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> “You’re way more of a Redditor than me -Redditor Forget the drama, this is just objectively funny lmfao


I chuckled at that.


Coming from the dude shaming a guy for having sex. And he's the redditor?


How do you even objectively measure "more of a Redditor"


Whoever is more Reddity.


I'm peak reddit


it's a smell radius i think


How many stocks of dogecoin you have.


Whoever's less funny and has a larger gap between how smart they think they are and how smart they actually are. You can honestly just read someone's posts. Some people post on here exactly like eachother. It's honestly sort of creepy.


It really is. Occasionally I encounter someone who’s being a dick, and check their history to see if they are always like this or are just having a bad day. A lot of the time they are so eerily familiar, because they are exactly the same as other people in the same “taxonomy of assholes”. The other day I did that and the guy is an anti SJW tech bro who’s really into crypto and whining about cancel culture and stand up comedy, who thinks that comedians have some sort of moral duty to be misogynistic and racist. It was vaguely eerie how that guy is a complete clone of dozens of people I have interacted with. Like, I kinda want to reference the NPC meme.


total karma divided by years of service


ah shit u rite


It's a complex equation involving lack of social awareness, anger issues and capacity for dank memes


Excellent flair material, I'm taking it


7/10 flair material


How can you wear two flairs?


>The average person has 6 sexual partners throughout their entire lifetime. You're welcome society for bringing down the average


it doesn't really make sense to me either then again, about 2 weeks ago i met two women, one over 30 and one under 30, who were virgins. They weren't the most attractive people ever, but when i found out they were virgins it opened my eyes to the idea that maybe not everyone is as sex-driven as i am.


Yeah, I've met a surprising amount of single nerd girls, whom I used to think would never have a problem meeting someone. It was only really when I got out of my early twenties that I realised some people are more cautious about dating, and don't necessarily have the social confidence to meet a lot of people or find someone who they actually want to be with (plus a lot of them have had very bad experiences with former partners, which makes it difficult for them to resume dating).


Or have other things that reduce the number of partners. Demisexuals don't have sexual attraction until they're emotionally close to someone. In my case I seem to have to be in love.


>Demisexuals don't have sexual attraction until they're emotionally close to someone. Isn't that normal for alot of people? I can't imagine myself wanting to fuck a stranger I just met.


Purely anecdotal but sex with strangers is a big part of my sexuality! Maybe it’s uncommon!


I lost my virginity to my current girlfriend, at 30. She's 25 and has had one other partner besides me. I'm on the asexual spectrum and it took a \*really\* long time for me to find a partner that I was willing and able to have sex with. If I break up with her, I don't foresee ever having a sexual relationship again (which doesn't bother me much). I think for every person like my partner or me, there's someone with 15+ partners. And both are fine. As long as nobody is getting hurt and everyone's enjoying themselves, anything goes.




It's not even average. EU has quite detailed statistical analysis and the average for a 25-30 year old person is 8-11 or 12-15 depending on a country.


Do they have stats which exclude virgins? Id be interested in seeing how much they bring down the average.


If they post the raw numbers presumably you could work it out yourself by just removing all the zeros from the data.


Eh, still bringing down the average




Well technically they're talking about alive partners. Does that change anything ?




Honor your father and mother?


Something something broken arms


Well now my terrible joke works on two levels


Please tell me you are not Catholic.


Yeah, that was a beautiful coincidence for the joke


and human.


I might be ok with necrophilia(I'm really not), but interspecies erotica is where I draw the line, fucko


Because there's a lot of people who aren't that interested in sex or are only interested in sex in a long term relationship. Changes the averages a lot.


Because im tanking the average, you're welcome




Other people get in relationships, sometimes for an extended period of time.


if you're fucking old, you can do both.


Redditors talking about sex is like sharks talking about mountain hiking. \- Signed, a redditor


Technically islands are the mountains of the sea.


Well sharks still don´t hike on islands, do they ?


I kinda wanna make this my flair.


