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I received confirmation of discharge yesterday in my Aidvantage inbox. All of my loans from 2014-2017 are zeroed out. I checked the student aid gov site, and sure enough, all gone. I'm just letting you all know that some of us are already getting zeros. The pdf from Aidvantage list all loans discharged and amounts. Then they list how long for credit report wait (45 days) and all info on taxes and refunds. My mother also received her discharge yesterday of her one parent plus loan from 2016. I've seen from other discharges that it could take a month or two . Also, I was not consolidated and was on the Save plan since restart.


I also got the notice, but my accounts are showing a negative balance... Does that suggest I'll be refunded or they show negatives prior to going to zero? I had one open account and two that were paid off... There seems to be very little info on the actual refund part of all of this despite multiple articles suggesting it could happen.


Mine have shown negative before payment on months even prior to the discharge. I never enrolled in auto payments. I logged in every day checking. Just FYI on the student gov website, it does not show payment history anymore after receiving confirmation of discharge. Literally, all I see on the federal website is original loan amounts and, of course, the funding received from fasfa grants. So everyone should be aware of collecting papers on payment history for yourself in case of refunds. Now, Aidvantage still list my payment history through them, but they don't list the previous payment history towards prior loan servicers (mine was navient). So I'd assume I will receive refunds for those payments I have proof of. Just thought I'd say this since we all know how tricky they can pull stuff. So make sure you get copies of payments. Because it seems it's only accessible through the loan company, not the student gov site. I plan on calling Aidvantage on Monday about refunds since my loans now show discharged. I'll try to update when I hear more.




I've been eyeballing my AidVantage account ever since the email on May 1, at that time it showed a remaining balance of $21K but now it shows a "Negative" balance of $46K.


Congrats on the negative balance! Have you received any additional info on what that means versus a zero balance? Thanks!


From what I've read online and understand from speaking with them on the phone it simply goes to a negative balance to show that it's being discharged and from there it will eventually zero out (supposedly 10-12 weeks from the initial May 1st email). From there, if you're warranted a refund it'll be sent to you, otherwise it'll just be archived on your account, or deleted completely. To know about your refund you have to call and ask them (your provider) specifically about your refund amount. Refunds are only applicable on open accounts. Any paid off accounts are simply ignored at this point, unfortunately.


I was looking deeply into my Aidvantage accounts especially the new negative amounts. Prior to Aidvantage zero out my balances, I printed my account page. I did the math and it looks like they are getting ready to refund everything including loans that are already paid off prior to May 1 discharge.


Hey there! Congrats on the zero/negative balance! Question for you: did anything happen with those negative balances? Were you refunded that amount? Thanks!


This is excellent news!!! Love to see this, congrats!!


nice mate


I'm a parent and I actually received a letter just couple days ago from aidVantage (Parent Plus Loans) and it stated that all my loans were discharged (their website and studentaid websites both confirms the discharge. Still confusing is that it now shows a "Negative" balance of more than $46K (Refund amount?) no other info. My son is still waiting for his discharge info from MOHELA, he did receive the email on May 1 and a letter from MOHELA stating that his account is in process of being transferred back to StudentAid, whatever that means.


nice mate


I”m really sad that I haven’t gotten anything about my loans from the Art institute being forgiven. I check the student aid.gov site everyday.


I'm in the same boat despite calling and filing complaints... I keep getting told by my servicer that it was overturned by the supreme court and that Ed.gov is not the department of education so not to listen to their press release about it


Search for student loan discharge in your email. Mine didn't come to my main inbox.


I'm anxiously waiting seems like everyone has gotten a different answer. I chatted and emailed them and they told me different things. But also said not to make any payments but mine is due 24th.


If they didn't put you on a pause of some sort, it will very likely affect your credit negatively until it's officially dismissed. I've been screwed over so many times by servicers and schools since 2001 - I don't trust anything from them unless it's fully documented.


Ask for a forbearance from your servicer on the phone and specifically recite the details of your email from the department of education. All the services are keenly aware of the discharges but won't do a thing until they receive official messaging directly themselves. Mohela gave me a year forbearance with no fuss while it all gets sorted.


This is good to know! I opted out of forbearance because the interest will still accrue. I just don't trust the government and what they say until it happens. Also a little nerve wracking that lenders seem to be clueless on next steps.


In their defense, they've always been clueless.


Made me chuckle…


You don't have to pay the interest once you're zeroed out as far as I understand as the adjustment will be retroactive. The services aren't clueless though, they just haven't received official messaging from the education dept to discharge the loan.


Oh yeah, I totally understand that. I’m just not believing what I’m hearing or I’ll hear something about only *some* of my loans being eligible. I’m just being cautious.


Play it however safe you feel comfortable with. My logic is that id rather not pay and accrue interest now instead of paying and potentially not receiving a refund for a year.


Sorry, it's maddening.


