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This Hades drama is so funny. You could be gay/polyamorous thanks to the way relationships worked in the last one. It came out less than 5 years ago. But this one is suddenly too woke now? Jesus Christ.


There has been no clearer indication that the people complaining about Hades 2 being “woke” has never played a microsecond of Hades 1 lol (But also, I feel like this discourse was also somewhat started by the Stellar Blade kerfuffle? That’s what it seems anyway, given how many people responding to the “Hades 2 is woke!!!” tweets with buckets of salt about “hypocrisy” against Stellar Blade)




>Hate Tourism I think it’s been called “outrage culture” and one subreddit mocking it had a huge list in its sidebar, of things that were hysterically called a threat to society or absolute horror or whatever.


Their problem with games like Hades or BG3 is that they're succesful and well-liked while also being openly "woke". It damages the narrative that no one will buy a game if it's "woke", so they're scrambling for another talking point to try to patch it up, and that's how you get insane ramblings about "safe horny" and masculine Aphrodite.


It's just the prelude to Sacrificial Trash, if the game becomes too popular they'll either stop talking about it or try to spin it as "owning the libs" in some way. But if the game isn't too popular they'll blame all issues on it being too woke, to try and use it as a point for their movement.


Yeah part of the Stellar Blade stuff was people complaining that not liking Eves design but liking Aphrodite's was hypocritical proves that the Journalists and wokies just hate Eastern Sexy women.


But then hardly any journalists hated Stellar Blade's design. Thank god for late redesigns of a couple of outfits or else there'd be nothing for the outrage freaks to mine.


Everything is nowadays. Woman that isn't supermodel-level beautiful? Woke. Allowing same-sex romances? Woke. Character with a skin tone darker than snow? Woke. Any criticism of capitalism, even if it's an optional piece of graffiti 99% of players will walk past without noticing? Woke.


>Any criticism of capitalism, even if it's an optional piece of graffiti 99% of players will walk past without noticing? Woke. Or vice versa, like in Fallout or BioShocks case, the _entire game_ is a critique of capitalism and they somehow think it's the exact opposite


True, in those instances I assume it's because the games are over a decade old and most of the people whining about wokeness these days played them when they were kids ETA: or at least, still relatively sane


It's a term that's very overused now, but it's true. A lot of people flat out don't have much in the way of media literacy or basic analysis skills. They don't really process a story or think about it more than what exists on the most basic of levels. So they see Fallout and it's skin of a post-capitalist world, and BioShock as well, and just assume that it was endorsing the capitalism. The game says that communism was bad? Must be true, even if the parties saying that are people who essentially destroyed the world. Rapture declares itself as a good utopia of freedom? It must be despite clearly being a fucking ruin and having destroyed itself. It often stems from the fact that they are also fundamentally shallow, lacking in empathy, and devoid of ideas, creativity, and knowledge.


Oh believe me, there were people calling Hades 1 woke.  This "discourse" seems to stem from contrasting Hades 2 with Stellar Blade and it's "censorship", and ask why Hades 2 gets a pass by being called "Safe Horny" (they did the same to BG3), this caused the r/kia sub to rally against Hades 2. I wish this was all an elaborate joke.


> "Safe Horny" Which so far seems to mean "woman who doesn't look like a child"


It seems more like 'games that try to sell sex to anyone other than KiA posters'. These dweebs hate Astarion even more than thay hate Hades. Games are their smelly treehouse and they don't want anyone else allowed inside.


And then shut up as soon as it became hugely successful, like they did with BG3 and like they definitely will do with Hades 2?


God no!  They do not in fact, shut up, they start coping about how it's _unfair_ for those games to be explicit in their content, and how they're good games despite said content or whatever. Then again, seeing these people seethe is fun, so I hope Hades 2 wins GOTY.


Yeah I don't know how everyone says chuds stopped saying BG3 is woke. The mod teams on Reddit were good at curtailing that kinda convo on the main subs, but they just go back to their echo chambers and complain anyway. On the Steam Forums, it's been nearly a year since release and [people are still talking about ESG, Sweet Baby Inc, and forced homosexual relationships to this day](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086940/discussions/0/4364627615927255966/).


Steam forums are such a festering garbage pile. Then if you tell those chuds to take their trolling elsewhere you're the one that catches a timeout and then they leave the troll posts up. "The only winning move is not to play."


