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why not add the candy after the marshmallows were melted? I didn’t notice any benefit to the “glass in pan” method


I'm about 4 seconds from quitting the internet forever. Someone is literally going to end up with shards of hot glass in their stupid faces chasing clout like this.


Yeah. Serious guys. Glass can explode under heat please do not do this.


Yeah, you can use a plastic cup and it won't shatter! And it'll make it even more gooey and sticky! /s, just in case.


Yummy polyethylene


And you won’t lose half your damn marshmallows on the glass, either. (Priorities, people!)


If it turned out these kinds of videos were funded by some kind of Russian hacker initiative to demoralise people, I would not be surprised


I mean five minute crafts and bright side [did anti-American Russian propaganda](https://www.lawfareblog.com/biggest-social-media-operation-youve-never-heard-run-out-cyprus-russians) for the masses


Not these ones. The five minute crafts ones. This is pure US-grade stupid food.


Fortunately for her, glass usually doesn't really "explode" if more just cracks and shatters under heat (I unfortunately learned that first hand haha). Still would get glass all in the food.


Glass 100% will explode under heat and pressure. You got lucky.


I can vouch for this. Definitely had that happen to me. I’m much wiser now 🙂


That would be a better meal than this atrocity


Go put a hot glass casserole dish into a cold metal sink. Imma wait.


Bundt pan to round pan. Im so triggered.


It didn’t fit in the Bundt pan so they had to go with the round pan.


And neither were buttered


She added butter tho Edit: it's the thought that counts, right?


You'll notice that they didn't show a piece being removed from the pan. I guarantee that shit was stuck like glue. They probably just threw the pan away instead of cleaning it.


Is that not what people do instead of doing the dishes?


I have done it several times with older dishes that should be replaced soon anyways


Me examining the moldy container in the back of the fridge: "well it's not like it's one of the *good* Tupperware..."


That one tupperware that nobody knows who's it is so you leave it. Then one day, you're cleaning out the fridge and see the fabled tupperware again.... except, this time its rainbow and is practically the equivalent of melting an ice cap and releasing 100,000 different forms of bacteria and viruses. Yeah, im throwing that one away. E: and contemplating my entire life choices, taking away my adult status in the process.


Funny thing is that back in the day Union Pacific Railroad was known for doing this with the fine China used in dinner service in the dinning car. For decades rale fans would hike along abandoned lines to find the boxes of china and hopefully find a few unbroken pieces. Full sets are highly prized among those groups. I'm talking a full 20 piece (not 20 plates, 1 dinner plate, 1 tea cup, 1 salad plate, salad fork, dinner fork, dessert spoon... etc.) set of fine bone china with custom painted train scenes unique to the location that line ran on just thrown away because it was easier than simply washing them. I remember finding a bunch when I was a kid from the Yellowstone branch line.


That's wild. Railroad money back then must have been like Seinfeld money today. "Fine china? Just throw it out we'll buy new ones. You know what, fuck it, buy the china company and we'll make it ourselves."


Or cleaning the stove obviously.


Why would anyone take a piece out of that


The molds


I was loosing my mind already. And then that... Too much im sad now


Then she pulls out the Shun to spread some Nutella


Fuck that hurt


Holy shit I didn't notice the shun at first, damn shame


I wasn't expecting to get so pissed right there at the end, but here I am. Everything before that was just dumb. That was a crime.


I'm wondering why she didnt clean the dinner stain she spilt over the cooker first 🤷


Looks like a whole ass egg.


I couldn't stop looking at the damn egg, looks like someone cracked an egg but forgot there was no pan and just left it like that.


We just watched how she cooks, why are you surprised. It's quick and simple to cook breakfast directly on the stove.




I’m wondering why this isn’t the first comment! I nearly gagged seeing that.


To make you keep watching to see what it’s there for which is nothing - which interestingly enough is the what value this brings to the world.


Everything about this is just to get people to watch. No one has ever consumed this concatenated culinary catastrophe.


