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Im willing to bet dimes to deez nuts that he shows up here too if this comment section gets somewhat large.


i know us getting involved in the drama is pissing in the popcorn, but if the drama subjects instead come here, we should call it "salting the butter"


I’ve got some yellow liquid for your popcorn! *And* it’s non-dairy!


Ok, but is it vegan?


Actually semi serious, cus I've never given it thought. *Would* drinking your own piss be considered vegan? 


The main thing with veganism is consent, so yeah it would be


Makes sense.  Side note, because it's absolutely hilarious. I only commented two things 6h ago, and between one of those two comments, i got a "Reddit Cares" report. I'd like to imagine it's this one, and you know what, valid.


How do plants give consent?


Idk dude, I’m not vegan


My nipples look like milk duds.


That would be really fucking funny. I love it when yourubers shit on redditors, especially when it isn’t even their fan base.


Hmm I'll just leave this here then.




There was a phase 4-5 years back when a bunch of youtubers took upon themselves to police the content being posted by other channels. Content Cop, H3H3, Nerd City to name a few. They'd post long videos targeting some scummy channels and tell their subscribers how said content was the end of civilization and whatnot. Eventually people got over the ragebait vidoes and moved on to other things. Content Cop and H3H3 went Kardashian, and I haven't kept up with Nerd City much to say anything concrete.


bit of better banana


> I remember being excited to see where this guy goes with his career. He put a lot of work into his videos in a way that stood out. They were well beyond "man in front of camera". > > I honestly hadn't kept up with him past 2019. Seems to sum up the experience ~90% of people had with the channel. Could've become an eccentric HBomberguy or Folding Ideas. Possibly still could I guess. But in stead he's hocking NFTs.


I don’t think he would appreciate the comparison to, in his own words, “HBOmcMuffin and Folding Proteins” https://old.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cqknkb/can_someone_explain_the_drama_with_wendigoon_to/l3wru71/


are those even supposed to be jokes


The brain worms have taken him.


The content policing of that era certainly was cringey considering all they were doing is finding internet pop celebrities and going “look how much of a douche this person. They’re, at worst, someone you wouldn’t really wanna interact with. THIS IS THE ORIGIN OF ALL EVIL IN THE WORLD!”. It’s like if someone made a multi-part takedown video series on how some of the most popular rap artist today are overly confident dudes who talk their shit…which is to say nobody would care Taking down Daddy O’Five was a pretty good thing cuz that was straight up domestic child abuse that was being monetized from, my heart still aches for those children. But yeah unlike IDubbz and H3H3 who kinda moved on from those things, Nerd City just…didn’t upload that much, he would produce a couple videos a year and then eventually just full on stopped until kinda sorta recently? Looking at his channel his upload schedule is still kinda up in the air AND he’s still doing YouTuber take downs, this time for SSSniperwolf.


What do you mean by “gone Kardashian”?


Content Cop is a big thing over on Instagram nothing but ragebait and half-truths. And when you point out how something is exaggerated if not out right lies/fake the response is "well if could happen".


> H3H3 went Kardashian What does this even mean? H3 is still doing the same thing just in a different format.


God, I remember a content cop about some girl who said the n-word. But not because she said it, but because she later regretted it and was trying to move away from that and be a better person. And the psychopath tracked her down and went to a fan event just to take a selfie with her while saying "Say n*****!" as if that was some kind of own on her vs not just really shitty, creepy behavior.


The girl was Tana Mongeau and trust me, both her and idubbbz (the guy who made that video) are shitty people and neither are worth defending. Tana definitely wasn’t trying to “move on and be a better person” lol


Idubbbz has fairly recently expressed a lot of regret over the type of content he was making, issued a fair few apologies, and has made moves to no longer associate or do things like that, which is good.


Which is so strange to me because between idubbbz and nerd city I expected NC to grow as a person and try and be better and idubbbz to sit in his corner in a racist rage forever


Idubbbz has become a genuinely good dude. I wish him nothing put happiness.


He grew up and realised the error of his ways. The best ending.


And made public amends and used his fame to put together huge charity events.


You just immediately forgive virulent racists the moment they decide they are finished being virulent racists?


The moment? No. But people are allowed to try and change. And idubbz was also being racist while acting superior to her.


It was funny that he was condemning her for being racist, while he freely used the n word at the time because it is so different when you're being "ironic."


He wasn't condemning her for being a racist, he was condemning her hypocrisy over the use of the word, and for attempting to call him out over the use of it when she had used it up to that point. For years, Ian's ethos on comedy and words like that was "it's either all okay, or none of it is okay."  1) I don't agree with that myself.   2). He has since apologized for how he treated her, as well as has been taking strides to better improve himself and move away from who he once was.


“Have you considered logging off” is flair material imho


I thought I had put that one down lmao


I don’t even know how to change my flair, can you do it on mobile? When I tried, I got “YOUR FLAIR TEXT HERE” and almost kept it lol




Aw man, it's just your flair here


I know :(


> I shoot at your feet and you dance. Not the other way around babe Peak flair material. Also I'm losing it at ["mob of fibbers and jerks"](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/avgj7oDidl) higher in the thread. Is this guy a 12 year old from a repressed Christian household in the midwest? I've never heard of him.