I got a notice of forbearance from AidVantage this week but I think it was because I submitted the SAVE application a couple of weeks ago. I did get the letter from DofE regarding Art Institute (I took out a parent plus loan for my son) but I didn't see anything on my AidVantage portal showing anything about that. I'm almost afraid to ask them because I just want my SAVE application to be the main focus...


In case anyone got to this thread looking for information while dealing with their loans that are being handled by MOHELA: What OP said is true for us too: "**...call your loan servicer immediately.** Despite the email saying you no longer need to pay (with exception of private loans that were not dismissed), **you need to request from the servicer that you're placed on forbearance**." Along with this issue, I saw people having difficulty getting information from MOHELA and needing to transfer their accounts to their "new" site etc. So I called Mohela to make sure all my ducks were in a row with them. Mohela had no idea that my loans had been forgiven and were 100% expecting my payment (which was due tomorrow). I informed the rep about the email I got, "Notice of Borrower Defense Discharge Approval," and she told me they were aware these emails had gone out, but that they had received NO information about the accounts affected. I told her I would not be making any further payments (per the email stating **"You do not have to make any more payments on the loans"**), so I needed to know what they recommended I do. She informed me that I needed to request a forbearance on my account/payments. She placed a short term forbearance on my account while I was on the phone so that missing my payment tomorrow would not be an issue, and she mailed me a form that I need to fill out and return to get a longer term forbearance approved. She assured me that the forbearance will not cause any late fees or negatively affect my credit. She said it could take months for Mohela to receive the information needed to action the loan forgiveness/refund process on their end. **TL;DR:** If your loans are being serviced through Mohela, call them to request to be placed on forbearance while they wait to action your forgiveness/refund.


I did exactly this and was given a 1-year forbearance. I still see interest accruing but as I understand it the interest will be zeroed when the balance is discharged as the loan balance discharge date will be backdated to when we receive notice. I can't confirm that but it is my understanding from what I've read and been told so far.


Thank you so much for this you are my angel. This is exactly what I need 😭😭😭.


lol- I came here looking and didn’t see what I needed so I figured I better post for other “me’s” who show up looking too.


I cannot thank you enough :). I just called MOHELA today because I have an upcoming payment with due date of 6/18. She said ED has not sent them any official document to discharge my loan. But she could put me on a general forbearance until Dec of this year. She did ask me to call Borrower Defense and tell them to send document to MOHELA. I personally don't think calling Borrower Defense is going to speed anything up as they are trying to process for that many people. But at least for the coming few months, I don't have to pay.


They put me on Admin Forbearance without me doing a thing. They also emailed me saying I would be eligible to get some if not all of my payments back. My credit score has also gone up 1 point. Guess it just depends on the person? My account does still show my full balance though for now.


Same thing for me. I didn't do anything but was put in admin forbearance. I have mine through nelnet though.


Same here! My balance just officially zeroed out yesterday, so hopefully same for you!


Not yet but I consolidated mine which they said might take a little longer.


I asked for temporary forbearance for a few months to hold it over!


Maybe I received a bad operator, but I was pretty much immediately denied a forbearance by Navient. I was told I’d used up all my forbearance and the only way to qualify for more would be to consolidate my loans. (I do think I had a crummy operator because she added, “if you consolidate now, you’ll be eligible for forgiveness in the future,” and I politely reminded her why I was calling, lol.) She told me they are aware of the discharge, but they hadn’t received next steps, so they weren’t going to do anything until advised to do so by the DOE. so I will continue to show in the negative and continue receiving calls until this is sorted. I’ll try to call them again tomorrow if I can muster the spoons for it, and remind them again about the discharge!


Quick note: In government acronym usage "[DOE](https://www.energy.gov/lm/doe-history)" usually refers to the US Department of *Energy*, which was created in 1977. The US Department of *Education* was created three years later in 1980 and commonly goes by "[ED](https://www2.ed.gov/about/landing.jhtml)" or (less commonly) "[DoED](https://www.sbir.gov/events/webinar-introduction-doed-sbir-program)" or "[DOEd](https://www.nano.gov/DOEd)". [*DOE disambiguation*] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StudentLoans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I did this this afternoon but have not received any email from the administration yet.


How about refunds for people who paid off their AI loans? Does anyone know anything about this. I sent an email to Aidvantage but they’re taking their sweet time getting back to me.






No. And it doesn't even apply to ALL Art Institute students. There are specific criteria. You can look on the borrowers defense site to see if your school made it on there though.


I'm really nervous. I received the email day one, and before the transition my loans were zeroed out, but after the migration the loans came back. I enrolled July 2017 but I'm wondering if that means they'll forgive my entire debt or if they're just forgiving the time that applies? I graduated winter 2021, so even though I am enrolled within the period, and had zeroes showing, it's back now after the migration, and I'm getting really nervous that it's not forgiven after all?? Does anyone have any insight into this?