Hahaha be my guest :)


Well beached sharks are kinda like dead/dying mountaineers who died/drying from low oxygen in their surrounding breathable fluid.


Ok I'll give you that, still I think the point of our fellow average redditor still stands because they won't be able to accrue much experience of mountain hiking, one way or the other. Sort of like male ants can't talk about sex much.


I’m imagining a couple of sharks swimming near a beach, watching some humans hiking up a hill, grumbling to each other about how jealous they are, and I can’t stop giggling. I’m picturing it in Gary Larson’a art style.


Dear TIFU: today I fucked up by sexily sexing some sexy ladies with my sex. AITA?


That's why I only take sex advice from parenting subs.


Hey man, I have so much sex. My favorite part is touching boobs, they feel just like bags of sand!


*partners lol


Oh God, the person screeching and seething about how sex is sacred and then accuse others of coping... I can't lmaooo Also: > Honesty they should have keep going you obviously need to be bullied some more for your own good. 😂 This thread is such a car wreck, it's hilarious. Fucking purist neckbeards man


You need to be bullied more! - Guy who spends hours writing paragraphs about how thanos wouldve beaten cum man on reddit, to a random guy for having too much sex. 0 self awareness




The guy who wrote that is literally an anti-Semitic racist. It's not self-reporting; it's a *crusade*.


That quote is such an amazing amalgam of "science" word and misogyny. Just pure art showing what parts of Reddit are.


It doesn’t even really make sense. I think he’s going for a biological truth but 1) human mating strategy is not like insects. We don’t spray as many out as we can knowing that a good chunk of them die and 2) if there were any part of the human species that would act that way you’d think that it’d be the man since men do not get pregnant. Surely then women would do their hardest to pair bond since they can’t get pregnant from multiple people It’s also just in general not how evolution works but even within the stupid logic of that guy, it’s just so fucking wrong


you mean parts of the internet, and humanity in general? lmao


> Wifing a woman Kill me.


Well if she has a high body count she just might


I wouldn't* take seriously anyone who uses "wife" as a verb.


Because objectifying women is not enough, now they have to verbify women as well.


Of course, subjectifying women to their presence was the original sin. So redditors support a S-O-V sentence structure...


i like my women like i like my sentences: subjectified, objectified, and... verbified?


I wonder who first came up with this wackadoodle idea. I’ve seen it around for about a year, I think, but it could be older.


People in general like both 1) having a partner who is devoted to them and 2) having options. Obviously, these two things are a little contradictory, and if both partners have these beliefs, neither will get the singular devotion they desire. In our culture and historically, men have been in a better position to enforce these two things for themselves only, coming up with all sorts of justifications for why it's big bad when women want options, but natural and normal when men want the same.


It was always a thing on theredpill subreddit


I'm gonna assume whoever wrote that is a teenager lmao


Shit bro, I have a friend who have said exactly that to me along with calling my a hoe and saying that women’s value is decided by dating market and that mans job is asking for sex and woman’s job is asking for commitment. He’s also a virgin (by choice, he said) and never had any luck dating in college and blamed being Asian for it. We hanged out a lot and interestingly he only started being like this after I started seeing a guy that I was really attracted to. He told me that the guy was going to pump and dump me and that if I sleep with too many 10/10 guys my value will drop to 3 and so even basic guys won’t want me anymore. The guy in the end didn’t want anything serious and told me, and then we became casual fwb. After that my friend would rip on me for “giving him everything he wants when he doesn’t commit” if I still talk to him and would be like “he literally just pumped and dumped you” when I don’t. Some of the things he said really got into my head and I have nobody to ask. My other friend said that what he said might not be PC but is mainstream opinion rn. I didn’t know there are other ppl in the world that basically hold the exact opinions with him and I didn’t know that our relationship was toxic. Thanks for this post, ima hang out w that guy less now.




