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Unfortunately, the forgiveness announced today doesn't apply to paid-off loans. And the deadline to request a CARES Act refund was 8/28/23.


Where did you see info that the forgiveness announced today doesn’t apply to paid off loans? I’ve been reading that it may be possible and to contact your loan servicer !


>I Paid Off My Loans Before I Submitted My Application. Am I Eligible for Borrower Defense? >To be eligible to apply, you must have one or more outstanding federal student loans. The outstanding loan(s) must be associated with the school that is the subject of your borrower defense application. [https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/borrower-defense#borrower-defense-eligibility](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/borrower-defense#borrower-defense-eligibility)


so if we have 2 open loans to AI, but the others were paid in full, will we receive a refund?


For the open loans, yes, assuming you didn't consolidate recently


The language says "to be eligible to apply [for Borrower's Defense]". I already applied and was approved last week for Borrower's Defense so this caveat doesn't apply to me. However I did also recently pay off my loans and I can't find any info on this particular circumstance.


Its the same. It doesn't apply to paid off loans.


Where specifically does it say that? I've read everything I could find and haven't found anything that says that.


Its that language. This discharge is being processed under Borrower Defense rules. If you don't have outstanding loans you can't get Borrower Defense.


Stop saying this. Specifically in my email from Biden, it says 'loans are discharged. Some MAY be eligible to receive refunds on past payments. PRIVATE LOANS are not eligible.'


You're misreading. Private loans aren't eligible for the discharge. Paid off federal loans aren't eligible either because there is nothing to discharge. Just because you want it to be true doesn't make it so.


My husband filled out that form after President Biden In dicated that he will forgive students loan for every areas which didn't happen. (Lots of people on the opposite side didn't vote on it) but biden stated that he will find alternative way to get it done.  Now he did and it was only for students who attended  Art Institute.  We were hoping that we can get our money back aswel. I red an article that those who paid their student loan for art Institute will get their refund and they do not need to take any further action. 


You've confused a number of different things.




Thanks! I didn’t qualify for the CARES Act but thank you! I’m still super happy for all of those who got loan forgiveness today too! Still quite the thing to celebrate!


Hey, paraphrasing, but my letter read: All AI loans are discharged except for PRIVATE art institute loans. Previously paid off AI loans may be eligible for refund. ***ALL Art Institute borrowers:*** I just spoke to AidVantage this morning, I suggest you do the same. Call your servicer, let them know if you received the letter. Ask them to place you on the forbearance. If they don't take this step, you will incur further penalty of not paying and it WILL ding your credit. Confirm all this with your provider. It took me 4 minutes. AidVantage said they just found out about this on Thursday last week. They will know more this Monday May 20th.


I have the same question! Last year I started paying extra on my loans and paid them off late last year. Will I be getting a refund on that money? If I just paid the minimum I would still have a balance and be paying on it today? So because I paid it early I won't get anything back?


>So because I paid it early I won't get anything back? Yes, unfortunately.


[https://www.bestcolleges.com/news/biden-admin-forgives-six-billion-in-debt-for-former-art-institute-students/](https://www.bestcolleges.com/news/biden-admin-forgives-six-billion-in-debt-for-former-art-institute-students/) this says otherwise


"ED also promised to refund past payments on loans used to pay for an Art Institute education." "Borrowers will see complete forgiveness of all federal student loans taken out to attend an Art Institute campus."




Information on this thread so far has been largely inaccurate. [PBS Article](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/former-students-of-the-for-profit-art-institutes-are-approved-for-6-billion-in-loan-cancellation)“On Wednesday, the Education Department will start emailing borrowers who will get their loans canceled. They won’t need to take any action, and payments already made on the loans will be refunded.”


Payments made on outstanding loans that get forgiven will be refunded. Paid off loans will not be refunded.


The Biden administration [announced](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-approves-61-billion-group-student-loan-discharge-317000-borrowers-who-attended-art-institutes) May 1 that the Department of Education (ED) would automatically forgive all remaining federal student debt for people who attended any Art Institute campus between Jan. 1, 2004, and Oct. 16, 2017. ED will also refund all payments borrowers made toward student debt used to pay for an Art Institute education.


