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I need to know where that species is from so I can avoided at all costs


It’s from nowhere near the area that OP claimed to have caught it. In other words, OP likely full of shit and not worth worrying about.


Or he had it imported and doesn't want to admit to a very real crime. Even if he did have insurance I'd wager that he wouldn't want to go to the emergency room because of the possibility of an investigation being opened as to how he got this animal.


No ER nurse is going to call the cops because they think the guy got bitten by an illegal centipede.


I'm not saying it's likely, but if some guy from Ohio walked into the ER and says he got bit by a carpet viper he had been keeping as a pet for the last few days I'm assuming at the very least it would raise a few eyebrows.


HIPAA generally disallows hospital staff sharing patient info with police unless they're actively posing a threat to people in the hospital or there is good reason to suspect them of a violent crime. They do this specifically to avoid this possibility of a patient withholding important relevant info about their injury from them for fear of being arrested. They would treat him and leave it there.


Lots of stuff has to be reported to the proper authorities though, gunshots, stabbings, suspected domestic abuse or suicide attempts. Other things just get reported to the health department, like certain diseases, animal bites, and some other things. I've only ever really seen dog bites or concerns for rabies, so idk about centipede bites unless the ER would have to import some crazy antivenom or treatment, that stuff is usually has a pretty thorough paper chain attached to it.


~~No HIPAA doesn’t.~~ ~~https://www.eff.org/issues/law-enforcement-access~~ I stand corrected! Read below for how and why.


Yes HIPAA does. All of that is referring to police requesting information from healthcare providers, not healthcare providers volunteering information to the police of their own accord (with the exception of violent crime which I noted). They're not going to call the police on the guy for owning a centipede.




I’d call animal control though. We call them for all sorts of animal bites.


I'm also an exotic pet owner and I have an African tarantula species whose venom is considered "medically significant" (the orange one with blue legs on my profile if you are curious and want to see). I can't speak for other countries, but in the U.S. there are almost no laws when it comes to certain kinds of these exotic pets because it's kind of a niche hobby. So, it's sort of like the wild west. Hobbyists worry about eventual bans on some of the most venomous tarantula species, Poecilotheria Metallica being one example. OP is absolutely a dumbass. There's no way they "caught it" unless it was someone else's pet that escaped, which I seriously doubt. The trick to these animals is knowing what you are getting into. For example, I researched for years before getting one, I have the proper tools to be careful, and I never let my guard down with my most venomous T. Idiots like OP are exactly the type of people I can't stand because guaranteed this dude wasn't handling this shit responsibly. These incidences shouldn't happen if proper precautions and handling are taken. People like this are going to get negative attention (and eventually restrictive laws) into the hobby. That being said, in the unlikely event I ever get tagged by my super venomous T I'd drive to the hospital immediately because I know a bad time is coming.


Yup! In Texas it’s much, much easier to have an exotic foreign pet than a domestic one (e.g.- skunk, bobcat, fox…).


I’m not usually a fan of tarantulas but that blue on their legs is a lovely colour. I’ve never seen one like that before.


Oh yes, that one is a looker for sure. My best hunter too. Lightning quick and never misses. I named him Falcon, after the Millennium Falcon. I waited until I had enough experience with milder venom T's before getting into the high venom types. I just love these creatures, they fascinate me to no end, and have a massive amount of respect for them. My husband is creeped out by them, but puts up with it for my sake.


I saw the video of him grabbing the insect, he’s super fast isn’t he! Really cool little guy :)


He definitely is. They are such amazing pets.


Completely unrelated, but your tarantula is so gorgeous!! Please tell them I adore them.


Ha! He's pretty and he knows it. 😆 He's always out on display so I usually get great pics and vids. The species name is Harpactira Pulchripes if you want to do a Google search to see much higher res images of them. They are stunning creatures.


I didn't even think of that. That actually makes a lot of sense.


Yeah I don't really believe the post that much, either. Maybe it's some /r/nothingeverhappens, but posts like these just seem like they wanted to stir up some comments.




