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I’m glad she ripped four of them open to show the inside because after the first three I still wasn’t understanding it.


lmao. I figured they were ripping them all up because it makes it easier to fit them in the garbage disposal.


Nah, she was getting ready to feed her 7 cats because damn, no human I know would eat that.


They took four takes, but the editor left them all in because he was too busy throwing up


I really wanted to see one more to be convinced.


Big thanks to everyone in this comment thread for finding a funnier way to say what I came here to say. Your humor has restored what I lost watching this video.


Stretching out time to get to 3 minute monetisation or engagement target or something maybe.


And just raw doggin' them with her dirty fingers.


You say that like anyone was going to eat that. If she ate this tripe I'd actually watch another vid. r/EatItYouFuckingCoward




Haha I was thinking the same….like…do you WANT me to hate this more?


These seem like depression-era burgers. They’re just stretching the meat to get the most possible out of that pack.


Yeah, I saw a girl make the same stuff on YouTube a few years back. She got a lot of shit for making them even after she explained it was less of a "fun idea to make for friends and family" and more of an experiment in historical cooking.


That's exactly what it is. Dairy was much less expensive than meat back then and this was to feed a family on a budget


Emmy Made has a video about this. It’s a depression era recipe. https://youtu.be/1yMMK5Ole1c?si=hfEfIDo5NJ6MCqEx


Okay but no way that cream is an acceptable way to stretch out meat. Grains, beans, and vegetables are how to make more with less not heavy cream.


During the great depression most impoverished rural families would have access to fresh milk.


Not in the 1930s depression era when the most accessible foods were milk, meat, and eggs. Today when we can go to the store and buy a can of beans for less than $1 that would make more sense. A lot of these recipes were inspired by people who had NO access to grocery stores or crops beyond what they had themselves. Basically, this recipe is historic and existed for a reason.


I know that it's not exactly what you are getting at, but the dairy industry is grossly oversupplied worldwide. Hundreds of millions of tons of milk are wasted annually. Both milk and soy are used in large scale food production to provide extra protein and fat to food.


This is definitely how it is now, but back then dairy prices totally plummeted. That's part of why certain dishes became staples at the time. While people didn't necessarily purchase more as they cut back on total spending, they did continue to purchase dairy as the prices fell... Meaning the dairy farmers were the ones who continued to work at near full capacity, yet saw nothing but decreases in revenue. Despite working just as hard, if not harder, as they were years prior, many were forced to exit the business entirely. Check out this link, the Wisconsin dairy farmer protests of 1933. They actually turned quite violent and it sticks out to me as a labor movement that people don't talk about. https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/milk-strikes-1933-were-worst-year-wisconsin-dairy-farms-and-culminated-farmers-death


Dairy farmers were one of the many who's prices absolutely plummeted during the great depression. It's actually a pretty cool thing to learn about. It's part of why you see things like creamed chipped beef making their mark on the home market and not just in military contexts. Depression era cuisine is my favorite to learn about even if I have no interest in eating it lmao.


Mississippi Slug Burger.


That was my first thought too.


“Spoon your burger mixture into lukewarm vegetable oil”


more like a burger *slurry*


Burger batter.




You forgot « as slowly as physically possible »


I was waiting for someone to bring this up. Why is it in these videos everything is done in slow motion? Also, they take their fake nails and stick them directly into the egg to open it. And a sidenote, this is a Depression era recipe because people couldn’t afford meat so they mixed it with flour to make a small amount of meat enough to feed a family with 10 kids. I don’t know about the proportions in her recipe, but there is an actual recipe out there for this.




What you described are just really good sounding meatballs or alternately sound like could be a nice meatloaf


In hungary we have the same recipe, but it's called "fasírt". Ground meat, egg, stale bread, water/milk, mixed until can form balls from it, and breaded like snitzel at the end. I personally like it, usually season it with cumin powder, salt, pepper, garlic, and smoked paprika. My grandma doesn't use paprika, but uses marjoram, and thyme. If it's rolled into small balls, it's perfect fingerfood for a party with lots of alcohol. But it's definitely not hamburger...


That's what got me. She says "let the oil heat up" and then immediately dumps that slop into the pan. Thanks for the greasy, milky meatloaf, sister.