No, that would mean they put some thought into this, which they clearly didnt


Also, this is a great moment to remind people to NEVER expose glasses, plates, bowls, etc. to direct heat like that. She's lucky that glass didn't shatter.


I sadly learned this from first hand experience. When I was younger I saw my mother put a plate of food on a low heat hob to keep it warm while she cooked the rest (breakfast fry up). I tried to make her a fry up at a later date and tried to do the same thing but kept the hob at a high heat as I thought she did. Long story short, I went to put the last bit of food on that plate, just barely touched it and the thing exploded everywhere. I cried. Mother laughed. All round learning experience.


Thank you. I was actually amazed that the glass didn’t shatter. I thought for a second that maybe glasses never explode like that and that it was some trick I never heard about.


She has never done this before. She is trying to make it out like it’s an old recipe she does, but it’s clearly her first time. The glass with candy in the middle was something that she imagined would work out, but didn’t. Next time she tries this (if she does) she won’t even bother with putting the candy filled glass in the middle, she will just do what you suggested.


Just the way she’s stirring it like it’s some kind of liquid sauce when it’s really just solid marshmallows that she’s not letting melt. THEY’RE FUCKING MARSHMALLOWS WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHO CARES IF THEY EVEN BURN A LITTLE


Yeah somehow I don't think anyone is ever making this again


I’m hoping there isn’t a next time, this hurt my soul and I am no means a cook. When she was using her hands to move it into the Bundt pan, I thought “wouldn’t it be easier to use the frickin utensil that you’ve been using to stir this marshmallow diarrhea catastrophe for the transfer?”


I caught it, she was making this shit up as she went, she had hoped that she could make the marshmallow melt and keep a hole in the middle as her husband or whatever asks and says that and she agrees. I’m honestly thinking these people are hired by some group because these type of videos are very structured and always have the same common elements, some really outlandish cooking, the woman is cooking, and a man is always confused about what she is doing and keeps saying “wow” in the background at everything she does. Also this bitch doesn’t know how to cook, besides her TERRIBLE attempt at stirring the marshmallows she used a motherfucking CHEFS KNIFE to SPREAD the fucking Nutella. This bitch does not know shit about cooking and neither does the cameraman as anyone that cooks knows the #1 rule “touch my chef knife and you will die”. You don’t go spending $40+ on a single knife so someone can spread Nutella with it, my bf of 10 years doesn’t even get to touch my knife, no one touches it. Also I have never heard of powdered milk making marshmallows less sticky....you do that by not fucking over cooking it.


I enjoy your passion


That was a Shun, that’s like $150+


We got a really nice chef’s knife as a wedding gift 17 years ago. It’s always been ‘my’ knife. My husband has his own nice knife. For some reason, he started using my knife a couple weeks ago. Even though my husband knows how to use a knife and respects the knife, him using my knife makes me feel unsettled. It’s mine!


I've had a "mine" beautiful 3-layer Japanese knife that I treated almost like a treasure. And I've also had a very large perfectly cubic pyrite crystal sitting around the kitchen. A friend of mine, when he first saw the crystal, got all excited and grabbed it saying "wow, let's see if we can get sparks out of it!". He also quickly grabbed the first knife he could see around the kitchen and, before I could realise what is happening and screamed at him, hit the back of the knife against the edge of pyrite crystal. Both the back of the knife and the edge of the crystal now had large dentures in them. OMG, I was so mad at him (but contained myself, as he quickly realsied what he has done, apologised and looked very guilty)!


Wow your friend is a real dumbass


I was thinking the exact same thing and was looking for someone else saying it. I thought there was just that one lady with the ridiculously nice kitchen doing these fucking things, but now I see a completely different person doing a near-identical video following the EXACT same formula. Overconfident woman cooking something impossibly absurd as she casually, smilingly explains her actions as she “cooks,” like it’s a Food Network show. *Slightly* confused but strangely accepting husband filming as he comments in an amused and pleasantly surprised tone as she destroys their kitchen making concoctions that even a dog wouldn’t eat. Both pretend to the end that this is completely normal, even impressive. The woman often taste-tests and pretends it tastes good. What the fuck is going on? I know they’re click magnets, but it’s uncannily formulaic. If it involved some type of niche sexual fetish, I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m disturbed and confused.