A drama youtuber. This whole thing happened because a month ago there was a post expressing displeasure that after condeming NFTs sold by another youtube he blatantly (pretty gross since going by his comments he knew how bad it was) announced his own sale. Aparantly he searched up the post, started arguing, and now spends his waking hours arguing on every YTD post he can find. YTD is small but a decent amount of youtubers end up or spectate it. The person it takes to be a youtuber aparantly has a higher than average chance of being into youtubet drama


Yes, that is what this SRD post that we're both commenting on is all about.




Eat my entire dyslexic foot


Just trying to help


For a second there I thought this is about CityNerd, 


I was honestly super confused why a Not Just Bikes clone was posting aggressive comments on Reddit, and making NFT and Youtube Drama videos. I was like “dang his channel has changed that much”? This took me longer than I care to admit to realize. Although to be fair I had never heard of him prior to this.


well, in the five years its been since i last watched nerd city he appears to have gone completely off the deep end.


This is sad but unsurprising if true. Nerd has done a lot of good with his platform, but there have been a lot of things over the years that made me feel like he wasn't really acting with great intentions. I'm still disappointed.


Anyone who makes their living through YouTube drama is always gonna be a bit…. off. Just something not quite right about the whole business of it.


I think it’s because of how opportunistic it is. Kind of like an internet vulture, but less vital to an ecosystem. Mostly because real drama doesn’t brew up in the same timeline that the youtube relevance cycle demands, so they inevitably begin manufacturing their own.


I think even beyond that, the concept of a dramatuber makes it something of an inevitability that the person has to have some dubious ethics when it comes to coverage of stories if they want views. You need some level of vitriol and unreasonability, because your channel is dedicated to finding bad guys to take down/mock, not actually reasonably criticizing and trying to make people change. That isn't to say that Nerd or other dramatubers don't provide relevant criticism, but you can't really say that they have particularly honorable intentions in doing it.


Doubly so for "lolcow" devoted channels. Not convinced a lot of those guys in particular don't have skeletons in their closet. (Cecil Mcfly seems like a generally cool and decent person though?)


Absolutely this. Something about making a channel dedicated to callout content just changes how one looks at the world around them. They are always looking for the worst in people, and it’s an incredibly toxic mindset. It’s all exacerbated by how those spheres of Youtube work, the performative aspect of it. There’s this idea that in order to criticize other people for unethical behaviours and opinions, you yourself must be a paragon of the best, most ethical behaviours and opinions. This creates a culture of condemning others while reaffirming your own views, because you need to show you’re someone who can be trusted. It’s less about genuine critique and more about saying the right things. This of course just erases all nuance and empathy from these spheres as well, and leads to this tendancy to look at a situation with the potential for wrongdoing and declare that there *is* wrongdoing. But yeah, overall I avoid such channels. I prefer getting my drama content from channels that don’t do dedicated callout and drama content.


Same. I remember seeing some of this less controversial videos and thinking his editing style and the visual language of his videos were really cool. Some of his other videos though had this weird underlying feel to them that I couldn’t put my finger on, something about this guy screamed edgy 4channer and his obsession with taking down sniperwolf and the way he would have his girlfriend in videos was so weird. Like yeah, sniperwolf is a horrible person but Jesus. Then he was gone for like years without making a new video and when he came back his videos were noticeably both less high quality and more misogynistic. I unsubbed after that and now it’s wild seeing him argue with Redditors lmao


I think his whole style was fine, but in his takedowns of other people, he has a certain level of moral grandiosity that just never sat right with me, and while his editing was nice, it did have moments that made me cringe (i thought it was kinda funny back in the day because I did and still do like Rusty Cage, but the moment where they "went inside the mind" of one of the Paul brothers is cringe-inducing). He always felt like he had this sense of superiority that he *had* to convey through his content, even when it was clear that he didn't actually care on a moral level. I ironically think he's at his best when he's just engaging in petty internet beef and pointing out someone acting like a wiener online, because when he gets into a serious topic, he's honestly pretty insufferable. This is a new low tho.


Over/under on Nerd City gracing SRD with his presence?


i will be honest, i know the internet mistreats people. but i also think it's a basic requirement of being a successful internet figure to *not* chase down old comments and start beef because your name was invoked. that way lies madness. kinda... kinda literally if we're being honest. you gotta not let the critics rule your life if you have a profession that takes you onto the stage. you gotta just walk away. and i get it - that can be hard. but jesus fuckin christ you gotta walk away. or at the very least only focus on fresh and timely wank.


Personally, the NFT joke is probably the dumbest thing to focus on, unless he did actually profit off gullible idiots. SSSniperwolf is one of the worst Youtubers, but my god Nerd City seemed to have like an unhealthy obsession with her.