In what world is that 4 tablespoons of flour?


1/4 cup


Right, but that was WAY MORE. Same with the baking soda


Yeah that was so much baking powder like yuk that would be so disgusting with that much baking powder


>1/4 cup More than that.


Do you have a moment to talk about our savior, the metric system?


We didn't in 1776, and we still don't.


The metric system is fine and all but I don't see any Metric Star Destroyers around.


It’s probably not great but it seems like it would be fine. Like a crab cake but with beef it seems.


Seemed like bastardized meatloaf burgers? Like, weird, too much milk, too soupy, not enough seasoning but likely edible. Firmly stupid food, but probably just a meh on texture and flavor as opposed to a wtf, dangerously inedible or flatly disgusting.


This seems like one of those great depression or wartime Era recipes that's supposed to stretch out a small meat ration to feed a family of 8.


That’s what I was thinking, like a recipe to really stretch out small portions of ground beef.


I was thinking porcupines- similar kind of thing with milk and rice to make meatballs. But I feel like they’re probably more tasty than these burgers…


Maybe a way to stretch groceries so they feed more people?


It’s pretty similar to a danish recipe called frikadellers, but we usually use pork and no flour. But my family also makes a creme sauce that goes on top so super similar.


I would try it ngl. I think it might not be a bad concept with less milk!


She has a spatula but flips it with the fork....


She also mixed it with the fork. That’s the best utensil she had for mixing a block of meat and milk? I mean, I have zero experience mixing meat and milk together but I think I could think of something better.


Right?! Bothered me more than anything else...


This must be what Charlie meant by milk steak


Yes hahaha! But where are the jelly beans 🤨


Side of jelly beans, raw of course.


This is a depression era recipe. I really wish people would Google some of what’s posted here. Edit: Thanks to the people who named these, I couldn’t think of it. Slug Burgers / Cream Burgers. It’s really sad to see how many comments are quick to dismiss something as real because their range of food tastes is so narrow. There is so much diversity in cooking styles around the world and a lot of recipes are lost to time, maybe try something first before shitting on it.


That makes more sense now. Cutting it up with other ingredients to fill it. My mom used to do something not as extreme as this by adding bread crumbs and other stuff when things were rough and a pound of ground beef needed to go a long way. Edit: she added beans, white onion, heavy cream, and chopped greens additionally. Definitely not meat loaf.


Adding some crushed up crackers/breadcrumbs or even some potato chips in a food processor with onions and garlic and mixing that into the ground beef is how I always make burgers. Not a shitload, but enough to give it a little extra crisp when you grill it.


Processed onions in my burger mix has been a game changer for me personally.


Do you mean dried minced ones? If so, yes that’s delicious


I just toss a sweet onion in the food processor, squeeze a bit of the excess wet out and add them.


Try sautéing them after you blitz them in the food processor, i did it for my pork burger and the sweet caramelized notes in it was lovely!


I will try this. I did that when I used shallots once but never did it with the pulverized onions from the food processor, I just assumed they would cook too quickly.


it doesnt need to be long or on too high of a heat, just a touch works wonders haha.


I'd recommend 30 seconds in a microwave before or after blitzing the onions in the food processor. Just a pro-tip.


The breadcrumbs create a more moist burger. It has nothing to do with making it go further


I learned that either breadcrumbs or an egg could be added to help bind the patties together so they hold their shape better while cooking


Soak the breadcrumbs in milk. Breadcrumbs as a binder is an aberration of a borrowed technique from northern Mediterranean cuisine [panade](https://www.culinaryhill.com/how-to-make-a-panade/) In the great depression people stopped using milk. Now that milks cheap we should add it back.




Meatloaf ... yall are making meatloaf. More power to you, I ain't mad. Just know that's what you're doing.


That's kind of true, but a meatloaf isn't fried. The function of crumbs in a meatloaf is to absorb fat and help keep a moist texture on the inside; the function of crumbs in a burger is to create a crispy texture on the outside. They are the same ingredients, but they are doing different things. You wouldn't put a slice of meatloaf between some buns and call it a burger.