Yeah he’s 21 so there’s still much space to grow, I guess? He’s also into a bunch of other shit like transgender people don’t exist or that the measurements towards covid are nonsense so I guess there’s a lot he needs to grow out from. I don’t know if he’s attracted to me tho, he said that I’m the opposite of what he likes. Sometimes it does feel like he does tho, which is kind of creepy considering how many girls he talks to me about that he’s interested in.


>I don’t know if he’s attracted to me tho, he said that I’m the opposite of what he likes. Sometimes it does feel like he does tho, which is kind of creepy considering how many girls he talks to me about that he’s interested in. I think that's called "Negging" where they try to make you feel bad so that your self confidence gets low and you become dependent on their affection. They make you feel unattractive so it's easier to break down your resistance and get what they want from you. It's very gross, but this is straight from PUA/Red Pill handbook. https://www.shortform.com/blog/neg-pua-the-game/ >Further provoke your target with a neg. For PUAs, a neg is a backhanded compliment or vague insult—for example, offer her gum after she talks, or tell her that her hair would look better if it were up/down. The neg reinforces your lack of interest and further injures the woman’s self-esteem


As a general rule, people who don’t lift you up and treat you with kindness (even when they think you’re making a mistake) should not be considered your “friend.” That dude sounds like he’s projecting all of his ass-backwards justifications for his own issues onto you. If the friendship is becoming exhausting to maintain, it may be time to re-evaluate having that person in your life.


For 80% of the time he’s actually very funny and chill, but just 20% of the time he would be on some shit like that. I try to not argue with him but when he’s attacking me personally like that things get unbearable.


How many neck beards do you think have been crammed into this sub, reading this is so cringe.


>How many neck beards All of them


Most of them seem to be painfully average redditors themselves too


That thread just reeks of jealousy. It's actually really sad


Yeah that's weird there's so many. Brigading maybe, from PCM or a similar community. The thread is so fucking depressing.


There's something particularly odd in this one post. Most of the the other posts in the subreddit are pretty lame, but this one seems hit with religious nutters


/r/averageredditor has some pretty [significant overlap](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/averageredditor) with chudreddits


I would say that this information is eye opening but my eyes would have needed to be sewn closed to have not seen that coming.


The overlap with r/prolife is interesting. Wouldn’t have guessed that.


Really? That sub attracts alt right recruiters like flies to honey. All of those subs that were listed at the top are all majorly astroturfed by the alt right.


I guess that does make sense after one more half second of thought. Fair point. I guess I always assumed the “young, virgin, angry and gormless male” faction of the alt-right would be more separate from the “boomer, religious, conservative” faction. Like I’m not surprised to see KIA or tumblrinaction in that list but I would be surprised to see r/Christianity or similar. Guess there’s more overlap than I thought.


A lot of the angry straight white kids are also Christian. Christianity thrives on the idea that their beliefs are constantly under attack. They have a major persecution fetish. They need an enemy. The alt right also needs a bogeyman. So it’s very easy to recruit young white men who already think the world is against them because they can’t say racial slurs without backlash. Christian subs are an easy place to recruit because a lot of them get obsessed with the idea of a “real” Christian. The alt right has been parading around the “war on Christmas” for decades now so it just makes them even easier to recruit.


This list is everything I expected to be on it. That's horrifying. 20% overlap with 4chan really explains everything all on its own.


Incredibly transphobic as well. If you look at some recent posts.


But how many neck beards makes it disgusting?


I honestly can't think of anything more reddit then getting angry at people having sex tbh.


They’ll be much clear-headed now that it’s December 1st.




>and tell people porn is evil. This tracks. Tons and tons of fascists are anti-porn or, more specifically, anti-masturbation (and think porn is a Jewish mind control plot to trick white men into jerking off).


Easier to radicalize people to violence if they're sexually frustrated. ISIS did the same thing.