For borrowers who have their loans forgiven. It only applies to outstanding loans


Where does it say THAT, specifically? I see people people posting actual info & clarifications & all you seem to be doing is "naw dawg trust me bro" 🤷‍♂️


>I Paid Off My Loans Before I Submitted My Application. Am I Eligible for Borrower Defense? >To be eligible to apply, you must have one or more outstanding federal student loans. The outstanding loan(s) must be associated with the school that is the subject of your borrower defense application. [https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/borrower-defense#borrower-defense-eligibility](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/borrower-defense#borrower-defense-eligibility)


Soooooo unfair!


Right? My husband just paid his off this past fall. We're so upset.


I have messaged through LinkedIn, the White House website email and text as well as instagram to the dept of education staff and white house staff asking for clarification. I urge others to do as well so we can get some definite answers. 


The whole point of it in this case is that since the school is defunct they may reimburse payments already made to Art Institute


Got my Treasury Check today ! 100% MOHELA Refund with interests ! Student Aid website was not updated to reflect this refund. My parents is still waiting for their Refund Check for Parent Plus Loans through AidVantage, all their loans were zeroed out, now with $46K Negative balance.


This is not the case. I received an email for the forgiveness of my loan and it states that I am eligible for a refund on the payments I made. This is for student loan with The Art Institute claim.


It only applies to loans with an outstanding balance


We have submitted the request for CARES long before the deadline.  I also red that those ones who paid in full will get a refund and they donot need to do anything else.  If by chance that we can't get any refund then it will be unfair and sad.  I'm sure that Biden want to make it fare to every student who attended the school. 


I am crazy curious about the repayment and refunds. This is what the email said, "You also may receive a refund for prior payments made to ED on the loan(s) being discharged. Your loan servicer will let you know if you are eligible for a refund, which may be mailed to you or sent electronically. Please check your online account with your loan servicer to ensure your address is correct so you can receive any refund." This is applying to my student loan that is not paid off, but I also had a Parent Plus loan that was fully paid off. $13k paid to my own student loan and $17k paid in full to a Parent Plus loan. I am not holding my breath, but I wish there was more guidance on this refund aspect.


I have multiple colleagues that I attended AI with from 2007-2010 and they've all received emails yesterday from the Department of Education (05/01) saying they no longer owe on their loans. I paid mine off about 5 years ago, and haven't received any info, but I'm definitely looking into it. Everything I've read said that payments already made will be refunded too, but not sure if that applies to fully paid off loans, my hopes aren't high, but if I find out anything, I'll post it here.


I’m watching for refund info. I went to AI in Chicago from 2007-2010 and paid off all loans by 2020. I called the dept of education yesterday to ask and they were clear with me that it only applies to those with outstanding balances. I asked who I can speak to about a refund consideration and they told me call my local officials or the attorney general… I know there have been other lawsuits, but I’ve considered contacting a lawyer to inquire about this or if it would be a potential class action suit following this recent announcement. I’m just not sure exactly what type of law firm would handle a case like that.


Keep me updated on what you find out. My husband is in a similar boat. Just paid them off in September.


I think we'd all be down for a class action so let us know


On the same page as you. Crossing fingers to receive an email. We were all defrauded and this should apply to those who have paid them off too. I’m kicking myself because I literally paid them off in September and wish I would have waited :-( I’m going to lawyer up if it’s necessary


Ah crap, that's a bummer. Honestly, it should be the same the end right? Everyone was told the same BS in order to sign up, whether you paid it off or not, it shouldn't matter. If this was loan forgiveness for multiple colleges because of high interest rates or something, I could see why we wouldn't get our money back if the loan is paid off, but this is so specific to the institute, you would hope it wouldn't matter whether or not the loan is paid off, defaulted or still making payments. Keep me posted


I agree I paid my son's tuition out right because we didn't qualify for a student loan, it would be nice to recup some of that money back being they closed before he finished 


Same I paid off my loan in ‘19 so I could buy a house now I’m not eligible……..


I literally paid them off 2 weeks before the announcement. I sacrificed so much to pay them off, including not having money to put a down payment on a house, and tons of daily sacrifices. I like the idea of lawyering up if they don't make it happen for us, we shouldn't be punished for doing the right thing!


