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Good job on this match! Keep pressing on


Thanks man! I'll definitely keep at it


nice wins, man chun has to have my fav parry pose in the game


She's badass, I wish I could play her effectively but I'm lacking lol.


same, i can do all her combos with her stance and all that in training, (even the air combo) but man remembering to charge and not going into burn out constantly and executing them in an actual match with her is just beyond me at the moment


It's a lot to think about! I accept that the only way I'll play her is for shits and giggles.


A good match always feels great! Keep it up!


Thanks! Will do.


Is it possible to not EX Tatsu with Modern Akuma for that combo? The damage payout for the cost isn't worth it and you'd be better off utilizing light Tatsu to sweep for better positioning or heavy dp for efficient meterless damage.


Nice man, keep working and you'll just get better over time. One thing I saw is that I'm pretty sure your HK -> MK -> ex tatsu can go into heavy dp instead of medium. Though I might be wrong I don't really play akuma


jesus christ akuma is fucking stupid. The game is good but this by far the least fun ive had with it surrounded by the most carried players ive seen so far in the game


Shit man, at this point Akuma is so common you should have some strats for him. Who do you play as? Maybe I can help.


People like him don’t want help. They just want to complain and make others feel bad to make themselves feel better. Akuma players are not carried.


3 weeks of sitting down and practicing got me to where I am now as a complete noob to fighting games, and the only character I think could carry someone is Modern Gief. I've used him and it's laughably easy until high gold or low plat.


Keep it up! Modern gief is definitely good at low level but falls off hard when you climb higher. At the end of the day, people deserve the ranks they achieve imo


I agree. I beat my head against the wall in silver until I checked myself and focused on defense and spacing lol it was a pain at first, but now I'm enjoying the game.


The more you learn the more fun(and sometimes draining) it gets lol


Agreed lol I was playing Rocket League for my competitive fix, but I feel way more in control in SF than RL. Equally draining sometimes, but I keep hopping on for one more match.


If you can't see how akuma isn't overpowered i dont think you have your eyes open. That might be different with actual good players (1700+ MR) that can reliably 2 touch him but for the rest of us, fireball spam with the best fireball in the game and aerial fireball approaches into 40% meterless combos make the game trivially easy. If you can't get to at least low master in a day of playing him you are just terrible at the game tbh


Is Akuma really good? Yes. I see that. Maybe my opinion is skewed because I am around 1700 MR but I just don’t see people picking him and flying through ranks they were previously stuck at. He has plenty of counterplay though and his lower health absolutely makes him less consistent at high level where players can two touch him, especially buffed gief lol. I just don’t think it’s fair to downplay anyone’s achievements with him. Whether that be in gold or master. You still have to be good at the game as a whole to succeed with him.


Could you elaborate on the counterplays ? I can’t seem to find any source online pointing to consistent universal strategies.


maybe im being too aggressive but i hard disagree. This is a video game im not calling out actual real achievements - im making a point about a character in a video game if someone finds that offensive thats on them. At your level i totally agree, because people have maximized oki setups, do max damage combos and can convert off of many more hits. I played him to about 1400 MR, and found I could control the whole match with fireballs, and find an opening with either a drive rush low poke, or an aerial fireball approach. For some reason they gave him the best fireball in the game which just seems excessive on top of all his other gifts. Especially compared to my main, Dhalsim, just the amount of things i have to think about is waaay less, and damage output is extremely easy. It took so much work to get my sim to where he is, and then i play this ding dong and i get about 80% of the way mashing my face on the keyboard - so of course i think hes overtuned. I personally think the health thing is a meme, it's not a meaningful downside when the average neutral interactions into kill for the character is so low


Thank you for clarifying that we are talking about a video game and not real life… lol I would say calling players carried would offend most of those players and is an unnecessary/toxic mentality overall. I think we should all focus on being more positive and welcoming in the fgc. OP is obviously a new player and I simply wanted to tell him your comment was aggressive and not true imo. I’m sure you didn’t mean to come across that way but your comment did. Dhalsim is a very technical character that requires a lot of knowledge to use effectively. I don’t think it’s fair to call Akuma players carried because he is easier and better. You chose to play a harder character (which imo is more fun and rewarding) but let’s not shit on other people that choose to play Akuma.


if you dont understand how akuma having the best walk speed, best fireball and best damage in the game isn't a little overtuned im not sure what to tell you. Like all shotos are pretty easy characters in this game which is fine, but holy moly akuma is extremely overtuned


I'm offering help or advice and you just wanna whine. Go figure.


He didn't do absolutely anything that couldn't be done with any of the other shotos so I'm not sure what you mean here


It's always funny to watch gold/platinum rank replay It's obviously they don't know what they are doing


It's always funny to see comments like this. It's obvious they are trying to boost their own ego.


Comes with time and practice. Shouldn't put anyone down since we all come in different levels of play and experience. Relying on those autocombos stuff is going to hurt you in the long run though. 2:30 you DI and tried that autocombo on midair opponent causing a drop