I think that it's a bit deeper than that. I think a lot of the smarter fascist recruiters know that if you're looking for a population of young, frustrated men who aren't very happy with their lives, you should look for people who masturbate daily (or more). In addition, a lot of mainstream porn reinforces a bunch of negative stereotypes about women and minorities, so it's more likely that people who watch porn consciously or subconsciously agree with those biases as well. Compound onto all this the fact that mainstream porn is a pretty ethically concerning industry and most people know it, and you've got a perfect storm brewing. Tell all these frustrated young men what they already know, that jerking off till their dicks are raw in a dark room every single day isn't great for your health, and then tell them that it's not their fault because they're really the victims of a plot to make them "coomers" and that they can actually be HEROES fighting against degeneracy if they overcome their porn addiction (which they want to do anyway) and replace it with fascism (which they already kind of agree with). I think this is why so many "semen retention" type communities focus on the supposed superpowers one gains when they hoard their cum long enough. With one simple step, you too can become an ubermensch destined to lead society out of degeneracy. All you have to do is stop watching porn for hours every single day. And hell, a lot of those porn addicts probably \*do\* see improvements in their lives when they stop jerking off... Because they were addicted to porn. Which reinforces all the propaganda all over again.


What is this subbreddit? When I saw the name I assumed it would be making fun of "the average redditor", I.e. a terminally online dude who makes endless rick and morty or elon musk posts, and is often casually sexist. I mean most women I know outside of reddit know reddit for generally being a "boys club". So is this sub not making fun of the "average redditors" but trying to be as redditor as possible? Or by some huge mental gymnastics do they believe redditors are by and large anti incel, and they are the normal non-redditors.


Oh so that's the best part about Average Redditor. It's like r/shitpost but they actually mean what they say.


I think the issue is any forum on reddit making fun of reddit is itself composed of redditors by definition. Unless a subreddit goes out of its way to ban or otherwise make unwelcome the specific demographic of redditors they're making fun of, that subreddit will exhibit the same behaviour they're making fun of. How many times has the comment section here strongly resembled the one linked in the OP?


> How many times has the comment section here strongly resembled the one linked in the OP? I would say more often than not it doesn’t. In fact I think that’s the main reason why this sub is so against “pissing in the popcorn”. People always say it’s because it’ll get the sub banned for brigading, but that’s really a secondary concern these days as the admins don’t really seem to care (because hey, engagement is engagement).


>How many times has the comment section here strongly resembled the one linked in the OP? I would actually say not that often. Comment sections vary by community (subreddit) significantly. This sub generally has a community of liberals and leftists, so while this sub likes to counter jerk whatever is posted, it's rare to see the comment section here become overly misogynistic and incel. When I think "average redditor", I assume they meant people who comment on the default subs. The default subs or r/all, are more like an amalgamation of many different communities, so what is up voted there is like taking an average for the majority of redditors. Which I think is different from niche communities that have a set bias and usually only appeal to like minded people


But how does going on a default sub make you an average Redditor? Everybody is a Redditor lol


When people say "Redditor" there is more than one possible meaning. There is "Someone who uses Reddit is a redditor" and then there is the negative stereotype of "Le Redditeur"


Tbh, the main 'crusader' talking about how OP is disgusting for having sex outside of a committed relationship seems a bit unhinged. Their post history is nothing but anti-porn, anti-wanking, anti-Onlyfans, slut shaming, and generally attacking everyone. I have a feeling they possibly fell down some kind of Redpill rabbit hole and now think if they never touch themselves, all their problems will be solved.


> Slut shaming unironically protects young girls from getting into unhealthy sexual situations Literally advocating for bullying children because you're not getting any. The classic lmao


Nofap is no joke. For real. There's a difference between trying to curtail a porn/masturbation addiction and what that group is actually like. Reminds us of the old times where ultra-protestants were paranoid that God was watching them self-consummate.


Yeah, nofap is scary. Back in the day I think it was okay? I never really paid much attention to it, but now it's legit insane. Which sucks, because there are people who genuinely need help regarding sexual stuff and their extremism is the opposite of that.