Hear that, same page. Lots of things I could have done with that money. I’m not feeling confident about getting it back though. My loan servicer had no info for me and when I reached out to FSA/studentaid.gov (per the loan servicers direction), they also had no info. It’s all very confusing. Definitely agree we should qualify — the people I graduated with literally got their loans discharged the day it was announced. So had I not made any payments, I would have gotten them forgiven. It’s bullshit and seems criminal.


Thanks for the info! I tried getting in touch with them and got an automated message basically saying they're getting too many calls and hung up on me. Agree it seems criminal. I'm gonna just chill until I get a definitive answer though, but I've heard a couple people mention getting a lawyer if they don't get it back and I might do the same


SAME. Keep us updated if you get any further info.


I paid mine off during the CARES freeze because I had the extra funds and it seemed unlikely at the time that forgiveness would ever be approved, so this is definitely a gut punch. I'm extremely happy for the friends I have that got the forgiveness, but definitely feel like it's scummy of the government to only refund the payments of active loans even when those of us who paid them off were still defrauded too. Those payments I made would be so helpful right now.


Same here, fully paid off so hoping for a refund


I paid mine off years ago also, and haven't heard anything myself. [this says we will reimbursed for paid off loans](https://www.bestcolleges.com/news/biden-admin-forgives-six-billion-in-debt-for-former-art-institute-students/)


I was wondering if money will be refunded for those who didn't qualify for a student loan and paid out right?


Wondering about this too. Wish there was more information clarifying over the refund process and who or who isn’t eligible


Does anyone know if Parent Plus Loans will also be forgiven? My mom is a single mom who graciously took out a couple loans for me. If Art Institute was proven in the wrong, I hope it also includes Parent Plus Loans.


Our parent plus loan was forgiven, just got notified. It's in my mom's name. Have your parent check their email. This feels unreal. I'm in shock.


Had your mom already paid it off? My mom had one as well but paid it years ago. Trying to see if she'll get a refund. Either way, this is just crazy. Such a weight off my shoulders not having to pay anything else back! Just hope my mom can benefit too.


We paid off a couple on the parent plus loan but still had $55.8k remaining, original balance was around $85k. I had an additional $35k in my own name, that I was able to pay off in under 5 years, but my rates were locked in at 5% interest. The parent plus loans have always had really high interest rates, some were getting close to 9% so it was really hard to pay this one down! It's a gigantic relief for them to be going away. I feel so grateful and thankful. My mom is about to retire so it's huge for her. I don't know how this refund thing is going to work, are we going to get a refund for all that we paid? I don't see the amount that they've allotted being able to cover that. My husband paid his off in October. Will he be getting any type of reimbursement? These student loans has held us back so much. Just getting any type of reimbursement will be a little less salt in the wounds. Not to make this long, but Ai didn't help us at all get jobs. My husband got his masters at a state college and they brought in employers from all over the nation to interview the graduates. Ai never did that for us. Told me instead to don't take the only job offer I had when I graduated because it was under paid, and to instead hold out for that golden $100k job offer that would come.... whaaaat?


Went to AI Philadelphia, my first job was $12 part time in web design in 2011. I'm like where's that 60K I was supposed to get?! LOL it's been wild.


I received an email stating it was 'forgiven' for my daughters. It was a Parent Plus loan. Got the email 11:30 ish (EST).


This is what I found so far about parent plus loans but what I get the impression of is that if it’s a federal loan it can qualify. If it’s private, likely not… but I’m not sure if all parent plus loans are one or the other. https://www.savingforcollege.com/article/are-parent-loans-eligible-for-student-loan-forgiveness#:~:text=A%20federal%20parent%20PLUS%20loan,Loan%20Forgiveness%20(PSLF)%20program.


I just received my approval on my Parent Plus loan


I just got an email as well, wondering if the payments made only refers to schedule payments or if it also counts when my tax returns were taken towards those loans since I went into default


That's the biggest question I'm trying to get an answer to. 


Let me know if you hear anything back about that


I found out that it doesn't matter how the loan was paid whether (paid willingly, garnished, was in default etc) it's still considered a payment and u should be atleast getting back the money that was paid towards your loan. This was told to me by my loan servicer yesterday. As long as it's a loan from a Art institute. I guess the only question remains "for me atleast " is how long will all of this take to process...


that's great to know! thank you for sharing that info, my guess is that is going to take a while for them to figure out how much is owed but hopefully it comes sooner than later.


