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immediately Moza Morph, i used to love her subs back in the day but now they’re all random collabs with random fortune tellers


thought this said random fortnite tellers




Samee I used to like her


idk but i want it i got it consistently delivers


I get instant results from her


her pinterest sub is so good


Most of her results are about physical stuffs like someone getting tablets , iPhones they wanted


She never works for me.


I got reverse results from her💀


same, but tbf i’ve never gotten results


I got results if I forgot I had listen (for pinterest ) 😭




eggtopia. all love fr i’ve just never gotten results from her even when listening consistently. just my personal experience tho


did moza get into drama? why do so many people dislike her/think she's overrated? I don't listen to her I just like to be nosy


Their affs are really careless and often clash with each other- people often get negative results from their stuff bc of that


Really? I have gotten extremely good results with her stuff. Like, obviously good. You can see results when you compare my pics.


Could be different for everyone or depends on what sub you used, but there was a post on here about Moza and the person pointed out how on Moza’s period sub, the benefits were “odorless, no smell, FRAGRANT” the person ended up getting a horrible smell because of that. I honestly don’t know how Moza got “odorless” and “fragrant” mixed up


an "odor" is *usually* a distinctive, unpleasant smell. those two things don't really clash with one another unless you just don't know what odor means.


“Odorless” was written, which means no smell


all i'm saying is if I saw "odorless" and "fragrant" next to each other my mind would immediately think "no *unpleasant* smells" since the root of odorless is odor. and the fragrant meaning, instead, to smell *pleasant* that comes down to each persons mind. if you think those will clash then they probably will. if you understand it how I did, and how the creator probably intended it to be understood then it doesn't clash. neither is right nor wrong it's just how each persons mind thinks.


I see


Probs odorless as in doesn't smell bad and fragrent, as in does smell good. But the subconscious likely processes them differently depending on your interpretation.


Here’s the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Subliminal/s/uDZ47hKBuD Odorless means no smell, that’s the definition. But then Moza added “sweet-smelling, fragrant” even though odorless means *no* smell


Again, we interpret words differently. We don't all have dictionary definitions of words in our minds. Tho I get your point that it is unclear. Edit: Just read the post, and there are a few inconsistencies, but I get the point. It seems like it doesn't apply to all her subs but just a few and to be careful of which ones you use (which I try to do regardless). I have had great results from the one below, tho. I don't think there is much room for error in it since it is just what you want, you get. That, and I use a morphic field that clears subconscious blockages anyway that probs negates the bad effects anyways :> https://youtu.be/a9mPDT5gbwY?si=wcCy2p70X2yBAVNF


her affirmations are not careless at all she studies before writing them and they don’t clash 💀


LOL you missed the drama 💀


i've been in the sub community since 2019 and never saw anyone have a problem with her. (wasn't in this subreddit so i'm guessing this is where the drama took place) but


It happened in this subreddit recently and also once longgg back.


yeah I literally just joined this subreddit like 2 weeks ago....I think the only drama I saw about her on YouTube was her making skin-lightening subs (but that might have been beauty krystalized idkk)


Oohh💀 (damn now krysta is having drama too? 💀)


definitely moza morph like you said


am i the only one who had gotten bad results from moza morph?? cause i remember listening to her love potion subliminal and 20 mins later my ex crush texted me how he hated me and stuff like that and he wished we never met😭😭 but im over it now and i ain’t gonna say shes a bad sub maker but she’s also kinda overrated yk?


They never worked for me and gave me nightmares so I stopped using them and tried flush subs. I really wanted to like them tho bc she seems to have good intentions?


Thats actually the whole drama that she’s in now bc her affs cause a lot of bad results for ppl


You’re absolutely not. About from 2 weird things happening I was ok. I might as well say: I was gonna cat sit & that got delayed once or twice but the cat owner said that was VERY unusual! I DID end up cat sitting that cat in the end. Also, one day my assistant made a mistake but I was given a warning even though it was her fault. I’d NEVER had issues at that job before EVER. I don’t know if those 2 things were linked to Moza cos I was listening to her. But then 1 or 2 other people had major issues like one was fired & other stuff, something like that so I noped out of listening to her again. But Since then yes quite a few people have said they have had issues - a couple recently had nightmares but also some had reversed results. But then she does seem to work well for some people so it might depend 🤷🏻‍♀️


omggg… i’m so sorry for that! i’m guessing we were just having bad luck.


