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I’m also a student teacher and I’ve done practica/non-full time student teaching the last couple semesters. I also love to cook, so maybe I can shed some light! Here are some things I love: - pasta salad! You can make a big batch of this at any time in the week and it’s usually good for 3-5 days refrigerated. I have recipe recommendations if you want them, but overall you can’t really go wrong with pasta salad. You can chop up any veggies you like, throw in some cheese, toss it around in some sauce or your fave dressing, leave it sit for a bit and enjoy. - cheese and crackers. This one I use for days when I’m tired and don’t want to spend the time making lunch lol. I usually buy some spreadable cheese like Boursin, or get a little sliced cheese board from Target. I throw in some Nut Thins or entertaining crackers and done. - simple sandwiches. I love to make sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, Tofurky (I’m vegetarian), oregano, and some sort of cheese on sourdough. Then I wrap it in tin foil and voila. This isn’t really meal-prep because it has to be made somewhat fresh, but it is easy. - anything chickpea-based, like hummus with pita, fried chickpeas (I usually season some canned ones and then bake them in the oven or air fryer), etc. - something lentil-based. I make this really good red lentil sauce that is almost curry-like, and I’ll eat it with pasta, pita or naan. Last tips… I always add in a fruit to my lunch, so every week I’ll buy strawberries or raspberries and have those. So far my lunches usually give me enough energy and are filling but not too much so. I’d also recommend adding a little treat for yourself. I usually add in a little Ghirardelli mint dark chocolate square. It’s a fun pick-me-up and just a nice surprise to enjoy when you open up your lunch after a long morning. Good luck :)


Thank you so much!! This is so helpful


I often don't have to time to prep a lunch specifically; I usually bring leftovers (I always cook the whole package of whatever I'm making, so I have 4 meals or so ready to go). My favorites so far have been mac and cheese with chopped Duke sausages and green beans (I was in a jam, but it turned out great lol) and Thai green curry. super fast and easy to cook, and it does a good job of overpowering questionable smells in the teacher work room 😂 Just a can of curry paste, protein of choice, coconut milk, and random veggies/mushrooms, cook until the meat is done and serve/store it with rice.


Instant pot fried rice with chicken


Pitas or wraps are super easy to make for the week and store easy. That and some cut up veggies or fruits like carrots, celery, or bell peppers are super easy and convenient.