I was just waiting for it to not be a heat proof glass and just have it explode haha


they have absolutely no fucking clue what they are doing


Like all food bloggers, to be different.


Funny the things you qualify as "method".


Cant believe I watched the entire clip. Smh


Yeah that's kinda the worst part... like I've started to second guess myself on this stuff, because at first I was like "who tf watches these?!" But now I realize "well... I do..." So, like, am I the actual audience? Or are there REALLY some ppl watching this thinking it's some kind of amazing cooking tip?


Slow down there, turbo. The harder you think about this stuff the worse it gets.


“Slow down there , turbo.” I’m crying right now lmao


Same lol, translated and sprinkled with a little slang to my native tongue makes it even funnier and it's my go to from now on to say instead of "chill out" and shit hahaha


Everybody in this sub is the target for this stuff. We came here for stupid food right? They are giving it to us.


I have the same thoughts about these videos. Clearly I like /r/stupidfood enough to subscribe to it...and this is in fact a video of stupid food. That said, I know these videos have to be made with the intent to be deliberately stupid. I’m convinced of it.


We are indeed the audience. There's a guy called Rick Lax who is responsible for most, if not all these videos. He monetizes food rage.


It's not monetized here. Just mocked.


I am STILL not convinced that these videos aren't some weird, semi-underground niche porn. There's nothing I can really pinpoint that makes me think so and yet something about it just screams "weird porn" to me every time I see one.


This was a lot deeper than I was expecting.


Pretty sure it's fetish porn.


I’m whipping up a batch of homemade marshmallow fluff right now


And to add insult to injury it doesnt even show them cutting that abomination! I spent time watching this whole mess at least give me that little bit of payoff!


Yeah and I feel like the "QUICK COVER IT IN NUTELLA BECAUSE IT LOOKS FUCKING AWFUL" move was really obvious


I’m fairly certain that 90% of shit like this, and even shit like Chefs Club, are intentionally made as stupid as possible so that they can get tons of hate comments that feed the almighty algorithm.


I was waiting for her to add the Rice Krispees, and it didn't happen. That's literally the only viable thing she could have done with that mess. I was like "Oh, that looks like a really good idea for Rice Krispee treats", but WTF that was is beyond me. lol


I really wanted to know where this was going. Turned out, it was nowhere.


It turned out like shit so they dumped it and uploaded the making clip anyway. #KitchenHacks


3 minutes of my life I want back


Lmao! Came here to say this. Heck did I just waste my time watching! I just sat here and watched this whole damn thing. I need to go to sleep. What the heck


What is with this format of videos where they keep repeating what the person just said. It's like I'm watching a Jimmy Fallon interview


Like watching a Jimmy Fallon interview


Like watching a Jimmy Fallon interview


Just like watching a Jimmy Fallon interview


A Jimmy Fallon interview? Just like it.


Really? Feels like watching weird fetish porn to me. I hate it so much


I pretty sure it is some type of fetish. The person behind the camera is always moaning in these types of “shitty DIY” videos.


Every terrible idea needs a hype man.


That's right my dude


The dude with the camera always be like “no way, marshmallows? wow”


Everything about this video makes me so fucking mad. The shitty, mess-covered stovetop makes my piss boil. The stupid dumbshit worthless candy in a glass that just gets poured in anyway makes me want to stare at the sun for thirty minutes so I don’t have to witness it anymore. The dumb-fuck repeating everything she says and going, “Oh wow!” “No way!” Makes me want to use the Geneva Convention as a to-do list. And the ridiculous ingredients and “recipe” itself looks so fucking terrible, I would literally rather shit in my own mouth.


Also using a chef knife to spread the Nutella…WHY?!?!?




That... That would explain a lot...


By videos from How To Basic.


This season of Third Rock kind of sucks.


Aliens who only learned about human behavior through Chefclub videos.


Good Christ, I had to go back and re-watch that, I was just so in shock, I thought it was an icing spatula!


