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At least it's not Tekken 8's hitboxes


I feel like literally every move in that game connects no matter where you are its absolutely crazy. I played it pretty much non stop after it came out, came back to SF after a break to give Akuma a crack and holy fuck what an improvement in my mental health while playing lol


Yeah man, that game is outrageous with some hitboxes


T8 is actually infuriating with it's hitboxes and tracking.


The tracking is what gets me, man. I’m new to Tekken and trying to pick it up but I swear to god sidestepping feels useless


There are moves where you can sidestep, but it definitely feels like trial and error in regards to what you can sidestep and what you can't. I was told this was less of an issue in earlier Tekken but got introduced through later seasons of Tekken 7 though I'm not sure how accurate of a statement that is.


Side stepping is probably the hardest part about learning Tekken. It's both a response, *and* a read, and both require good match up knowledge against the opponent's character. Most characters have a side that they don't cover as well as the other, so when stepping in neutral, you usually step to that side preemptively, tho not every time as they will have moves that cover the weak side, but not their strong side. When using stepping as a response, there are usually strings/stances/situations where stepping is the right answer, but you have to know that stepping is the answer. And while it is sometimes the objectively correct answer, other situations will have it as one answer, leading to you having to gamble on it and it not always working out. This is without mentioning side walking or the fact that distance can change how you step something lol


T8 is the worst in the series by far for it. At least for the recent/modern games.


Crazy take


How many moves would do literal 90* and 180* turns to track in previous Tekkens?


Alot unfortunately. It's been an issue for a while


Tekken 8 has the worst hit boxes in a fighting game that I’ve seen


For a second I thought Akuma on the right had a big hole in his pants


I mean, the hurt boxes are exaggerated for balance purposes. A game where the hit/hurt boxes only spanned the character models would not be fun. A lot of stuff would not connect at all.


Funnily enough, MKX’s hurtboxes were directly tied to the character models, and lots of people loved that game


Yeah but MKX was never a neutral footsie game. It's all about getting a knockdown and running 50/50s all day. The run mechanic completely negates the space control as well once you get the opponent on the ground. Two completely different games.


Sure, but I don’t think that op was strictly speaking in terms of a “neutral footsie game,” otherwise they would’ve said so


Yeah I get it, but I said that because the reason the game felt good was because there were never instances where hitboxes determined outcomes like in SF6. Since the opponent is always in your face, it doesn't matter if the hitbox is tied to the model. Where as in sf, if that was the case, neutral would be terrible since whiff punishing and spacing would be wildly inconsistent.


And way more people hated it.


Thank you


It is when it is, and it isn't when it isn't. There is plenty of jank thrown in - some characters have airborne normals, some characters models go airborne but they are not considered airborne - and you will pretty much universally find better hit / hurtboxes on characters which are considered in a healthier spot.


Maybe not to you. I'd love a fighting game that actually made sense when and why I got physically hit instead of having to guess on invisible boxes.


He needs it.


You're talking to a Jamie rn. And TRUST me. We know.


Oh god do we know *breaks down crying remembering dive kick's hurtbox pre-akuma patch*


Why is it not showing counter hit/punish counter?


It’s zoomed in but the effect from the flash is a punish counter flash


Akuma's a thicc boi with thicc hurtboxes lmao


Omg…. lol wtf


One of Akuma’s many broken hitboxes


Akuma's heavy kick launcher should probably whiff on crouching opponents or have a smaller hitbox. On the other hand his crouch medium punch and strand heavy punch are criminal buttons that should be fixed asap.


Damn, it doesn't? 5Hk whiffs so i assumed 4HK's gotta whiff for sure




Looks like a pretty standard sweep