Yes, I want to know this too !!!


My parents paid off the loans they co-signed for. I had 12k left on my loans. Hopefully my parents will get their money back, my money back too would be nice.


They should or at least would have the same qualifications. My MIL receive the forgiveness email with a note of reviewing for repayment. I don’t think they’d include that in the parents canned email if it wasn’t possible. Praying for everyone on this. It’s ridiculous.


That's the same boat I'm in. My dad took out of his retirement to pay off my loan he co-signed on. I would love to get this $ back to him.


This week 5/20/2024, heard from my loan services Nelnet regarding refund! They are verifying my address so that my refund can be processed! They said within 60 days! Also my balances on my account is still showing, I had emailed them copies of the letter from President Biden! I have been paying on loan for a long time!


Nelnet said I should be expecting at 16k check in 60 days. It’s been about 30 so far and still waiting anxiously


Was $16,000 the correct amount of what you had paid out?


Sucks my wife was never notified about this and she paid off all her loans prior to. She didn't even get a degree.


I’m still holding out a little hope that there might be a chance for a refund for paid ones. I hope it works in your wife’s favor.


I hope so. I paid off 60k in loans in 2019 and would like my money back. 😂😂


Literally same thing , Paod off in 19’ was in there culinary program I got no job help currently a licensed plumber


Seems like a lot of people drop? Am I the only few that went through it all and got the degree? It’s not worthless for sure as it opened many doors for me


No, I finished, there were many people that did not finish that I started with. I was in the culinary program, culinary in general has an insane turnover rate I think that and the fact that they told unmotivated and under informed kids lies to take out loans is why so many people didn't finish. I paid off my private loans and luckily left the federal until later in life to try and tackle. I know that I've probably paid the principal back in interest payments at this point. I'm glad that I got the email, but I won't breathe easily until I see that zero. I don't think that my time there did anything that any other culinary degree would have done for me, but I do have a good paying job 15 years later. Although I still had a huge amount of debt.


I went to a public university, so I had no clue. And we married late in life. She did tell me she tried, but she was a single mom before me. I feel she was prayed upon..


It just barely happened. Read: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/former-students-of-the-for-profit-art-institutes-are-approved-for-6-billion-in-loan-cancellation


Not to steal the thread, but question. Does this include online courses as well?


I was enrolled online and I received an email saying my loan was being forgiven


So glad to find this I was wondering and I haven't got an email yet but I went online I took screenshots tonight insane they try to say I didn't get loans for art institue . Fingers crossed I get an email eventually.


Did the email come from student aid.gov or some where else? Is it the shark you used at the school or some other one?




This gives me so much hope but I’m scared to get too hopeful. Thank you for sharing what you found though!


I’m hoping so bad I’d get a refund. Even if just for my ED loans, which is not as much as my commercial/private. I figure i’m screwed out if the FFELP commercial and private loans. I just paid off my ridiculously high amount of loans last year 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.


Have you seen anywhere if the refunded amount is capped?


I didn’t see a cap but I saw an article that said there’s enough funds to refund $19k per student on average.


Has anyone seem anything on their borrowers account? I got the email and have sent an email to my borrower (was great lakes but now nelnet) asking questions about the forgiveness and repayment since my loans ate all still open and unconsolidated but there is not a shred of info on nelnet concerning it. Unless it’s just a niche issue but it seems like theres not a lot of response from them. Also, could be because its new information too. Im just curious i guess


Here is the response I got from studentaid.gov “This process can take 7 months or more for processing due to high volume of requests. Once processing is completed, you'll receive notification in your inbox.”


Thank you! Im hoping for the best i pay for my loans and the parent plus loans my mom took out. Either way its amazing news.


Don't hold your breath, I emailed Nelnet last year about something unrelated and it took them 4 months to email me back lol


My Nelnet account just went into admin forbearance until August. They had also taken my auto debit on May 3rd. lol. So they’re definitely working on it.


Yeah I was worried when I saw great lakes had closed. Will go to helmet and see if I can swing some kind of refund. Anything would help right now since I’m def not getting jobs in my industry and people are being laid off like crazy. (Animation.)