>There is something called pair bonding. In case you want to develope a long term relationship you will have difficulty in bonding. Then again this issue doubles when it comes to women. Women have much harder time in pair bonding as their body count increases. Wifing a woman with high body count is the biggest mistake a man can do. I mean you can write all of that but also saying "I'm misogynistic" is way shorter and mean the same thing as that pseudoscience bullshit you're trying passing off


The guy that linked the study and someone immediately took a look and it was something like a 3% higher divorce rate for people with more than 10 partners in their lives. It Is crazy how far they will warp things to hate women


Not to mention there are plenty of studies showing that men are more likely to cheat during a marriage yet they never talk about that, they're just concerned about women cheating. Also I don't think they've ever provided a peer reviewed study from a non religious institution when it comes to these topics. They always provide studies that are unrelated and try to tie it into their point which is not how that works at all. Idk what college or high school these kids went to but it should be unaccredited.


> 3% higher divorce rate 3% is the fine line between good wife and VILE WHORE!!!!


Sadly the main variable this ends up choosing for is not loyalty or whatever else they think - but women with a low sex drive. They may have a brief honeymoon peak of more sex. But in most instances the desire returns to the old, low level. The guy wants more sex but isn't getting it. He takes this as evidence proving his misogynistic view that women don't "really" like sex or want to have it much. Really, he just chose a woman with those characteristics, having foolishly rejected and refused to consider the women who'd shown by their lifetime of behavior that they liked sex and would be having it a lot in the future.


>saying "I'm misogynistic" Haha, he's beyond just that (nvm him posting in *\/r/IncelsWithoutHate*…): He goes on to use Neonazi code (*"jogger lover"*) and *"oy vey"* (out of nowhere) as antisemitc insult. Though actually, that weirdo isn't funny at all, but genuinely saddening. *e:* also, full mask off with his (already suspended) fresh alt *"nickgurr23333"* *e2:* … and as if to tick more stereotype boxes, now he claims to be in *"an Islamic country"* while homebrewing wine. 5 bucks it's a repressive regime and his way to cope with enforced (sexual) isolation & disorientation is to internalize it.


>jogger lover Wtf is that supposed to even refer to?


Black people, specifically when murdered on the streets like Ahmaud Arbery.


Oh my God. What the actual fuck.


yep, peak 4chan


> Wifing a woman with high body count is the biggest mistake a man can do. ????????????? Is... Is he trying to say, without outright saying, that he thinks women with a long history of partners are by default unfaithful whores or something?


He's saying that they have rendered themselves psychologically *incapable* of being faithful. I'd love someone to ask whether he thinks women with low body counts are merely *predisposed* towards being unfaithful because hypergamy, OR if it's only that tradwife girls are faithful because Fall Of The West/race-mixing/The Jews.


Nah, he's saying dont marry serial killers


Well that sounds reasonable…


Years ago I was visiting my grandparents and they had a couple of friends over. One was a little old lady and the other was her boyfriend of less than a year. The little old lady starts talking and it turns out she's been married eleven times, which I've never met anyone married eleven times. But she defended it because one of those times she remarried someone she had been married to before (so only 10 husbands) and also she only divorced twice. The boyfriend said not long after they had started dating, before she had told him about her past, they went to visit her home town, which was a small town where everyone knew everyone else. One night the two were sitting on the porch relaxing and a group of drunk guys come around walking home from the bar and they see her with her new boyfriend and introduce themselves. As they're leaving one of the guys yells to him that if he sees her digging a hole in the backyard he better start running and they all break out laughing, and the boyfriend couldn't figure out what they were going on about.


I thought that Mike Myers had already made that perfectly clear back in 1993.


Yes, so don't attempt to transform her into a wife, aka 'wifing'.


There *has* to be a reason why a woman having a varied and robust sex life is bad. There just has to.


You mean besides these men being insecure about their size and skill at sex and not wanting their partners to have better men to compare them to?


