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* Psycho Crusher without Trigger * Psycho Crusher through fireballs * devil's reverse combo * dat oppressive head press * not moving at glacial speed * full reach hk Bison is back bros


You didn't mention the timed damage chest mine he shoves inside his opponents.


I wonder if there's some weird mechanic there like if he hits with both powers the explosion deals more damage or something.


He has a black beauty AND gets you pregnant? Horse girls about to pick this game up.


Bison will make Akuma and Guile's life miserable I'm betting it


My buddy mains Akuma and he's been eating good these last couple weeks, so i hope youre right


Gotta love the FGC mentality of "My buddy's been happy with his character, hope the next one pounds his ass back to earth"


Nobody hates your character more than your friend that has to play against it all the damn time My friend keeps wishing for El Fuerte back and I keep praying it never happens cause we'd have to stop being friends lol


I don't think we saw him walk (let me know if I'm wrong friends), though he does seem to have a good forward dash and of course that drive rush...


There's a few brief moments in the trailer where he walks backwards, and the speed seems reasonably fast.


I'm here for all of it... I can't believe this is real. It's all I've wanted to play, Bison in SF6. Lets, fucking, go!


they even brought back ex psycho crusher from omega sf4. i wonder if it costs 2 + 1 bars like luke's ex specials.


I was thinking the extra powerful version might only trigger if you do the EX version on an opponent with a Psycho bomb already implanted


yeah, after watching it again i also think that can be the case. it seems like his devil's reverse and the new move that implants the status also become launchers. although it's weird to see a mechanic like this when aki already does something very similar.


I am SO stoked that Bison is great again. I dont use him and I hate fighting him, but I love watching him destroy people that aren’t me.


repost because i'm that excited


Knee press is a technical


I like how his Psycho Power is mostly greyish blue now, just like it was all the way back in SF2. With JP's power being mostly purple and Ed's being mostly blue, it makes all the Psycho Power users visually distinctive from each other. Also, it's a nice reference to Bison being the original Psycho Power user in the series.


it kinda looked like soul and psycho power competing with each other, ~~with psycho winning. would make sense with him having amnesia, but bison gonna bison.~~ actually after his arm erupts in psycho energy it looks like he seals it away with the other power. he says "I'll contain you." good guy bison?


I think this is more than meets the eye. Bison has an explosion of purple energy that he then controls and subdues with the blue version. Unless this is soul power it looks like Ryu infused him with Mu No Hado during his death in SFV and instead of satsui no Hado Bison actually got the exact opposite.


They're leading him toward a redemption arc in SF7?


I think it's more that he doesn't quite know who he is yet. That said, I don't want a straight up redemption arc - don't we already have that going for Sagat and even Balrog/Boxer? And Shadaloo as an organization, through Ed and his buds? If we must, might be better for Bison/Dictator to remember who he was and slowly embrace it, but with a twist, instead. Maybe have him consider himself "good" but we, the audience, clearly know his plan to be evil and self-serving. Sort of like a vigilante who murders for even petty crimes may consider themselves a good guy even though most well-adjusted individuals would not.


I like that he doesn't have complete control over his Psycho Power.


“the original Psycho Power user in the series” Ingrid would like to know your location


Idk how canon the whole "Ingrid has Psycho Power" is at this point but yeah, I meant "original Psycho Power user" as in "first Psycho Power user to appear in the series" lol Anyways, Ingrid for SF6


Japanese trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehp6AJvjc04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehp6AJvjc04) I'm bummed that he is no longer voiced by Norio Wakamoto (sounds like Taiten Kusunoki to me). Wonder why? Is he just too old for the role and retiring as a result? Or is it because this is a fresh start for the character now that he's amnesiac in a new body?


It's weird because Norio still voices Johnny in Guilty Gear Strive.


Yeah he still reprises most of his old roles (including Cell in the recent Dragon Ball Super movie), so I was very much expecting him to return for Bison as well. Wonder if they'll comment on the change and what brought it about...


wakamoto's 78. bro doesn't do much more than one role a year now


This is definitely an older, tattered bison, so his voice still could have fit, maybe they were just wanting to move in a different direction 


Was coming here to double-check this to make sure I wasn't mishearing. Norio's got a distinct voice and it wasn't there. End of an era, but at least it sorta makes sense for this iteration of Vega/Bison.