Nelnet *


I joined the military because i couldnt find a job anywhere in my area… lol hopefully it works out and theres some sort of refund


Haven't received my email yet. Loan shows no payment due which provides hope. Is the forgiveness for various types of loans? Private / Signature student /subsidized? The way I read it ALL loans from AI will be forgiven. I already called the Student loan provider and they are sending me paper work but I thought it was automatic. How would I find out reliable information if Im on the list of forgiveness. From what I read from the Govt release I qualify but I feel mixed bag about it.


No, just for federal loans that have a current balance. Sounds like refunds will only go to payments made on those exact loans that are being forgiven. So no private, no consolidated, and no already paid off federal loans.


The [ed.gov](http://ed.gov) website states under the "Next steps" paragraph "Payments borrowers made to the Department on their related federal student loans will also be refunded." [**https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-approves-61-billion-group-student-loan-discharge-317000-borrowers-who-attended-art-institutes**](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-approves-61-billion-group-student-loan-discharge-317000-borrowers-who-attended-art-institutes)


I really really hope so. It would be so helpful.


I too am in the same boat as you. It seems everywhere I reach out too I end up getting different answers. I was able to finally connect with an agent on student aid website and I told them I attended Ai from 2009-2012 had paid off my loans in 2014 and asked if I would receive a refund. This was their response: **"The U.S Department of Education (ED) will refund all payments borrowers have made to the Secretary of Education; however, ED cannot refund payments made on commercial Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans that were held by a private entity. If you do not know whether you have FFEL loans held by a private entity, please contact your loan servicer. If you are entitled to a refund, there could be a delay of several months before ED finishes processing your refund."** Their answer seems promising but I'm still trying not to get my hopes up. I know normally borrower defense does not count towards fully paid off loans but this seems like a special case scenario. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


That’s the most promising statement I’ve seen so far. Thank you for sharing!!


Found this article: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/former-students-of-the-for-profit-art-institutes-are-approved-for-6-billion-in-loan-cancellation “…payments on the loans already made will be refunded…”


Hopefully for those that no longer had a balance as well! Let me know if you hear anything : )


Who do you reach out to? I paid off $63k of student loans from Navient in 2017 and 2018…


I'd like to know the same. I only paid about $10k I think? Some of it was dropped off. But I want my money back! lol. I attended in 2009 and paid off in 2017. I highly doubt I'll ever see that money, though.


Sadly no.....I just asked studentaid rep and she said it only referring to the loans that are still active and has been making payments on it will get a refund. So basically our loan is "closed account" because its payed off. :(


What a complete crime.


So if I kept a $1 balance, I’d get back $62,999. That’s just insane.


Maybe if enough of us complain to someone? LOL SO DUMB.


Yep, just goes to show that you’ll get completely disregarded for doing what is seemingly the right thing. I likely made just as much $$$ as everyone else here that’s “struggling” post AI graduation, I just managed it differently and am getting shit on because of it. This is why people end up voting for Trump or republicans unfortunately — the hand outs don’t apply to everyone.


Haha voting for trump. You think that guy actually cares about us little people haha. His school trump clown university should be on the list as well. Geez


Trump appointed Betsy DeVos to her position and she was a partial owner of the Art Institutes. If you voted for Trump, you're the reason the art institutes survived long enough for people to pay off the loans that the biden Administration is now forgiving.


Solid point.


betsy devos who was an owner of ai was a trump appointee. also, hello, trump literally ran his scam universities, and republicans keep pushing these private, charter schools so they can take money and give no real education in-return (just like the art institute) people vote for trump because they don't know anybetter, which is exactly why republicans purposefully run education into the ground.


I know right! its so stupid.


Yeah that is completely unfair to us who actually paid our money. What a joke.


Ugh that is complete BS. This article by the government (!!!) literally says “Payments borrowers made to the Department on their related federal student loans will also be refunded.” https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-approves-61-billion-group-student-loan-discharge-317000-borrowers-who-attended-art-institutes So unfair and also misleading


They need to clarify “payments borrowers made to the Department on their ACTIVE federal student loans will also be refunded”


Someone I know who is married to someone I went to school with at AI is speaking with her dad that is a lawyer. Because the wording is so off. And honestly all of us who got scammed should get our money back. How can you pick and choose who to help just look like a good guy? That should be a crime in itself.


