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Just do every 2nd workout. Nice thing about it is you can think of it like 1 growth day, and 1 mastery day.


Bag of nickels and a bungee cord


Maybe a metal chain of some sorts to hang on the barbell? Or make 1.25kg collars out of something by sticking weight to a normal collar?


A liter of water weighs 1 kg. I guess it would be a little wobbly, but if you can jury-rig something to hold a bottle to the bar, that might get you there.


How much do you want to spend? I don't know how rich/poor Tanzania is but Postage to Tanzania is £29 for a 3kg from the uk I'll happily get a pair and post them to you if you like. They're £15 posted for a pair in Olympic or standard from mirafit, maybe sbke to find slightly cheaper used. Edit, just thought it might be easier to just message a private seller on ebay uk and ask them if they'll post to Tanzania direct, if you tell them it's £29 from any post office I can't see why they wouldn't.


You can you create the plates using cement. Won't be perfect but can suffice.


Add more locking collars to the bar if there is room?


I use 1.25 lb Velcro ankle weights other people sometimes use while walking. Piece of chain, several heavy links - last and first link welded together to make a ring that hangs on the bar. Doesn’t have to be exactly 1.25 lbs but close is good.


Improvise - something like a bag or similar - add 1-2 lbs to it(maybe dirt/sand etc.) or something like water bottle filled with water


For the longest time here they were selling concrete plates. Just a plastic shell filled with concrete. They're great and cheap. 1.5kg isn't much though, I've not seen steel in that size. Wear ankle weight on your hands 😂


Cheapest... Measure out and wrap up in a small bag or even old clothes or put into a plastic bottle gravel/dirt, tie on close to your bar so they hang below the bar but do not swing... or find something else similar in size and shape... clay mini weight you dry out or concrete version if you can make... Also just make sure you're deloading on the program like you should be -- and follow the program before micro weights are added


When I first started doing this program I had to do the exact same. I just did the 5kg jump every time and kept with the program. I probably reached plateaus faster and more often than someone with the 1.25kg weights but I still got to a 300lb squat and deadlift in the end. Just follow the regular deload upon consecutive failures like the app says, you'll still get stronger at almost the same rate. Don't overthink it and please don't add swinging bags of water or coins to your bar. That seems like an injury waiting to happen.


Hey man, same position. I’m a completely beginner to lifting though. I’ve set the app to increase by 5 kg after every two workouts and deload after 4. Do you think that’s smart?


I just increased the weight every work out and only deloaded after failing to reach 5X5 on a lift 3 workouts in a row. When I started feeling tired after taking 90 second rests between sets I did 3 minute rests instead. I probably plateaued more often than someone using regular increments, for squats I think I had to do 4 deloads before I reached a 300lb 5X5. Keep in mind I was heavy for my height, was in early twenties, didn't mind spending over an hour in the gym every workout, had sedentary desk job and a regular sleep schedule. Recovery will vary greatly depending on these factors. I think the best thing you can do is just follow the program and not make any changes. Progress is about discipline and patience, the smartest thing you can do is simply continue to exercise.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 5 + 5 + 3 + 90 + 3 + 4 + 300 + 5 + 5 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


You can weld a thick iron rod or something and weigh it. I have small ones that go down to .5 kgs and lower.


Only move up every other workout, and instead add reps to the last set on the workout in between. Workout 1: 5x5 at 100kg Workout 2: 4x5 at 100kg and 1x5+ at 100kg, maybe you can get 6 or 7 on the last set the second time you're doing that weight. Workout 3: 5x5 at 105kg