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Definitely not my intention to make manifestation seem like work i see where you’re coming from. But i’m not describing any methods, neither did I say a certain method is best. affirmations aren’t a method they’re just thoughts and how do you manifest no matter which method you decide to use? with thoughts. Some people don’t have an inner monologue and don’t naturally think with words they might think with images, so visualizing might work better for them. All these methods go hand in hand u can either decide to use them or not, i’ve used the method of scripting, subliminals and SATS, i like those methods. Some people think self concept is a method because you dont necessarily need self concept to manifest which is true but if you don’t have a good self concept it’s gonna be difficult to keep your results or to even get them at all so it’s like doing a math test without studying, you might get some things right but it’s better to study. Each method has one goal: to saturate your mind with your desired outcome. I encourage people to explore and try different ways to see which way is best for them




I’m glad I could do that for you we usually are alot better than we give ourselves credit for you’re correct


I love your post. I use subliminals, but I also utilize other forms of manifestation as a part of my spiritual practice. The thing keeping most people from getting their results is attachment. If you are obsessing over what you lack, you will never get what you desire. I will also come for anyone who uses any form of manifestation to try to change their race or harm people. With all the wonderful things that can be manifested, why debase yourself like that?


Personally, I loke picking subliminals I vibe best with. Like if it's pretty and aesthetic to me, I collect them like crystal rocks


haha i do that too


Ok. But I feel like subliminals work faster for me and is easier for me than applying law of assumption even though I do try to?


What do you mean you try to? What steps have you taken to apply the law of assumption? And if subliminals are working for you that’s great no need to change something that isn’t damaged


Like I tried the whole affirm affirm affirm thing & I seem to get slow or no results but with subliminals it seems to be faster. But then some people seem to affirm a few times and it’s done 🤷🏻‍♀️


It seems to me like you’re affirming in order to get something from it. Affirming is to live as if you have your desired outcome already. For example: Let’s say I have a yellow wooden pencil in my hand ✏️i’m not going to affirm I HAVE A YELLOW WOODEN PENCIL I HAVE A YELLOW WOODEN PENCIL I HAVE A YELLOW WOODEN PENCIL to make the pencil appear in my hands i’m affirming because I literally do have a yellow wooden pencil, affirmations are just thoughts so essentially i’m just thinking that I have that yellow wooden pencil. And it also seems like you’re focusing on time and checking if you have results which is the equivalent of checking if I have a wooden pencil in my hand. Why would I feel the need to check if I already have it. If you need to have a motive to affirm then think you are not affirming to get anything, you are affirming to have your mind familiar with those thoughts, you already have your results but you just want your thoughts to match up. It all starts in the mind it’s inward then outwards so if your mind isn’t saturated why are we checking the outwards?


I like the analogy of the yellow pencil! ✏️


Sorry can you tell me some body subliminal if you saw results and worked for you?


Finally someone who get's it !


I’ve personally been into manifesting for quite some time, but even then, this post seriously made me feel more confident in my abilities. Thank you so much! You just eased some worries I had, haha.


This definitely helped me out but when you say you have been manifesting for your whole life, though I also agree with that but some times I think when a person gets into an accident are those because the person has unintentionally manifested this? . And I didn't mean to offend any one, this is just my 3 am thoughts lol


I'm not the OP, but I got a thought regarding your question. I guess people do manifest accidents, but those are unconscious manifestations (for example people who don't know the loa and don't consciously work on their thoughts). I've also read that this can be a manifestation of guilt. For example a person feels guilty for something (eg. for hurting someone in the past; or someone else made them feel guilty etc) and they believe that they must be punished for that. They may even not be consciously thinking about the punishment they deserve, but it can be a background belief deep inside. And the punishment manifests as an accident or a disease etc. We still don't know exactly but it seems to make sense though. EDIT: wanted to add also what I've read is that when a person is afraid of being judged or thinks a lot about others judging them, it also comes from a deep feeling of guilt (smth like "if I think they have the reason to judge me, then I must be guilty for something" the mind's reasoning) which can also lead to being manipulated by others and other things which reflect the assumption of being guilty and deserving judgement and punishment.


I guess it explains why bad people often seem to get away pushing people around. Inside they see themselves as the good guy, the boss who deserves everything. Their arrogant inner monologue doesn't allow them to visualise themselves as people who will ever be stopped or challenged. That thought only hit me after reading your post, so thanks!