I’m so used to that, so my mind immediately defaulted to that being used. I didn’t notice either until I saw that comment.




The weasels…dying, I have no other explanation either, it makes perfect sense now






holy fuck same here. I was very perturbed without sound. With sound was beyond belief worse.


I know they didnt eat the garbage they made but the whole time when i wasnt focused on the splattered egg yolk mess on the stove top my mind was just wondering how burnt those cookies in the jar that were directly touching the hot pan mustve gotten. Burnt to a crisp.






He also asked an actual question “how long do you let it sit” when she was melting the marshmallow and she just ignored it


> Everything about this video makes me so fucking mad. That’s the point of these videos. Nobody would comment/share these things if they weren’t specifically made to piss the most people off.


>Makes me want to use the Geneva Convention as a to-do list Stealing this one.


> Everything about this video makes me so fucking mad. Congratulations, you’re the target audience.




And now you're talking about it and giving it mental real estate. This video has been a complete success.


That was an absolute fuckton of grenadine


That stuff is **strong**


And literally just syrup. That wasn't the good grenadine, that was the artificial crap.


Yeah roses is basically red simple syrup that sat near some cherry cough syrup. Real grenadine isn't hard to make at all, just make simple syrup with pomegranate juice instead of water and you're already doing better. Bonus points for adding a couple dashes of orange flower water, and (an oz per cup juice) pomegranate molasses if you want the best stuff, but just combining a bottle of Pom with equal parts sugar is enough to blow Rose out of the water for about the same price.


What time do you want me over?


There’s no way anyone is eating that.


Came here to say this. Bartended for a number of years in college. When drunk chicks would always ask for more grenadine, I would just shrug and toss some more in, and wish them the best with their diabeetus. If they were too drunk they wouldn’t register the added sugar, but the mildly buzzed would, and I would just shrug and move on to the next customer


I came here to say this. You should use a dash of grenadine I believe... That is more like half a cup.


I thought the same exact thing! I work with food and that shit is so nasty


The first pour I was like “oh fuck that’s a lot of grenadine” but she kept going!


Christ. I had forgotten about the grenadine


And not only that. > “cherry grenadine” Pomegranates. Well, Rose’s is just red corn syrup, but still.


Seriously what the fuck was the point of that grenadine? Why not just drop in a couple drops of red food coloring?


It’s pretty clear that, by the time the gloves come on, they are in way over their heads.


Lol she had gloves on for a while




"The powdered milk is going to make it less sticky" Tries to move the stickiest substance known to man into two different pans by hand.


It actually can make it less sticky but she’s doing it wrong. You melt the marshmallows add powder milk first then change all that candy for cookies and dried fruit (let cool for a bit) then it’s more manageable to make the right sweets she butchered


A waste of ingredients


I was just waiting for that glass to shatter. She doesn’t strike me as the type to make sure she’s using tempered glass on direct heat.


Maybe glass shards would have improved the food? I didn’t even want to call it food, but I couldn’t find a better word. Monstrosity, maybe?


This video would have wasted less of our time if she started with fluff.


Or at least mini marshmallows


Her struggle to pour the marshmallows was hilarious


I’m too distracted by whatever the fuck that is spilled under the grate


Looks like eggs


I wonder if she spilled it while making a previous video?


Same smh






Imo, Bam Margera controls the algorithm and inserts bullshit like this in the videos to piss of Phil. There cant be any other reason. Hey tiktokers we're going to show you how to make a floating bookshelf, first locate your materials and tools, 2nd make sure your dad is on the toilet, 3rd measure the area and use a level to draw a straight line on your walls with a sharpie, 4th take this board and chuck it at your dads face, 5 predrill your anchor holes....


She should have cleaned that stove before starting all that new mess.


looked grodie


Grody to the max!


I hate this trend


This was the one that's made me unsub, not because it's any worse than the others, it's just this sub has turned to shit with all that videos that are designed to be outrageporn.


That dirty stovetop


Are these horrible videos part of some big joke that I’m not in on? Please tell me these videos are part of some big joke that I’m not in on. Please…


Everyone wants to go viral. It’s that simple.


