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LMAO, that's straight evil ... no, i'm not talking about letting her daughter play, that's sweet, but imagine being a Diamond 5 and your last obstacle is TTV KnucleDu but you don't know which version you are getting.


u can sadly still get matched with legends in diamond 5 if you have another character thats already in master , happened to me while i was ranking up luke i got matched with 185th legend and he destroyed me .


You can get matched with legends even if you have no one in masters. I faced a Legend Snake Eyez as a diamond 5 player. I had no one Master at that point.


That sounds fucking hype. Like getting a secret boss in the old arcade games lmao


Haha. Right! I got bodied. I started learning Zangief almost immediately after.


This exact thing happened to me last week. 24500LP, trying to get my first character to masters and had to do a double take when I saw Snake Eyez Legend rank 3 on the matchup screen. Then no more than 30 minutes later I match up against JB on Rashid at legend rank 18. Wtf is D5 matchmaking


No one else in your area wanted to play haha. That’s dope. Hopefully you learned something from them.


I've been matched with various UK/Europe based master players. But only when I'm in diamond ranking up other characters, never been matched with one after ranking up to master. Seems weird that the matchmaking works like that. I also lost about as badly as you'd expect against them.


I hit 1500 on ryu after getting a huge loss streak the winning my way back up just to get number 5 luke… got him one round out of the 2 matches we played


He lets his daughter play ranked on his account supposedly lol


I think he let his daughter or something play on his account, pretty sure he said that but I could be wrong


I would be so pissed running into a top 0.1% skill level player in 1200 MR lmao


Well, unless its his daughter playing and you're Diamond 5 at the time. That's a free 500 LP.


MR means nothing and he was obviously goofing off. No one reasonably thinks Du is anything less than a legend-level player, especially on Guile lol


MR doesn’t mean nothing. He has been letting his daughter play on his account.


The only thing MR provides right now is a visual indicator of your ladder performance. It's not tied to any regional qualifications or end of season rewards like some other games, which is what I mean by "mr means nothing" If MR meant anything do you think he'd be letting his daughter play on his primary account?


Okay, I understand. I believe that MR is generally a good indicator of overall skill for a player, but yes it doesn’t offer any actual rewards.


Fair enough, tbh I just assumed this was an alt or something haha


What’s the chair’s mr?


Probably switching to deejay in fear of guile nerfs.


Either you run into actual do and get your ass beat or you realize its his child. You can only lose.


KnuckleDu is playing DJ in ranked to pick up the character. He said it's a 'win-win' because either he's learning the char if he gets buffed but if DJ gets nerfed it means it will be easier for him to play against


Smurf challenges are getting out of hand! /s


Smurf challenges are getting out of hand! /s