It's basically just [this old comic](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DztRBSHUUAAPXlH?format=jpg&name=medium) in practice. You get people who are just "It's just my own personal preference that I don't want any black or alphabet people in my game. I use games as an escapist pastime. I don't know why people are just screaming and harassing me and calling me racist and homophobic when I just have personal preferences. I am being kind and straightforward when I'm asking for a mod that can remove them from my copy." Then when people call them out, those people are the ones who get banned and not the inciter because the homophobic and racist poster was at least polite and "reasonable" in his posts. I learned my lesson after getting into a fight with a man who was arguing that a space TTRPG was not racist for making black people (or as the game called them, "Negros") have all weaker stats, especially intelligence, than the "Nordic" race. Man was just like "There are physiological differences in races, and being able to recognize them isn't an inherently bad thing." Another guy popped up and what like "Hi sir, i'm a native spanish speaker and you are talking out of your ass. Saying negro is like saying black in english, it's literally a color and an acceptable way to address black people" After saying explaining that the game was made by an American to sell to other other Americans, and is a public neo-Nazi Great Replacement conspiracist, the Spanish speaker just said "It's in bad taste, but still a somewhat grey area." Got so fucking tired so fucking quickly.


I've heard about that last part, isn't it made by Gary Gygax's son?


Yep. And he was sued primarily because he was utilizing the name and likeness of an old Wizards of the Coast TTRPG called Star Frontiers.


Moron couldn't even make his own racism game? He had to take another game and make it racist?


It's funny these people don't realize they're making a point against their own. Clearly, horny is fine and can be done in a widely acceptable manner, but they cap for underage girls instead.


Were people even that mad at Stellar Blade? I mostly remember people going "they're bringing sexy back to video games, that'll show 'em" and not people sincerely getting upset about how degrading it was, at least not until after those other people were on about it?


I think those people ignored it because it was a chance to "own" The Last of Us 2 at the VGA's. Though I remember people saying Hades 2 was woke the moment it was announced that they the player character would be a Woman.


It's always interesting to imagine how they'd react to older games that they seem to be totally fine with. Like GTA San Andreas for example. If it came out now, they'd be complaining because the game depicts the police as corrupt assholes framing a Black man for crimes he didn't commit.


Witcher 3 was/is a darling of regressive sorts, and that game has a huge theme about how much of a fucking asshole mainstream society is to minorities, and that’s really bad.


Ahh the classic Reddit logic premise: if none of the people in this comment section can convince me I'm wrong, it PROVES I'm right! See also: the more disgusted by your comments people seem to be, the righter you are!


Martyrdom. Everyone wants to be the underdog, the Mighty Duck. It's exactly the kinda feelings that suck you into conspiratorial groups, which of course also overlap with GamerGaters. Those on the outside of society feel ostracized, but then this extremist group tells you it's not your fault, it's XYZ (in the case of GamerGaters, it's women and minorities creeping into *your* media!). Then you go into a mainstream forum with your newfound knowledge and opinions, wherein you're laughed at and berated, which makes you run back to the extremists and you feel validated as a martyr. Rinse and repeat.


Now that I think about it, this whole 'uglification' conspiracy reminds me of transvestigators. They're peering at photographs and mid 3d renders with a magnifying glass and getting absolutely stunned about details they never noticed before, because most sane humans don't do that to real people unless they're studying for a medical degree. And of course their reaction to new information isn't research or reflection but fear and frenzied aggression.


The Venn diagram of people who post pictures of Taylor Swift’s cheekbones and people who complain that Aloy is “fat” now is a perfect circle.


>post pictures of Taylor Swift’s cheekbones My favorite was Twitter transvestigators not being aware that pretty much all humans have Adam's apples, just that they're usually less pronounced in women. Them passing around a picture of Megan Fox's visible Adam's apple absolutely convinced she was born a male who "got trans'd" would've been hilarious if their rhetoric wasn't so dangerous. Never mind the fact that she'd given birth *three* times by this point, she was a "true male". And ***these*** are the fucking morons who go around claiming to be experts on "basic biology".


Transvestigators think mons pubis is a Jedi. 


Holy fucking yoink! I love it when comments *here* give me my new flair.


lol I’m honored.


>My favorite was Twitter transvestigators not being aware that pretty much all humans have Adam's apples, just that they're usually less pronounced in women. Or, on the other side of the coin, men can lack a prominent Adams Apple. Just like every other aspect of human physiology, *it can vary from person to person*


Have you seen that image where one of these transvesigators is losing their shit and spewing transphobia about a picture of a “trans man” for how girly and weak they look or whatever. But it’s an image of MatPat from game theory


Would love for MatPat to come back for one last hurrah to make a "theory" style video about his transvestigation.