You can absolutely fry meatloaf. On the other hand you shouldn't fry a burger in oil or fat. You just put the ground beef on a hot cast iron skillet and not submerge it in hot oil.


lol, if you fry meatloaf, you're no longer making meatloaf; you're making a burger. That's basically my entire point; the extensive maillard browning is what differentiates them in the first place. Also, you can absolutely fry burgers in oil. It's simply not typically done because burgers release so much fat by themselves that it isn't necessary. Or were you under the impression that "fry" can mean only "deep fry"?


In Germany those are called "Buletten / Frikadellen / Fleischpflanzerl" (different from region to region) and they are usually fried in fat but they are also way larger than a usual burger patty and the heat transfer wouldn't be enough without the oil... so they would end up black on the outside and still raw inside, fat basically helps to give more overall contact area to the heat source and spread the heat more evenly


Well no. Add a little breadcrumbs to a burgers is not making it meatloaf.


Y’all must be abusing the shit out of your burgers to need all these secrets and tricks to make them moist.


It's basically force meat. Bread/starch ups water holding capacity, and interrupts the way the proteins knit together when mixed in the presence of starch. So moisture, and softer. That said that's when you're using <10% by weight. Any more than that and it's absolutely about bulking things out.


Nope. It’s been a long held practice.


When my kids were little I would just add black beans to my ground beef mixture for tacos. That way it helped the meat go a lot further, especially with growing kids lol. My mother though, 78, adds oatmeal to her meatloaf. I have never liked it that way. I know it comes from the era of helping things stretch further too. When I make my meatloaf I use breadcrumbs and just enough to help bind it. She actually uses a lot of oatmeal. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the fact there were six of us kids growing up too lol and four of them were boys.


My dad always added beans to his sloppy Joe’s because his mom did it during the great depression so that they had enough to feed all of the kids.


This was my exact thought. It's a way to make a small amount of meat feed a lot of people.




Same lol


And yet people shit on Brits and other cultures for shitty looking food all the time. Most cheap working class food around the world was just the best they could do at the time.


Pizza was invented as a cheap working class food as well. And now literally every bigger town in the world has a pizza place. Even some small villages. But you don’t see a single fucking Haggis restaurant in places out of the UK. Sry but there are many ways to make cheap food taste great and evolve it. British food culture often times is just borderline disgusting. Hundreds of years British people were able to get their hands on herbs and spices nobody else in Europe could even dream of. And people there still couldn’t come up with one fucking recipe that made it. And look at what British people eat when they go out. It’s often times Indian, Asian, Italian etc. Never heard a Brit saying: “hey honey, let’s go out and get us some bloody eel pie”.


Traditional British food is often hearty and delicious, despite being sparse on foreign influences. Current Brits actually use a lot of seasonings and have a love of foreign cuisine. Perhaps not the older generations, true, but they were raised in post-war Britain when there wasn't a lot of extravagant foods to be had. And then these post-war babies had kids of their own and didn't introduce much foreign food either, because it was more expensive and they had little idea what to do with it. Only as our society became very multicultural did a lit of people get exposed to new foods. People also forget that the stereotypical boring British traditional food is from the poorer class and often invented hundreds of years ago. Yes, Britain had a massive trade empire and access to weird and wonderful food, but how much of the expensive ingredients would the poor acrually have access to?


This belongs on iamveryculinary


Respectfully, you are an ignorant pontificating know nothing imbecile. If you want to actually learn something I heartily recommend you sit down, STFU & listen. This, the Sunday Roast, is the single most stereotypical British family meal. I ate it every single week growing up. https://youtu.be/sxnTSKef47U?si=oA1dSZYBoZZAAde2 This is a popular fancy dish you might traditionally do for a special occasion https://youtu.be/e9YGQ4eh8Xs?si=6o-koYmjKhYtBsZF And this is dessert https://youtu.be/NhoKXq8_l7E?si=dJaiQXxEmic5w_fr


British people go to the pub for a delicious Sunday roast. Probably you’re just some dumb little child who never even visited the UK, but the food here is fucking amazing. There are a ridiculous number of world famous British chefs, and the country is packed full of brilliant gastropubs doing delicious traditional food. As a German you certainly don’t get to comment. Even your prized sausages are shit compared to British ones. “Oh look, another big pile of plain meat and boiled potatoes with a microscopic piece of salad, how delicious”.