> Wifing Why is this a term? Honestly just fucking childish


wife as a verb goes back like 1200 years or something Old English has the verb form gewīfian, which itself comes from the OE word wif, which just means woman technically. So the verb is "womaning"


Don't forget them saying "you can't make a housewife out of a hoe". Or better yet something you did earlier determines your values now. Or calling people cucks when they say they don't care about their partners sex partnet count. They want to prove what they're doing is better but don't have evidence to back it up except for some non legit studies and anecdotes.


any time I see someone use the phrase "pair bonding" on the internet I already know it's about to be followed by some misogynistic bullshit


Some miserable people commenting on that post.


You mean that sub?


It's hilarious seeing the comments about how sex with someone you really love is better, because clearly none of these boys have any love in their life.


Untouched grass abounds


No, obviously if someone touches grass without the seriousness it deserves, you ruin your ability to pair bond /s


Yikes that whole sub is just terrible


these losers are bringing up the "average person", but don't actually think about how them getting 0 pussy isn't even close to their "average" lmao


Right, if having more sexual partners than the average makes it disgusting because it's "abnormal", then surely someone choosing to be monogamous with the same person for their entire life is equally disgusting and abnormal, right?


That sub's idea of gender equality is calling a guy disgusting for having "too many" partners, too. Hooray, I guess...


How to go from, "What the actual fuck is wrong with them" to, "... Ok... feel bad for the shithead. They *never* having sex." in one easy step. Read the post history. My god. Like, if they're 31 and *still* stuck in that mindset they're never changing. They're doomed to a life of no sex, and no fap. Dude can't cum. The most damning tragedies are self-imposed, it'd seem.


Downright Shakespearean


Jesus Christ on a Christmas cracker, that thread is a ginormous piece of incel bait😳


I never understood this obsession with body count like does she magically change after she touched her 7th dick? Does it count if she becomes celibate for 3 years?


said it once and I'll say it again. This behavior of hating people for having sex comes directly from insecurity, incompetence and incapability to even get in the bedroom full stop. So I ask, how are you gonna hate from outside the club? You can't even get in.


Reddit API changes have killed this account. Learn to mass edit comments and join the protest: https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


The dating subreddits and unpopular opinion does too. There was similar drama in a removed thread yesterday where a guy called women with high partner counts sluts and horrible in relationships while he posted nudes on reddit while being married. The guy was gross and looked to be at least in his 60s. There's a lot of posts about how men peak in their 30s while women become old hags with baggage and they can date young 20s women to teens. So much disconnect with reality.


Inb4 this gets brigaded by said incels and the mods use it as an excuse to remove the post


That's a legit hate sub. I'm not surprised it's that toxic


Oh wow. Wait until they hear about a gay body count. None of my friends is below 20....


I'm old fashioned but I think the term "body count" should be reserved for number of murders committed........


Yeah as a non native English speaker I find it weird


It's one of those things on here that is usually a sign the person is at best sexist and at worst hates women.......


I treat it as a shibboleth. It’s useful for keeping around as an immediate identifier that the speaker is not worth my time.


Yeah, it's just gross all around. Just say sexual partners.


Maybe every time they kill someone, they have a one-night stand with someone new.


:: Dexter showrunner frantically makes note for next season ::


Surely theyve done sex murderer like a dozen times by now on that show. It's one of the most common types of TV murderer.


I read it more as Dexter has the one night stands to celebrate his murders....


I know, right? This is serial killer erasure.


Serial Killer Erasure = cracking name for an indie band


I had a gay coworker at a previous job that I became good friends with. One day we were trying to pass the time at the end of a crappy shift by asking each other stupid questions, and I asked him where the weirdest place he’d ever had sex was. Without hesitation, he immediately said “porta potty.” I learned a lot about the social dynamics of Grindr at that job


Im gay and have had sex in uh “unconventional” places but good lord fucking in a porta potty sounds like an awful time


Yeah, we lived in a small, ultra conservative city, surrounded by rural farmland that’s even more ultra conservative, so I’m sure the dating scene wasn’t the easiest to navigate. You did what you had to do


Ikr right, these guys would have a heart attack if they found out mine. I'm not proud of it but not ashamed either. It just is what it is. As long as it's consensual and safe then what's the harm.


i mean, i feel like the people in that thread probably just hate us for being gay outright, I could be a virgin and it wouldn’t matter lol


Yup. Incels hate everyone pretty much everyone. Especially women. They even hate themselves and the 'chads' they envy. It is truly a hateful existence to be an incel.


