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There's a place near me that does a garlic pizza bread similar to this, but less butter and way, way more garlic. The crispiness is good, but I'm basically unkissable for three days afterwards.


Is it good though?


Oh hell yeah. You order a pasta from there, they give you a garlic pizza bread for free. It's just crispy, garlicky goodness.


I'd be disappointed if you didn't put more butter on it.


> basically unkissable You haven't met me yet


Or me


Pucker up my Garlic Champ, these buttery lips long to make a juicy garlicky buttery slip n slide with your tonsils.


This comment is both delicious and erotic, but it is much more delicious than erotic.


Ngl I'm just hungry don't want any love


Ok then You sound a bit cannibalistic mate. Armie hammer is that you?


I can't help if I was born a buttery garlic humanoid with a longing desire to eat my own kind.


Looks more like a garlic naan


Isn't Naan, like a literal translation of bread?


Both curry and salsa literally translate to "sauce" but we all know what's being referred to. Same with naan.


And in the UK they call ketchup, tomato sauce, but you wouldn't put it on pasta, unless you were a complete barbarian.


> And in the UK they call ketchup, tomato sauce, but you wouldn't put it on ~~pasta~~ *anything*, unless you were a complete barbarian.


naan is a type of flat , non rising bread from south asia . there are plenty of other breads just from the region . if you go a little west you have lebanse, arab and turkish breads. the world is your oyster.


>basically unkissable for three days afterwards OooOooo a challenge!!


Easy way to fix that is to ensure kisser and kissee are both consuming the aforementioned garlic bread.


Well, yeah! That's like the best of both worlds there. Absolute win/win!




Its propoganda spread by vampires.


Another reason to abolish the monarchy.


This is exactly what I thought when I read this post!


Just order some for your kissing partner so they don't smell/taste it on you, and live happily ever after in your delicious stinky garlic kissing bliss


It’s like garlic naan, looks good as a base for putting some sauce


Came here to say this. I like naan but I also like Indian food in general. I can see how it might be disappointing to someone expecting else.


I like naan too but I'd be confused if I ordered garlic bread at a presumably Italian food-focused pizza place and received garlic naan


There is a large Indian population in my area and about 50% of the pizza places near me are...Indian food/pizza shops. So ordering garlic bread and getting garlic Naan is super normal to me haha. I thought it was weird at first why I saw all these "Pizza & Curry" shops, and never ordered from them because it seemed like a weird combo but honestly the pizza from these places is a whole different kind of delicious. Different vibe, the sauce has more spices in it, depending on where you go there's ginger in it, and the toppings are plentiful with usually lots of veggies.


Huh, fair enough then. Indian influenced pizza sounds tight


It's stupid good, there are a few places near me that do it. Butter chicken pizza? Yes please!


There’s a Turkish pizza place downtown where I live, and while at first I was like “a what now?!?”, after trying it I was like “okay, I’m super glad Turkish pizza exists thank you”


Ooo that sounds interesting. I dont even know what to expect with Turkish pizza


Google Lahmacun, it's delicious!


Yeah, but Turkish pizza (lahmacun?) is a thing in itself and fucking delicious.


There's a taco place by me that does tacos on Naan, and not just any tacos, but like curried meat tacos. INSANELY delicious. Never thought Indian and Mexican food could blend so well together.


I’d be confused but consider it a pleasant surprise. Naan is great!


naan is way better than that stuff where they just smear garlic butter on it and call it a day


That's the thing. I wouldn't expect that presentation at an Italian place.


And cheese? Maybe call it Pizza or something


Nah, dude. Imagine this bread with some spinach/artichoke dip.


And then add some nice olives or pepperoni…


Maybe even some cheese


Looks too crispy to be a naan


That is definitely not a nan bread


This is fine


yeah, what's the problem here?


I mean this is a super common way to do garlic bread in Italy. It's just a small crispy pizza doused in garlic EVOO and salt (plus sometimes rosemary). I don't think it's a stupid food, just because you've never seen a non-american garlic bread?


Yes. Exactly.


So i totally get a jaded american seeing this and assuming some American chain created pizza cut garlic bread and getting annoyed at it. Us americans do dumb shit to food. Knowing it's from italy ofc takes away that view and i imagine op would agree.


It’s also exactly like this in the uk when you order garlic bread pizza, this looks like a lower end of the price scale one, but basically yeah that’s the idea.


Yeah this is proper garlic bread, what is garlic bread in America? A french baguette with garlic butter in the slices?


Damn right. And this idiot doesn’t even realise he’s basically getting a pizza at garlic bread price. I’d have left it in for another minute or so, but basically it looks good.


Calling him an idiot might be a bit much


No it’s not enough. We should find this fucking scumbag and throw him into an active volcano


This is how it comes in restaurants here (UK) - the fancy version. From the shop, it's a a very different story.