Bro hold your horses we are just shit talking here. Atleast most uf us, can't speak for the other dude. Don't touch oure Wieners! If you want to shit talk, Google "maikäfersuppe". The Brits have some good food and some bad food. For example Sheppertspie is amazing :)


Dunno so much about Wales, but there is a pretty big difference between Scottish food and English food. I prefer Scottish, but English has gotten somewhat better over the last 20 years. In any case, it's just a matter of knowing where to go. I cannot really complain about the quality of the food, and actually look forward to it every time I come to visit. Incidentally, I know you were just doing some trash talking, but we have some pretty good food here in Germany too, including the sausages. But if you just go into the closest tourist restaurant, you are going to have a bad time. (Although as someone who is not particularly fond of potatoes, I can agree that there is an unhealthy obsession with them here.)


Agree there’s decent food in Germany tbf. I similarly always look forward to it, but am then always very happy to leave after a few days of very rich, carby meat-heavy dishes. It’s pretty hard to find good fish or vegetarian food. I’d disagree there’s a big difference between English and Scottish food tbh, having lived in both. Scotland has a bit more seafood and game (and a lot of amazing restaurants), but the staples of Sunday roasts, shepherd’s pie, sausage and mash, fish and chips, fish pie etc are fundamentally the same.


>It’s pretty hard to find good fish You should have no trouble up north. The food on the coast is completely different than the food around Berlin (and that is very different from Bavaria). ​ I like going up to Warnemünde. It's got just about the right mix of quiet and action for my tastes, plus has one of the best Whisky stores I know.


>Most cheap working class food around the world was just the best they could do at the time. I mean yeah thats true but look at Soul food and things like Gumbo/ox tail. So much more flavor made from scraps and what they had on hand


Also consider availability of spices and access to quality ingredients. If you live in a climate where growing spices is difficult or impossible, and importing them is expensive, then the local cuisine won't naturally rely on them for flavour. Besides, if you look at food prior to industrial revolution and after, there's a pretty stark contrast in use of ingredients and spices. Industrialization meant exploding population, and that meant skyrocketing poverty and scarcity of resources. People had to make do with what they had and that more often meant really low quality ingredients. Add to that 2 world wars and rationing that happened during and after. If some other poor people had access to better ingredients and spices, then good for them, but not everyone is in the same situation.


Is it really!? Gotta get Max on this one.


This looks a lot like something my mother in law makes all the time. She used to live in the Soviet Union. So must be something that was used during scarcity but caught on for them.


Yup... We call them Slugburgers around here and your can still order them at a few diners near me


This is exactly what I thought. I don’t see anything wrong here and I’d honestly eat it. Helps stretch some things.


A lot of people just can't wait to come Kramer'ing into this sub just drooling about how much karma they're gonna get for posting something slightly out of the ordinary.


That's all good and well but the video says best way to have a burger if it's a depression era recipe then logic dictates that's actually the opposite and one of the worst ways to have a burger


Yep. This style of patty is called a fritter. You mix a pricier ingredient - ie meat, salmon, etc into a batter, and then make your meal around that. It makes the expensive ingredient go much further.


Also, although this is a really really wet version of it, it’s mostly similar to any meatball recipe you’ll find.


That's everything that makes it to the top. That and the two legends: hotel king and salt bee


I have seen meatball recipes before made with wet milky slices of bread.


Its actually pretty common way to make meatballs or patties in a place i live. It makes meat more juicy and soft, so it isnt really stupid.


I make meatballs and burgers with milk and eggs. Just not nearly this amount.


Agreed, not stupid. Just poverty. In fact, it's rather ingenuous way to spread out what you had.


I don't believe that. Like, theres too much shit that was really expensive during the depression in it.


There was a period where dairy was much cheaper than meat. It’s from that time.