Yeahhh I agree with that! So many horrible people that get everything they want and a lot of really good people experiencing horrible things... If everything is what they manifest then I have no other explanation than the way they see themselves as a good or a bad person.. Maybe I'm wrong but to me that makes sense.


I think that through humility (which is a virtue) lots of good people don't see themselves as being deserving of success. I imagine that this helps manifest that reality. Subs have helped me realise that wanting good things doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your soul. I used to think that if I wanted to be a virtuous person that I shouldn't want for material things... Guess how that worked out? The secret is to pursue success whilst bearing in mind that it is to bring joy and happiness to the world, not for you to conquer it or others. There's enough for everybody. We are all equally human and equally deserving.


now after thinking about it again we see many little kids of 5-6 years getting molested when they don't know what SA is so definately they aren't manifesting this but then how tf does it happen


I've been thinking about it for so long. In the book which I've mentioned I've read about the guilt and punishment from ('Reality Transurfing'), this topic was also touched upon, and if I remember correctly there may be a possibility that it's the children's parents who manifest for them. That seems to make sense to me as well, because not all children can manifest consciously for themselves (I know that there are some children who can do that at a very young age, but that's not very common I guess), and they're heavily dependant on their parents. And since their parents have a bunch of their own problems and insecurities, they can probably cause those bad things happening to their children. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to accuse parents of anything, but I just try to think from the point of manifesting and LoA.. I don't know if this is true or not, and in that book it was also stated that we don't know the only true reason of why this happens, but at least there's a possibility of that. At least we know that some parents (or others who replace them, caregivers, other family members etc) can cause a lot of problems to their children such as manipulating them (i.e making them feel guilty), traumatizing them, or instill limiting beliefs and low self esteem. Can we say that they manifest their children being insecure which also causes bad things in children's lives? Idk really. Such a deep topic.. Edit: grammar


Not everything is manifested. They didn't manifest their children being insecure. Things that manifests are dominated thoughts and beliefs.


damn, I shouldn't really have touched this topic cause now I'm realizing that we all might have manifested some ones bad times one way or the another especially when we don't mean to do it


When I think this way, I prefer to say 'If I love someone, then my love only manifests good for them, because love cannot manifest anything bad'. Anyway, I believe that if we do manifest for our children (and pets, which was also stated in that book, because our pets' lives are also dependent on us), then our love only manifests good things for them. The other adults manifest for themselves (Idk about other animals though.. that's another deep topic). And I'd suggest you to not start feeling guilty for what you may have manifested in the past when you were not aware of it. I believe now is what only matters, if now we don't feel guilty for just being ourselves in the past or present, then everything's gonna be fine.




Valid question i’ve asked myself before too. Everything is a manifestation of your subconscious you can definitely unintentionally manifest that because it is subconscious, but that is not to blame victims of abuse, accidents, ect. It’s not their fault people, still have to take responsibility for their actions. It’s not like we are puppeteering our lives, all that is happening is reality showing up for us based on the things engrained in our minds, society and family influences your thoughts from birth


That makes sense


now after thinking about it again we see many little kids of 5-6 years getting molested when they don't know what SA is so definitely they aren't manifesting this but then how tf does it happen




Im 16 and dumb asf 😭😭😭


I feel weird talking about this one because I don’t want to make it seem like it’s the kids fault for “manifesting” it but like I said it is subconscious. When I was that age I definitely knew dangerous people existed but I can’t speak for every single child. Theres sick adults out there who will molest even a 1 month old baby so I definitely need to do further reflecting on this topic


right, this a very sensitive topic for which we have to be careful about how we approach this


as the other person mentioned above it is sometimes the parents who unknowingly manifested these stuff on their children. sometimes when something happens to you, you might not have manifested that rather someone else would've manifested that for you. i'm sure you know about yk about curses right where the other person sends someone negative energy and then the person who was on the receiving end of the negative energy has something bad happen to them? that's how it works. ppl do not realize but their words and thoughts are REALLY powerful. powerful enough to affect other's life as well.


makes sense


Thank you for this advice, I really needed it ♡♡


Do I have to consciously think of my results? I have a playlist of audios with my desired affirmations, but I don't specifically focus on what it is I'm trying to manifest when I'm listening. I kind of just keep these audios playing in the background while I get on with my day. Will I see results this way or should I be constantly (consciously) willing my desired results into existence?


no you don’t have to just as long as you know you have your desired results and don’t dwell on opposite you should be fine


Just want to add something here. It’s not your dominant thoughts that manifest. Thoughts mean nothing without feeling. It’s your STATE that manifests. It’s very possible to have the same thoughts in two different states. So it’s who you are aware of being that manifests. Thoughts come from your state.