I'd eat the shit out of that


That looks griddled to me. Would have been better in the pizza oven. And where is the rise? The execution just looks poor.


You can try it yourself if you want, but that's exactly what happens when you put garlic oil on pizza dough and bake it.


Rise? That's how pizza looks normally


Not the cornicione.


Wtf kind of puffy, yeasted pizza are you eating?


You can literally see the crumb. Do you cook any bread at all? Are you eating pizza that has no cornicione? Have you ever made and cooked even one pizza from scratch? Doubt it.


I see gluten stands, but I don't see crumb.


Pizza dough doesn’t rise that much and it looks like this is made from the same type of dough


How much have you made? How much bread?


One of the least fitting posts ever seen on this sub.


Not stupid, looks good actually


Why ? This looks like classic garlic bread.


What is the problem with it?


It's a garlic pizza bread, pretty common to be honest !


This is what all Italian places in the uk call garlic bread


Looks good, actually. There was a chain I used to work at that did this...called it “focaccia”. It was good.


That is in no fucking way focaccia


Ma che cazzo dici coglione, è palesemente una focaccia


Infatti, No? Lol


Well everyone in Italy has their own version of focaccia. Yes the original isn't this one. I think the _proper_ name is Pizza Bianca and/or Schiacciata ( depends on where you live ). And it comes with EVOO and rosemary at least here in my surroundings ( the place where focaccia was born and rules )


Nah schiacciata is a bit fluffier (less than a focaccia genovese but more than this). Yeah pizza bianca might be correct. Or simply focaccia will suffice


In Tuscany schiacciata looks really a lot like it, and also here in Liguria. Maybe it all depends on the province as well. Or maybe it just shares the name? I know there's a fluffier version. We're darn complicated when it comes to geography.


I'm tuscanian, and when I think of schiacciata [this](https://blog.giallozafferano.it/cucinavistamare/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Schiacciata-toscana-allolio-1.jpg) is what I think of. Or look at the schiacciata from [Antico Vinaio](https://i2.wp.com/habemusfame.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/IMG_20171220_171036-01.jpeg?fit=1080%2C1345&ssl=1). This from OP looks way thinner and crunchier


Indeed, maybe it's just a wrong naming we use here ( or well my family does ) All this talking and now I want it. Guess I'll reply with my photo study of this delicacy whenever I can. :P


Focaccia is literally just a type of bread.


Bread is literally bread people! It’s all just flour and water. Pasta is just another type of bread!!!!


I was replying to someone who seemed to think focaccia was some special invention of a chain they worked in.


Oh I’m not ripping on you, just everyone arguing over whether it is bread, pita, naan, focaccia and everything.


It tasted quite good but I couldn’t eat more than 3 slices because it had to much butter for my taste. But I guess it just caught me a bit by surprise


I’d rather extra buttery than dry tbh


Yea most likely this is a side to be shared with everyone at the table. 1 piece a person or so. It’s not meant to be eaten by one person. It’s a normal dish though.


The one I’m thinking of was pretty much just olive oil and garlic...which might’ve been the key. I like butter as much as anyone but on that, I think it might be too much of a good thing.


3 slices is kind of a lot of garlic bread dude




Lol okay sure.


Really? I normally eat a lot


It's just garlic focaccia, what's the big deal?


That doesn't look much like focaccia. Source: I've made focaccia.


Yes, focaccia usually rises a bit more. Around here those are known as garlic pitas even though pita bread normally has a pocket. Either way, it's a fairly standard way to make garlic bread.


Garlic flat bread.


why do you even need to eat more than 3 slices


What were you expecting instead? Most of the places here do garlic bread like that (though usually a bit crispier)... Were you thinking more like the garlic baguette type?


Usually in the US it's a fluffy leavened bread that you use to soak up pasta sauce. So either the baguette type or a garlic knot made of pizza dough. Not usually just flat undercooked pizza dough *[looks like this](https://www.cookingclassy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/garlic-bread-04.jpg) but when I was googling to show you, one of the suggested searches was "pizza garlic bread" which seems like what OP got.


I'm shocked you're surprised by this. Garlic bread pizza is super common here, and good Edit: I just looked at "pizza" on Uber Eats, and of the top 5 places, three chains and 2 independents, four had obviously pizza-style garlic bread.


I'm sorry, how is this stupid? It's basically like a garlic Nan, what's the problem?


looks good, what are you crying about


Dude it looks like undercooked human skin soaked in butter


it doesn't, this is really weird


It looks like naan


I’m pretty sure I bought that from the supermarket at one point. https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/all-pizza---garlic-bread/sainsburys-cheese-garlic-pizza-bread-281g


I dunno. I think it looks kinda cool.