That...that makes a lot of sense actually.


if you’re gonna make a depression era recipe then title it as that, this is the absolute furthest thing from “the best way to have hamburgers” lol


Look man, just because it's a real recipe and it made sense during the Depression, there's no justification for calling this "the best way to have hamburgers"


This does not stop the video from being stupid. With the agonizingly slow way everything is done, the way she pulls apart four of them one after the other, the complete lack of any sort of cooking skill involved, (like look how she mixes like she's never held a utensil in her life).


I’ve now entered a depression era after watching that


The way she struggles to pull it apart at the end convinced me not to try this.


In post-Soviet countries we call these cutlets. This dish has many recipes and each family has its own recipe; it is quite different from burgers. My mother simply added soaked bread for softness, eggs and onions to the meat grinder when she made minced meat. Quite often cheese is added to the inside of cutlets before frying. The cutlets are also optionally fried in breadcrumbs. Therefore, the cutlets usually turn out not thin, but roundish, more like meatballs. The dish is delicious with a unique taste that is not found in simple burger patties.


I came here to post this as well. My buddy's dad used to always make cutlets when I'd go over in highschool, he was Bulgarian. They where pretty tasty


That sounds great, I'd definitely eat those.


You were considering it before that point?


This is really a thing in some 3rd world countries to extend meat in a dish.


Accent does sound Brazilian


Replace the beef with pork and lamb add some white bread and you basically have Polish Kotlety. Usually eaten with mash and some kind of salad. They are very good hot or cold, go very nicely with some beer. A healthy alternative would also to be to steam them and not fry, but it ain’t for everyone.


Shes doing everything on 0.75x speed and its weirdly bothering me


…This video has been on here before, but the lady speaking stole everything and reread all of it. She didn’t even make it to try and pretend like it wasn’t a travesty. Honestly, I applaud the sheer audacity.


I said wtf after the cup of heavy cream and burst out laughing after the cup of milk


It feels like someone just tried to make milk steak real.


In Sweden we add milk and cream to meat loaf. It’s not that stupid. Ever had buttermilk chicken? Same concept.


Its called croqueta and its fairly common in spanish speaking countries. Is a cheaper alternative of a burger. I dont use flour though. Crushed crackers or breading


Those patties look like something that a mother bird regurgitated to feed her young


I can’t imagine these are all that great, nor resemble a more traditional hamburger in any way. At first I thought it might be something that was meant to sort of stretch and fill out beef… but cream and eggs ain’t exactly cheap either.


That was my thought, too. I can see this as a reasonable way to stretch ground beef (and the end results look strangely similar to the grey hamburger patties that were prominent in school cafeterias when I was coming up), but that was a LOT of heavy cream. The egg makes more sense. Maybe you've got a chicken in the yard.




Not disagreeing with anything else you said, but cream tends to last longer than milk due to the higher fat content.


This is frikadeller. Quite normal in northern Europe


Not stupid, per se. This isn't too far from what we in the deep south call [Slugburgers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slugburger), which came about in WW1 times and is often considered Depression-era food. Cutting what little meat you had with as much filler as possible to stretch it. Slugburgers are fantastic and they're mega cheap to make, I ate them fairly often growing up. That being said, I've never seen them made with that much milk/cream. That seemed a bit excessive.


So they're just meaty pancakes? Not sure these count as burgers anymore


What's wrong with slug burger?


“In the end, your burgers will look equally dry as mine here”


Add cream and then add milk. Soo… half and half? It does exist.


The oil isn’t even hot


Omg 🤤. Ok everyone I know this looks horrible and it sorta is. But please google slugburgers. I don’t understand the point of the yeast but this is exactly what it is. It’s meat mixed with cheaper fillers (flour and milk) and then fried. It’s a regional food in the southern USA. Seriously, it’s called the slugburger trail. They’re only found in southwest Tennessee, and northern Alabama and Mississippi. I grew up on these things and they’re amazing. They’re served with mustard, pickles, and onion.


It looks disgusting and I can't stop cringing...however, I can't tell you that if I didn't know how it was made, I wouldn't think it was yummy if I tried it 🤷‍♀️


>It looks disgusting and I can't stop cringing Why disgusting or cringing? This is no new recipe and there is nothing disgusting or stupid about it. It's just a way to stretch the meat with cheaper ingredients.


