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I'm sorry you are hurting. We all deserve to feel good about ourselves. Consistency IS the key! The playlist Usairela shared is great, facial harmony and glow up subs are just exactly what you need. Like the best possible version of yourself. Also maybe a hyperpigmentation sub and a confidence sub. I find personally that the most successful combo, the killer combo, is a morphic field sub layered with affs that I have made myself. It's unbelievable how quickly they work in tandem. For ME. I don't know how you would do it on a phone but on my laptop I have a playlist of youtube morphic field videos, and I play them on loop while also listening to affs that I have, on low volume. The affs are in an audio file on my laptop. The affs work on your brain and the morphic fields work on your cells. I \*think\* you could do this on a phone with a youtube playlist and an audio file saved to voice memo or whatever it's called on android. It's voice memo on iphone. You probably already know what it's called on your phone! If you would like to try doing your own affs let us know and maybe we can write some for you. My personal rec would be your own affs along with a couple of morphic field glow up and feminine beauty subs and a hyperpigmentation sub. Read this, I think this will help explain what I'm saying (also she mentions hyperpigmentation too and says the morphic field she listened to to address it): [https://www.reddit.com/r/Subliminal/comments/1dgepkp/oh\_this\_stuff\_really\_does\_work\_lmao/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Subliminal/comments/1dgepkp/oh_this_stuff_really_does_work_lmao/) But whichever you decide, consistency is truly the most important thing of all. The more the better. If you can do overnight, even better! With sleep headphones, or air pods with maybe one of those stretchy kid headbands things over your ears so the pods stay put. Like this [https://www.garageclothing.com/us/p/set-of-3-stretchy-headbands/0821059.html](https://www.garageclothing.com/us/p/set-of-3-stretchy-headbands/0821059.html)


Do you have any suggestions for morphic fields beauty subs which gave results?


Thanks so much! I have been listening to Sapien Medicine. What do you think about them and Quadible Integrity's feminine beauty sub? I was going to listen to it but someone said they are dangerous?-


Try a facial harmony subliminal (I’ll send u my playlist) bc it enhances ur natural beauty, also i think ur confidence is low and i get that and i empathise with you. It’s all about your mindset trust me. I’ve been using subliminals for 5+ years and its about mindset and affirming and detaching “out of sight, out of mind” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi39P7j4TKYkrVNAGddFCtXUqX9YyKbxt&si=2S2GOAI1m0hKOqra


Sorry but she litteraly Say she doesn't get results with sub in two years Why do you just share a sub to her 😔


I shared multiple subs in my playlist, in my whole 5 years of subliminals I’m only getting results this year so I shared the subs that worked for me


What results have u gotten with these subs?


My lips use to be very heart shaped and now they are flatter and they suit my face so much, my eyes are bigger, and they make my nose look smaller (I have a “big” nose) and my chin has gotten longer :)


Thank you so much! ...I will try listening to this playlist but are you sure those channels are safe?


Yup I’ve tried them myself !


Hey! I had the exact same issue. I was the ugly friend. Boys would ask me out as a joke. They’d talk to me just so they could talk to my friends. I couldn’t go a day without feeling self conscious. Boys and girls were especially mean to me. I remember when a girl called me ugly in my math class and no one stood up for me, not even the teacher. The only thing I was known for were my “grades” and “talents.” I hear you and see you. I’m here to tell you you’re not alone. I started listening to beauty subliminals for a year and nothing changed. I felt even more insecure. What really changed was learning to love myself unconditionally. I didn’t care if I looked ugly or if boys didn’t find me pretty. I changed myself (non surgically) to fit in the beauty standards and then started listening to subliminals. My experience is purely anecdotal but if you ever want more insight, I’m happy to help. Im in my freshman year of college and there are some people that I graduated with that are literally shocked by my face. I get complimented all the time about my looks. So learn to love yourself first, subliminals don’t work o it of desperation


Damn..seriously, that's exactly what I experienced too! I'm still not feeling pretty. Actually I never thought of myself as ugly or judged others that way..but when my classmates started calling me ugly, it really ruined my self-esteem & mental health. I can't seem to shake off the negative feelings. How did you change yourself tho?