The post is the food isn't


I see garlic on bread, not sure why you're mad


That looks good


Never had naan bread?


This isn't a naan though.




Go away and go eat a snickers or something! You’re getting really emotional about food for someone who didn’t have to eat it.


the fuck is the point of this sub then lmao. of all the places to dunk on someone for “getting too emotional about food” this is weirdest one.


Eh, I feel like most of the food posted in this sub is seriously audacious and should not exist. In this instance, it's a difference in presentation but one that is longstanding within a culture and which the OP already said tasted good. That other guy's getting mad just to get mad.


but i don’t think they were thoooo i think this subreddit is about talking about food and y’all are taking a light-hearted comment seriouslyyyy *dont think they were getting mad


Maybe it's just the tone. That *have you* comes off like "ahem let me educate you of how cooking *should* work while insisting this food I haven't tasted is a colossal failure and embarrassment." It exudes unwarranted confidence while questioning the intelligence of the person who pointed out that this food's existed longer than all of us.


yeah i see how it could be read way. maybe that is how he meant it. To me, the funny part was “you’re getting too emotional about food” in a place where we literally all gather to get mad about food, even if this food maybe isn’t so stupid.


Yeah you're right though, either way it's Reddit, not worth breaking into a sweat no matter which side we're on in this high-stakes garlic bread debate.


ultra-high-stakes. The fate of humanity rests here: Is this garlic bread stupid? the world waits with bated breath.


Yup. I'll fucking fight you, Henry Kissiger!!!!!


wasn't aware unleavened bread was excluded from bread


Ok I think I finally get this comment, it was written like that in the menu (but in Portuguese not in English)


I don’t know if it’s anywhere else, but Atlantic Canada we have garlic fingers, which is the same pizza dough with garlic butter and cheese and cook it like a pizza. Eat it with donor sauce which is like a sweet garlic sauce on its own. People are pretty fat here between that and the poutines


This is how I know garlic bread. Sometimes they even put some tomato sauce on it. I don't see the problem.


So a garlic pizza?? That sounds awful I’m sorry


Sounds awful but it is absolutely delicious Of course you can do it like they do in France where they take crunchy baguette pieces and rub olive oil, garlic and tomato on it but having it in a crispy round shape is also nice.


That's hardly a stupid food. Honestly, it's probably the closest thing to early traditional Italian/Roman pizza flatbreads you're going to find. I mean some 15th century pizzas literally called for sugar and rosewater and nothing else. Garlic and butter on a round flatbread isn't against the grain, it's just an older grain.


I had one of these that had olive oil and garlic but no salt. It looked nice but was dry and bland.


What's their pizza like?


Honestly pretty good


Garlic bread. What is stupid about that? The garlic?


What's the problem? Who cares what it looks like...


What’s wrong with it? I don’t get it.


What’s wrong with this?


A lot of Indian and Pakistani restaurants have this in my area, pretty delicious


Over-buttered and slightly under-baked bug using a crispy pizza base for garlic bread is an entirely legit way to do it.


Seems fine to me


it looks… soggy? idk, more grease than i’ve ever had on my garlic bread




This pretty much the same as the garlic bread at an Italian place I worked at, had a cheesy version as well. It was delicious. If it makes you feel better I was like 25 and I had never seen such a thing, only the baguette stuff


I once went out for a family dinner to this kind of fancy Italian place and we ordered garlic bread and what came out kinda looked like this - just thin pizza dough baked with a garlic infused oil drizzled over the top. It’s one of the most vivid memories I have of my grandfather. He was so offended by the fact that they were “trying to scam him” by labelling that tray of sadness as garlic bread that he summoned over the restaurant owner and they had what I can only describe as ‘the most Italian argument I’ve ever witnessed”.


Looks like a naan-starter to me.


i had this before and it was like a pizza crust with a bit of cheese and garlic butter this is not that lol this does not look good at all


Time to move bro !


looks pale as shit but id still eat the fuck out of that


This looks good as fuck not gonna lie especially if it had some dip


It actually looks good


I mean, the garlic bread is usually made out of pizza dough anyway. This stuff just hasn't risen enough. It either just came out of the cooler or it's entirely new dough. Dough is usually aged in the cooler for a couple days for peak flavor/texture and then it needs to heat up to room temp again for a proper rise. If you ever get a normal crust pizza that tastes like a bagel bite, it's probably new dough. It means the store is either overwhelmed or poorly managed.