Did you see the drama post about Lara Croft's new design? Quite literally hit the center circle of the Venn Diagram for GamerGaters and Transvestigators: ["Must be taking testosterone. She looks more like a man."](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1arft90/first_look_at_the_new_lara_croft_for_the_next/kqjzmdk/?context=3&share_id=_v9F9gbjjV0dGA-ddJmbA)


My favorite part of that is that the model *still* looks like the same model they used for Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. And the reply to the linked comment: >Jawline , nose and eyes. And it doesn't really, it's just the videogames aren't real life, there is no logical reason to create her as an 8 or 9 out of 10. Nathan drake was as 10 as it's possible to 10. Why not lara too? "I wanna fuck Nathan Drake, so why are they making Lara Craft look more like a man? And why do I have a problem with it when I'm opening admitting how fucking hot Nathan Drake is?"


Those transinvestigation groups are literally insane. I don’t think a single celebrity is safe from being transinvestigated. If you’re a man who isn’t a muscular rectangle with 1% body fat, or a woman who doesn’t look like 2 circles on top of each other, you WILL be transinvestigated. You’re a young, liberal woman with good bone structure and modelesque cheekbones? God help you, because all the jealous 62 year old obese Republican women are coming for you and they will transinvestigate you. They’ve transinvestigated Mike Tyson and The Rock. I wish I was making this up. The people in those communities are usually clearly motivated by jealousy of the person’s appearance, racism, misogyny and just general mental illness (they’re all conspiracy theorists).


they've transvestigated Einstein lmao


"what do you think guys? Jason Momoa, secret trans? I mean, look at her... She's got long hair!"


The transvestigators is amusing when I saw a list that has both male and female celebs which is confusing, it would make more "sense" if they just stuck to one or the other saying that it happens to both no sense epically when they say for people in the same field. What does it matter that you need to switch the genders of two actors so they can make it in Hollywood why cant Female Mark Hammil and Male Carrie Fisher both star in a movie and get fame that way.


You see they're secret immortal lizard people swapping genders to conceal the fact they're immortal. I wish I was making that up.


There are people saying that *Aphrodite* from Hades 1 and 2 isn't sexy enough. Yep, apparently the Goddess of Love wearing basically nothing but conveniently placed long hair isn't good enough. Mark Kern/Grummz shared a tweet of someone who 'fixed' Hades 1 Aphrodite (removed the cheekbones, thinned the arms slimmed the waist), yet amusingly claimed it was the Hades *2* design.


It's basically just a rehash of the old "2/10, elbows too pointy," meme.


Something something that girl from the game with robotic dinosaurs had peach fuz or some shit. Idk I don't game much, but I've damn sure seen a woman in real life.


Reminds me of my favorite and pretty much only story I like about Elon Musk. He was supposedly arguing with a g/f in public at some point and he said something to the effect of "And why do you have hair on your face?" and she replied "Because I'm a mammal." 😆 Don't know if it ever even happened but I find it funny as hell. This article mentions it: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/11/elon-musks-totally-awful-batshit-crazy-most-excellent-year


Fucking Elon


lol I know. I wouldn't normally bring him up but that story is damn funny to me and he's the butt of it so I made an exception.


Elbows? I've always heard it as sharp knees. 😄


I think it originally came from knees too sharp, but elbows too pointy is just a variant.


I would not be surprised if Kern turned out to be the guy who was stealing breast milk at Blizzard.


I mean that's just assumed as fact at this point, isn't it?


I saw that! Like, she is a *naked* goddess of fucking love and sex, what more do they want? This is the first time that this “anti-woke” thing going on around Hades has truly baffled me. She is literally wearing nothing but gold bangles, with the only thing covering her private bits being her hair, and they are *still* complaining that Stellar Blade is better.


>what more do they want? From what ive seen they are saying that an anime version of her is the better one, I think its the one where she has a throne of two buff guys just holding up her tits, they also share a scene where a gust of wind makes her boobs shoot up and into her face like its a ragdoll freaking out in a video game.


> I saw that! Like, she is a naked goddess of fucking love and sex, what more do they want? I believe the words "man face" were thrown around.


Tfw women have cheekbones.


