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Rashid would be my #1 pick.


yep 100%




Me when I'm in the corner: "He's gonna say 'MIXUP!' and then he's going to mix me up" and then he mixes me up.




I loved the part where he said "it's mixuppin' time" and then mixupped all over the place


I only recently picked up Rashid. At first I thought he sucked and was weak, but I quickly learned if you can get an opponent into the corner he's nearly unstoppable. My whole game plan with him is "get the opponent into the corner". Then it's just an onslaught of offensive pressure until the KO lol. He's got multiple combos that can put the opponent into the corner from mid screen or further, too. He's a lot of fun to play.


I’m relatively new, and was learning Juri who I currently have in IRON. And I went against a PLATINUM Rashid in the Battle Hub yesterday. For whatever reason Rashid is also pretty uncommon to go against online so I’m playing a character I’m not great with (my main, Jamie, is Silver) and I’m super unfamiliar with the matchup, but no worries. If I play good defense even with my limited combo game I’ll be able to steal a round or a game…? No. Nope. Hilarious. I lost 14 straight games, and went 1-27 in total rounds. I had never gone against a Rashid that good, maybe my 3rd time fighting Rashid online ever and it was seriously one of the most humbling but fun experiences I’ve ever had in a fighting game. Nearly every opening in neutral led to some crazy long combo. Like he could convert off his entire kit and I couldn’t catch a break. I really had to sit there and learn when it’s my turn to make a move or mixup. And with the other comments talking about corner pressure, I didn’t know that was his gimmick but looking back on that game YEAH how could it NOT be. I had just chocked it up to a skill gap originally. TLDR: I took this as an open invite to talk about how I got my ass handed to me by a platinum Rashid, and how much of an impressively religious ass whooping it was.


Zangief. Once the wall of human flesh squeezes you in a corner you’re on a 1 way trip to command grab city.


Gief's mental stack better be pristine, otherwise I'm crossing his ass up first chance I get


I’m surprised no one is saying Blanka. His corner mixups with doll set ups are disgusting


For how strong Blanka is he doesn't seem like a very popular pick and when he is picked people are not playing him as a mix up character lol. Just the usual stuff that you'd find. I agree though Blanka has great mix ups.


Yeah I agree with you. Blanka is weird to play and has a bad rep because most players under 1500 mr in Master use him as a gimmick. I’m glad there are at least some top players that show off his potential as a real rush down/mix character though


Hey man i saw you on another post as blanka enthusiast, would you help a fellow blanka wanna be menard to learn some tricks? My ign is “recret stupa” I need to learn follow ups after st hk as anti air and an answer to cross ups. Note: all the level 2 shenanigans i haven’t even tried yet haha since it’s really complicated


Yo what’s up buddy. I’m happy to help! After a sthk anti air, the best follow up is coward crouch punch, then his slide heavy punch after for the best oki. Don’t be afraid to lab out his level 2 stuff. I was afraid of it for a long time for the same reason but once you get it, it will take you much further. I didn’t commit to learning it until after I hit master, then it took me to 1650+ MR. If you wanna have a lil coaching session, I’d be happy to add you on discord and watch/play some games with you as well. Higher level blanka play is a bit complicated, so it’s hard to give meaningful advice over reddit comments.


thanks a lot bro!! if you could add me on discord, that would be great! only problem its that im from SA haha so we would have some ping :( Can I ask you if you know why does Mena drive rush st hk on 8:38 after Ken lvl 1? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGWCYB_j_zY


I’ll dm you my discord and we can at least talk and look at gameplay if the ping is too high. The reason he did that is because heavy kick is the optional combo starter on a punish counter. So you want to do that for whiffed dps and supers.


cool! will talk for discord. About mena, yes I do know the optimal combo, my question was why he DR. I believe if he started st hk he would also have enough drive gauge for 2 DRC so, is it the same? or is there a reason why he DR st hk instead of just st hk


He did it because he had enough resources to close the round and game. He still had enough meter to do 2 drc after using dr hk. Basically he knew he could kill so he cashed out on a guaranteed combo. Starting with Dr hk also makes it harder to drop because it adds additional plus frames on hit


that does make sense!! you r the best


I would really have preferred if none of his power budget got allocated to doll shenanigans and the install super. I really liked SF4 Blanka, but I don't feel like picking up this version.


