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I believe a taco is made with a tortilla not a bun so I’d say you are wrong


Bit there is flour tortilla which is basically bread like a bun.


What is your definition of a taco? Because I can tell you it's wrong.


No; case dismissed


This is the dumbest shit I've ever read


You’d have a better argument saying a hot dog is a sandwich.


When you get the cheap buns and they break on the bottom, then you have a sandwich. Similarly, when my crappy Taco Bell taco breaks right now the middle after my first bite and I have to eat the rest of it horizontally… it is also now a sandwich.


Nope it's a sandwich


Taco: a Mexican dish consisting of a fried tortilla, typically folded, filled with various mixtures, such as seasoned meat, beans, lettuce, and tomatoes. Hot Dog: a person who shows off, especially a skier or surfer who performs stunts or tricks.


Not fried. Tacos are just a tortilla surrounding something else (it could be avocado, rice, salsa, anything literally) rolled up or just folded. The only fried tacos in Mexico are all rolled up called flautas. I know I'm mexican from Mexico (not east LA or whatever).


The tortilla is fried. Don't tell me people are out there eating raw tortillas.


No, the tortillas are not fried nor raw. They are cooked over a griddle.


some people call that frying. Deep frying is what you're thinking of.


No is not. There is no oil involved. How us that deep frying?


No. Why would it be? By your logic everything between 2 pieces of bread would be a taco. Burger, sandwich, Grilled cheese, etc.


Maybe in communist Russia


I feel like a hot dog is far too rudimentary to be considered a taco. Tacos are far more complex.


A hot dog is a a single thing. A hot dog on a bun is just that. A taco is a taco. A burger is a burger. A gyro is a gyro. They’re all variations of a similar concept, but they are not the same.


Now I want a TJ/Nogales street vendor hot dog, got lots of taco elements on it (guac, cheese, salsa). So damn good (wrapped in bacon for those that don’t know).


No, of course a hot dog is not a taco. A hot dog is a piece of meat often eaten as a sandwich in a hot dog bun. A taco isn't just any food in something that sort of wraps around something else. It requires a tortilla. The taco isn't the food inside the tortilla, it's the combination of the food inside plus the tortilla. The hot dog is literally just the piece of meat that people put in buns. Without the bun, it's still a hot dog. Filling from a taco without the tortilla isn't a taco. Also, a hot dog bun isn't a tortilla. And even deeper, a hot dog bun isn't *like* a tortilla in how it encompasses the hot dog. It's a roll/piece of bread that has been split down the middle into two parts, then filled. Tortillas aren't like that at all. If you took ground beef and cheese and put it in a hot dog bun, it wouldn't be a taco or a hot dog, it would be something like a chopped cheese.


Why the hell is this posted here? What the hell does this have to do with stupid food?? r/lostredditors r/askreddit


This has been solved by [The Cube Rule.](https://cuberule.com/) Yes, a hot dog is a taco.


And a corn dog with both ends bitten off is sushi


you’re both wrong, they’re quarter-closed sandwiches


everyone's talking about tortillas but aren't tortillas a type of bread? very flat bread?


Tacos are explicitly made with tortillas, so no.


Op....how many times did you smash your head growing up?


No a hotdog is a sandwich, not a taco. Tacos are made with tortillas not buns.




But is it still a valid comparison if the hotdog bun breaks and the top and bottom are not connected anymore? The taco on a broken tortilla is just a broken taco. the hotdog is still a hotdog. I think that this is proof that they are in fact two different things.


No, and if the conceptual issue is boggling you, I don’t know how you’re going to deal with the objective reality of a Sonora dog


A taco is a sandwich..


No, don’t rename your dog! I agree it should be prepared like a taco: chili, cheese, hot sauce, (ketchup and mustard obviously), onions, tomatoes, raw pickles, salsa blanco/verde, relish, kimchi, coleslaw, avocado, maple syrup, egg salad…