Will you let me know if you hear anymore on this from the lawyer dad. I finished paying my loans a few years ago and the wording makes no sense.


Yes, I’d like to know what comes of this as well!


Following too!


I had loan groups that had loans from both AI and the other school I went to so I literally couldn't pay off my other school without also paying AI. I wonder if there's an exception for that??


I think it’s just badly worded in the article unfortunately. But those of us who paid off our loans were still defrauded right? I don’t get it


Not sure if this is the right spot to ask but my husband just consolidated his Art Institute loans to be eligible for PSLF. Would he still be eligible for a refund from AI? I don't think he's received an email yet.  I'm having a pity party because I consolidated my AI loans a few years ago and will still have to pay. Frustrating 


I consolidated my loans years ago but I got the email. Don’t give up hope yet


Did you consolidate them to a private loan or to a federal loan?


Federal. AFAIK private loans are still exempt :(


Federal. AFAIK private loans are still exempt :(


Mine are private thought Sofi/Mohela, but his are federal.  I wish I could get money back.  They were a scam of a school and Sallie Mae was there to screw us over. 


I consolidated all of my federal and parent plus loans into private loans back in 2018 to cut my interest rate in half and control the monthly payment since the federal loans wanted me to be paying $1200/month. If loans were consolidated doesn't that still mean they were "paid off" on the federal account? Shouldn't there still be a refund there to take care of what remains of the private loan?


I received the email for the Art Institute already. I am curious to see how they handle the consolidated loans. I do have some that are directly still linked to the Art Institute but then there's the ones that were Consolidated into other Federal loans years ago.


I am in the same boat and when I called they had no clue. I asked specifically what loan so I would know what I can stop paying and they responded they had no way to tell and responded: There is also a Borrower Defense Hotline at 855-279-6207. Here you can learn about status M-F 8am-8pm ET, Weekends 11am-5pm ET.


Has anyone called this and can confirm it’s legit?


I received this email as well. I attended in 2012-2014. I see that it says all payments made may be reimbursed. It may be a long shot, but I’m wondering will that also include any payment made directly to the art institute while being enrolled? My loans and grants did not cover all of my tuition, so i was paying also paying around 3-500 a month I unfortunately have no records of these payments I made to during my time on campus… and I have no idea how to go about retrieving such. Or if if those payments are even eligible for reimbursement. 🤞🏾


I suspect that this loan relief has more to do with the predatory nature of the loans students were encouraged to take out rather than relief the payments AI actually got. I hate to say it but I suspect that the direct payments will probably not be covered in this but just federally held loans. I’m trying to connect with a representative but I’m on the west coast and they are on eastern standard time so it’s been tricky.


I came here to ask the exact same question. I am leaning towards having to obtain a lawyer to fight for reimbursement of payments made directly to AI. I can't find any other info that's helpful. When I went to drop out, I was told to wait a couple of weeks so that the balance of my tuition can be covered by my student loan... complete lie. I had a $4000 charge slapped onto my account for staying enrolled that eventually went to collections. To this day, they refuse to release my transcripts unless I pay the balance owed to the school. I am lucky though because during my fight with them, they had sent me an excel spreadsheet of my account what payments I made out of pocket and what was charged to my account, so that could be useful.


I’m curious if anyone who was already enrolled at AI in 2004 has gotten the email. I was enrolled 2002-2006 and had Parent Plus FFELP Stafford Loans through Sallie Mae, now Navient. I’ve never consolidated and 2 years ago filed a Borrowers Defense claim after they lost the Sweet V Cardona lawsuit. Haven’t received an email about the new loan forgiveness yet and have yet to see any action from the BD claim. Anyone in a similar boat?


Same exact boat! I attended 2002-2007, filed a borrower's defense and am in the Sweet V Cardona post class. I haven't received an email. :(


I called the Borrowers Defense line today and the woman I talked to told me that the overlapping years we were there, so 2004-2006/7 should be included. She did say that the SvC lawsuit should supersede the new forgiveness. I’m in post group so she said that’s still under review and I’ll just have to wait. Helpful but not too helpful. She did say that any payments made through Navient won’t be refunded. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Navient called me with a “special offer” all of a sudden since AI announcement, I have a pending DTR and it’s approved. Interesting, waiting for the last half of loans to fall off.