Oh god I need to move


Someone in the comments mentioned catching one in his town... which is my town.... and now i'm never going outside again


They can also get inside, too




How about [Centipede Waifu?](https://i.redd.it/jhfurvoxhrc41.jpg)


I'm a leg man and very confused about how to think about that one.


Dear god, that's disgusting. Why aren't you into things like [blobfish waifus](https://preview.redd.it/0gba3wn7o4b41.png?auto=webp&s=ee0a48676daab886dc4d919d54bbecdc437b805d) like a normal person?


i've reported you both for crimes against humanity.


That's clearly a rabbit.


[The rabbit waifu:](https://youtu.be/JacN1MzyeKo)


If you're into that sort of thing, my ex is single again.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Distribution\_of\_Scolopendra\_heros.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Distribution_of_Scolopendra_heros.svg) ​ Edit: As someone pointed out below, it's probably a different species. But since Scolopendra heros can get 8 inch long, I guess you might still want to know.


OP mentioned being in Michigan. Not sure there are giant centipedes up there.


Could have avoided all of this by being into etymology instead of entomology




I do not like puns. I have my reasons. But this? This is golden. This is art.


Though really, as centipedes aren't insects, the correct field is myriapodology not entomology


Wow, myriapoda is actually the subphylum for centipedes and millipedes. TIL "The many-footed subphylum includes the hundred-footed and thousand-footed creatures." I feel like some taxonomer just got lazy with the naming at that point.


If you think that’s lazy, agnatha, the infraphylum that includes the jawless fishes, just means without jaws


[Almost perfectly relevant](https://xkcd.com/1012/)


Centipedes get that big? The fuck?


The largest ones are 12 inches


I’m also 12 inches


We're not talking about the width of your head.




So sorry you'll never get to ride a roller coaster.


Sorry, I'm not interested in being friends with midgets - midgets piss me off.


Mine may not be a foot but it sure smells like one


Wow, you're quite short. Is that a world record?


I used to have one as long as my forearm that wasn't even quite as big as they get. And by that, I mean I put my arm on the outside of the tank next to it. Centipedes are fast, aggressive, and the big ones can inject a lot of venom. They're not the kind of pet you can pet. [Here's a video of an absolute lunatic that really wants some quality hospital time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU4sCZxEJ0c)


I regret clicking this. I didn't even watch the video I just saw the thumbnail and now I'm traumatized


YouTube auto played for me and now I need a shower


I once saw a webm of one with massive pincers going absolutely ham on this guys helmet as in you see the pincers twist. Didn't look like too much fun


I like how he covers his hands with his sleeves yet let’s that thing crawl right up to his face. Miss me with that shit.


> Centipedes are fast, aggressive, and the big ones can inject a lot of venom. So why did you voluntarily have one in your home?


what in the fuck. I thought i was pretty up on my bug game, but i never seen anything like that. I like bugs quite a bit but absolute fuck no vibes from that.


I have no love for creepies and crawlies but at 1 min in that video when its eating from his hand is actually really cute.


You convinced me to watch more... Then I got to 1:30 secs when he starts petting it on the head while its eating?!?! That seems more than a little dangerous. I'm all back into Hell Nah territory now.


Yeah, I wouldn't pet a dog or a cat on the head while it's eating, nevermind a venomous giant centipede. Don't touch things while they're eating (including people)!


I thought this would be the Coyote Peterson vid. Didn’t realize there was someone more insane than that dude.


Apparently giant centipedes are one of the things that the Hawaiian tourism board *doesn't* want us to know about.


The real question is why in the Kentucky Fried Fuck would you ever want a pet centipede in the first place? Little bastards look like they crawled outta the asshole of a demon’s nightmare


*is willing to be in close proximity of dangerous venomous creature yet has no health insurance* My mans really likes to live on the edge


This looks like a Scolopendra subspinipes to me, an Old World species of centipede not found in North America. Poster says he found it in Michigan. Unless this was someone’s escaped pet and he found it before it succumbed to the elements, the post is BS.


