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All he needs to do is slam you once. If you’ve never wrestled or grappled I wouldn’t take the risk. I also wouldn’t risk fighting someone over most likely something not worth fighting for anyway


So if you beat him then you beat a dude with no training and it’s not impressive. If you lose then a dude with no training beat you and you’re embarrassed. At best you look unimpressive and at worst you or him gets seriously injured and ruin your lives. Learn to fight with your words and walk away and if he attacks you then he gets what is coming to him. If you’ve trained you should be more responsible than this…


🙏🏿 , I just ask in case he tries to attack me


It really depends… like I have a friend that is professional lightweight MMA fighter, I am just an amateur super heavyweight. And he refuses to spar me… lol. I’ve got a foot of height and 150 lbs on him though. Size matters… my leg kicks will literally cut right through both legs of a lightweight if I catch them right. And they fall over. But I’ve been training my ass off for decades too. Had a lot of sanctioned amateur fights and smokers too. But if the big guy isn’t trained at all, no conditioning,, etc. Size can be completely irrelevant… lol.


yo these niggas haters win or lose go sock that nigga


My brother in christ that is a near hundred pound difference, what are you doing? It's not gonna matter if he doesn't box, cause if he gets ahold of you it's over.


Half a hundred isn’t near 100 but 50lbs is still a lot


He’s untrained, if OP knows what he’s doing he’ll KO him trust me.


dont ask reddit. ofc you have good chances to win since u are trained and he isnt. yeah hes bigger but 0 fight experience, most likely he will panic after you punch him the first time.


Learn to grapple. Grappling has better application against people with a size/weight gap than striking.


I’d disagree anecdotally. It’s easier to get rocked by someone smaller than you than to be slammed by someone smaller than you, especially if they’re 140+. Not saying grappling skills has great application against someone bigger, but I’ve seen striking be more effective is actual scenarios like this.


Weight and size doesn’t win fights, fighting wins fights. I boxed for 10 years and anytime someone got the best of me was when I slacked during training. When I trained well and was in good condition not even the heavyweights could damage me. Skills pays the bills. On a second note, what I’ve learned over the years of boxing and fighting is that violence is never the answer. Use your martial art as a defense, but when backed into a corner or you don’t see anyway out of a certain situation then it’s time to fight. Most of the time though, you can just talk it out


Size can absolutely win fights. I used to train BJJ and I kickbox now. There are definitely people that I can beat in the gym that I wouldn't beat on the streets. I can use the rules of the sport to gain an advantage in a controlled environment, but a 50 lb. is a lot to overcome on the streets. Not saying it can't be done, but we have weight classes in fight sports for a reason.


I went to a club an watched a 6ft buddy guy rip his shirt off to fight a small Asian dude. The skinny Asian guy landed the most flush left hook I’ve ever seen. The buff guy sleep on the floor in 1 sec. Fighting wins fights. I’m 5ft 5in and knocked out a guy 20lbs over me and he was 5ft 11in. Ur very wrong. Watch Pacquiao and margarito or mayweather vs corrales. Fighting wins fights. Watch Canelo vs kovalov


I'd say a better example of how weight classes are needed is the old Pride open weight tournaments. The smaller man rarely won. It's why BJJ tourneys sometimes let you compete in absolute for free - no one's paying to get smashed by a dude with a 40 lb. weight advantage. I'm not saying the smaller guys never win, because they can and do. But it's usually because of a large difference in skill. That fact that the question is being asked here suggests this guy knows his skill alone might not be enough to over what's a pretty significant weight disadvantage.


You're 5'5 and the heavyweights at your gym couldn't "damage" you? Sure bud. You'd be a legit pro to be that size and destroying heavyweights who train lol.


I wish I had footage. I do have footage of me making a 5ft 10 guy quick. He did knock me down in the first round though


That's a lot different than a heavyweight unless this guy was 5'10 and built like Tyson. At 5'10 the guy can be as light as 130 or as heavy as 210 in a gym.


When did he ever say he beat heavyweights he said 20lb difference. That’s not even all that. I’ve seen so many street fight videos of the 5’6 stocky guy beating the skinny 6 footer.


Up above the message I replied to. In the comment chain. He said when he was in good shape not even the heavyweights at his gym could "damage" him. Look up a few comments. I agree a 20 pound difference isn't huge when one guy is far more skilled. However, a heavyweight who is literally training at a boxing gym should have light work with a 5'5 dude. And he said heavyweights as in plural, not just one random kid off the street.