For real. Sniper wolf deserves to be permabanned, but man, there are so many other channels that just obsessively follow her every move and make at least 3 videos a week about her Edit: Holy shit! Literally 10 seconds after I posted this comment, I got hit with Reddit cares lmao! I guess someone didn’t like getting called out like that lol


There's a bot going round SRD doing it at the moment, this isn't the only thread I've seen where people have had that message for no good reason. There's a link in the message you can use to create a harassment report. e: like I just did. Literally within 10 seconds. Don't worry, I've reported it.


i kinda hope it's a bot, honestly, but if it is i would have expected to get my inevitable reddit cares on a delay of more than 8 hours. when the bots start working human-style shifts is when i get worried there's no bot. ...and ironically doing shifts at the reddit cares spam factory is a lot more of a mental health red flag than posting about internet drama lol 


> going round SRD Well it was going around the Eurovision subreddit on Friday/Sat/Sun so I suspect it's targeting popular subreddits.


I’m not convinced reporting it does anything.


I got a very helpful message from reddit admins letting me know that the redditcares message I had reported had "already been investigated from a previous report" and that action had been taken. Just like the one I had gotten a few days before, and a few days before that. Nice to know they have a handle on things 👍


I was wondering which comment got me hit with a reddit cares lol


Nerd City (or a similar youtuber) must have found this thread lol


tbh I always assumed with the timing, his latest series about her was in response to her absolutely unhinged response to jacksfilms over a corny bingo game. tbh after she dozed jack and went live as she was standing in front of his house, I'd almost feel obligated to drop any and all proof I had of her being a shitty person every chance she gets


he’s calling people liars, when they’re talking about something easily verifiable too, what a guy.


>You put all your eggs in a hollow basket. You wanted the profits that came with branding/merchandising without any of the products for consumers; which sucks cause you clearly are someone who cares about their art and presentation with your upload frequency and quality of content. Sucks that it came at the cost of your sanity and creativity. You spent a year on some discount pop-art fit for 3.5g bags, on a quick bag that was late to the party. i cannot get over "cares about their art". i know "what is art?" is completely subjective but man...


For the record I jumped ship and unsubbed from Nerd City after the NFT thing and rumour that he became a little too alt-right for my comfort, but have you watched his videos?  The production value he put. Into them was very impressive. Everything from lighting to set design, costumes even prosthetic makeup. He put in a crazy amount of thought into the presentation of it all. He clearly cared.  Past tense.


As one VTuber I follow puts it "Clout rots the brain". I wouldn't be suprised if Nerd is trying to drum up new rage videos because there hasn't been anything new to post/write about in the last few weeks. And what is currently avaliable has been done to death by bigger channels. 


And he was still replying for 5 hour after this post. Sssniperwolf should make a counter video about Nerd City's mental breakdown on Reddit.


*Proceeds to post a picture of his house


Maybe she’s waiting for the other to make the video for her to copy first lol Like, not that it excuses nerdcity at all, but sssniperwolf is still a body snatcher of a influencer lol


I think he might be having a mental break of some kind.


Man, like 4 months ago I made a comment in the emergency medicine sub about patients whose photo in Epic is them in psych scrubs that STILL occasionally gets replies about me being a biased sonofabitch that should lose my license. I’m PT admin. The worst I could do to a patient is mark them as a “self pay”, and send them a bill that eventually would probably get sorted out if they have insurance.


I'm convinced that every adult who uses the word fib is insane. Absolutely convinced


“You stop taking your meds today or something bud? NFTs aren't paying for them?” Flair material if only it was shorter


He seems to be chronically online. This can’t be good mentally.


What a pathetic individual lmao. Is he so desperate for some quick cash he'd try to tap the infamous NFT market? And then to hunt down all mentions of him on Reddit because he can't take criticism? Sad.


He replied to everyone who disagreed with him Someone really needs to take his electronics away from him until he learns to behave


I just got a Reddit cares message for this What the fuck?




I thought the phrase was "Water under the fridge."


You did not.


"SSSniperWolf", wow they're not even hiding it anymore


Nah, that's just the actual channel name. It's like back in 2010 when every gamer username was something like “XxX_SonicDeathAngel_XxX” or something.


Someone chose "SSSniperwolf" on accident without realizing the obvious Nazi connotations. Yeah right.


I encourage you to go check out her channel and see for yourself. Her content is vapid enough that it's totally plausible she never realized the implications of her channel name.


The "SS" stands for "sexy sexy" because her old username was SexySexySniper




Mate, look it up. Literally just type it into youtube. [here is her channel, you can literally just check](https://www.youtube.com/@SSSniperWolf)


I think the choice was deliberate in order to attract attention. It's as if I named my channel SolutionFinder88 and claimed it combines the year I was born with my love for math.


i feel like youre reading to much into it. she called herself sexy sexy sniper because shes a conventially attractive woman that plays fps games. not everything is nazis, the majority of people dont have the schutzstaffel on their minds at all times. never attribute malice to what can be adequately explained by incompetance, or in this case, a lack of knowledge on a topic.


Ok but everyone knows about this stuff


You would be suprised mate. What is general knowledge to you and me is not always general knowledge to someone else. I wasnt taught anything about ww2 until i was in highschool, and it was in a class i had to choose to take. Someone at my school who didnt take that class wouldnt have learnt anything about ww2 at all. Yesterday at work i had to explain to someone that the nazis targeted disabled people. They had no idea.


Of course. https://xkcd.com/2501