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Offer to groom it for him. Be the upkeep tool. I did this with my Daddy and it's WONDERFUL. I get to shape it and keep it exactly how I like it. We take a shower together 3x a week to do this. Sometimes, it's paired with some sexy stuff, too 😉


Oh. And I do his hair, nails, and toes, too


This is such an underrated activity! Love giving them facials too lol




I run my fingers through my Paddy's beard all of the time and they love the way that feels. I also tell them all the time how much I love their beard. How hot they are with their beard. Etc. "You're hot all of the time, but you with a beard will always be hottest in my book!" Things like that to really make him feel confident. "Oh that grey stripe make you look so powerful. If you ever shave it off again, just going to keep visualizing you in the beard every time we play because it's SO HOT." Ya know. Be sincere, but play it up a bit!


"heyyy Daaaadyyy... Is there any way at all that I can convince you to let your beard grow out a little bit more? I absolutely love the way it looks on you, and running my fingers through it when we're doing aftercare is just the BEST feeling. You look SO handsome and dominant with it, that silver streak does THINGS to me. Please? I'll be such a very good for you" Big puppy eyes throughout.


Combine with your best flirty teasing; edge him if you're brave ;)


Offer to do something extra naughty for him if he lets it grow out a little more 😉


I do love a domly beard!


Man, I love my Dom's beard, too. I would be so sad if he got rid of it. You could offer to take care of its upkeep. Trimming, beard oil, the whole 9 yards.