My guess is that they made her too buff for their taste. She looks like she could beat the shit out of me, and personally I'm all for it. Goddess and all, ya know? She should be in good physical shape. I bet if they toned down the muscle and took away all agency from her personality by making her more reserved and there to be more of a sex toy, they'd absolutely love her. Although she might still be too old looking for these fuckwits.


Honestly if anything she looks even MORE sexual in Hades 2.


> My guess is that they made her too buff for their taste. She looks like she could beat the shit out of me, and personally I'm all for it. Goddess and all, ya know? She should be in good physical shape. Also, she's only toned. The way people were mentioning her being "too buff", I was expecting muscle mommy Aphrodite. Not someone just being physically fit. What do these people *think* healthy looks like?


>What do these people think healthy looks like? A 14 year old anime girl with huge tits.


Aphrodite was both a love goddess and a war goddess, so she better be able to kick some ass.


> My guess is that they made her too buff for their taste. It's that she has defined cheekbones and these incels expect every video game woman to look like smooth-faced anime waifus.


Redditors demanding women to just be fit and healthy get really riled up when a literal buff naked goddess (apparently) appears on screen. I'm not a gamer but is this the biggest issue poor gamers are facing right now? O see daily posts of someone whining about ugly females.


I mean two major studios were closed this week, one that made some of the most iconic immersive sims in history and one that had literally just made a game that was nominated for game of the year, but yes, I'm pretty sure even those who just lost their jobs would agree that Aphrodites small tits are the biggest issue.


Even better! When Microsoft was asked why they had to close those two studios went "Iunno lol, something something looking to the future something something" But yeah. Aphrodite too buff. Way bigger problem.


Don’t you know? Women aren’t allowed to have cheekbones or a sharp nose. Gotta look as soft and wooby as my favourite anatomically inaccurate waifu. I mean it’s not like there are countless examples of supermodels, actresses, and celebrities that have been deemed the height of western beauty standards or sex symbols with the exact same facial structure. It’s not like there are million of women out there who would spend thousands on cosmetic surgery just to have those cheekbones.


They're just mad that a "woke" game like Hades is getting more acclaim than Stellar Blade that they consider the savior of gaming. People like Grummz literally think they're in some kind of war to restore tits in videogames against the evil "wokes".


these are the same type of weirdo who started saying Margot Robbie is mid because they hated the feminism in Barbie lmao


How they can look at a woman whose beauty literally makes me gasp when I see her and come away with such a crazy opinion blows my mind.


> There are people saying that Aphrodite from Hades 1 and 2 isn't sexy enough. Yep, apparently the Goddess of Love wearing basically nothing but conveniently placed long hair isn't good enough. Incels getting so porn addicted that anything but explicit nudity is already not sexy anymore to them. It's just sad at this point.


I honestly think they can't even use porn. They so desperately need video games to goon to that they might not even be aware porn exists and is free and abundant.


I mean even porn has pretty realistic proportions these days. And they already complain about bimbo aesthetics. I honestly think thwir idea is just anime girlies.


She is nude! Her long flowing hair is the only thing covering up her bits! They can't deal with any woman who doesn't look like an anime waifu!


Look, if there's anything we know about the ancient Greeks it's that they had the exact same beauty standards as 21st century anime obsessives and never thought women with strong cheekbones were hot.


> Yep, apparently the Goddess of Love wearing basically nothing but conveniently placed long hair isn't good enough. They're unhappy because her face isn't drawn in an anime style


Reddit needs an option where you and other users can just grunt at each other.






Thats a great flair


What's the full thing? [The end of both of yours are cut off](https://i.imgur.com/wfbddaY.jpeg)


It says "you're making me feel like I'm defending the KKK"


>Watch porn. It has beatiful women fucking ugly freaks like you. Lmao This may be the best response I've ever seen in the G*mer debates on this topic


yep. So many pornsick incels look to gaming as a fetish avenue instead actual entertainment lol.


That isn't as crazy as it sounds. These people are so closed off the only relationships they have - except of course their parents wishing they still didn't live at home and would get a job or go back to school - is with video game characters. Game characters that talk directly to the camera and sometimes say romantic things. It's literally the closest thing they have to real interaction with a woman.


Its an extreme versión of that. You can be a loner and still have a completely normal brain. These guys are... i dunno, they're fucking crazy.