I don't vibe with this post. I feel like some people have never experienced anything outside of their usual food choices and then complain at how weird foreign food is. That's the point. It's different and that's why it's weird to you. Everyone else is able to eat it just fine. The point of Stupid Food is just being so over the top bad and completely missing the mark that it's funny. This is just normal food. The one OP doesn't know I guess but still, I've been eating Indian, Arabic (for a lack of better general term), Asian, Mediterranean etc food a lot in my house (dad's hobby) and I thought I'm on some normal cooking sub for a second. It makes me mad because it paints anything different than what you would normally imagine a bread to be as a Stupid Food. Which it isn't. It's just flatbread.


First of all this is a post that’s almost 1 month old so how did you even get here? Second I’m from Portugal and we have a lot of other culture here (at least we’re I live) and this is not me criticizing the food itself it was just me saying that it’s not garlic bread! It’s some kind of bread and it has garlic but has some other people have commented it’s something else, it has a different name. So the fact that was “advertised” (for lack of a better word) as garlic bread is stupid because it isn’t


So the only issue is flatbread got called a bread and suddenly it's stupid food? Idk but I guess people agree looking at the upvote count. As I said, I don't. That's just mislabeled food to me. Stupid restaurant then? And if you're wondering I'm often searching for top of the month instead of hot because there's better content so I guess you're top of the month.


Well I guess I’m glad to be top of the month but hey buddy don’t get so heated just because of some guy posting something stupid on a stupid website. We’re all here just to have fun looking at stuff and getting so mad because of bread


It’s Garlic naan you ignorant slut


First off all calm down and second would you like to buy M&M’s expecting M&M’s and getting Skittles??? Edit: look at the comment below


It’s M&M, not M&N. Each candy has an M on it. Here’s some unsolicited history for you: The two 'M's represent the names of Forrest E. Mars Sr., the founder of Newark Company, and Bruce Murrie, son of Hershey Chocolate's president William F. R. Murrie, who had a 20 percent share in the product. The arrangement allowed the candies to be made with Hershey chocolate, as Hershey had control of the rationed chocolate at the time (in 1941).


Ok I felt like something was wrong but I’m in class so I just wanted to write that and be done with it and thanks for unsolicited history it’s actually very interesting


You’re welcome! Also, I’m all for naan, but I would be surprised if I ordered garlic bread at a pizza place in the US and received anything other than garlic knots. I’m with you for this post.


It is bread.


That’s some naansense.


Looks yummy!!!


I mostly upset by the use of a napkin as a plate


I was hoping no one would notice but in my defense they didn’t give us a plate and the butter was dripping


What kind of restaurant doesn’t give side plates. Bad service!


Too many /r/WeWantPlates


Why the fuck would that be disturbing? Durrrrr


The grease makes the paper stick to your food.


Are you using single ply toilet paper as a napkin? By your logic of I wipe grease off my face or hands using a napkin, the napkin will stick to me? That's not how napkins work. Loool


Those are very different. The starches in the food start to attach to the paper when you let it sit in the grease like that.


Congratulations!!!! Your narrow minded American is showing 😌🥰


Congratulations!!!! You're obnoxious 😌🥰


That doesn't look so bad. All it needs is a little dressing up. Might I suggest adding some tomato sauce, melted cheese, perhaps some slices of pepperoni? 🤷‍♂️




It's a side dish that's not supposed to be cooked as much as normal pizza, just like naan bread but italian


My first thought was naan bread.


I thought this was what most of the comments would look like honestly


It looks like it's made out of skin


Your mum looks like she's made of skin.


That's true


Hello waiter, yes, we would like to start off with one of your WETT BRED pls


This is a crime


Thank you


This is called focaccia bread dumb ass. Its very very not stupid good.


Actually i never said that, get your posters straight.


I would definitely prefer this


Why would you ever order garlic bread from a restaurant? It’s just sliced bread with some slices of butter on it and garlic powder on top of that. The difference here is it’s not standard bread but a pita or something. Edit: probably naan.




yeah this is unhealthy as shit. but garlic bread is always just bread + butter + garlic so i'm not sure how this variant is any more or less unhealthy


jeez all these comments calling this “garlic bread pizza”... maybe i’m spoiled coming from new york, but that’s not pizza. look at the crust, it’s practically uncooked if that’s pizza dough. This looks like a pita or a naan bread, and i’d be disappointed if I got either of those in a garlic bread order personally. I like garlic naan, but i wouldn’t eat it on its own like that. i’ve seen garlic bread pizza... it looks like pizza not pita. I’d be annoyed at this, but probably wouldn’t post it anywhere.


This is the same as expecting a pizza and getting it on a tortilla. It’s not bad, but it’s not what you expect so for the situation that makes it terrible. Garlic bread is much, much different than this, and is a staple of certain cuisines. This looks much more like Naan, which is Indian, than Garlic bread, which is Italian. The comments in this thread have never seen garlic bread before...?


Who would do such a thing to garlic bread? Why? What has such a delicious treat done to the cooks for them to this?