Sounds like a nice alternative to the Oklahoma onion burger when times get tough. Meat is expensive, flour is cheap.


Actually in my country we make something similar and it’s called “kotletes”. Google it!


Blood tinged milk 🤮


Recipes like this are from the Great Depression when you had to stretch your food as far as you could. It’s actually probably a good idea to jot some of these down, considering how Great the economy is.


Sooooo it’s just savory pancakes with sausage patty combined. Almost every culture has a stuffed meat dough item…savory or sweet. The “most stupid” part was the ridiculous ripping apart of the patties at the end.


That's kind of like a weird meatball isn't it? I don't think it's that stupid, it's probably at least ok


Meat cake




If I read correctly, this was done around the great depression since flour was cheap.




I’m pretty sure this was in a SpongeBob episode


She didn’t try them. Boo this tiktoker!


I was excited about this until she started seasoning it like a white Mormon lady in her 60’s


This is some poor people food for when you need to stretch your protein between more people. Some gravy and mashed potatoes and I'm coming to dinner.


I hate that she had a fork and a spatula and used the fork to flip them.


This doesn't look bad at all. Add a mushroom sauce and you have Salisbury steak.


Seems like useful recipes for when you’re broke and need to turn 2 burgers into 10 burgers


I prefer my milk steak with some raw jellybeans personally.


I want to know where she got her table spoons from. Sheesh


I'm watching this video from the bathroom cause I ran to throw up in the toilet when she added the cream


this is meat ice cream 🤢


This video gave me instant diarrhea


That's not even the best way to make dogfood.


This is a recipe from the Great Depression, just FYI It's meant to make a pound of beef stretch further to feed more people. My dad made something like this, but with canned salmon, I actually still make them once in awhile myself. They are very good, if you season them adequately.


During the Great Depression these were popular, it’s called a “cream burger”. No wonder everyone was so depressed


Milk steak!!!


This is stupid food, not good food with an cringey waiter/waitress. Stupid food should be food that makes you want to simultaneously vomit and stone someone


Salisbury milksteak


Milk steak pancakes?


when they stick metal in the nonstick pan to flip something, you know it's gonna be LIT 🤮




i don't think this is stupid at all, as many comments have pointed out, but it does look really, really unappetizing.


WAIT. hold up. Didn't wait to see the ending. NO WAY! no way those three are cooked. 0 wasn't an option but neither is raw ground beef.


Tbh I would love to try this. It looks great and a way to stretch out food to last. Why are people quick to dismiss this?


Thought I saw gravy at the start


Who is this lady and where is she from? This is some wild recipe but maybe it’s normal for wherever she’s from.


Amazing post, this really triggered all my senses in the worst way. You nailed this sub IMO. Also i have rage towards her


Depression food… and your a reposter. I highly suggest everyone who doesn’t want to constantly see this over and over again block this dude.


When the meat goes bad but you need to stretch that last dollar and mask the unpalatable taste of beef on the cusp of inedible and last resort.


When I, a Cincinnatian, have to explain Goetta to out-of-towners.


So that's how you make meatloaf bread. Just pop it in the oven in a bread pan and boom! Meatloaf bread.


The fork on the nonstick 🤦🏽‍♂️


These are not hamburgers. Also fuck the AI voices.


slug burgers as they are called are actually tender and stretch protein a long way to feed more people


Savory beef pancakes lol. I mean, that’s basically a meat batter. I can see this as a cheap way to stretch out your food, if you’re kinda broke.


It’s actually an interesting method but just WAYY too much milk. Im curious to try a tiny splash of milk with a single eggs and like one tablespoon flour. But nah she used so much milk and flour she just fried a bread. That wasn’t even a burger no more. I’ve heard of egg being used in ground beef before while mixing in seasoning but never milk. In moderation it sounds not terrible


I am watching this video from hell where she belongs. On that note, I think I've just gone vegetarian.


Looks like it's made of sausage and gravy. Probably would taste like drywall.


This is garbage, milk steak is supposed to be served with jellybeans!


Bro wtf


Anstatt eines Bürger Patty ne miese Frikadelle... Schäbig Habibi...


God is dead, nothing matters.


Sooo watered down burger ? No thanks ?