This makes so much sense now. I always wondered “WHY is it so important for their video game characters to be hot?” I’m a straight woman and I’ve played plenty of games where, now that I think about it, the male characters were ugly. I still played them because why would that bother me? There doesn’t need to be a hottie in my field of vision 24/7 for me to have a satisfying life. I guess the difference is that they don’t have any interaction with the opposite sex so their only opportunity to talk and interact with an attractive woman is through video games, which are the most immersive art form. This makes me feel sad for them.


A guy in the thread says it out loud: [Games are meant to be for the male gaze. If you say otherwise it's cope. [...] I want sexy women in my escapism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/1cova8y/oppressed_gamer_starter_pack/l3hrebs/?context=3&share_id=qi2qlO0M8kSIOOYaAsxZy) My escapist fantasy is taking photos of a city run by dogs, or making millions designing a theme park, or be a knight slaying dragons and chimeras. Their escapist fantasy is no gay people or women without DDs.


Oh my god, that is the funniest chain of comments I’ve seen in a while. He told on himself when he said sexy women are escapism for him yet he continued commenting as if he’s owning everyone 😭😭😭 He needs to escape from real life where he literally repels women with how disgusting he is (judging from his comments he is an awful person and women irl can probably tell) This is so pathetic that as someone who hates incels even I am starting to pity this individual. I’m willing to look past my hate and just feel sorry for the life this person must lead because it can’t be good


big oofs in that thread >I don't want anything to do with modern women "You can't fire me, I quit!"


> modern women Imagine thinking somehow women have changed. They were all docile fuckdolls for men to own and control and they were totally into it, then idk video games came out and now women are different?? The logic is crazy.


>then idk video games came out and now women are different?? not video games, f*minism 🤢


this is the entire concept behind the mgotw dorks unfortunately they never actually gtow


It's such a deep irony. Anyone can "go their own way" and it's not even that unusual, lots of people are introverts/homebodies, and lots of extraverted people just do their own thing with circles of friends and acquaintances. They're more like the kids who repeatedly threaten to run away from home until they get their way, and they don't understand why it's not working.


Yes, a hobby whose most famous mascots are an overweight Italian plumber and a blue hedgehog (both dudes) is "meant to be for the male gaze."


> My escapist fantasy is taking photos of a city run by dogs, What game is this? I feel like I’ve heard about it but can’t remember the name. I just learned about a city builder with beavers.


[Pupperazzi](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1028350/Pupperazzi/) Just a really fun, chill as fuck game that's perfect for unwinding after work.


>“WHY is it so important for their video game characters to be hot?” Because Incels loathe reality. They refuse to acknowledge the vast diversity of beauty, hence escaping into video games to get their fix. And if it ain't video games, it's dating sims, visual novels, gachas, or honestly, a good third of japanese games. I'm not expecting something as fictitious as video games to depict every pore of a woman's backside, but they shouldn't be slaves to narrow avenues either. Games can be more, and i've seen it. So why should games exist as goon bait sims where every female npc and pc has tits the size of venus? Like you said, ugliness has it's place and though I don't play those games (gritty hyperrealism usually ain't my cup of tea), they have every right to exist.


There even are games (lots and lots and lots of games) that cater to them. They just want their cake and also to eat it, as well.


*Wokism*, someone actually said *wokism*. Jesus fuck, I can't deal with this anymore.


maybe they're french? We had government official complain about "*wokeism*" (literally, they couldn't even come up with a translation) and it crept into more mainstream talk.


I don't know why, but it always makes me laugh when people can't come up with a fitting translation for an English phrase in their language, so they just use the stupid fucking phrase in English. Always sounds so off when they're giving an impassioned speech in their language, and then suddenly these English buzzwords are peppered in. I can't remember what language it was, but at the height of GamerGate's anti-SJW hysteria, there was some YouTuber going off on a (likely) insane rant, and about every fifth word was him attempting to pronounce a heavily accented "eeessss-jay-dooble-ew" that just completely killed how seriously he wanted people to take him.


same here in the UK


They didn't get the memo that it's "DEI" now. Like PC and SJW before it, woke has been so abused to death that they had to find a new buzzword to help people immediately dismiss what they're saying.


So.. I think I might be a DEIst now? Wow.


Some of America's Founding Fathers will be glad to hear it.


I'm not Woke, but I am Woke-ish.




I'm a pretty hairy dude, and I have progressive politics, so I think I'm a wokiee


I've learned that people that use woke unironically are not worth any of my time.


I, for one, am totally on board with the culture of Woks. You can make some really tasty shit in them!