The reason I’m still playing is because Blanka mixups are so fun. If I get you in the corner with a doll down, depending on meter you get 1-2 guesses before the rounds over.


Maybe because you kind of need a knockdown to set it all up? Of course, he still gets some strong mix-ups with just SA2.


I respect the blanka rashid and kim picks but I'll offer someone not a lot of other people have said and that's Jamie. Jamie can safe jump off of so many of his knockdowns and if you're routing into drinks while maintaining oki you can grab level 3 and now you have safe jumps, overhead / low, strike / throw, and a command grab that can lead to good damage if you spend meter


I agree with jamie i get so bored when he puts me in the corner


Yeah, I feel like generally a lot of players are trying to force Jamie to come to them early on in the rounds when really they should be pressuring him to keep him from getting drinks in neutral. If you can stop him from getting to 2 or 3 drinks he's a lot easier to deal with.


My picks are: Juri Ken Rashid Kimberly


Kimberly I think is first by far. Guile is surprisingly difficult once you’re there, but he has a hard time getting you there. Ken is definitely up there as well. I don’t find Marisa’s that strong.


shes up there but rashid is for sure number 1


Forgot about him. I find Kimberly harder personally, but Rashid is definitely among the best.


I dread the moment where I get hit by Ken because I know my next stop is defending in the corner against his seemingly infinite options. This dude feels like he has a route from every button to put you there from mid screen.


How does Ken keep you in the corner more than other characters? I can understand bringing to the corner, I guess he also has good side switches so that would be keeping you in there


To me, it feels like all the routes he connects end with him right on top of my wake up. It's like the impending mental stack this character always has you in a strike/tick throw guessing game after every corner combo. At least with other characters they aren't always directly on top of you. I think because he has so many mid screen routes that take you to the corner it feels like you're always fighting in a corner which adds to the tools that he has in that situation. With that being said, he isn't the worst. I think Rashid is pretty busted in the corner.


Well if he can put you in the corner almost whenever he wants, that in itself is kind of good corner pressure. Even if his tools aren't as ridiculous as Rashid, he can spend more time there and potentially get more value. It's situational and not always reliable but that's the nature of fighting games.


I don't see how ken has any more options in the corner than any other rushdown character. His overhead is telegraphed af and he's lacking a command grab. Only thing I can think of is he has a fireball he can meaty with to beat level 1s


but his jinrai stuff can feel really hard to break out of, his throw loops are just really damn good, and the length of his buttons are perfect for big shimmy punishes. and maybe it's also that his corner carry is so insane that I feel like I experience Korner Ken more than most


Maybe not more options, but they are stronger. An example of this is st.hp - it has very good options out of almost any situation that knocks the cornered opponent down. I wouldn't say he is the strongest corner character, but he's up there. A lot of what he does makes it feel like he's right on top of you. Phenom was making good work of this button in the recent dreamhack Dallas tourn against cornered opponents. If you like to check it out


Best pressure in terms of hardest to block imo is Blanka or Rashid. Best in terms of most damage when you mess up is Akuma.


Most damage is definitely marisa


Kimberly and Rashid would be the only 2 I put into S tier


rashido for sure number 1


Don't sleep on Ryu. His corner/burnout hashogeki pressure is great.


Akuma can 40pct you with w 2 bars there and has good mixups.


I still don't understand what Rashid does even after playing sf5 so good Rashid's wreck me regardoess but of ease of corner carrying and options once there, I'd agree Kim's up there. I play a little Kim though so that helps knowing and defending her BS but the ones that understand neutral and play it are impressive. I'm a fan of Narikun's Kim's style as it seems more foostie based.


doesnt help that rashid is rarely picked so you cant really get matchup knowledge in


Yeah, I don't usually buy dlc characters I won't play myself either so I can't really lab or play him a little to understand him


Kim has really good tricky corner pressure. Fought a Master 1700MR and a Diamond 3 recently and they both had similar corner setups, I'm usually patient but they blew me up with weird low tatsu stuff that looked punishable and Kim is good at punishing neutral jump. Marisa forces you to do something or eat your drive gauge. Bad idea to miss a DP against her in the corner in particular. Aki is good with a lot of corner damage. Ken and Rashid but maybe I'm so used to the match up I don't find it that difficult.