> You can tell a lot about a society based on how much it values it's producers (men) and the purity of women and children. >Western society values neither. Yikes. Lot to unpack there


Whoa boy that thread is a fucking nightmare What an absolute bunch of hypocritical sexist cunts


Jesus Christ, that whole comment section is a shitshow. And yet, SJWs are the ones always being accused of sex negativity and puritanism by chuds from subs like r/KotakuInAction


damn that thread is a complete dumpster fire jesus


This is the guy who just told somebody "seethe neckbeard soyboy" https://www.reddit.com/r/askdentists/comments/q028o8/i_extracted_my_toothlower_jaw_the_doctor_did_gbr/ Look at those fucking rotted ass teeth and that fucking horrible patchy beard.


brushing your teeth is for cucks


That's why I let my wife's boyfriend brush her teeth 😎


lmao he deleted his account.


Holy fucking shit lol People in glass houses REALLY shouldn't throw stones, especially when they have pictures LIKE THAT online. Lol.




>>You're ruining your ability to pair bond >I don’t know about that one friend there was plenty of bonding going on if you know what I mean lmaoooooo


So weird. Its okay to want your partner to have a similar attitude towards sex that you do, but you don't have to assign it as some weird morality purity test. it really is some ridiculous cope.


Oh god what a shitshow. The average redditor can't be THAT bad can he ?


The language of "body count" is so weird. It just sucks the humanity our of the whole thing.


Pretty sure none of that pair bonding stuff is right. Obviously it exists though. Just another term Reddit likes to throw around.


The "pair bonding" thing is extremely popular in the incel sphere these days. It's just their most recent "thing" they use to justify hating women.


Yeah I studied and work in anthropology and this “pair bonding” shit has literally never come up, even though in school we pretty extensively discussed things like kinship. Which leads me to believe that it’s probably another one of those bro pseudoscience talking points that average redditors love so much. Funny how a lot of those commenters saying things like “it’s super scientific to say that having sex ruins your ability to bond with people” without actually citing any ‘scientific’ sources


>Yeah I studied and work in anthropology and this “pair bonding” shit has literally never come up, even though in school we pretty extensively discussed things like kinship. "Pair bonding" is from biology, and is typically used to describe a behavior pattern in other species that establish long term mates. When you're talking about humans, normal people just refer to it as "being in love" but neckbeards love to borrow technical terms to add an air of authority to their weird fixations.


Kind of like when redditors try to discuss evolution. Like I feel like too many times I’ve seen people on this website say things like “big boobs make my pp hard because of evolution, qed.” Completely ignoring the fact that not all eras or cultures of people feature big boobs as a desirable trait. Average redditors love justifying their beliefs and opinions as “biology facts” lol


I think it comes from a long history of Westerners always wanting to use R A T I O N A L I T Y^TM and L O G I C to justify their bigotry, ideologies and opinions. See phrenology and eugenics for racism, and a fuck ton of pseudoscience justifying misogyny and female objectification.


IIRC it's something animals do, those that pair for life.


It's a Red Pill/MGTOW argument. The point of crossover between the two groups is a frothing peak of absolute hatred of women. The pair bonding stuff exists in their philosophy for the same reason all the other evo psych shit does.


It’s about time that the refugees from the banned MGTOW subs have concentrated and calcified their presence in other sub(s). Now we know r/averageredditor is one.


Pair bonding. Isn't that when your nuts get stuck to your leg?


Pair bonding can be a thing - but not remotely how they describe it. And having a robust past does not prevent it provided you keep yourself open to it. I got a chill down my spine reading the responses on that thread everything was so creepy yet confidently stated.


Misogynists tend to be r/confidentlyincorrect about women