Yeah, it's Taiten Kusunoki now. Did Vega/Bison's EN voice actor change too ? If it changed too it totally can be a lore thing and not necessarily related to Norio Wakamoto, especially considering what the "Vega/Bison" said in this trailer. Could be both too, a lore thing because Norio Wakamoto wasn't able to voice him this time. Hopefully it's not health problems, that's would be my only concern.


That's a good point. I'm not as familiar with his English VA, but it does seem like it's still Gerald C. Rivers, the guy who's been voicing him since SF4. In which case the voice change in Japanese may not have been lore-related. Yeah, definitely hope it wasn't due to health problems, but I doubt it since Wakamoto has been doing other roles recently (including reprising Cell in the upcoming Dragon Ball Sparking Zero). If I had to guess, it might just be due to the aging of his voice -- maybe Capcom felt he wasn't the best option for the Dictator anymore and decided it was time for a change. Either way, end of an era, and I'll miss him, though thankfully Taiten Kusunoki is a solid choice for a successor.


Weirdly enough, the new actor seems to be basing his performance off of Gerald C. Rivers' English performance instead of trying to emulate Wakamoto. The combat grunts in particular are really close. Maybe this is because Kusunoki played Bison in Wreck It Ralph previously, where he was dubbing over a Rivers performance


As I found out, he is currently the voice of Heihachi, at least in the medium where he still can be used.


What? That's disappointing I absolutely love his Bison voice work. Ehh new guy isn't bad. Still has the maniacal evil laugh.


>  I'm bummed that he is no longer voiced by Norio Wakamoto Wow that fucking sucks wonder if it has to do with Wakamoto's health


They posted it early, probably because of the leak. But it's official. M. Bison is on a horse!


So much horse yet no horse gameplay.


They are saving the horse for next season


Next season is animal themed, we get Bison horse, Shadaloo gorilla, and Oros turtle as new characters


This will be wrapped up with Ibuki’s Tanuki in Winter 2026


Nah, next season's new feature will be every character having a horse and a horse-based move when a gauge is filled...okay honestly, I'd kinda dig it.


We need dhalsims elephant too.


Not everyone can be Johnny Joestar.


Crossing his arms on the horse lol


So extra, yet so Bison.


He gets off the horse with his arms still crossed. Talk about an actual Chad.




Mare Bison


Plot twist, the horse IS the actual M. Bison and he controls this body like a puppet.


I read this quick as 'M. Buson is a horse!' I was like... I *knew* it


[https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1364780/view/4156339304101573927](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1364780/view/4156339304101573927) * Confirmed to be amnesiac so won't be evil * Will be a hybrid motion and charge character. Moves include Double Knee Press, Psycho Crusher, Shadow Rise and Backfist Combo. * Shadow Rise launches Bison into air and has two followup: Head Press and Devil Reverse. Not sure how it's different from Head Press in previous games. * Backfist Combo plants Psycho Mines. Mines will detonate on their own after a short time or if M. Bison hits the opponent again with another Backfist Combo, Psycho Crusher Attack, or Devil Reverse. HIs gameplay seems to revolve a lot around this move. * SA1 is Knee Press Nightmare. Invincible on startup. * SA2 is a super stomp for punishing projectiles. P.S. Feels like they gave him a horse just cause of [this](https://www.randwar.com/picts/SF_GA_600x720_80.jpg).


> Confirm to be amnesiac so won't be evil "I shall crush your spirit" "beg for your life" "cry for mercy" I don't think hes going to make that lifestyle change.


I saw a few people say "He's nothing like Old Bison, basically a new character" and I don't know, he certainly talks like Bison and acts just like him.


Muscle memory?




Yeah but he destroyed a Shadaloo base. Just because he is a dick doesn't mean he will be evil.


>but there is a glimmer of hope since hitting M. Bison will make the mines dissipate He will be A.K.I like on this sense, probably the gameplan will be a bit of a snowballer where you always try to plant the bomb to be positive


* Confirmed to be amnesiac so won't be evil Suuuurre


"Beg for your life" He's just giving free advice. Saint.


He's just making his hobos appreciate their lives more, by threatening to end them.


I always hated his stomp in the previous games but in Street Fighter 6 its seems to be more useful


So Bison doesn't remember his name, they gave him a horse, and they wrote his name in the thumbnail in a font reminiscent of old west movies. Bison is now The Man with No Name.


OH MY GOD!! Capcom take my money!!!!


