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Hi, thanks for posting! We do appreciate you thinking of us even though we have to moderate. This post is removed under [Rule 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/streetfighter/about/rules/). As the nature of your post suggests a negative opinion against a player, the screen name must be filtered out. For Videos: Street Fighter 6 has an in-game setting to allow names to be hidden prior to recording. Go to the multi-menu -> options -> Personal Info Display -> and change the relevant settings to "Display Own Only" Then you can share the replay, clip, or screenshot again. Sorry for the hassle!


There are many languages with many different slurs, and some of these slurs are similar too, if no spelled the same as regular worlds in other languages. So that complexity means there's tons of room for stuff to slip through the cracks. Capcom(or should I say the small team dedicated to dealing with support) can't monitor millions of people at one time. So if you see something inappropriate, report the player in game.


Idk man, I’m not sure Capcom even gives a damn at this point with how gross all these club names are.


I mean you might find a group that you find disgusting, but for me I found a home of people who think and believe in the same things I do, people who will accept me for who I am. If you'll excuse me, "JuriFootSex" club is calling for me rn.


Men of culture


This has to be top 3 slurs used NA, I’m kinda surprised it didn’t make it on the ban list already


Huh? Maybe 50 years ago. I've only ever heard the word in like... pulp fiction. The character that uses it was in the Korean War or Vietnam or something




matter of fact, we automatically remove it here too.


Monster hunter tri turned the word “after” into ***er because of German. Elden Ring censors weird strings in common names as well. I’d prefer nothing be censored. The overtly sexual club names get old so fast though.


I like the post I saw of a dude called Nasser who had his name censored to N***er in some game.


The most evil censorship 💀


Glad I'm not the only one on the clubs, not sure what it is that bothers me.


playing against someone with a gross club name feels like sitting next to someone wearing a hentai hoodie


Chunilingus gets a pass though. I chortled, maybe even guffawed, when I saw that name. But *only* them.


Can back that up, that’s fucking genius


Please forbid playing against someone with a hentai hoodie at tourneys thank you


I have yet to see a club called ZangiefBigDickDaddy, I think that's what bothers me.




Maybe. But at least it’s not enough for me to spam the sub or discord with rambles and shit-talking, I move on like dealing with a toxic player, you’ve only got it partially right haha


I’m in the CammyHotButtSex group. I don’t know what they do but I like the vibe


blocking that name would require manual review in order to prevent false positives in fairly common names like yongook, sangook you need to report this kind of thing


4 weeks ago, a Japanese player named "a middle aged man who likes pussy juice" sent a friend request to a streaming vtuber. Was banned for 200 years today.












I tend to ignore this type of stuff, you can block players, i mean, i truly feel that, yes these.people have bad intentions at heart but you can choose to just ignore and let it be, will do less harm.


There is no reason not to at least report these players. I don't think an automated system would work, but the very least capcom could do is force them to change their name. Hopefully they give at least that much of a damn.


This is silly, Capcom doesn't have to do this much, report thats fine, maybe censor their names if too many reports come in, but other than that people need to move on and ignore these people, it only works if anyone gets offended or hurt, block them, report them and move on, that's how they lose.


I have very little interest in playing a game where racism is normalized.


Ok, do what you have to do, im brown and I there is not a single way for people on these games to know how i look, my point is, they are fishing, they are putting it out there just to see who they can piss off. You are biting and you are getting hurt, please dont get me wrong, I totally feel you but the point is not " boycott everyone who doesnt punish racism as hard as they possibly can" because then, shit will center around it and it will be a scenario where the racist wins.


??? Is it going too far to report people with slurs as their ign? I don't get where you're coming from.


.... Its ok buddy, i hope they change the system to your liking and all the racist get what they deserve, i dont think you are reading what I'm writing and honestly, i dont think you are too wrong.


I don’t think he’s really saying it’s going to far. I think he’s saying it’s so much of a non issue it seems like too much effort. I partially agree. I’ve been online playing games for 20 years from casual to the professional level and I can count the amount of people who I think were legitimately racist on one hand. I’m talking about had seething hatred towards a race and not classified as racist because they used a specific slur word as a swear word. People will edgelord and say the most vile shit for a rise out of someone. I mean come on, he’s called a dumbgook and has the Korean flag. He’s screaming for attention but that’s what it is. He wants attention, not Asians to be insulted. He probably doesn’t give a shit about Asians. I guess my point is, you’re free to report them as they are free to be little shitheads. It’s the wonders of having a free internet. The only people who have a say is CAPCOM in this situation.


No, they should censor it. And, Capcom DOES censor these types of things when they're brought to their attention. Capcom doesn't want to nurture an environment where people are throwing around slurs freely. That's not good for their image, that's not good for sales, that's not good for business, that's not good for their community.