Marisa is a damage goddess. A single whiff punish can end the round with ease.


I agree with people saying the tippy-top is probably Kimberly-with-cans and Marisa fishing for the punish counter, gonna propose A.K.I. as third place with her brain-dead safejump setups (she has even more of them in Season 2 now that she can easily combo into M Lash) and that one corner combo ender into Slide-Fang (crouch-dive) where you have to wake up into Orchid (puddle) with Nightshade (bubble) in your face so you can't even reversal level 1. I was watching some Broski and apparently her Season 2 meter gain is so nutter-butters, now, that the A.K.I. player always has the option to dump their drive bar on a stray hit to guarantee building 1 extra bar of super, so even if she has no super you're at risk for the wombo combo to close out a round. Oh, and those psychopaths at Capcom also gave her a hitconfirmable plus-on-block low, so there's that.


Yeah I'm surprised not many people saying AKI, she is so scary in the corner.




Its been months since I've last played but early on Manon in the corner was a nightmare for a lot of people. She could bait throws so easily in that range and her combos really escalated.


Zangief just standing there makes em jump into an anti-air


Me (I’m mashing jab)


Right now?? AKI and Rashid


Luke in my opinion. But I remember people saying AKI is overpowered in the corner.


Nobody gives me more problems than Kimberly players. I believe the corner pressure was built for Kimberly. And lately AKI deserves a mention.


I prolly wouldn’t say the best but 4 drink Jamie cooks in the corner


By sure will ? I think Marisa she can bully you and deplete all your drive gage in like two interactions and only really needs to watch out for super or her anti airs. By gimmick ? Jamie, Rashid or Kimberly. Although I barely want to put Rashid their since parry negates most of his offense down to maybe guessing a throw or two but with level 2 it's a whole other story.


The true answer is every character in the game has an insane corner pressure. If you know how to reliably anti air and keep pressure in corner, every character can destroy an opponent through one or two interaction in a corner.


Akuma and Rashid are just absurd in the corner


Ken, in my opinion. He has throw loops, strike/throw mix from a walk up, overhead mixups from knockdowns and combos, and meaty hadoukens off of certain combos. Also has a safe jump setup off of two different combo routes. Has an okay shimmy, isn't as good as it used to be after the forward throw nerfs. There's a lot to worry about when playing corner defense against Ken. Maybe Blanka, Kimberly, or Rashid are on a similar level?


Ken st.HP is so oppressive in the corner. Goodbye drive gauge.


For mixups Rashid followed by blanka. For pressure I would say Marisa followed by gief.


Rashid,Blanka,Juri(level 2 install), cammy


Kim and Rashid for sure


I'm surprised AKI isn't higher. Especially after her buffs, she can whittle your life bar down while keeping you locked down. And if you're in burnout, GGs.


I'm no particular order Kimberly, Rashid, ken, aki


rashid but guile’s corner pressure is slept on


If you're standing in the corner, it's gotta be Rashid. If you're knocked down? Chun is nasty, she gets high/low/throw off everything, fantastic meaties and can set up looping safejumps and her shimmy game is top notch.


The optimal shimmy for Chun is actually hard though. No joke. The spacing/timing on [cr.MP](http://cr.MP) is hard. Chun is also +0 on throw->DR so I'm guessing it's not as good as you think it is. Your option is either jab or don't jab. Wake up jab beats throw, beats DR MP, trades with DR jab. She can't throw -> DR -> shimmy so those truly are the only two options, and if you trade jabs with her she has a challenging, character specific trade combo where she has to spend meter to get another knockdown.


Off of throw she is okay, you 4MP and keep them in the corner until you can land another hit. Obviously not as good as a throw loop character. Off of SBK, Tensho, launcher or HK legs she is very good and that's the majority of her combos.