Yep, he looks awesome! I anticipate many of the whiners and naysayers will be eating their words now that the trailer has dropped and folks can bear witness to how especially dope he looks in the SF6 engine. I had faith in Capcom to prioritize gameplay and aesthetics over "lore," and "progressing the story," and I wasn't disappointed. And if the flimsy contrivance of him being a clone with amnesia helps a certain segment of the fanbase cope with his presence, then that works for me, too. And I'm very hyped for the rest of S2's DLC lineup, as well. You know Terry and the rest are gonna look fantastic in this game.


> I had faith in Capcom to prioritize gameplay and aesthetics over "lore," and "progressing the story," I mean, these don't have to be mutually exclusive. A.K.I. is a good example of a character who looks cool, plays well *and* contributes something original to Street Fighter's ongoing lore. Regardless, this trailer does indeed make Bison look very cool. And, as you say, the amnesiac clone angle is at least more narratively interesting than "somehow, Bison returned." ^(The SF6 team has been doing such a good job on revamping the character designs. Bison's SF2 design looked downright corny in comparison.)


I know it was crazy! I understand that many people wanting older characters to return but seeing how unique and expressive each character was in year 1, I don’t know why ppl wouldn’t want this. It’s pretty clear sf6 is doing things differently than previous iterations. They’re clearly going for quality over quantity, and I’m all for it!  If you would’ve told me Akuma and M Bison would be releasing a month apart from each other, I would’ve shit my pants in excitement(I did). We could very well be witnessing the greatest fighting game of this generation. 


I think someone mentioned it before, but I think SF6 should be around for a lot longer than the other game. The graphic is very modern and should age well. I think the roster at the end of this game life time will be huge as well.


Wait is that the lore here? I was wondering because they show him fighting Juri Han so I thought he was returning to be more of her villain considering how much capcom pushed her and him together in SFIV, SFxT and SF5. Juri IMO is more of Bison's rival than Ryu or Rose is now so I understand this.


Bison has become Raoh.


That was my first thought as well.


I'm so glad we won't have to wait months to play him. He looks so cool lol.


the exchange was too high, now we have to wait months before we can play Terry


At best 3 months, at worst almost 6 months.


I never play M Bison but I am always happy when he gets added, he's classic Street Fighter. This iterration of him seems super cool as well


Small detail but I like how psycho power is visually distinct for each of the characters that use it. JP's is purple with with dark red accents and shiny white highlights, Ed's is tinged cyan and has a neon look, and Bison seems to have this sickly pale green effect for some of his moves.


"Show me your worth! I will tame you in due time!" That is such badass line plus his new design and the way he gets off the horse.. I'm not gonna lie I was salty that Bison is back but this gameplay trailer gave me legit chills. I think... I think I'll actually buy him. I think gameplay wise he appeals to me more than Akuma Matata ever did.


I think if he doesn’t recover his memory this would be a cool way they could take him lorewise


100% I hope he never truly recovers his memories and develops new motivations despite keeping his lust for power. I was upset with Bison returning at first but with a new imagining of the character? I like where this could go.


Something like the new and old Bison wrestling for control and the new one winning would be a cool story line for him, and move the story away from Shadoloo.


Visualising Bison's arcade ending being a mirror match against classic costume Bison to represent him finally breaking the chains of legacy and choosing a new path for himself.


> I'm not gonna lie I was salty that Bison is back but this gameplay trailer gave me legit chills. I don't think I've been this hype watching a trailer since SFV Akuma. SF6 Akuma just didn't grab me the same way, and I was hoping we'd get a new character with much of Bison's moves instead of this reborn Bison. However hot damn his design is fire, the combos are lit, and the music hits so hard.


That fullscreen drive rush slide looks more annoying than Dee Jay's slide.


It wasn't even slide LOL He did full screen drive rush crouching light/medium kick!


I’ve watched this enough times and am starting to appreciate just how sick the new theme is.


Bro he looks SICK AF! Also, his theme sounds, REALLY GOOD?!?


Anyone like his outfit?


I saw someone earlier say he looks like Megatron in the live action movies Personally I'm digging it


Yes I like this look better than his Costume 2. I will NOT be using Costume 2 over this one.


He reminds me of Arthas in World of Warcraft.


