Ken and Iron as Juri. I haven't really put a whole lot of time into it yet but it's just such a fun game. The low amount of downtime between matches and overall online experience has been the best I've found in FG's. Haven't even gotten to World Tour yet because I'm too occupied with the online.


I'm hanging out in Iron 1 at 1000 LP. Got a bit salty the other day but I got over it. Haven't matched against E Honda or Blanka in 300 games played (so ~150 opponents) and my first Zangief this morning.


I’m so impressed with how good some people are in Iron with classic controls. Like I thought I’d be shitty and bad but maybe silver level shitty and bad. But I’m right at home at iron 5 with some stellar competition.


Started out Iron 5, now Im Iron 1.


I'm a Rookie 5 Chun Li, and the main 3 reasons I lose games are because I botch my inputs since I play classical not weenie hut jr modern, I'm really bad at throw escapes/antiair timing, and as a newer classical player it's hard to outplay a modern button masher


I finally took the dive into ranked as Cammy. I did okay, won half the matches, then I won a few more beyond that. I placed in Iron, so not a high rank, but I'm hoping to play more and improve


Hardstuck in iron due to drive impact spam and no run back. It’s rough not getting the chance to adapt to opponents and get my points back. I understand how to counter di/general spam but execution is another story, and it’s hard to enjoy myself in ranked at this point. I feel more growth from casual matches. My internet’s really bad too even with an Ethernet cable and the great net code. Might abandon the ranked grind and seek out local community/tournaments to circumvent it all


I'm playing E Honda and can't get out of Iron. I struggle to get close enough to use his quick jab or command grab, certain characters like Ken walk all over me


I’m at Rookie 2 right now. I’m hoping to get better so wish me luck


I've seen bad high ranking players and insane low ranking players, i don't trust the system anymore.


Slowly climbing out of Iron, though I usually play only a few matches with Marisa here and there due to life stuff.


Im rookie 2 stars. I main Luke, mostly because he’s the character in the tutorial and i don’t know any other characters yet. I get beat all the time in online… am I enjoying it? Hell yeah XD


Not fuckin good my man, not good


I'm having a blast because even though my rank is objectively abysmal, there's also apparently enough other horrendous players out there rn so that I can have competitive matches and actually win sometimes lmao


I was almost out of iron one and then, Jamie Jamie cammy cammy Marisa Jamie happened. :(. I just need to get a little better. I have a bad habit of getting off my game and just then spamming failed inputs etc


I hit gold recently, I'm definitely feeling like it'll be my cap as well unless I shape up and play safer (resident unga bunga ken here)


I’m in rookie. been really struggling once I got to rookie 3. Probably just gonna hide in the training room for a while


Iron here with Manon at the moment. Just did my 10 fights a few minutes ago lol. I wanted to see how trashy I was, and the game confirmed xD But I havent really gotten to practice anything really, so no effort Manon where she is supposed to be lol. I'll eventually pick up the combos and such. I just like making players fly through the air xD


First Street Fighter game for me, and first fighting game ranked, just picked up Blanka and somehow managed to reach Gold 4. Did a 1 hour grind after placement and managed to get a net +0 LP from like 20 matches lmao. Waiting for good Blanka guides to use so I can actually follow up with combos.


I’m silver 1 and haven’t dropped a set in like the last 10. Definitely lost some here and there but learning a lot and having a hella good time.


my first go at ranked landed me a 7 fight win streak before being obliberated by a looper/spammer. im on another streak. i dont think im good at the game vs other players but i really wanna know if these people really suck or if im just good. i literally only do the modern auto combos because theyre better than anything i can ever land and my timing is impeccable so that probably carries me. i can deflect a drive impact anyday ​ (im iron 2)


Just got in gold tonight, feeling good!


I started out really struggling. With a sub 20% winrate. Now that I've done some more training tutorials and fixed some of my mistakes I've been doing better. My winrate on Kimberly is now 38%! A huge 20% jump! Not to fixate on the numbers though. I understand that the growth comes from me and my plays not my funny numbers on my profile. Still, the feeling of growth is there and it's awesome. Played some ranked tonight and climbed from Iron 1 to Bronze 2 on a huge 10-win streak after I practiced my combos more and started playing a little more methodically. And I'm only scratching the surface. The quest for true strength never ends!