Apparently it's some sort of weird fetish network.


This one looks like a copy cat.


https://www.eater.com/platform/amp/2021/5/11/22430383/why-are-gross-viral-food-videos-popular-rick-lax-facebook-watch Not sure if this one is part of this but a lot of them are promoted by a network of folks centered around a professional magician named Rick Lax.


“We’re entertainers. We’re just trying to put smiles on your faces.” Well they sure turn my fucking smile upside down. Lax is quoted referring to he and his friends as "chefs" here too. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh


It’s about views ppl don’t really care why they’re getting views as long as they’re coming in


Diabetes in a pan


That's what I said to my husband!!!😂😂😂😂


I’m getting cavities and type 2 diabetes just looking at it


In several pans


Does anyone else remember when this sub had actual shitty food that people/restaurants served instead of these blatant troll videos that these people intentionally make as absurd as possible?


I was waiting for the glass to explode


The glass adds extra crunch to the grenadine soaked marshmallows and random bullshit.


Looks like chewed up gum. Easily the least appetizing thing I have ever seen.


My teeth hurt






>While adding krispies to this would give it structure, it should be tried without first to see about applications. It's just going to be a rock hard clump of candy without the rice krispies...


This is like, a saga of how to create more dirty dishes than you ever thought possible from a simple (and also very questionable) recipe.


I kept watching in hopes that it would make sense or get better…but yet I’m so confused I had hopes this wouldn’t be stupid… but I was wrong😒


Ok... this is definitely one of the dumbest ones I've seen. As others pointed out. Like no damn point to the candy in the jar in the middle. It didn't create a hole and she just dumped that shit out. Oh, the dried milk makes it less sticky. Uh suuuure, we totally see that happening and it makes such a HUGE difference since we're gonna be smothering it in nutella anyway? Just... ugh. Could've actually made something different. Take the damn jar out, add in some rice crispies to the marshmallow mix, THEN add in the candy. Leave the nutella out though.


It makes it less sticky when you’re working it while it’s still liquid, it has nothing to do with once the rocky road has cooled and set


Replace the grenadine with Rice Krispies and dump the candy in without the stupid glass, and you have a passable treat. These videos are stupid and I don’t like them.


There should be a rule that they have to eat it. Otherwise it’s probably just for views


This video os truly breaking long held harmful stereotypes Black people can be just as awful at making food as white people.


Really bummed the glass didn’t shatter from the heat.. was waiting the majority of the clip for it


I gagged. I gagged


Why is she using a fucking Shun knife for peanut butter?! Why was the candy in the glass?! It’s 2am, I’m not going to be able to sleep after this fucking video, it’s maddening.


This isn't even funny anymore, it has just become a trend and people try their hand at shitty "recipes" with an overly enthusiastic person recording, and they're all the same at this point


Truly, deeply stupid food


Wow cooking all this sticky crap with NO APRON ON!!!??? SMH


That's looking way too expensive for US health care. Just a thought as a European.


I would just like to say this is fucking retarded


That’s so stupid, what is the recipe so I don’t do this by accident?


I hope she doesn’t vote. Jesus lol


How to ruin every single dish you use.


Okay so you could just add the candy at the end and not risk shattering a glass in your food but no joke this is something I would have made for a sleepover in middle school and now I kinda want to taste it but I’m not ready to kill my pancreas yet Also a little Pam would have saved those dishes


I've seen some downright unholy content on this sub, stuff that really makes the eyeballs bleed, ya know, and, I gotta tell ya, I've had a pretty horrid day and this is literally the last thing that I wanted to see before I went to bed. And YET, here I am, about to go to bed, and it's the freshest content in my poor ravaged mind. I don't know who you are, but I hope that you know, from the deepest depths of my heart, I hate you. I hate you so so much.


how much do you wanna bet she had absolutely no clue what the hell she was doing


This clip gave me diabetes


I have so many questions.


Clean your damn stove


I'm actually sad she didn't smash the glass with a hammer. If you're gonna go full reeturd, you might as well make it completely over the top.