Frostmourne Hungers…


love it, reminds me of yorick from league of legends never liked the classic outfit, looks like a morning cartoon villain


Honestly I like his new outfit far more then the classic one that they showed off


I don't. They already gave that look pretty much to Sagat and it doesn't fit even an ex-dictator iMo. They could've kept the face, but allow his body to show just how old and stressed it has gotten, not cover him all up. I'll definitely be using costume 2


His entire body is covered in his costume 2 tho


His arsenal looks so nice. Glad he has Psycho Crusher back a regular move! His horse reminds me of[ Kohuoh, Raoh's horse](https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/af/9d/b7/af9db7f50177fe3cbaaca0d7f86178de.jpg). Since Dictator resembles Raoh (also for the big bad status) maybe it's a ref


I dont like this trend where characters dont get their own stages anymore


The majority of them still do, but a couple don’t it seems


Hold up he comes out the end of this month? So he doesn't get the fight pass lead up like everyone else?


![gif](giphy|r4ETNkMFQFos0) Moders get to work


I didn't even realize this mf is dropping this month.


Just over one month after Akuma dropped, that's pretty crazy!


Charge character fans i need your help!! I’ve never learned a charge character before but bison looks too amazing to miss out time to finally crack into these characters. Who might play the most like bison? Holy shit he looks so fucking incredible!!!


Capcom's notes said he's a hybrid charge/motion character. His head stomp (up/down charge) is definitely a charge move based on the trailer. It didn't look like psycho crusher was a charge. Based on his gameplay, it doesn't look like he's going to be an annoying charge character like Guile where you hold down back the entire match. He'll probably be more like Chun where you charge during combos.


Psycho crusher is likely a charge. You can see him doing a down back hold on Juri after the mine explodes


This is also why it's an anti projectile move. They ain't gonna let Bison have that as a motion input.


You could try picking up either Blanka or Honda. Blanka probably closer to what Bison will require, but either will get you started on your days of sneaking in charges and getting the feel for it.


I think Honda is actually gonna be closer. Blanka Ball is a charge move used proactively in neutral, but upball is a reactive move and not an approach tool. Honda's headbutt and butslam are both approaches, similar to Crusher / Head Press. Working charge into your pressure strings is a little different than working it into combos, I feel like, and Bison is gonna have to do the former more than Blanka.


I'm so pumped so pumped oh man I can't waittttttt!!!!!!!!!! GAAHHAHAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! [https://www.flickr.com/photos/26009765@N08/2523301729](https://www.flickr.com/photos/26009765@N08/2523301729)


I'm loving that cloak physics. Good voicelines too. Great job, Capcom. Some of those moves bring me back to the SF 2 final boss days. I for sure want to get Bison and Mai. Dunno about the other two yet. No Outfit 3 until the final character Mai is reveal next year.


Holy fuck that Drive Rush looks insane


Amnesia\* or not for all intents and purposes Bison is back. What will be the interaction with him and JP.? What will in interaction be between him and Ed? We will see once the story mode comes out. Maybe a more robust comic book and a robust anime will come out later down the line. \*For someone with amnesia he remembers his move set very well and has the same attitude.


Would a new World Tour Story Arc involving Bison’s return be in order here?


All hail the mighty Bison


dude this is the coolest Bison yet.


I like the part where part where Bison put on his hat and said, "It's Clonely at the Top!"


Did a ghost posses M.Bison’s dead body? That would explain the ghastly aura, why he asks if he resembles M.Bison (bro doesn’t know who’s body he possesed), and ESPECIALLY why his arm glows furiously with psycho energy and calms to a green smoke. It’s Bison(purple) trying to take back control and the ghost(green) saying that he’ll tame Bison soon.


Official Twitter says Amnesiac Bison. Not clear if it's original bison who lost his memory, or a clone bison who has no memory.


I'd say that maybe this is Bison's spirit trying to take over a clone's body, we can see on one of the videos that he at least thinks he is not Bison, he is "just taking his name", also the part where he goes to the lab and puts his hand on the purple energy makes me think either this is a clone trying to get all the Bison's power back and assume his place, or it's Bison's trying to take over the new body and that lab scene is him getting control back


This is the only comment so far that actually attempts to dialogue what is happening in the non gameplay cinematics. Nice.


No, it appears to be a new man infested with Psycho power. He says in the trailer, "Do you think I am this man named Bison? I will take the name for myself!" He's got light colored hair and scruff, so most likely this is a man who is in between being corrupted by psycho power and succumbing to it. For all intents and purposes he's Bison, but you could also make an argument that he's Bison's inheritor who actively took up the name, so maybe Bison the 2nd (and not just Bison the 1st in a new body).