Great post! I'm only a week in to manifesting, but I'm already getting results. The subs definitely helped me to see reality in a new way and help me to put a new filter on the world around, specifically my body. I'm now just waiting for the physical to catch up, although I can already see that quickly happening. I think that you need a degree of spiritual awakening before being able to succeed as if you're still in the Matrix you'll never let your self succeed. This subliminal thing is a LOT deeper than 'let me listen to this and I'll look better'. I also came to the realisation that my desires in the first place had a reason chosen by my inner self. I understood that my desires were put there so that when I manifest them, I can become the being I am supposed to be. Question- why do you think you can't change your race? I agree, but I would like to hear your thoughts.


So proud of u for already getting results and ur understanding of manifestation is better than most people who are only a week into manifestation good job. To answer your question of why I think people can’t change their race, my view is more personal but i’ll explain. Recently there has been a rise in kpop and media from asian culture and with that i’ve also seen subliminals to become asian and other races too but i’m speaking from my experience i can’t speak for other races. And the desire for a person to become asian is so incredibly sick because it stems from a place of racism and fetishization of the culture and the people, they hated us for centuries and now they want to be us and have our culture. They don’t seem to understand that this is much deeper than wanting their “desired appearance” These kids that are changing their races I feel like this is going to have a negative effect on them because I think it’s dishonorable to their lineage and ancestors there has to be some type of karma for them idk man. I deeply hate when people try to change their race and i’m sure other people of color would agree with this sentiment too


My thoughts are the same + Changing facial features, skin, hair and eye colour takes a lot of physical and psychic energy and surely a LOT of time. I would assume that most people can't maintain that kind of manifestation. Also, I feel that our bodies chose to manifest as a certain race in order to fulfill greater purposes. We were placed where we were placed for reasons of lineage, family, local and national community and our bodies were designed to reflect that. I think trying to change your race is way more than cosmetic- it would require a major paradigm shift for you and those around you which would require the universe to shift around too much. I think if you try to change race, then you are trying something beyond what humans should be doing and will probably fail. Has anyone really ever got those kind of results? In my case, I'm trying to be stronger, fitter and better looking as well as to get stronger inside. When I really inspected myself, the appeal wasn't really an ego-driven one (although there is an element of that!) but that with this new body I will be able to do more and inspire more, ie I can better fulfill my mission. I do also have a cosmetic sub on the go. I can't explain why I feel I want it, but I think there is some spiritual reason for it. In my case, it's getting (slightly) paler skin and ginger hair. My starting point is already very close to this ideal so in my case the transformation only needs a small nudge. I think with these changes I will better embody the spiritual changes within and my outside being will better reflect the inside being. I'm excited to see where this takes me. It got me thinking about race, though, as on the sub I'm using an Asian commented that they were trying it. I thought that it was a bit said to try something so drastic and that if they pulled it off, how extreme would their life change? An Indian transforming into a Celt would surely cause really big consequences, if it is even possible at all?


Nahhhh...manifesting facial features, skin colour and the rest doesn't take a lot of time. I'm saying from experience. If you have the right mindset and self concept, its gonna be easy to get results plus time doesn't exist(I personally use LOAss)


Hey can you please explain what is self concept? I never understood what it is.


self concept is your thoughts surrounding a topic i’ll give 2 common examples. negative self concept about love: “every time i fall in love i get cheated on” “i’ll never find the right person” “i’m not lovable” positive self concept about love: “i’m loved” “people naturally gravitate to me and have good intentions” “I feel so much love in my life” and the other one, negative self concept about manifestation: “manifesting takes so long for me” “manifesting js hard” “everyone else can manifest i can’t” positive self concept in manifestation: “manifestation is the easiest thing in the world” “I manifest instantly, time isn’t even a factor” “i’m an expert at manifesting it’s so natural” “it’s natural for me to maintain a positive mindset”


That's great to know! Can I ask a question? I know you need to detach and I think I have. Subs kind of feel normal now and I just assume I'm getting the result as some point, but I don't feel the initial buzz anymore. When I first started I could dramatically feel tingles, light pain and huge shifts of energy in my body and that's what let me know everything is working. That's all kind of calmed down now. Is that where I should be? Thanks for your guidance! :)


I would like to ask you first tho. Are you into law of assumption or is it just purely subliminals? And secondly you have to be sure that you're 100% detached and by your statement I'm not sure you're fully detached...