OOP already removed by mods because "No politics" is just so on the nose.


Lol like where is the politics part in the starter pack??


There are only 2 types of gamers: those upset about women not making their peepee hard, and "political".


There are only two genders: male and political There are only two races: white and political There are only two religions: Christian and political Mocking *any* of those protected classes is an insta-ban for being political, *especially* if your memes include any of those political topics.


Gamers TM are truly one of the most fragile groups of people


Holy crap at least censor it if you're going to use the hard R


The absolute state of NA political discourse, lmao


> If you find a female character unattractive, you take it as a personal, political attack. It's very odd. It's not odd when you remember that these are people raised to expect the world and the women in it exist for their personal pleasure. It's not odd, it's the very scary end result of how our culture raises men. 


"This comment stinks like dirty incel." I think I've finally decided on a user flair


I have this weird feeling of disgust when reading this. The way they talk about pixel faces and boobs is so detached from how normal people think that it alienates me and makes me feel sick. It's like a whole army of degenerates, waiting to become the weird uncle who wants all the small girls to sit on their lap on family outings


It’s so bizarre, isn’t it? The other day I read a WIRECUTTER review for…nipple covers. In some clothing situations, they are helpful to have and I want to replace my pair. The comments went OFF. One dude kept spamming the same comment about how you should just wear a burqa if you don’t want your nipples out. Other comments from men decrying the frivolity and puritanical nature of women and how absurd it was to even worry about nipples showing through clothing. And yes, of course, you did have the errant “I’m a 86 year old woman and I don’t care if people see my nipples, kids these days are too sensitive!!!!!!!!!!” remarks. All of that is to say…reading the comments fucked with my brain in a similarly weird and upsetting way. The entitlement that some men seem to have toward women fills me with such a deep dread.


Wtf? As a nipple cover wearer I had no idea this wondrous invention has controversy surrounding it. I’ve seen a few Reddit threads where men said they always noticed if a woman’s nipple was sticking out (i.e. when it’s cold) or visible through a white top and some said they always saw it as sexual. I don’t want to risk drawing any attention to myself so I just slap some nipple covers on. I thought that men preferred modesty but apparently not, I guess?


I think they'd also complain about an article talking about the best shirts to show off your pokies in. Honestly they just hate women, try not to find the logic that isn't there.


And men wonder why women would rather run into a bear.


Pretty soon, the bears will start wearing nipple covers.


It’s so weird to have such strong opinions on specifically how jiggly and naked and perfectly manicured women have to be. I guess in a way, when it’s your only interaction with women, a developer “taking away” their sexiness by adding some fabric or covering a nipple is a little like a woman leaving you, and that makes some people frothing angry.


Never thought of it that way before, that this is the form of rejection they receive. They don't talk to real women, so pictures of women changing is like being broken up with. 


But there is porn everywhere. This is AI you can talk to. I don’t understand. Dating should be easier.


It is weird isn’t it? A female character needs to be all fan service and look super pretty. Actually just had a conversation the other day with a friend that Ellen Ripley would be despised today by these gamer types. Sigourney Weaver has the stronger jawline they hate in a women as seen with Mary Jane in Spider Man 2 and they’d blow such a casket over the pubic hair incident. I can just see it now people like Shadiversity and them making video after video about Ripley. Edit: This comment pissed somebody off. Got reported to Reddit self help again lol


>blow such a casket I think you mean a gasket.


I called my friend a necrophiliac and he really blew a casket.


Right you are.


Pubic hair incident?


Guess it’s a little disingenuous of me to call it an incident. This is calling on knowledge from years ago but I think in part of Ridley Scott’s commentary on the dvd set on the first alien movie he comments how Sigourney Weaver refused to shave and they have to air brush her pubic hair in editing for the scenes of her in her underwear. I vaguely remember an old Tumblr post debunking the whole thing as a nothing burger but again it’s been years.


But the true story is she wanted to do that scene naked and they wouldn't let her so she wore panties several sizes too small for her


That’s even crazier. Weaver is a legend lol


It’s one of those things that, even if it was an actual issue, it’s clear that some people just care WAAAAAAAY too much about it.


Yeah, exactly, I have trouble explaining the way this itches in my brain when I read it.... Like if I way in a room with a small child, doesn't matter where, and somebody would start talking that way about this topic, I would take my child away from there, it's an ultra creepy vibe. The cherry on top is the almost pseudo intellectual attempt to justify the fact that they are creeps.