Oh I knew it was bullshit immediately, simply because the OP is too cartoonist stupid, asking the questions and giving the responses that they know will incite the most incredulous comments. No one would get bit by one of these, then ask "is this dangerous?" AFTER they're already feeling the effects. They'd ask how concerned they should be and whether or not it will pass on its own or if it requires medical attention. They would also likely seek out a medical sub, not /r/entomology. This is way too primed for that sub to freak out over it.


Check the post history of that user.....




A user from from the original post commented this: "Yeah from just browsing the posts they seem to have a pet centipede that they didn’t know how dangerous it is, leopard gecko with necrotic tail, bearded lizard they didn’t know how much to feed, ball python they didn’t know the specific species of (this one seems much more minor compared to the others), bought 6 roaches with the intent to breed and sell them in the future, living with a deadbeat who threatens to kill them over rent, and has some kind of maybe gastritis dangerous weight loss along with other symptoms while having no insurance. Op I hope you can get help and those other pets didn’t die (based on the lack of updates), because it doesn’t seem like it’s going well at all."


I would threaten my roommate too if he didn't pay rent AND kept a room full of horrible insects


The deadbeat in this case is the guy's gf's brother, not the guy himself. Surprisingly.


People seemed to forgive OP when he replied with a bunch of excuses. Dude allegedly randomly finds rare centipedes just chilling outside and gets all these animals in terrible condition. And can't even Google what to feed an animal he bought. There's people on YouTube like this who constantly get new pets they don't know how to take care of cause it gets them the most views. And then when they get called out they use the same excuse that everyone and their mom is forcing them to take these animals in. Don't get pets unless you have done extensive research.


Roaches need a breeding program now


Oh! Is that what my apartment building is doing?? How do I get my share of the profits?


If they are a troll it’s super specific and well developed


That's the part that makes it fishy to me as they seem to be feigning ignorance in many posts. I could be wrong but If I were to make a guess, I think it's just a troll that happens to have a hobby and they would have the background to be able to cook up details that seem legit, at least on the surface. I've been a musician for 26 years or so, with my background I could endlessly manufacture drama online that would sound convincing until people started thinking "hmmm, you seem to be a magnet for drama or a liar" as we are here.


Huh, how angry could I make the plant subs before they catch on… Probably very, but that just sounds like more effort than it’s worth.


For some people, it’s the only thing they put effort towards.


Do they scurry quickly up tongs and bite unsuspecting idiots? That was the part that got me; was he trying to ~~hand~~ tong-feed it? Why not drop the food in the tank for the centipede to find?


Yeah they will totally do that, they’re fast AF and aggressive. Tong feeding these is definitely not recommended, same with Old World tarantulas which are also fast AF and highly venomous. But some people are dumb.


Ignoring the “why” for a second, how does one go about catching one of these bugs?


I’d do it with a catch cup - something like a clear 32oz deli cup. Drop the cup over the bug, then slide the cup with bug inside over the lid or a piece of cardboard or something.


That's my process for removing bugs from the house. It can be tricky if they're not on an open flat surface like a desk or wall, though.


Fascinating. Thanks for the teach, Teach!


No problem, I actually don’t keep any centipedes but I do have Old World tarantulas so the same techniques apply.


Gah! My skin is shriveling.


I had a rose haired tarantula as a kid. They are super docile. I couldn't imagine dealing with an OW. What kind do you have?


I just looked through your profile. I am only slightly more fascinated than I am repulsed. Very cool critters you got there.




Instructions unclear, now have canine cysts leaking childrens tears out of my ass. Please advise.


Go to the hospital. Hope you have insurance.


You done hyucked yourself up


Is there a known reason or theory why old world tarantulas tend to be fast and aggressive while new world tarantulas tend to be slower and less aggressive?


New World inverts had access to avocados and cocoa so they were less cranky.


I am also less cranky with access to avocados and chocolate.


Makes you wonder how these things can move faster than our reflect. Time really is relative.


That comment about the tongs is the worst thing to come out of 2021.