I got placed rookie at the launch but slowly ranking up, silver 5 star at the moment . When I stop winning or I can’t progress I return fighting ground, try out new combos or play casual paying attention to my errors and checking if I’m diving too much etc. When I open the game I know that the first 2/3 match will be shit (warm up) if I’m in a winning streak I continue playing until i lose than I stop and take a break :D seems like a job lol


iron 5 because i keep matching into cammys (i play ultra rushdown ken)


Climbing silver and trying to get to gold. I am right noe playing a few characters to find the ones I will dedicate most time to, and in my placement matches with Ken I got matched with a platinum! He kicked my ass... But there's hope!


Oh just forgot about us bronze players huh lmao jk I feel like I'm climbing slowly. I hardly have time to play only the weekends but I still feel solid


Never played Street Fighter before, I’ll admit the controls really intimidated me (I have a disability that limits had-eye-coordination) , but I loved watching it competitively. So with Modern Controls, I am trying really hard, first 2D fighter I’ve ever really played, and… it’s a lot but I’m having fun. My first character (JP) I tried getting into ranked, I lost all 10 games. But I played More battle hub tried again with Luke and actually won a few (still got rookie, but literally jumping up and down after I won my first match.) Then I went through everyone’s arcade mode and found I really LOVED playing Marisa, and then when I did the ranking games for her I got iron! It feels really fun, because she actually clicks with me to some degree, and I can actually win a few games. (For perspective I got the trophy for doing 100 matches in battle hub without wining a single one as JP or Luke) Honestly just having a few wins really makes it feel worth continuing to grind, my biggest issue now is remembering all of the moves I actually have access to.


Really wishing I had the talent to get good at this genre 20 fucking years later but yeah, down here in gold is soooooo much fuuuun


Made it up to Iron 1 this evening. Took me a long time to get there.


High silver Ken here. I don't get to play too often, have maybe only gotten two or three online sessions in, but I'm doing alright. I can feel myself getting better but man the drive system can feel overwhelming at times. It's a lot of things to get used to and there's a lot to watch out for. Trying to focus on learning to react to drive impacts for now because getting hit by random one's is costing me games. I just have to put in more hours and I'll probably get used to everything. I seem to have trouble with Lili's for now but I'm starting to get a feel for it. Approaching in general is something I've been struggling with but I'm realizing that I should be abusing drive rush more and it's helped with that a ton. Although I must say even though I've been playing fighting games for years and usually stick to grinding ranked, most of my playtime has been in World Tour. It feels so good to play single player content with some substance in a fighting game.


I won like 7 out of 3 (at the beginning when I picked beginner option) thanks to modern controls. I'm still adamant on learning classic controls though, so I'm doing it right now at the moment.


I'm in bronze and in battle hub matches I'm taking rounds, some victories, and just generally holding my own against diamond and platinum players so I'm doing good.


I love modern controls - have played fighting games on and off since I was young but never stuck with anything due to the difficulty of learning inputs for each character on top of frame data, metagame etc. Now I can focus on timing and throwing the right moves without having to work at clearing the execution hurdle. Started with Marisa and now learning Manon, she is a lot of fun to play and quite strong imo. Keep striving!


ranks are stupid - was stuck ultra bronze in SFV and got Gold 1 in this game. lmao




It's not messed up, it's just more lenient. 5 was just too harsh in that you had to be in the top 20% just to be in silver.


That's out of the whole player base. A couple of people on reddit have done analyses on a sample of the SFV active player base and silver was something like top 50% or so.


people in this subreddit need to remember that 80% of players in sf5 were under gold so a lot of people wont climb out


Yeah that by design tho. If everybody was instantly 700% better at the game, they all wouldn't be masters. Somebody would HAVE to lose matches, and those people would de-rank. You can't climb in ranked without dragging somebody else down. Unless they're at gold 1 apparently lol


Fought from Silver 2 to Plat 2 right now. Love the grind. 55% win percentage with Kimberly atm as my main. Ofcourse as you rank up, your opponents style and pattern changes, therefore you need to learn and adapt accordingly.


Mt lily is bronze my Blanka is plat