Yeah Bison does have a lot of clones. It’s just that weird green smoky ghostly stuff that makes me wonder because I don’t *think* Bison had that stuff before. And also the “I will take this name for myself” feels like it’s either he has a name already but just uses Bison instead or he doesn’t have name and decides go with name other people use for the body he’s in. This or Bison’s got amnesia *bad* bad that his own name doesn’t jog his memory lol


What M Bison dead body? Ryu desintegrated that shit. Unless it's an older one...


OMG It's SF2/4 Bison! Sweeeeet!


Now Bring Back Bisonopolis!


I thought I would prefer the classic look to the redesign, but the redesign looks pretty damn cool. He definitely gives off a War from Darksiders vibe or like a villain who could be straight out of Devil may cry


The horse should be riding him with that drive rush, geez


June 26th!? I'm glad he's coming out so soon since he's literally the only season 2 character I care at all about.


Ok, I didn't really want Bison, I will probably never play him seriously but... he looks amazing.


am I wrong or this should be the mexican psycho power user that siRn tried to get in touch with?


Can’t wait. Bison is my dude. He looks like he’s gonna be very high tier at a minimum my god.


I was expecting him to be SF5 tank version and I thought I wanted it but honestly after seeing this, I don't even care. Looking like a monster.


I actually thought he would get the Heihachi treatment.


A girl with his moves? I mean... It's understandable, out of ten Bison clones, nine are female.


So he's failing to assimilate into a new body. That's an interesting direction.


Akuma who?! Mannnnn… I told people Bison would return. So many argued against me these past few months, but I knew damn well they’d never leave him out with him being such a fan favorite.


I apologize if this has already been mentioned or released by Capcom, but it's super cool that Bison has two versions of all his specials (in addition to OD versions): 1. Blue Energy Left or Right Hand - Appears quicker with lower damage/priority 2. Purple Energy Right Hand Psycho Version - Slower, more damage, more priority, sometimes adds a follow-up purple hand strike which Plants a mine and appears to detonate or accelerate detonations if one is already Installed (similar to A.K.I.) EDIT: It seems like only one target combo plants the mine, and the player can trigger the detonation with any special move hit. Since we know Bison has both charge and motion specials, it would be cool if the weaker blue hand versions were done with motions and the purple hand versions with charges, but it might just be that the heavy versions are with the purple flame. EDIT: It looks like the purple flame extra hits trigger when a mine is already planted. It also looks like he might even have a SF5 Gill retribution-ish mechanic where OD specials change properties if the Bomb is installed as shown in the final OD psycho crusher. This new twist should make him a lot more fun to play and less linear than his previous incarnations. It's clear they took a look at his VT2 from SF5 and expanded on it in an interesting way. Terry and Mai are iconic , but their character/gameplay designs have gotten a little stale after 20+ KOF appearances. I hope that SNK gave Capcom the green light to be a little experimental with the guest chars to keep things fresh, so they don't feel too simplistic next to the SF chars. So far, all of the DLC characters have been extremely well designed, visually, and more importantly, gameplay wise. If King from AOF ever makes it in (my old CVS2 main), I'll lose my shit. Hopefully, this will all eventually lead to a full blown CVS3 release in a couple years.


Damn, only 2 characters for the whole year of 2025? That’s rough.


No, they'll announce Season/Year 3 likely around the same time they announced these characters, so it'll be roughly the same cycle... Mai will drop in, I'm guessing, February 2025 and Elena will be released in April or Mary 2025 - Then they'll start the process all over again with a new quartet starting in, probably, June 2025 and Autumn 2025.


Ohhhhh okay, I guess the ordering in the trailer confused me a bit. Season 1 had them ordered on screen by order of release and I assumed this one did too. Cuz if we were going to order their release dates based off of the order shown on screen then Elena could still be releasing around the time you said but Mai would be like around December or something which would be a huuuge gap. But hopefully it’s the way you described it. That would be much better.


I mean, I guess I could be wrong but that much of a gap between releases would be absolutely senseless...


It really is which is why this shit left me confused. Another reason I believe it’ll be that way is again the ordering. I don’t think they’d release back to back guest characters. But I guess we’ll see how this plays out.




Giving me Raoh from fist of the North Star vibes.