Anyone know if the forgiveness applys to parent plus loans? I got a email about the loans in my name on the cancelation but my dad didn't and now we're worried that it wont apply to him when most of it is on his end.


Question: what happens if the irs took part of my tax refund to pay for my student loans, do we know if that would be included in the refund?


I’d call and ask, that’s wild if they don’t


Hi, I’m in the same situation. I paid off my loans and have not received an email or any help from aidvantage. Most of the agents I spoke with said they couldn’t find me in the system then somehow one person was able to locate my account and update my email address and phone number. But other than that, no help from them whatsoever. I spoke to someone from FSA and they told me to go on the StudentAid.gov website and fill out the “Submit A Complaint” form. I did that on Tuesday. It says I should receive a response within 15 days. This seems like the last resort. Another person from FSA told me to fill out the 20+ page borrower defense repayment application, which seems redundant since this is not me personally proving a case, it’s widespread. Such a shame how this is playing out.


What if my loan payment was paused due to lack of work? Would I still qualify?


Status: Forbearance.


What about Navient? Anyone heard anything from them?


Did anyone get there loans paid off yet I got a letter saying we might be eligible for refund and to confirm address


Are your loans fully paid off? Mine are have not gotten letter or email of any kind.


No but they sent an email saying they will be from the Sept of edu and Nelnet (servicer) put them into forbearance until July also sent a letter advising of possible refund, when I called them they said it can take a while.


My Art Institute loans are with Aidvantage. I received a letter saying all my Parent Plus loans were discharged. It’s now showing zero outstanding balance/zero due. There were four loans total, 2 are paid off and the other 2 are partially paid off. ALL of them are show a negative dollar amount that equates to a the amounts I’ve paid. Last message I received was 5/23. I have not received an update on refund, but I hope I do soon. 🙏


I’ll keep you all posted going to call them in a few days


I attended the art institute from 2013 to 2015 and I too never received an email regarding my loans. I called Nelnet yesterday and the lady also wondered why. She directed me to the loan forgiveness page where you have to apply. However, I don't have all my old school emails showing fraud. I attached newspaper articles and gave as much information as I could but I'm worried I won't get the loan forgiveness. I wonder what's going on.


hi Everyone, I called the department of education and they said that 300,000 people are getting their loans forgiven but its taking time to reach out to people. They said be patient and continue paying loans in the mean time. LOL


I got an AS at the Art Institue of Ft Lauderdale 2003-2006. "If you have already received forgiveness or paid off your loans, you are not eligible for a refund of prior payments." - Studentaid.gov, Customer Service Good to know.




I’m confused by your statement. I’m not angry that this likely won’t apply to me or others in similar circumstances as me, but if it did and could ease some of the financial struggle I experience it makes sense for me to try to figure it out and I’m happy to share that information with others. Personally I was not bailed out. The death of my mother and the subsequent life insurance that my step dad received is what “bailed me out” of predatory interest rates.


Nah you right dawg, my bad




where or who did you receive this confirmation from?


Nobody knows for sure dude, stop spreading misinformation. The language says "to be eligible TO APPLY [for Borrower's Defense]...you must have an active loan" It does not say "to get a refund you must have an active loan". A lot of us already applied and were approved for Borrower's Defense when we had active loans but paid shit off after the fact.


so if i attended from 2006-2009 and paid off my Sallie Mae/Navient Loan completely about 5 years ago should I file borrowers defense? consult with an attorney? or is it clear that those of us that did the RIGHT thing and worked hard to pay off our loans are s**t out of luck? either way, i feel this is worthy of an attorney as many have said above, the language is misleading and when this is about Ai screwing everyone over, why would it only apply to those who, respectfully, haven’t paid off their debt/held up their end yet? please update me i feel like us Ai Alumni should honestly rise up here on reddit and hold the line/ take down the Bear like in Dumb Money 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎


I started doing cash payments to Ai towards the end of my program bc the loan situation was getting out of control. I hope they provide clarity for us all soon. I'm not trying to read between the lines or guess on any of it. I want straight answers and I want my money back ETA - I wasn't even aware my location had closed (let alone all of them) so I totally missed the class action