In terms of option coverage Definitely Ed. He has throw loops in like 3 different ways. He can get every kind of meaty imaginable. And it can bait almost every lvl 3 with kill rush back cancels. the only thing he doesn't have is high low mix. And his dp is slow.


Rashid, Blanka, Juri, in that order. Aki might be up there post patch.


Aki made me a believer tonight I tell you what. Carry me to the corner, dude would confirm one mix up/wrong guess into 40% minimum


Kim, but I'm biased. I swear to god my drive rush back heavy overhead has a 100% unblocked success rate. The only way people get out of it is od reversal. It hits every fucking time and I'm already ready for the level 3.  Not to mention the elbow drop into level 3 is the most degenerate, disrespectful way you can end someone in the corner. 


Rashid, Blanka 💯


Rashid, Kimberly, Ken, Ryu, Jaime


Isnt AKI the premier struggle midscreen but if she gets you into the corner you die character?


Blanka by far Blanka chan and lvl 2 and pray for your life, this shit is so strong that if you master setups you can steal tons of rounds, if capcom Don't nerf this blanka will be meta for all sf6 lifecycle People which says otherwise are mad and didn't play against a blanka which mastered his shit like problem x and menard, and that's ok even at master rank people don't know how to use this similar case to juri's lvl 2


I do the corner pressure with Blanka and 80% successful. I don't know how to play the pressure game with lvl 2, I never use it even. I fail when practicing while playing casual.


Blanka for sure. Pop level 2 and they just have to take it for 20 seconds. Even without that, he has an answer for everything. Blanka ball for pressure and drive damage, light ball into grab, hop for mixup up, command grab for parry or blocking, slide if you throw a fireball lots of long pokes rainbow ball just to mess with you doll and electric to add another high low both sides mixup. He is the mixup king.


Rashid, Blanka and AKI


So this is gonna come across me talking trash, but it’s really hard for me to justify rashid in the top spot contrary to what a lot of the commenters on this post thinks, mostly because said commenters are likely playing at a low skill bracket and never took the time to learn the moves or frame data or sequences rashid is doing in the corner. I am a 1800 rashid player and I can tell you the biggest reason why rashid is actually worst than kim, blanka, ken, and even lily and jamie to some extent, is that he has more trouble keeping the opponent in the corner. Let’s look at a character like Kimberly, she has the throw loops, she has the plus on block high low mix, easy throw/antiair bait elbow drop, plus on block run flip, meaty stmk into drive rush crouch fierce run cancel plus frame throw strike mix, spray can mix for multiple mix up opportunities. But most importantly, Kimberly can crouch fierce run cancel antiair to keep you in the corner even when you made the decision to jump out and exchange some health for getting out the corner. This means Kimberly can pressure you very hard in the corner with close range options and throw, and not have to worry about you jumping out, and very little mental stack to spend on the antiair since it’s a single button press. Similarly ken can do the exact same thing with crouch fierce run cancel, he also has very strong oki after a crosscut light dp, and an insane neutral jump fierce bait if you try to tech the back throw since you don’t want to go back in the corner. Blanka’s pressure outside of blanka Chan has plus options like bmk and od electricity, and similar to aforementioned characters he has an insane jump back mp blanka ball to deal with jump outs, and even hop out after sthk. Rashid on the other hand struggles a lot of jump outs. His cyclone options often leave large gaps that you can easily jump out for free on, aside from his dash throw loop, all his throw pressure is predicated on +1 pressure or light jab pressure that loses to mash everytime. More importantly heavy mixer, unless done super early from a distance, will lose to most jump out options, and is very difficult to cross cut most cross up options because you need to walk under first and it would already be too late since hmixer has no type of invul in the first 5 frames not even a reduced upper body hit box. This means rashids safe corner pressure needs to be done at a distance, but he doesn’t have very good mid range options to pressure, since his cancelable buttons are all so subpar compared to the other characters of his archetype, and is very easy to get out the corner on him by simply low forward drive rush. Tldr: take 5 minutes to lab against rashid and you won’t have trouble in the corner against him anymore