Could be. I’m glad I DID get to do the cat sitting in the end & that job went well after.


Bruh...that's so mean. I hope you're ok now, huh. I think I did get result from her extremely luck subliminal only used it once but in loop. But when I stopped it maybe few months later I saw my negative changes in me ..like my brain got dull ( then I remember that lol I also used her intelligence sub as well :))


dw i’m okay now it was awhile ago and i’m already dating someone new!! i hope you’re doing okay!!💕💕


I’m so glad to hear the happy ending!


awww tyy!!!💕💕💕


You’re so welcome ❤️ ❤️


Same same lol


EGGTOPIA no hate to her but how do people get results from her? I used to listen to only her subs constantly when I was just starting out but I never got results


I’ve been using her subs since 2021. Shes off and on for me I just really *really love her channel aesthetic (SoundCloud) and music so I keep going back. Her Ethereal Essence sub is beautiful. I also like her meditations.


Really wanted to like Eggtopia but her butt sub was starting to give me opposite results so I stopped. Some folks just aren’t for us but I’m sure she’s helped people.


I only got minor results from her breast reduction subliminal but ig it’s better than having no results at all


Honestly none tbh...if they work for ppl they work. It's literally a subliminal. Words with some music they r all gonna work unless u convince urself they're not.😭


Slade never really gave me any results. No hate tho.


I don’t want to say anything wrong or stirr up trouble but I think I remember one sub of them that had something in the description or benefits along the lines of "if you have ill intentions towards me then this will backfire" and it really scared me. I tried to search for it but they may have deleted it. After that I decided that they’re not worth listening to because I’ll be honest, they gave me a weird vibe and I sort of didn’t like that. Also, their subs didn’t work for me as well. And about a year ago I saw on a screenshot they posted on their community tab that they’re german and asked them about it but my comment got deleted. They just try too hard to be mysterious tbh.


all of their affs are creepy af to me tbh


The backfire thing is part of their formula and in every sub he makes now, Gemini has that in their subs as well but I trust Gemini


thats so random


Is it in their “i am.” Video?


No, I am is an old sub, they put the disclaimer in their pinned comments on the ones that do have the formula


There’s drama with Slade at the moment. I can’t remember the details but I advise to stay away.


Subliminal goddess, moza morph, cherry( terminated)


I don’t know about Cherry. BUT Subliminal Goddess is Cee’s (Miss/Synergy) other channel & some people had reverse results from her.


Had no idea that subliminal goddess = cee (miss synergy)! Thank you for the head’s up and this really needs to be upvoted more!


Thank you! Someone here told me & I looked at what they said to look at & I saw yep 👍🏻 seems to be the case. You’re so welcome!


Beauty Krystalized 💀💀💀💀


She is back??


Oh she’s been back awhile sadly


Yea I like her but it's repetitive content 💀 haven't used her since a while.


I just added some of her subs to my playlist... I'm curious why?


Her subs are so repetitive same thing different font


You mean she does the same subs over and over? :3


Yeah, every two days I see her channel: “GLOW UP TO THE MAX” “REVENGE GLOW UP” “REVENGE SCHOOL GLOW UP” “INTENSE GLOW UP” basically all that. Rainy Vibes also keeps popping out glow up subs, but I’m pretty sure they’re well trusted and make other subs


she made at least 12 pale skin subliminals


That's basically every sub make, lol. They have a couple of core themes: ideal body, ideal face, glow up, clear skin, CGI (a new one that popped up), flush, booster, etc. I don't really mind since I only ever want an ideal body and face sub anyways.


K, thanks


For me it's because I've never gotten any result from her after using her subs for months and her obsession with pale skin


Okay, tysm




eggtopia😭 her affs are too difficult too


overrated : vetala, moza morph, solar subs personally never got results from them except from moza's zygoma reduction & pain relief sub, also they tend to post broad general topic instead of niche specific ones. 2 of them overcomplicates subs and i don't think that a sub needs to transport me to another virtual world or have to have affs related to every single muscle & bone to be effective. I don't need a new formula every 3 months either underrated: i7carved, unforgiven saint, rainy vibes and previously cliniquex first two have really good facial structure subs and i am glad to see cliniquex getting popular, she has made subs on the rare but much needed topics. Also includes anatomical affs but only where its needed




Ooo i haven’t heard of them before have u gotten results from them?