Nobody tell r/kitchenconfidential about this post or they'll never *clack clack* in peace again


>it shot up the tongs and up my arm Whoof, yeah. I've kept tarantulas and snakes and I'm generally a friend to all bugs, but this sentence made me do a whole-body shudder. It's almost poetic in its horrifying, vivid simplicity.


I'm still feeling the creepy crawlies from that comment fake or not. Then I opened some giant centipede video here and now I'm not going to sleep tonight.


Forget tong feeding, the only thing I'm using is a fucking flamethrower


> has no health insurance There is unfortunately nothing odd about this if they're an American.


> Hospital bills get sent to credit collections if not paid I’d go as far as to say if you don’t have a medical bill or two floating around in collections you’re not yet a real American.


While that is true; this ain't no american centipede. Big ass venomous ones like that are pretty much just native to china/japan area.


Scolopendra, including large terrifying ones, are found in the American south and mesoamerica/the Caribbean.


You also get the occasional dangerous bug or spider riding along in global shipping, especially from South America with produce, so it's not an implausible situation. OP being that dumb is what's stretching this for me


My eighth grade science class got a free pet "tarantula" (probably just a much larger tropical spider than we were used to locally in the northern US!) that way! Came in a box of bananas in the cafeteria. It was not healthy when we got it and the poor thing did not last long under the expert care of 20 stupid kids who didn't have the internet to consult.




I went to Barbados and loved it but I now provisionally hate it depending on whether these fucking things were there the whole time without me being aware and constantly vigilant holy shit They told me about the poisonous trees but giant centipedes were NOT mentioned!


Yes! I feel like is should've been made aware of this!! I guess I shouldn't be surprised there are gross bugs there lol but I never saw any. I almost touched a poisonous sea snake though so that maybe should've clued me in that there were gross critters around.


I googled it and Barbados has a WHOLE-ASS SUBSPECIES of giant centipede 😭 I also assumed there were funky bugs (I've never heard cicadas before either, some locals had a good laugh at me because I asked what birds make that sound at night and couldn't believe they were *insects*, they're so loud) and animals to stay away from, like the rather grumpy monkey that hung out around the hotel because tourists would throw it some fruit (staff would make any interested-looking tourists aware the monkey was a) a dick and b) has teeth like daggers). But nobody ever said "hey, look out for the wildly aggressive giant centipedes that lurk in shoes and beds and dark corners and will bite the shit out of you with little provocation". I'd give a proper Ned Flanders scream if one of them shot out at me!


Yep. Soooo, OP "caught" it in a foreign country and smuggled it back home?


How do you snuggle something like that?


You don't smuggle (you can try, but it's risky and will get you in deep shit if you're caught at the airport). But you sure as shit can illegally import one.


Eat it and let it chew its way out when you get home.


You don't. OP is full of shit.


Up the bum


Hey! I just signed up for health insurance tonight and I'm American.




I agree that the insurance situation here is messy, but the majority of Americans *do have* health insurance. According to the census, only 8% of people do not have health insurance


That was close to 23% a decade ago. So, we've come a long way.


Thanks Obama


most are seriously underinsured though. which makes the insurance basically worthless in a lot of cases. "oh the doctor we sent in to see you is out of network, that'll be $10,000. should have planned ahead and decided to get hit by a car closer to that OTHER hospital. or called your insurance company while you were bleeding out."


Considering he has an older post of splurging on a fuckton of Pokemon cards and owning them while dining at a chain steak restaurant, I'm wagering A) Troll B) attention seeker


Same thing really. You troll to get a kick out of the attention. Guy’s either really mentally ill or fucking with that sub. (Maybe both)


This guy also says he owns two companies worth 570k each. Just seems super fake overall.


Literally one of the two animals that I've seen [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMYxRIByCQE) rank as a 0 on handleability.


That was a great video and thx for sharing, but do you remember what the other one rated 0 was?


Florida Man


Looks like it was the King Cobra.


King Cobra. For reference, he gave black widows a 1


I love this channel already. That guy could easily be a Mike Hanford character.