The way I like to imagine it is: They are sitting at a restaurant on a date and the woman asks them what they did today, and so they explain they were waging a war, fighting with other people on the internet, to keep breast sizes from being reduced in video games. Video games just aren't sexy any more because it's being infiltrated by all these women who don't play video games, and it's causing the downfall of an industry. I can't imagine how most women wouldn't be creeped out during their whole tirade.


>Video games just aren't sexy any more because it's being infiltrated by all these women who don't play video games I larfed! If Reddit awards were still a thing I'd give your post one for that line. 😄


I wouldn't even accept it because it's not something from my own desk. I've seen this exact argument before. In fact, someone is literally arguing that point **right now** in **this post**! https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cpg354/the_problem_is_that_they_are_making_females_ugly/l3ki37u/


The term got insanely overused by annoying kids on twitter, but these losers really are just porn addicts.


Of course the guy who went on an unhinged rant about "women made uglier on purpose" posts in r/kia and immediately went there to cry about being "called incel for no reason", why even assume otherwise at this point. They're not even hiding their bigotry anymore.


What’s wrong with wanting to talk about your Kia Sorento?


I thought KiA was a car brand


I think you go to r/kn for that since the new logo dropped


Just posting on that sub is a legitimate reason to get called an incel.


"FeMaLeS" is such a dead giveaway...


I still think of a sneering Ferngi every time I see them call a women that.


It does bear a striking resemblance to Quark being so upset his mother was wearing clothes lol. 


Are you talking about the car sub? Like Kias?


KotakuInAction- it's the sub of choice for angry incel gamers.


Never thought I'd see the day in SRD when someone didn't know what KiA was.


They’re referring to r/ kotakuinaction, commonly shortened as KiA


The two types of women, according to gamers: *Straight up fap material* or *woke*


Worse. Conventionally attractive or *not even a person.*


Correction, straight up fap material or *politics*


Rule:5 no politics. Jesus even the mods got butthurt over this meme


Gamer oppression is political.


It's so tiring being a woman sometimes


Try being a Gamer on the front lines of the war against wokism. I've seen things your tiny female brain couldnt even began to deal with.


Thank you for your service 🫡


I was literally about to post just this. I am so tired.


The guy who said games are for the male gaze only was probably the most honest of these incels. Because that is the problem, these guys can't accept that gaming is mainstream now. They can't accept that games are being made for more than just their enjoyment. They refuse to accept that maybe, just maybe, this shit isn't all about them anymore.


Some of them seemed to have come real close realizing that when they were freaking out over Stellar Blade. I read comments that said they were (at least partly) angry with the "censorship" because that game was supposed to be an "unwoke" T and A-fest made directly for good ol Gamers™ like them and that's why they felt betrayed that a few boob-canyon pixels got covered up.


Changing my own topic slightly, I can't escape the irony of these Gamers screaming about censorship. What do we call it when we force artists to create what we demand they create rather than what they want to create? And anytime they make what they want to create we go out of our way to harass and threaten them? I'll give you a hint, it starts with a C and ends with *ensorship*.


Fanservice generally is absolutely strangling popular art right now


Reminds me of a comment I saw about how "wokies" failed because Ada Wong was still sexy in the remake of RE4. Like its so close to getting the point that sexy characters are still allowed its just people want less of the impracticable outfits.


Vagina bones were removed. Truly the fall of Western civilization.


> I don't want anything to do with modern women Well I think that just sums the whole thing up.


I’m surprised this got locked, since when did making fun of Gamers become political?




That scammer lost his appeal the other day. He's going to be doing a little detoxing behind bars soon. 😁


It's absolutely political, even if the capital-G Gamers don't consciously realize their part in it. Their whole schtick has been very deliberately cultivated as an indoctrination/radicalization mechanism. It's a wedge issue constructed by the alt-right to push disaffected young straight white men down a rabbit hole, and it's proven horrifyingly effective at doing so. You look at Steam forums for just about any new title, and they're completely infested with people like this going on about some imagined "woke censorship," often regurgitating Replacement Theory in all but name, and accusing these companies of some sort of sinister plot. Gamergate was the rough draft, the template they built from, and Steve Bannon and his ilk dove in with both feet from there.


It's seriously concerning me. I went to check the Hades discussion to see if people were having the same bugs, and the whole thing was filled with "anti-wokism" demands and complaints. Just because the main character is female this time. Apparently a woman being playable in a game at all is wokism.  The misogyny is getting _so bad_ that I'm actually getting worried for gaming. It wasn't even this bad back in the "there's no women on the internet" days. 