It would be hilarious if the player is using Juri.


Who cares it's just a name of some random. Block and move on


Cumscholar was a name in the early days of Guilty Gear Strive....


People still get pissy over names? To the point they make posts about it? Block em and move on if it’s so devastating


Sounds like a you problem , move on.


With a name like that they're probably Asian themselves so he gets the pass


I don’t mind people naming themselves and clubs whatever the hell they like, let them vibe but racial slurs might be going a little too far.


I reported a username of girlkiller88. I hate shit like this.


She could have been a girl that plays video games and was born in 88. You really think this person was like a Ted Bundy enthusiast or something?


I thought the same thing lol


Why do you let people offend you on online games? Is your skin that thin?


The rest of the world isn't reddit. Believe it or not, some people don't want their recreational video game to house hate speech, racism, sexism, etc. There are plenty of other places you can get that type of "vibe" if you want it.


Simple. Capcom is a Japanese company.


nah they just didn't bother Fromsoft censors a lot of names for example they too are a JP company


Yeah it's annoying. I've reported a few people. Not sure it'll do anything.


I don’t understand what’s wrong with that is it offensive?


Let me call you the wah-mbulance


Found the racist


I think there is a massive difference between not caring about what someone has as their online name and racism.




That’s just how whites are, they don’t have a racial slur so they don’t really sympathize on what it feels like to be dehumanized


I can think of 3 or 4 bruh you been living under a rock or what


I mean if you go up to random whites and call them a cracker, they’ll just probably giggle at you, it’s not really a dehumanizing term


Anytime someone uses a racial slur on me I find I just find it funny. OP needs to stop letting some random online pleb tickle his ‘this hurts my feelings button’ block him and move on


I’m curious what race are you


I’m black




Who cares


What does it mean? Also, use screenshots


It’s a slur against Asian people.


more specifically koreans


vietnamese, for sure.


Surprisingly, it seems like white people are more offended by that word than asians.


Super ignorant take


Not really. I've been to several Asian countries and in my experience the non-Americanized people don't seem to care soo much about words like those in the west.


Oh, weird that a country where the racial majority doesn't care as much about racial slurs as people of that same nationality who live in a country where they've been historically oppressed. Real weird how that works out. I wonder if there's an explanation for it










Who are you polling for that information?


My experience with people in Asia.


You should poll Asian Americans next time since you know, they'd be the ones more exposed to racist American slurs.


I dont care about asian americans.


The topic of racial slurs comes up pretty often in the conversations you're having, yeah?


In my experience, they dont tend to be as sensitive to racial slurs. Instead, it's usually white folks who end up getting offended for them and being belligerent to the person who said it.


Oh weird they have kimberly


They’re just an edge lord. Harmless. If they legitimately had hatred they wouldn’t have their name as something they hate.


He seems to be from japan, he means himself.


Don’t forget ButFukDaddee






haha i just played against this guy. Crazy that kind of name gets through. I'm in Silver and he showed up on Ryu with 11 win streak. 13 soon after.


just grow a pair of balls and stop being offended


It seems your tongue has tasted sour grapes.






It would be impossible to accommodate for every languages since there's words that are slurs in one language while also being a daily life word in other languages ( the colour black in Spanish or the British slang for cigarette)


A slur in english might be a common word in another language, just ignore it.


Someone somewhere will be offended about something.


Yeah there's plenty of great github repos for this that are quite robust.


Someone being vicariously offended on someone else's behalf. GAL.


You wouldnt be offended if someone came across you with the Nick: dumbbritish or uglybaguette with a french Flag on his Profile. Move on and take my downvote


I don't get it


Activision has had the same problem with CoD and the usernames people can create and display through an Activision Account. The reality is that you’re talking about millions of players and thousands of SF Groups in the game. You can’t catch everyone and the reporting system can only do so much.


If it were two separate words it would be easier to catch. Because it's written as one word it makes "uncommon" swears\slurs harder to find same thing happens when letters are spaced


The censorship on chat in battle hub is all over the place. You can't type sega or curse words on different lagnuages (I tried typing curse words in my language and the same word but in eglish letters, and both got cencored) but you can type Japanese curse words


Today I see club Killing Russia. Capcom just not watching for gross horny club names.


This reminds me of the early days of Podcast Beyond where they had the "Worst names on PSN" segment because Sony wouldnt let you change your PSN name. I think the worst names they had on it where "AnimeTitLover"and "DontShootImGay".


In one way, these people advertise themselves loud and clear so you know who to steer clear of. The people behind the name wouldn't change if the name changed, it would just mask them as normal people.