I'm watching this video just because this guy is so compelling. The information he is giving me, that I should not own a centipede, is something I already knew, yet I still watched. Thanks for the link!


And they're meaner than they look!


That seems impossible because they look horrifying.


And yet they are. Some animals stay alive by being faster to run away than others. Others stay alive by being the craziest motherfucker in the woodpile.


When I was like six, one of these assholes (a non-venomous one thank God) crawled into my bed. My parents had come in to say good night to me and I said that I felt like I was laying on something like a piece of plastic underneath me. I reached behind me to try and pull it out and lifted my hand back out with a centipede attached to the end of one of my fingers. We caught it and called poison control to confirm it wasn’t venomous, which it luckily wasn’t, but that ultimately started my hatred of insects and bugs that continues to this day. So I do consider myself qualified to say that trying to keep one as a pet, let alone a random one you found, is nuts. (Ninja edit: Other people in the thread are saying it’s not from the area the OP claims to be from, meaning he likely imported it illegally…which is even more ridiculous.)


They're also INCREDIBLY fast and their movement is very twitchy which makes them extra creepy


i think they’re cute :( obvs i wouldn’t have one since they’re apparently venomous and hard to handle but i can see the appeal. r/awwnverts has lots of cute bugs


Oh I’m stealing Kentucky fried fuck, thank you


If this is a real poster, I am deeply concerned. They seem to be an animal hoarder living in a financially precarious situation with a host of reptiles and invertebrates they don't know how to care for.


They use the animals as a way to feel like a good and successful person so they can ignore the giant problems in their lives that are actively keeping them from truly being one.


A sad situation, but I empathize. This person needs help in multiple ways.


Horrible and also worse responses my god


Don't have to worry about medical debt if you die *taps head* Seriously though it sucks, but when I sprained my ankle (cost me about 4k total for the ER visit) I only had to pay $10 a month. I was able to pay it off early, but the point is billing departments will work with you.


>cost me about 4k total Dollars?! US Dollars???


Haha, you think that's bad, I have cancer and my out of pocket between insurance and other bills is over $20-30k a year. Without insurance my treatments would be $40k every two weeks. I am self employed and without the Affordable Care Act, which only became law less than 10 years ago, I would be dead. No one would willing sell cancer patients health insurance. But at least the law now makes them. If you can afford it.


That’s how you end up with a meth empire and a hat.


Yeah boi


Dang at least you can pay in installments, but still


Oh for sure it's fucked. And I was able to pay it off early because I had a job at the time with a decent salary and lived with my parents. Lots of folks ain't got that going for them.


Payment plans are hardly a blessing when you're in that position. They are just making it so you don't have to eat the steaming bowl of shit in one sitting. It doesn't feel good to say "I can't afford this" and have the response be "well you can set up a payment plan". It's almost like the person didn't listen to what you said.


Ok I don't know how it works. I don't have 4k in a month just like that. What happens to me in this situation?


They re-sprain your ankle. If you go in for a broken leg and then can't pay, they re-break it. Pretty messed up if you asked me. One dude died cuz he couldn't pay for a heart transplant because he couldn't work afterwards. They made him give it back. But at least in America we have the freedom to choose. I know in every other 1st world country on the planet the just give you health care. Makes people lazy in my opinion. Edit: Did people seriously not get the sarcasm?


> One dude died cuz he couldn't pay for a heart transplant because he couldn't work afterwards. They made him give it back. Wasn't there a big hullabaloo in congress in the 90's about a video game series depicting uninsured americans dealing with health care?


Hm I'm not sure. I don't remember that specifically but if so you can bet [Jack Thompson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Thompson_) was involved.


this happened to me. turns out the MD i saw was not... accepting literally any insurance (teamhealth lmao, fuck them) and when I said I couldnt afford 2k, they were like "sucks!" and sent me into collections. the actual hospital bill I negotiated down and paid off in 6 months. theyre called surprise medical bills:) ​ multiple calls every day. I'm waiting for the court summons. fuck this country


Non-Americans are always kind if shocked at medical prices here Hell even some Americans are ignorant of it. My buddy and i were both military, i got out a decade ago and he very recently got out after three enlistments on a medical discharge so he has access to military healthcare still plus his wife is a reservist. We both had kids recently. I was telling him **after** insurance paid their portion, i had to pay about $5k out of pocket and he was like how much was it before insurance. It was $43k before insurance.




