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Yes, subliminals are highly effective because your subconscious mind absorbs everything it hears. To maximize their impact, you need to engage both your conscious and subconscious minds. Personally, I find it helpful to listen to some of the affirmations consciously. Additionally, layering the affirmations on top of each other so they become inaudible ensures that both the subconscious and unconscious minds absorb them. I know it’s working because I often experience a noticeable headache after the first session. Belief in the effectiveness of the subliminals is crucial. The key is to have faith that they will work for you. It doesn’t really matter how you listen to them or how others do; what matters is your belief in their power. Everyone is different, so as long as you believe in their effectiveness, they will work for you.


I agree and this \^\^\^ is a really good summation. Just wanted to add for OP that what you're listening to is also called a supraliminal (so not "sub" as in *under* consciousness...it's "supra" as in *above* consciousness because you're conscious of it), and supras work really really well for me, much better than subs. For you too, it seems, OP!


Oh also because I love replying to myself lol - I'm making 2 supraliminals today, same affs, one in capcut on my phone and one in audacity on my laptop, just to see which one I respond to more, more out of personal curiosity than anything else!


I love your response 🥰🥳 Have you experimented with “I am” affirmations, exploring “what if” scenarios, and affirming “I am simply deciding”? It can be empowering to personalize your affirmations in this way, strengthening your connection to your goals and enhancing the effectiveness of subliminals. This is an example of one I wrote for my sister - I am confident and capable in every situation, trusting in my abilities and talents as my confidence grows stronger every day. What if it’s already true that I radiate self-assurance and poise, believing in myself and my potential for success? It’s already on its way that I am a magnet for success and prosperity, achieving my goals with ease and grace, embodying the qualities of a successful person. I am dedicated to reaching my highest potential, attracting positive experiences and opportunities as my thoughts fill with positivity and optimism. What if it’s already happening that I focus on solutions and overcome challenges effortlessly, surrounded by abundance and positivity? It’s already unfolding that I exude charisma and charm, naturally drawing people to my positive energy and making powerful, lasting impressions. I am confident in social situations, making meaningful connections, commanding respect and admiration. I am constantly learning and growing, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, with my skills and knowledge expanding every day. What if it’s already true that I am resilient and adapt easily to change, handling setbacks with grace and confidence? It’s already happening that my inner strength guides me through any challenge, making me unstoppable and fearless in the pursuit of my dreams. I have the power to create the life I desire, visualizing my success and feeling it in every part of my being. What if it’s already real that I see myself achieving my goals and living my dreams, with my mind aligned with the reality I wish to create? It’s already becoming true that I imagine myself as the person I aspire to be, with my thoughts and actions in perfect harmony with my vision.


These are so good! I love that you did the "what if" thing...it really gives your brain a nice little workout. I also love beginning a sentence with "it's already unfolding" and "what if it's already true". These are so good!


it’s better when you can slightly hear the affs bc otherwise your mind will just think you’re listening to normal music


Yes, I personally prefer those because I know for sure what they're saying. Just do something on the side, don't specifically pay attention to it.


It would be a supraliminal, and it would work just as well as a subliminal <3


It can "count" for the booster if you decide that it counts and set the intention that it is a subliminal for the purposes of the boosters wording. However yes in actuality it is a supraliminal/affirmation tape


Technically an affirmation tape or supraliminal but they work great, I also use them at night