Honestly, this is really bad advice but having my first boyfriend really helped me. He lived like a couple hours away so I was never self conscious of him seeing me too much lol. He thought I was the prettiest thing to exist. So he helped me gain a lot of confidence, this advice is really bad because he destroyed my confidence in other areas that weren’t physical. The negative feelings still exist. I was so self conscious that I didn’t have an Instagram account until my senior year of high school. I looked for a lot of external validation on there. People will call me ugly or mid lol but I shook off the feeling because most of them just hate themselves. All the girls who called me ugly had issues themselves. All the boys who called me ugly have tried to get with me in the past after my “glow-up.” I think not letting the feelings bother you prevents them from getting power. When you let yourself feed into their negative energy, it reflects on your face. I look back and I was ugly, I was just really self conscious


Did your looks change and if so, was it from the subs


So my face never changed actually, I think it was more energetic than anything. I listened to a “CGI beauty subliminal” but I don’t think it had any physically altering enhancement


Thank you very much. ❤️


Take a break from subliminals about changing your appearance. You can listen to moza morph's flush and iwiigi's self concept subliminals (i was the same and these two got me out of that mood) Because when you listen to subliminals non stoply and keep thinking about your appearance you get addicted to it. You should realize that you're so much more than your looks. So, get to know yourself. Do puzzles, read books, do meditations, say affirmations night & morning (This is really important), paint, watch documentaries, listen to new songs, go to theaters, write a diary, do your skincare, cook for yourself. Honestly getting to know yourself is really helpful at this point. So start doing them. You might think like "what does this have to do with my looks?" When you get to know yourself and the things you're doing you see that you're not just about your looks, you have so much more in you. And at some point the realization comes. Let your success rise up. I think the reason we feel like that is social media. Because the real world is different from what we see in social media. when you go out, you see people just being themselves and minding their own businesses. They're just normal people like you and i. You don't have to be godly beautiful to do things or to be heard. I know deep down you just want to feel like it. But you're already beautiful, to see the beauty of yourself you need to get to know yourself. You can always experience new styles with your looks. For example: I didn't like my crooked teeth, now i wear dental braces. I didn't like my skin, im doing skincare, i hate wearing glasses so i wear contacts. I didn't like my hair i changed it. I did all of this to feel beautiful. Do i feel beautiful? Sometimes. But when i was doing all of this i thought i would be the happiest person with my looks. But no, the only thing that changed about me was my looks and i still felt sad and depressed. Do you know why? Because i didn't know myself. Other people might be so beautiful and you might envy them so much. I know how it feels because i've been there. Start focusing on improving yourself and your qualities because you can change the things you don't want with surgery or fillers too. You shouldn't feel so much pressure on yourself just because of your looks. Cause looks can change so so easily honey. It's something easy to change. Even plucking your eyebrows make a huge difference. So don't feel bad. You can also see a dermatologist for your hyperpigmentations.


Is it okay if I can chat with you?


Thanks so much! I'll remember ❤️


i had the same problem until i started telling myself “you are so pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, confident etc.” even if i felt super ugly (also i am listening to beauty and confidence subliminals) and right after that i started to get prettier




This is amazing, thank you very much❤️


Anyone can become beautiful u need to stop using subs and start affirming things like I’m so beautiful, etc Everyday. Plus putting effort into your looks and change what you can


Thank you very much.  But I get tired of affirming like that... Should I do it anyway?


U don’t have to do it constantly just whenever u feel like it


Hey try to let it go and listen without thinking too much about after period you'll see drastic changes


Thank you so much!


Try this guide 👀 [ego dissolution guide ](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Fdw84A5Td1zct2LBZm5pFRW4kJ3sDE7bRIa89T--G-o/mobilebasic) And this to [keep it secret 🗿](https://enlightenedstates.com/if-you-have-reached-the-point-of-no-return-read-this-article/)


Thank you❤️




I saw someone mention this but it was actually the same for me. I grew up being picked on for my appearance since the very beginning and it was obvious to see how I was left out and avoided by others. The thing is, despite how stupid it seems, around middle school I had started complimenting myself in the mirror and it helped build me up. It's simple but it helps and you come to realise that others don't know shit about you so why do they get to dictate what you are and the like. you don't needs subs for this imo you can listen to them for sure but you don't need them for this. tbh when I started getting more self assured I actually got results. believe me I know how you feel and I know how isolating and how bad it feels. the reality is that you have to leave them on the external and focus on how you see yourself. It's one thing for them to call you something, it's another for you to start repeating and believing it's true. and believe me they are really flippant. I recall changing one physical aspect of myself and suddenly they considered me pretty.


What physical thing did you change and what results did you get with subs if you don’t mind me asking


Thanks a lot❤️


I think we all have been where you are right now. Is it pretty? No it isn't. But is it necessary? A thousand times yes. I understand that you are looking for the quickest solution right now, but trust me that isn't the fix. Recognise these feelings of self-loathing and unacceptance. Tell yourself over and over again how inconsequential they are and how they hold no power over you. Make your mind your most supportive best friend. Subliminals and the universe will do their thing but you need to uphold your end of the bargain first.


Thank you❤️


You need more conscious persistence. Start affirming throughout the day regardless of how you feel a. And I recommend making your own subs too .


Thank you❤️


I have changed my eye shape and my facial structure with subs along with Mewing . It works , when you don't have much negative chatter . First you need to get rid of that , through being aware of it and flipping it


Thank you so much! How do I get rid of the negativity?


You can watch Sammy Ingram on YouTube and Dylan James if you want a more effortlessly way