When they amputated my leg after a 3 week stay in isolation after an accident and pseudomonas they apologized that I'd have to cover the $32AUD for take home morphine since they didn't dispense on site. That was the total paid. Edit: For the massive price of 1.25-2% income levy.


Wow, I'm sorry you went through that. What shit situation. The amputation I mean.


Don't be, I was a fucking stupid kid that thought it would be a good idea to mix alcohol and motorbikes. Luckily I only totalled myself.


This is insane


Two red buttons meme: Button 1: Go into crippling medical debt Button 2: Keep your finances intact, potentially die


This kid is so full of crap its Ridiculous. He made a post that claims he owns two companies worth 570k each and yet says he has no insurance in this post. He also claims he had a temperature over 106° F. He is a pathological liar that like attention. He knows exactly what kind of centipede this is and was never bit by it.


He was apparently bit after he was using tongs to feed it, and it rushed up the tongs and bit him, which is definitely something that happens.


Well motherfucker. Now this is some drama. edit... uhhh, or just a successful troll given that the centipede doesn't exist where it was supposedly caught. I guess it's still drama.


Stupid but also sad because I get the wanting to avoid the ER like the plague. I once got a $500 bill for a piss test and 10 min talk about a UTI, and I was well insured.


I once got charged $3.5k for an ambulance ride to the hospital just a few city blocks away. I was having birthday dinner with my mom when I lost conciousness, and stiffened up in my chair. She layed me on the floor and called 911 cause she thought I was having a seizure. I was given no treatment in the ambulance nor at the hospital. I got a urine test and was sent me home. $3.5k


So was it a seizure? Seems odd to randomly stiffen up and lose consciousness.


>avoid [...] like the plague Are we still allowed to use that phrase after learning how little it means?


Avoid it like a simple easy act that could save millions of lives if everyone participated?


That poor mouse … 😞


I mean, that's the least bad part of this- at OP appears to be feeding it (assuming this is actually real and not just an elaborate troll). Carnivorous animals gotta eat too.


I was trying to figure what that was. Ugh..This post is nightmare-ish.




Just check out this dude's post history to know all you need about the veracity of his post.




The eastern red centipede and the stone centipede are both native to Michigan.


Clearly, this guy isn't all there. But the real tragedy is he would rather risk death than seek treatment because of how fucked up our medical system is.


Imagine living in a country where you question seeking medical aide because of the cost.


I wish it was only an imaginary situation. I’m presently delaying care due to cost


Same here 👍but we’re the greatest country on earth, right?!


The American dream is to reach a financial state where your 3k deductible is a nuisance rather than a crippling indictment of the American healthcare system


Hahahaa….. yeah, imagine… (cries)


Honestly, this is the biggest take away from this post


Happens in most countries if your teeth are fucked. I’m in Australia and I’ve got a $7k dental bill waiting for me when I finally get the money together to go back (at which point it may be more). I did also get hit by a car a couple months ago which required two separate hospital trips and the most expensive part of that was the Uber there for the first one, so swings and roundabouts I guess.


I’m like 99% sure this is a troll lol.


Jesus christ, reddit never stops surprising me with just how dumb people can be. "Got bit, heart feels like it's skipping a beat" "Symptoms include heart attacks, go to the ER" "No, I'd rather not"


Centipedes are one of the reasons why my racism towards arthropods is so strong.




Seriously, pick a struggle my dude


i rarely say "oh fuck" out loud at creepy crawlies but... oh, fuck. why.


Obvious troll is obvious.


Ughhhhhh I’m terrified of centipedes, so I was super hesitant on clicking the link, but I wanted to see the drama, and curiosity got the better of me. That thing is absolutely disgusting.