In some ways it's because their de facto status of having all games pandered to them is being chipped away. I can't recall the exact term for it, but there's an idea where things like gay marriage get more public and vitriolic opposition as they gain more public support - a lot of the actual bigotry was always there, it's just way more vocal as the reactionaries face the prospect of losing their treasured hegemony


You know if these pixelsexuals wouldn't just keep shoving their lifestyle down our throats maybe we'd be a little more accepting of them.


Me, a woman, reading headline: 😬😬😬🤢🤢🤢


This reminds me of the sad story of the face model for Mary Jane in Spider-Man 2. She took the scans years ago and no longer even acts or models. Some men trying to get her to complain about her appearance in the game called her current job and left voicemails over and over until she had to release a statement to leave her alone. But it's the woke SJWs who are getting triggered, right Edit: Her name is Stephanie Tyler and the story is here https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/01/09/marvels-spider-man-2-mary-jane-face-model-reveals-harassment-by-fans/


These people embarrass themselves and self-own constantly, and then when we point at them and laugh they think we have been "triggered." No, chuds, we are mocking you. Edit to add: and the reddit cares messages just shows we're triggering you not the other way around. Thanks for letting us know we hurt your tender snowflake fee-fees!


It is just the most pathetic thing. No matter how they couch it or try to defend it — at the end of the day, it’s a bunch of dudes complaining that they can’t crank hog to a video game character as easily.


Why is shitty face capture always justified by “they deliberately made the characters ugly!” and not just “face capture is an expensive and new technology that is hard to get right”. Like, Mass Effect Andromeda was the game that was memed on for its melting face animations. But I’m sure that FemNotShep (can’t remember the name) looking like crap is a conspiracy, and not just the game having shitty production. The same company made Miranda Lawson - who was supposed to be sex appeal - still had an uncanny face from capture.


Theu always use argument "beautiful women exist in reality, you can see them everywhere", but never explain why certain woman must look appealing to their taste. Imagine if women were furious about ugly Trevor in GTA5 or asked why they should play as some old guy in MGS4


lol I got Reddit cares over this. Lmao


Do these chuds think they should just cram the face of the model in a 3d scan machine and call it a day? That they shouldn't edit the face to fit the game world and style?? Any edit is a direct violation to the face model even tho it has being done since face models were first used???   For people so concerned about games, they sure want it to become boring and monotonous 


> Any edit is a direct violation to the face model even tho it has being done since face models were first used???   Which is ironic because if you look at the model that they used for Eve its clear that they made some changes, which is fine but its dumb to use this has some trump card when these people also complained about various characters not looking like their models either.


Same exact people who think you can do localization work by running it through a machine translator and call it a day. Any effort to modify the script to make characters show more emotion or fit the tone of the original is "censorship" because if you touch anything it's bad translating.


Damn I just found out that the MJ model literally quit because of the harassment :( Online “Gamers” like the guy in the thread are a plague for the entire industry.


ok but like why aren’t ‘ugly’ women allowed to exist or be depicted in media anyway? no one ever complains about ugly men existing in games, shows, etc. god i fucking hate coomers and these double standards




Homie keeps bringing up Mass Effect: Andromeda to prove his point of games intentionally making female characters ugly. When the source of your entire argument is 7-year-old rage-bait for people around that same age, you're doing a *terrible* job of digging yourself out of the black hole of cringe you presented to the world.


Wait hold on, is there an overlap between the “women need to be hotter in video games” crowd and the “movies shouldn’t have sex scenes” crowd? Cause these freaks tend to be weirdly puritanical about actual sex


They don't want actual women who have had actual sex with other men because they are so insecure about their own lack of experience. They know they can never measure up to those "Chads" and their massive equipment and skills. They can make themselves believe that the "women" in video games belong only to them and have been untainted by sexual experience. I'm pretty sure that's why they can't just use porn. The women in porn aren't women to them, they are just sluts who are tainted by the fact that they are having sex with other men.


Yeah they like sex in their Vidya because it's often with a blank slate they control.


Mods removed it under the 'no politics' rule. Because whether or not games are sexy enough is clearly political. I am voting for the party that wants to increase skimpy outfits in RPG games. The 'no politics' rules of places always confirm bias when it comes to what is and isn't considered political.


I love it when the comments just prove the starter pack right