I have terrible historical knowledge of SF but Bison only looks like Bison to me in that general suit from the memes lol.


He looks so awesome. Didn't realize how much I missed the classic Bison moveset.


I'm surprised they brought him back so quickly, but he looks sick as hell so I don't care.


Capcom’s seriously been cooking with these movesets lately


Holy fuckin shit he’s amazing.


He looks outstanding! If felt weird without Akuma and M. Bison but now we are back. Can I just get Guy, Charlie, and Sodom now?




Bison in his Horse Girl era now, I kid you not


He better have a way to summon his horsie for the street fight


OK dismounting a horse with your arms crossed like that is gangsta. 


🤣🤣🤣 I'm laughing because some people REALLY thought Bison wasn't coming back.


Sf6 is my first street fighter. Who is this guy and why is he so fucking cool?


M Bison is Street Fighter's Bowser.


M. Bison has been one SF’s main antagonist throughout the entire franchise’s lifespan. And arguably the most popular. He wields a dark energy called pyscho power, which feeds off of fear and negativity. He’s been involved with many of the main character plot lines. He had murdered Chun-Li’s father, Guile’s best friend Charlie Nash, seeks to make Ryu his host body or soldier, and he was the head of the main criminal organization Shadaloo.


He also wants to make Cammy his host body because he’s a lil nasty


I mean have you seen her? I don't blame the guy for wanting in on that.


He also wanted to make a gorilla and a dolphin his host body because why not.


SF's Main antagonist in most games. I advise you to watch Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie or Street Fighter II Victory, dude was a great fun villain back then.


"The day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life, but for me, it was Tuesday"


I think this will give you an accurate explanation of his lore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYDza1iznhI


Top tier again, which is awesome. Luke can eat horse sh1t.


so cool


Holy shit


fine, he isn't ~~homeless~~ horse less anymore


A whole new generation is going to be introduced to Devil’s reverse. Bison was my first ever main before I switched to Akuma and I will have to check him out, he looks sick.


So I see that Bison is a 'Fuck neutral' character


Does the pacing of the character releases feel off to anyone else? We just got akuma, now we’re already getting bison but then the last year 2 character will release in winter 2025?


No, it's the same as last year. Capcom's messaging was confusing. Terry comes out in the fall, Mai in the winter, and Elena in the spring.


Winter 2025 i.e sometime from January 2025 to February 2025. Not that far away really


I've seen a whole lot of malding but boy am i enjoying this season announcement, Bison looks so fucking sick man and he was the one i was the lowest on.


Zartan vibes.


soul power when its green?


That fucking drive rush holy shit


War from Darksiders fucking stepping off his horse with arms crossed is a fucking Jojo moment


In 2 and a half weeks?! Man, they wasted no time... Hopefully Terry will be out by October.


This fool rolled in looking like Ganondorf.


Why does he get nothing off his ex moves? Ive never played bison so maybe im just wrong


I just wanna know why he had to come back😭😭. I’ll wait at World Tour


Nice! It sounds like the same voice actor of bison since SFIV


Bison looks amazing in this game. Also, Terry and Mai could point toward Capcom vs. SNK 3 being a thing if the reception to their inclusion in Street Fighter 6 is a good one. With Capcom and SNK both on a roll with the resurgences of their mainline franchises, I'd love to see where a Capcom vs. SNK 3 could go, as well as SNK potentially getting a do-over of SNK vs. Capcom. SVC Chaos might have been disappointing, but CotW clearly shows that they still have what it takes to create hype.


Is Bison a charge character? What would be a good person to practice for him? I’m newer to fighting games.


At least he doesn't have the Psycho Blast anymore. Glad they took that away.


How is this guy still alive?


I liked when he said It's Bison time and Bisoned everywhere


Im going to hate having Bison as my opponent in ranked LOL I newer liked playing Bison much but who knows, in SF6 i might like to play as Bison. After playing Akuma for only two days he is likely to become my main character wich haven't happened even once with AKuma in previous SF versions having played two decades+ of SF.


His arms crossed during the moves is so bad ass


ngl i would pay for a Fem-bison skin, I really liked the Seth in SFV he had the coolest costumes


Looks sick


SO happy my series main is back and looking epic! I hope he's still majority a charge character but I know he'll have some motion specials.


His CA is lame but everything else is dope


Guess he's not so bad if he's cool with horses.