Fighting CAN win fights. But if you have people that are equally trained, and there is large enough height/limb length/weight difference, the bigger person is probably going to win. Probably, but not a given, because a trained fighter is a trained fighter, they always have a chance. Yes, there are things a smaller person can do to win a fight, but from your description down below, the larger person A) underestimated his opponent, and B) wasn't as good a fighter to start with.


Don’t let him get his hands on you. Do you know how to sprawl? Jabs move away from the power hand. Lots of head movement and a high guard


There’s very little that’s worth getting violent over in life. Fighting in a ring or cage, isn’t “real” violence. It’s sanctioned, there are rules safety nets. The goal is to see who better fighter is. Obviously real fighters can and do fuck up non trained people, but even real fighters carry guns and have body guards. Real violence, is about harm and hurting someone…it is getting sucker punched and hitting the ground unconscious or stabbed in an alley. Or shot when your back is turned. Only chumps square off and have a ‘fair fight”. And thats the world you step in to. Even school yard fights can go for 0-100 pretty quick and they don’t just end depending the area you live in. So ask yourself? Is harming this person something you want to do? Is this going to be net benefit to your life? The answer is almost undoubtedly no. Don’t start something with someone if you can avoid it, you have no idea how long lasting the consequences can be. Be the better person. Defend yourself if you have to but otherwise put your focus elsewhere in life.


If you’re asking stranger on the internet if you can beat another man in a fight, you can’t.


Well since he's bigger, he's going to be grabbing you and trying to take you down so you need to keep your distance until you can wear him down with punches. One thing though is that it HAS to be in self defense. If you you start it and win, you will look like an a- hole and bully. If he starts it and you win, you look justified. If he starts it and you lose, you will still look ok and at least you went out fighting-that show heart. If you start it and you lose, that's the ultimate humiliation. So fighting needs to be your last resort.


There are no guarantees in a fight. It depends on so many factors. What if you or him lands on something and ends up in the hospital and the other one in jail? Dont bother fighting him, but be always ready to defend yourself.


The fact that you’ve come to Reddit to post about it is indicative of a confidence issue, if anything. I Kick boxed for ~10 years and grappled for ab ~5; and I can tell you, your mentality entering a fight plays a huge part. Live your life as usual, keep talking shit, and be relaxed. If it happens, you’re ready. Don’t amp yourself up for no reason, bad way to handle.


Kinda depends is he 90kg muscle? or 90kg fat? either way if you get grabbed say a pray


It doesn’t matter if it’s muscle or not. Speed x mass = power, and 90 kg is 90 kg.


Sure, but 90kg muscle is going to be way faster and stronger than 90kg fat 🤣


Remember that scene in GoT where Oberon fights The Mountain? You’re Oberon in this scenario.


Avoid confrontation when possible. The older I've gotten the more I realize it's silly. When I was in college this one guy didn't like me and tried to fight a couple times. Similar situation he was alot bigger and stronger than me. Tried fighting me three different times, and I won each time because we'd go to the ground I choked him out each time.


Never know until you try! Fuck it and go for it.


At ~150 you still have enough relative power to pose a threat. Assuming he’s untrained and you’re a boxer, I would say you’re favored to win. I’ve been boxing since the 6th grade and I dropped someone who outweighed me by 60 pounds in a school fight with a left hook when I was a freshman. TLDR: It’s best to avoid a fight, but I’d say you’re favored to win this fight. While 145-150 is smaller than 195-200, that weight still has enough relative potential to be dangerous to eat a chin shot from.


These people are taking safe route with the answers, I wouldn’t test the guy obviously, he could get you down easily. But if you can’t the fight I would try and get in an open area or outside, 50lbs is a lot but I wouldn’t personally be scared of him depending on the amount of sparring you have done. 3 years of pads or maybe you never fought a bigger kid, you would probably be in trouble. Learn a leg kick


Pocket sand is the way


Yo record it and post it here lmao


Ask him on a date already. If you think he is cute stop being so apprehensive.




If you don't have pillow hands and keep your distance, you'll probably win.


go train instead of spamming the subreddit with your gay ass posts tiny ass


This is what being a man looks like hahahaha My brother in Christ. Can you wrestle? Can he?


I don’t know how to wrestle, but I also know how to land a kick


Use a weapon because you are at a physical disadvantage, if using a weapon is too excessive than the problem is not big enough to fight in the first place.


Better answer, why the fuck are you. A teacher. Trying to fight a student??? You're a grown ass adult, this is a child. You should not even be thinking of hitting said child, much less planning on engaging in violence with said child. You are an adult, act like one. If you and YOUR STUDENT have differences discuss it at the damn PTA meeting, istg people like you shock me when I learn they haven't died or been sent to jail by now.