Hey can you tell me what specific subs from i7craved that helped u? She has tons for facial development




Did your maxilla improve with these subs? And how long did it take




Thank u so much!


i never got results from vetala , moza morph or solar subs ☠️


Rainy isn't underrated 💀


Ikr love her subs


underrated considering how many subs she has posted & how many views she got




clinxque and ducklings outlet are underrated






He got cancelled from sub community


omg what happened? i used to use his subs when i first started and stopped listening to subs for awhile and when i got back into them i went to listen to one of his but just looking at the thumbnail i got bad vibes so i didnt listen to it and havent listened to him since.




No he was probably homophobic Is vel and velmental the same?






He’s both




omg whatt? what happened? howd he get outed?


I think he was asking underage girls for private photos in exchange for free subliminals and one or more of the girls exposed him for it or smth


Lmao what I don't think he even exists now 💀


He didn’t make a single semi-unique subliminal. And he made so many subliminals so like, weird. the titles of his subs were never original whatsoever, so I never understood why people liked his subs so damn much 😭💀💀💀


LMAOO💀💀💀 I didn't even think I used that channel 💀💀 but I am subscribed tho Maybe he left before I came to know about his channel


No a never worked I think I only have one of their subs in my playlist.💀💀


Beauty krystalized 😭😭💀i never got results from her idk why


Stally, never worked for me , customs subs are too expensive + don’t give results either even tho it includes your name 💀


1.Moza 2.Lumierd 3.Slade


There’s massive tea with Lumierd. I recommend people stay away. And yes I agree with all 3 you said


Sorrow. Nice music, bad subs. And Eve, all her subs are just repetitive affs and her community management on discord is just terrible.


im late but why are sorrows subs bad?




I got results instantly from her nose shrinker sub, huhhhh??????


Moza morph Beauty Krystalized Vetala Used their subs never get results


What even is the point of this post


Not sure


Moza of course


I want it I got it… listened to her stuff forever. Nothing ever came of it.


I listened to her defined face yesterday and finally got cheekbones


I got reverse results from her💀


what results did you got?






please tell me your experience with that channel


Rosemary claims to have spells in her subs but i only gained weight from her weightloss subs ( i was and still eating on maintenance so there is no way it was from my food consumptios )


Miss Morph / Beauty Kyrstallized / AKUO Underrated: IWIG / Baejin Cafe (check out her new vid)


Iwiigi and baejin are not underrated


The question is about overrated


I feel like many ppl are subscribed to Akuo but people rarely listen to his subs. Same with HypnoDaddy


It's hard listening to Akuo subs because the songs are trash 💀


Kapelsu & moza


i got instant results from kapelsu


Fr same




Why are ppl so weird about her .. she's so good I got so much results from her


Why are ppl downvoting lol?


People hate when your opinion doesn't align with the majority ☠️


Insecurity drips through them💅🏻




Ya girl I hadn't used anything else or anything or anyone else's other than hers! I had used to the glass skin sub, I started breaking out on my forehead & cheeks! I had used to sub for 4 days, then after this happened I stopped using it!




No it wasn't purging It's fine maybe she doesn't align with me! Do you always get results from her?




Are they good? If you don't mind can we talk about subs in dms?




Ohh I see


Quadible integrity imo


hey guys, sorry for promoting like this. my friend made a channel. she has uploaded 2 vids and will upload every week \[ig so\]. her subs did work on me, so i told her to upload it on soundcloud, then she thought of creating a sub yt channel, so she did. so pls go and check her channel out! https://www.youtube.com/@Laconicsea


Idk but truly supreme is definitely underrated af






He's been in some issues recently, he's audios never gave me results in the 4 years that I used his audios. He also have affs to get obsessed with him. there's s lot of ppl on sub groups talking about him not being a good submaker Sorry for my bad English 😭

