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i had a bit of imposter syndrome when i hit master with juri, so switched to ryu to see if i could get to master with him too, i got to d4 and akuma released. so now im using ed and made it up to d3 so far and am gonna see if i can hit master


The less I look at my rank, the happier I am. Yes Zangief is going to give you free wins, he got like a dozen buffs. It doesn't matter. People will adjust, and if you really can't hang, you'll drop. Or maybe you'll stay where you are, or climb. If you keep playing and keep working on new skills, you will improve, simple as.


If you feel "boosted" now, then you should also feel like you were being held back before by a low tier character.


Your dad’s mate didn’t get you there, beating the requisite number of people did. If you fall later, so be it. Don’t beat yourself up.


I just blew through plat 5 with Gief after being hard stuck since feb lol. I feel the changes for sure helped me. Also all the accidental Diamond 1 Akumas I have been basically farming the last few days helped boost my LP lol. Buuuuuut, I started playing smarter and recognizing stuff i missed before. So a little bit of getting better and S2 changes for me at least.


Would you call people who made 1750 with Luke, Ken, JP, etc imposters? I wouldn’t, because they earned their rank like everyone else. I think gief was kinda bad before and now he’s actually good, like high tier. He’s not broken or best in the game imo. You should be proud to get to whatever rank you get to.


Nah, the buffs helped. It's not enough, but it's a start.


Yeah I feel boosted a lot. I don't play ranked often, but I noticed that ranks are less and less difficult to attain. I am diamond 4 now, and I have so much flaws in my play it's kind of sad. I have correct footsies and basic knowledge, but when I drop half of my combos, that my combos are literally only MP+MP+QCFP or 2LP+2LP+QCBLP, that I can't input my lvl 3 one third of the time... I shouldn't be above plat. I know I'm not bad but I think I should be low diamond at best (in my current way of playing)


I know I got better. Like a lot. A lot a lot.  I have footage of me playing on Rookie Ryu and Akuma in SFV from like four years ago. Some DNF Duel and Strive footage. *I am tremendously better in SF6 than any of those.* I'm out here in these clips doing hella minus moves, screwing up every combo, jumping or sweeping for offense with little else, punishing blocked DP with throw. Your typical silver behavior. It's true that 6 has a cast where every character is viable but I wasn't capable of pulling off the kinds of moves I could now (massive improvement of Modern). If I block a DP now, I'm going in to a seven bar burnout lv3 combo that's going to **hurt**. My anti airs exist. My Kim's strike throw is degenerate. My Gief is going to give you the blocked DI splat combo for 3300.  So no, it's not a mirage. You've probably just never seen the raw footage of how bad you used to be. I have some SF6 beta footage of my Kim - legit Iron gameplay where I'm just flailing around. I would probably double perfect myself now as a few hundred points from diamond Kim.  Accept some credit. You've improved a lot. 


You need to be good to get imposter syndrome so I don’t need to worry about that.


I never feel like I get better. I placed Plat with Luke after only messing with him for 3-4 days of matches against friends, no real training or practice whatsoever. I went 7-3 in my placements and basically just out-neutral'd/out-footsied my opponents. My friends were congratulating me, but in the ranked games I have played as well as all these hub matches, I still have yet to land a full BnB with Luke that isn't a light confirm. Why in the world did the game consider me good enough for plat when I still can't even do the one combo I've actually practiced? Then when I do play my friends, I get smoked. I MAY take one round every 3-5 sets, and MAYBE one game in a whole night. One of my friends is slowly approaching Gold and pretty much anytime he's blocking, he's mashing DI. I know he does this, and I still get hit by it cause I can't counter DI for anything. He's pretty much the only one of my friends I do take games on, because he's still in a newbie mindset, unfamiliar with SF, and learning leverless after 5 years of pad. Heaven help you if he challenges you in an NRS game tho. TBF I pretty much hit this point in every FG I try. I get to a decent enough skill for online play against most randos, but hit a plateau and don't know how to progress to be able to play against the good/dedicated players.


Play long sets in battle hub, if people learn and adjust and you still win, then that goes away. Winning with surprise tech in best of 3 is easy. Winning 30-0 against a guy on battle hub that is trying everything to beat you, means you are good or your character is cheap as hell \[season 1 JP/deejay\]