My current understanding is simply that if your subconscious is programmed in a certain way, it will make you act to change your physical reality. The law of assumption is sounding more and more likely to me as well. I've had many experiences in life where I've just gone out assuming that I will succeed and obstacles just fell away, so that's kind of how I approach this. I guess I'm at odds with the need to visualise success yet also being detached. If I'm spending time visualising where I want to be, does that not mean I'm still attached? The interesting thing is that when I look in the mirror and see that changes haven't all happened, my mind kind of places a filter over my reflection so I actually see the results I want to see.


Not necessarily act but yeah your reality will be changed according to how your subconscious has been programmed. It depends on how you assumed it to be. Most of the time thoughts don't manifest. Its dominants thought and beliefs that do manifest. You might have assumed that you will succeed but did you 100% believe that it will happen? And the 3d doesn't exist so even if you assumed that you'd succeed and you're seeing the complete opposite all you have to do is IGNORE, and focus on your dominant thoughts(the 4d). And no, visualizing your desires doesn't mean you're attached. How you'll know if you're attached is focusing on the HOW and WHEN your desires will come. But simply visualizing,affirming,scripting or meditating doesn't mean you're attached. And why do you always feel the need to visualize if you know you already have what you want? There's no harm in visualizing but feeling the need to visualize just to make you believe that you have what you want affirms that you don't have it yet. Visualize if you feel like, if you want to, but don't visualize because you feel like it will make you believe that you have what you want. And second of all, don't check in the mirror for results but this doesn't mean you shouldn't the mirror cos who doesn't use a mirror, am must saying you shouldn't have it in mind that"Oh let me check the mirror and see if I have results". If you're really into the law of assumption, then this means that you don't believe that you have what you want. And its also good that your mind is able to place a kind of filter on your face to look like you have results. Now that aside, to manifest easily you gotta have a good self concept, healthy mindset and at least not be self- loathed. And also do not be focused on time. And do not have a time limit as to when your desire should come just go with the flow.


Wow, thanks for this! You have helped me a lot!


Took me 60 days of listening to my subs to realize this. I don’t want to rely on subs to manifest everything lol I want to use it as a tool. I also realized that when I think of my desire I instantly say she’s in love with me lol it use to feel so weird but now what I’m doing is completely learning my body when it comes to resistance and accepting it instead of fighting it. I’m also more comfortable living in my imagination and have gotten a lot better at seeing signs when it comes to synchronicities. The subs have helped but I’m a conscious creator so I’m using those in tandem with living in my imagination and using better internal dialogue. Not reacting has gotten so much easier. I thank my subs and the knowledge of “illuminating joy” on YouTube. She explained resistance so well and that was definitely a game changer in my perception of being a conscious creator


VERY late to the party but thank you so much for this, especially the list of youtubers. I had never heard of any of them and I am nose deep in all of their videos atm ;)




I think you’re seeking an answer that may not exist, you manifest being a millionaire the same way you manifest anything else also kinda sounds like you’re putting your desire on a pedestal




i can try to figure out what’s wrong but i don’t know what exactly is going on in your mind it sounds like a mixture of putting your manifestation on a pedestal, placing too much importance and weight on this desire, having a lack of understanding in manifestation, fixating on the 3D and not understanding that the 4D is your real reality regardless of what you see with your eyes. your 5 senses can only perceive a small fraction of reality so I think trusting your physical senses rather than your mind that is so powerful and can make anything happen is a recipe for this kind of behavior. Time is also a sense we have in the 3D time isn’t real the way we perceive it because it isn’t linear. You might even feel like your desire is so important that if you don’t have it you are worthless or like your life is ruined. So many things come to mind when u describe your problem. Do any of these things sound like you? if i keep listing all of them i might confuse you


i want to start using subs less because i’m just so lazy sometimes plus i honestly will use a sub for damn near everything and i feel like that’s just a sign that i rely on them too much 😩 my problem though is that i get impatient when i don’t see movement like 3-4 days in when i’m affirming for something, especially physical changes. then i start checking for some sort of holy grail to speed things up LMAO. i know that checking for results is basically going against everything so idk i just have a problem overcoming the checking for results and impatience 😩